Flat Earthers: Why they are here. (whatever)
submitted 6.2 years ago by Ampharias
Simply an increase in crazy as a way to reduce legitimacy of the site in general.
Anyone popping in to see what this place is about gets a chance to see "conspiracy theories" and bam! Confirmation bias kicks in.
Just my 2 cents.
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Spry 6.2 years ago
Anyone got an open mind, or is everyone too damned smart to even question the shape of the Earth. (Science is your religion, faggots.)
What is your evidence that Earth is not a spinning ball? (0:25)
How do you explain NASA’s images and videos of Earth? (22:32)
What about the ISS, Hubble, Moon and Mars Landings? (27:06)
How does gravity work on a flat Earth? (39:11)
What does the flat Earth look like? (45:42)
Where is the edge of the flat Earth? (49:51)
What did early explorers have to say about Antarctica? (56:00)
How do you explain circumnavigation on a flat Earth? (59:24)
How do you explain ships disappearing over the horizon? (1:00:29)
Why can’t you see across the ocean with a telescope? (1:03:06)
Are distance photographs the result of a ‘mirage’? (1:04:22)
What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull dive? (1:07:22)
Are all the planets flat or only the Earth? (1:09:29)
How do you explain eclipses on a flat Earth? (1:14:20)
What is underneath the flat Earth? (1:17:14)
Is there a dome covering the flat Earth? (1:21:05)
How do you explain time-zones on a flat Earth? (1:22:51)
How do you explain seasons on the flat Earth? (1:24:17)
How does flat Earth account for the midnight Sun? (1:26:27)
Why do the Sun/Moon appear bigger on the horizon? (1:28:29)
How do you explain seeing two sunsets from the Burj Khalifa tower? (1:30:27)
Is moonlight really just a reflection of sunlight? (1:34:12)
How do you explain the moon being upside down in the South hemisphere and rightside up in the North? (1:35:34)
How do you explain seeing curvature from a plane window? (1:36:29)
How do you account for satellites, GPS, and Google Earth? (1:38:00)
How do you explain meteors, comets, and craters on a flat Earth? (1:43:03)
How do you explain Foucault Pendulums? (1:47:52)
How do you explain the Coriolis Effect? (1:48:51)
What is the Flat Earth Society? (1:50:43)
Why hasn’t anyone blown the whistle on this secret? (1:55:54)
Why does it matter whether or not the Earth is flat? (1:58:31)
Why would they lie to us about the flat Earth? (2:05:54)
cursedcrusader 6.1 years ago
Got another link? This one is dead. @spry
Spry 6.1 years ago
SearchVoatBot 6.2 years ago
This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Hand_of_Node.
Posted automatically (#14028) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
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Spry ago
Anyone got an open mind, or is everyone too damned smart to even question the shape of the Earth. (Science is your religion, faggots.)
What is your evidence that Earth is not a spinning ball? (0:25)
How do you explain NASA’s images and videos of Earth? (22:32)
What about the ISS, Hubble, Moon and Mars Landings? (27:06)
How does gravity work on a flat Earth? (39:11)
What does the flat Earth look like? (45:42)
Where is the edge of the flat Earth? (49:51)
What did early explorers have to say about Antarctica? (56:00)
How do you explain circumnavigation on a flat Earth? (59:24)
How do you explain ships disappearing over the horizon? (1:00:29)
Why can’t you see across the ocean with a telescope? (1:03:06)
Are distance photographs the result of a ‘mirage’? (1:04:22)
What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull dive? (1:07:22)
Are all the planets flat or only the Earth? (1:09:29)
How do you explain eclipses on a flat Earth? (1:14:20)
What is underneath the flat Earth? (1:17:14)
Is there a dome covering the flat Earth? (1:21:05)
How do you explain time-zones on a flat Earth? (1:22:51)
How do you explain seasons on the flat Earth? (1:24:17)
How does flat Earth account for the midnight Sun? (1:26:27)
Why do the Sun/Moon appear bigger on the horizon? (1:28:29)
How do you explain seeing two sunsets from the Burj Khalifa tower? (1:30:27)
Is moonlight really just a reflection of sunlight? (1:34:12)
How do you explain the moon being upside down in the South hemisphere and rightside up in the North? (1:35:34)
How do you explain seeing curvature from a plane window? (1:36:29)
How do you account for satellites, GPS, and Google Earth? (1:38:00)
How do you explain meteors, comets, and craters on a flat Earth? (1:43:03)
How do you explain Foucault Pendulums? (1:47:52)
How do you explain the Coriolis Effect? (1:48:51)
What is the Flat Earth Society? (1:50:43)
Why hasn’t anyone blown the whistle on this secret? (1:55:54)
Why does it matter whether or not the Earth is flat? (1:58:31)
Why would they lie to us about the flat Earth? (2:05:54)
cursedcrusader ago
Got another link? This one is dead. @spry
Spry ago
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Hand_of_Node.
Posted automatically (#14028) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.