2fast4u92 ago

Status Report- 4chan mods are shutting threads about this down after 2-6 posts. Were flying directly over the bullseye men. Drop those bombs!

Pluviou5 ago

bushka ago

I prefer saying Merry Kristallnacht. That really pisses them off.

MaxVonOppenheim ago

I love it

arathans ago

i like this

Patranon ago

Merry Christmas

Neral ago

I love you anon, you know who you are.

phoenix883 ago

The people on /pol/ are doing God's work.

If you go to /pol on any given day and read the comments and threads, it looks nothing like a gold mine, but every month, they come out with pure 100 carat white diamonds like that.

Happy Hanukkah.

This is even better than IOTBW campaign. It will make the JQ glow like a thousand suns and they can't really make a case against it.

Malagant ago

Awesome. I am on board.

iDontShift ago

this is hilarious


Happy Hanukkah = Nazi dog whistle for Heil Hitler. You fucking racist.

There is that a good example of what to post on twitter?

2fast4u92 ago

Well, once they catch on ya. At first the main thing is to use it when they are trying to do the "fellow White people" bullshit

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Happy Hannakuh

eronburr ago

Add L'chaim for a response if they say its not that time of year.

antistatist ago

I think it will be most effective if at first we always spell it (((HAPPY HANUKKA))) with echoes like the OP in the graphic, until some of the target audience has made the association between the phrase and the dog whistle, then once that's established we can drop the echoes and the phrase will stand on its own.

2fast4u92 ago

I wouldn't use the echoes. Maybe just one set if used after a name. The idea is to give the phrase a bad meaning on its own, and use it instead of the echoes so its not an obvious prank to onlooking npcs until the Jews start flipping shit

antistatist ago

Yea I agree if you can put in context with a name that already has echoes, that would be best.

DangersDad ago

I’m in.

THSenior ago

Next time you see a tranny or a faggot ask them if they’re a Christian. Guess what, all these fucking rejects are Jews. Really should be pointing that out.

THSenior ago

Happy Hanukkah

RonBennington ago

Fuck, this has legs. I love it!

Justsomeone ago

we will take their season's greetings from them

Just like they did with 'Merry Christmas' a while ago.

Newbalance ago

Post news articles then happy Hanukkah

Thereunto ago

Thinking about it, isn't the triple bracket supposed to represent the six branches of the menorah anyway?

Ina_Pickle ago

let the games commence

bagano1 ago


sonuvspam ago

It's clever enough...but I'd rather it be "Allah Akbar" instead

Chimaira92 ago

Also praise faggots for ending their genetic lineage. Then if anyone is offended call them homophobic, use their language against them.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

We could shorten it to H.H. o/

FuggBenis ago

Don't steal my shitposts!

smokratez ago

I see. Let's add you back to the block list then. I don't have time for your nonsense.

smokratez ago

That dude isn't even gay. Lol. Nor did I say that. You don't even remember what I said.

smokratez ago

You tried to befriend me after that. Are you all dumb now? lol.

smokratez ago

Is this is fantasy scenario of you? Sorry, I don't care about that. You will have to find someone else for that kind of shit.

mudbear ago

I advocate this. I mentioned in a post a while back that we are in a position to start annexing the english language. Normies and happy hannukah people think they can forcefully stop people using words associated with us, but that is THEIR weakness as anything we touch turns to antifaggot gold. We can step in and take their symbols from right under their noses, we just need to organize and do it.

auto_turret ago

I always hear "organize organize organize!" but no actual action.

For good reason.. publicly anyways.. soon as (((they))) get word a group of whites are even "just getting together" around the JQ.. Those white folks start disappearing..

QXQ ago

Yup. That's what they did with our symbols.

We gotta take the rainbow back.

mudbear ago

yeah i think that should be a high priority. the 'segregation is beautiful' meme was pretty funny but didnt get very far. Oh how good would it feel watching all the fags with their rainbow flags creating bonfires when the alt right takes it back. OOOOOOOH! i got it! border control! get a rainbow, draw little people in it representing different races, then claim how beautiful it is when they are separated while comparing it to a muddier version with all the colours mixed. No racist undertones, but emphasize how people lose their culture when mixing.

TCP_V1P3R ago

I love it.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'm down with this. Happy fucking Hanukkah.

Crensch ago

Ahhh. Thanks for that.

As usual, completely forgot.

ptr55 ago


smokratez ago

It's starting to be a party. There's another jew tranny faggot. How's it going piece of shit?

SpicySphincter ago

Happy Hanukkah, it’s OK to be white.

usernameisnotthis ago

i'm on board. god bless the chans!

Gopherurself ago

Happy Hanukkah

ARsandOutdoors ago


remainselusive ago

Happy Hanukkah kike.u I’m 100% on board. We need to fully weaponize 4chan and their psychological warfare masterminds.

2fast4u92 ago

OP was on 8pol and then 4pol got on board which is where I spotted it. With the big 3 all on board I know this can at minimum cause some intense butthurt and kvetcing. Can't wait to see Twatter melt down. Can't believe we didn't think of this sooner. Payback for them ruining Christmas!

phoenix883 ago

Even if the term "kvetching" enters the mainstream, we have gained a lot of ground.

There's no other word for the method of complaining they do, and that is quite a specific way of doing so.

sn00tyfr00T ago

Make it the Jewish version of Nigger. Only Jews can say Happy Hanukah antisemitic racist! Reeee!👃👃👃

phoenix883 ago

But then everyone can identify as a Jew for a second and then say it.

Also, it further draws attention to the divide between looking white and being white. It makes even the SJWs aware of the famous stein and berg and green surname components.

obvious-throwaway- ago


So much better than the ok to be white faggotry. It's not ok, it's fucking great!

TheParadigmMan ago

Fucking Genius is right ... Thanks for the CAPS !!!

Neinlife ago


SlapRackPull ago

IOKTBW grows every year, and so will this if it gets a reaction. I’m in.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fucking Genius.

SeriousSarcasm ago

Anything that happens related to hate or something bad, happy Hanukka it.

varialus ago

It kinda reminds me of how you have to say "peace be upon him" whenever referring to Terry Davis, peace be upon him.

fuckmyreddit ago

OK. I've only been on a crazy forum (Voat) for 2 years. Before crashing into this place I ignored the internet unless I had hives and I wanted to know the cause. So I don't know much about Terry Davis, peace be upon him. I searched for some wacko named Davis and I assume it's the schizophrenic programmer, this guy:


Can someone give me a short background on this guy and why you autists zeroed in on Mr. Davis. Happy Hanukkah.

varialus ago

Terry, peace be upon him, was an extremely talented programmer who lost his mind. God, or the universe if you don't believe, demonstrated His love and great glory to the world by allowing Terry, peace be upon him, to retain his programming skills while also granting him unyielding eternal devotion to God. He became a beautiful prophet of God unto all who recognized the magnificent miracle that was manifested through his life and through trials and through his devotion and love of God. Terry, peace be upon him, was paranoid, not unlike, albeit to a lesser degree, many goats here on Voat. Terry, peace be upon him, toward the end of his life, like prophets of old, forsook all worldly possessions, home, family, friends, and all safety and security, all for his eternal unyielding devotion to God. The world could not contain one such as him and God received him, as the Eternal Father of his spirit, into His eternal loving embrace, never more to suffer at the hand of evil conspiring men. Terry, peach be upon him, became a martyr, not for the redemption of our sins like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God in the Flesh, but rather, Terry, peace be upon him, became a martyr unto sealing up unto God his ministry unto all Christians, but particularly unto computer geeks and lowly wretched goats like you and me. Through him hath God glorified His name. Praise be unto our Father, the Father of civilization and art and knowledge and goodness. We are His children for we do His works. Terry, peace be upon him, stands with the slain prophets of old, between us and our Lord, the meek and lowly Shepherd who gave His life that our poisoned and infested civilization might die and be reborn unto Him. Once did it die, but never again, for it is a resurrected body great and mighty. Satan shall bruise our civilization's heel, but she shall crush his head. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO ÆTERNUM!

Splooge ago

Jeez, I haven't heard the name Terry Davis, peace be upon him, in ages.

Nice one. Happy Hannukah.

varialus ago

Oy vey, is it that time of year already? Happy Hanukkah to you too!

ARsandOutdoors ago

Terry Davis, peace be upon him, only passed away 3.5 months ago.... ages =/= months

Splooge ago

Holy shit, he died during Hannukah? Wow... peace be upon him, the CIA niggers finally got him.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Yup, right at the very beginning of Hanukkah. Terry Davis, peace be upon him, Didn't even get to light the first candle on the moloch ..err i mean Menorah

Splooge ago

I've never laughed so hard at this whole thread.

Ahhh, Terry Davis, peace be upon him. The lolcow that keeps on giving (unlike der damf juden amirite)?

PewterKey ago

The overreaction to the alt right is so exploitable I fully think this could work. Jew is already basically a curse word. I bet basically any word could be annexed. The alt right could take 'synagogue' or 'kosher' without much struggle.

DanijelStark ago

LOL , yep ... in my language "dont be a Jew" = "dont be a scrooge / greedy"

PeopleAreReading ago

jew is already basically a curse word

Lol yes. Once called my wife a jew when we were having dinner at my parents place, and my mom said I shouldn't call her names lmao.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's pretty amazing watching the Jews panic and go into full SHUT IT DOWN mode.

BeefBourgignon ago

They look and act schizophrenic because they are schizophrenic. A lot of the mass shooters in the news are of kiked bloodlines.

draaaak ago

Damnit that's clever. Long live the autists.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm in. I now get to say Happy Hanukkah every single time SBBH posts outside their safe space.

gabara ago

Happy Hanukka!

crazy_eyes ago

Happy Hanukkah!!

ARsandOutdoors ago

Happy Hanukkah!

obvious_throwaway1 ago

(((Happy Hanukkah)))

Crensch ago

SBBH are good goats.

You are a CP posting faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

smokey has always been a jewfag

Crensch ago

Thanks. I forget these things.

smokratez ago

Are you naming the jews for us? Thank you. Happy Hanukah!

Schreiber ago

To be fair gabara is a probably a faggot kike though, as proven by the aww spam.

smokratez ago

They all seem like faggot kikes. They get super triggered when the topic is trannies too. So some if not all of them are likely trannies as well. You know Empress? That's a jew tranny.

Crensch ago

I didn't know you were Jewish. I thought you were just a tranny. I guess if you're Jewish and a tranny that makes sense.

smokratez ago

I am not in the list of people you pinged. I remember you being smarter than this. Did you make yourself retarded somehow?

Crensch ago

You sound like you chopped off your penis. Did the rabbi get a mouthful?

smokratez ago

You are not Crensch at all. That guy was almost as smart as me. All you can do is resort to dumb insults.

Crensch ago

You're making baseless accusations. The kind that a group that is not friendly to vote or the users here likes to make.

If I make baseless accusations back at you, where does that leave us?

smokratez ago

Again, who are you? Why do goats have to care about you?

Crensch ago

Since you're acting so pathetic, let me help you ask the correct question:

"WHY do goats care about what you have to say, @Crensch?"

Ask them.

smokratez ago

Nobody cares about you buddy.

Crensch ago

I'm sure it's lonely being in that position. But you're very obviously projecting your own faults onto me.

Crensch ago

Wouldn't you like to know? They don't have to, they just do.

smokratez ago

They don't have to, and they don't. You are nobody and you are defending known harassers.

Crensch ago

I don't know what rock you've been hiding under, but you apparently don't really know what's going on here. Maybe you should ask some questions instead of making yourself look like an ass.

I am defending good goats that are The Whipping Boy for the paid shills and pedophiles that are constantly outed here.

smokratez ago

You are defending jew faggots and trannies that harass the good goats.

Crensch ago

You're harassing good goats and accusing them of being trannies with absolutely no evidence.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

  • Defends SBBH from accusation of brigading
  • Literally creates a message for them to brigade

I rest my case. Pure faggots.

The_Raven ago

Thats what theyre paid for. 1990=1099

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

You referenced them specifically. If you didn't want them to possibly come here, why are you calling on them? As far as I can tell, you've openly invited whatever they do to you here. Shit man, what's the worst that can happen? A bunch of memes in your inbox? It's the stupid internet man.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Shit man, what's the worst that can happen?

Another six gorillion children turned into lampshades!

Only they are allowed to turn fetuses into cosmetics, goy!

Crensch ago

Letting people know this exists equals brigading. Got it.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Letting people know this exists, because they're totally not gonna come and back me up by spam downvoat.. brigading

Hilarious. It's like fishing with dynamite. Over too quickly and zero fun.

Crensch ago

You could have let those users know you were talking about them behind their backs. I gave you plenty of opportunity to do that.

SIayfire122 ago

Happy Hanukkah!

gabara ago

Happy Hanukkah!

Crensch ago

Yeah, try to make that one stick.


smokratez ago

They are trannies and faggots. How is that good people?

dallasmuseum ago

I don't understand the question.

smokratez ago

Is this your alt or something? lol

Crensch ago

You're a tranny. Why are you here?

smokratez ago

I am a tranny? Since when? I am here to kill jews. Why are you here? To stick up for the faggots and trannies of soupdoxretardhammer?

Crensch ago

You've always been a tranny.

smokratez ago

Aha. So you have always fantasized about me being a tranny. How disgusting. How long have you have those faggot thoughts?

Crensch ago

Since you started talking about trannies, perhaps you could tell me why you fantasize about others being trannies?

Or are you too Jewish and tranny to justify your accusations before asking another to justify theirs?

smokratez ago

perhaps you could tell me why you fantasize about others being trannies?

I couldn't. Why do you think I fantasize about people being trannies. All I do on voat when it comes to trannies is point out the ones in entertainment. Do you think that's the same thing? Exposing satanic trannies is fantasizing about them to you?

Or are you too Jewish and tranny to justify your accusations before asking another to justify theirs?

You are asking if I ever get harassed by the soupdoxretard faggots? Sure, last week or so. Chuckle pedo faggot harasses me every time I expose trannies. You know I am not a jew or a tranny. Do you remember how it was 3 years ago?

Crensch ago

What I know is that you have no evidence of anyone on this site being a tranny, save maybe one or two usernames that have admitted it in the past.

smokratez ago

Great. I am talking about proof soupdox retard hammers brigade in groups. Can you keep up? I swear you used to be way smarter. It's almost as if you are a different guy.

BeefBourgignon ago

Are you up on all the Voat drama? Who is this Gabara person? To me, very annoying.

gabara ago

Happy Hanukka!!

fuckmyreddit ago

Gabara is an evil boomer or shill or both. Gabara wants me to be sad. Pepe hates Gabara because Pepe does not want to see me unhappy. It makes Pepe feel bad.

Crensch ago

Gabara is a pureblooded shitposter, but also a good goat.

I wouldn't call this voat drama. A very specific group of usernames like to attack sbbh as the boogeyman when they themselves post bestiality and child porn and attack the mods and admin of this site.

This is nothing more than the same group of shills or single paid shill that is very active doing what they've been doing since the very beginning; trying to turn this place into Reddit.

BeefBourgignon ago

Maybe 'drama' wasn't the word to use, maybe I should have said 'history' or 'social scene' or whatever. I have been having interactions with that person and I like to know if I'm antagonising the right person. I hate the thought of siding with a shill or cutting up an ally, and for myself I am new and cannot know all the history of the users here. I know that you might though. It's a new goat who doesn't know who Crensch is, and that's why I asked you. Thanks for the reply :)

Crensch ago

It's all good. I've seen you around. I recall liking your content.

Feel free to ask questions anytime bud.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Listen Crensch, I like you and I've long been a defender of SBBH against unfounded accusations and I still think you guys have some good goats but you also have a some bad eggs that act like shitbags. So I'm gonna apologize right now for counter-signaling you, but I'm going to say what I believe.

On Gabara, he is a complete immature child, he's incapable of handling even light Bantz. Like so When someone insults me (not even very well) and then immediately ban me so I don't point out how retarded he is, that's not the sign of a shitposter, it's the sign of a coward.

gabara ago

Happy Hanukkah!!!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No U

Crensch ago

You're also one of my favorites bud.

Gabara is just the quintessential 4chan shitposting autist from before it got cucked.

@gabara we're talking about you.

gabara ago

Hey, I just realized how HUGE a cohencidence it is that these three users:


who I've had no contact with until the same day all at once suddenly, over these cute animal photos, and here we've caught them responding to each others comments.

BUSTED! They are all alts of the same Jew.

BeefBourgignon ago

You should read the Daily Stormer bruh. Mr Andrew Anglin has been talking about this concept called, like, "egregore". It's something along the lines of a collective conscience or some sort of spiritual effort by a group of people that makes a real world difference. I think. So if we all three of us on the same day decided that we've had enough of your unproductive shitposting and called you out on it it's because the ether made it so. And as I said to you before. . . . your posts are like 30% downvoated. For 3 people to commiserate about an aggravating community member is not that amazing of a coincidence.

gabara ago

Call your parole officer, Jeff.

BeefBourgignon ago

Just to be clear, dude. I am not abusing the voting system by downvoating you. Other people are downvoting your drivel, but not on my behalf. I'm not a peer-pressuring brigading POS.

gabara ago

Tits or GTFO.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"everyone who doesn't like me must be someone's alt"

I have no clue who @BeefBourgignon is, as for @obvious_throwaway1 my first i can remember with him was him posting in my thread calling out JIDF @Bagano1 for throwing a tantrum accusing people who asked for sources of being shills.

This lead to the thread by @rabbimohel calling me a Kike where I called him a kike (how dare i call a rabbi a kike!), then you accused me of just reusing his insult, even though that's what he literally just did. Are you @RabbiMohel 's alt?

Then you banned me from SBBH because your feelings were hurt.

I have no clue why @Crensch seems to like you.

Crensch ago

He's trolling you.

This isn't an argument to him, it's an opportunity for lulz.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He's trolling you.

The problem is "I'm just pretending to be retarded" is still acting retarded, it's ultra low effort trolling that makes a bigger fool out of the troll than the trollee.

This isn't an argument to him, it's an opportunity for lulz.

Well I still think I've come out ahead on net lulz, from the Bagano1 Situation.

Crensch ago

Glad you're getting something out of it, then. Y'all enjoy yourselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Thanks bud.

gabara ago

I don't know who @Laurentius_the_pyro is, they just started calling me "kike" out of the blue when I started posting cute animals. My theory is @Laurentius_the_pyro is a low empathy Jew and the animals are triggering his Judaism.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't know who @Laurentius_the_pyro is, they just started calling me "kike" out of the blue when I started posting cute animals. My theory is @Laurentius_the_pyro is a low empathy Jew and the animals are triggering his Judaism.

This is a lie, I've actually defended your cute animal posting because while it's a little annoying it keeps the poal cuck's gorespam off the frontpage and there is nothing rule breaking about posting /v/aww pics to /v/aww.

Me calling you a kike was over a completely unrelated incident.

Crensch ago

The point of sbbh is to ban people.

He is a troll and shitposter.

You may never get a real response out of him.

Don't know what else to say; he defends voat when it counts.

BeefBourgignon ago

The point of sbbh is to ban people


Crensch ago

I don't have an answer for that. That's just how the sub is, that's what it was made to do, that's what it's always been.

My takeaway about the sub is that it's just a place to blow off steam for no reason. Just random chaotic bullshit constantly and no real rules.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

The point of sbbh is to ban people.

  • Denies accusation that SBBH lures people in with trolling to ban people in a half-assed attempt to make a counter-argument to evidence and fact
  • Proceeds to admit the point of SBBH is to ban people
  • Still pretends to have credibility

You are a complete tool and it's so painfully transparent.

Crensch ago

That's a lot of claims to add on to such a simple statement. Do you have any evidence to support those other claims that you want to tack on and slide under the radar for anyone not paying attention?

smokratez ago

You are calling me a tranny for some reason.

Crensch ago

Probably the same reason you're calling others trannies.

smokratez ago

I am calling them out for being trannies. You know I am not a tranny. Do you forget how it used to be 3 years ago?

Crensch ago

I remember you being a tranny then. I'm calling you out for being a tranny. What are you going to do about it? My claim about you is just as valid as your claim about them.

smokratez ago

I'm going to point out that we used to be friends and that you never said I was a tranny back then.

Crensch ago

I have yet to see a single accusation against sbbh be proven correct. And by accusation I mean a valid accusation of wrongdoing, not a laughable accusation of shitposting.

smokratez ago

Who cares what the fuck you think? We know who they are and what they do. Where do you even enter the picture? Who the fuck are you?

Crensch ago

Who cares what the fuck you think? Where the fuck have you been? Where do you enter the picture? Who the fuck are you? And why the fuck do you think you can make baseless accusations and pass them off as truth?

smokratez ago

Exactly. That's how I feel about you.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to be irrelevant?

smokratez ago

I imagine it's how it feels to be a jew. Perhaps you should answer that one. How does it feel to be an insignificant jew?

Crensch ago


Yeah, try to make that one stick, faggot.

Crensch ago

To be quite honest, I don't remember much of anything around that time. I don't know if someone just had a similar name as you but I don't recall good things with a name that looks like yours.

Whatever happened in the past, the people that attack sbbh post beastiality porn and CP here and try to get the good mods removed and their own shity mods placed in positions of power.

They constantly attack this site from cucked websites and try to sow Discord whenever and wherever they can. They also try to dox users and lead them to Honey pots with links.

We might have been friends or friendly or whatever previously, but anyone pushing the same narrative as them I will consider an enemy.

smokratez ago

To be quite honest, I don't remember much of anything around that time. I don't know if someone just had a similar name as you but I don't recall good things with a name that looks like yours.

That could be. It seeming more like you aren't Crensch at all.

Whatever happened in the past, the people that attack sbbh

Soupdoxretards attack us. We don't attack them.

They constantly attack this site from cucked websites and try to sow Discord

That's where you guys have your home huh.

Crensch ago

You have some really fucked up ideas about what's going on here.

smokratez ago

It's all truth nigger.

Crensch ago

Prove your accusations.

smokratez ago

Look in my posting history.

Crensch ago


Present your evidence like a white man would, kike.

Mittermeyer ago

By the sound of it you missed a bit of lore. Someone claimed that all the Q hate was coming from SBBH so now all of the Qult downvoats and targets anyone they think might be involved with it.

Crensch ago

So the shills convinced some Boomers that sbbh was bad?


Mittermeyer ago

Yeah so now the boomers roam around doing the work of shills for free thinking it will somehow support their new religion. It is a load of BS, and that is coming from someone that never posted in SBBH.

Crensch ago

Ok. So the same thing needs to happen as always needed to happen.

Hatefacts on cute animal pictures.

Anaximandel ago

trying to turn this place into Reddit.

OOTL here, but doesn't spamming /aww bullshit classify as turning voat into reddit?

freespeechwarrior ago

Are they selling something? Do you even know what spam is?

Anaximandel ago

They're changing the culture to some faggoty ass bullshit. They don't have to sell anything to be spam.

freespeechwarrior ago

Ok, so posting on topic posts in a subverse is "changing the culture"..... I get it now...

Seriously though, this place can get depressing as fuck. Normally, I don't condone wasting bandwidth with cute pics but we really need a tiny bit of balance around here.

Crensch ago

Have you been banned for your thoughts?

Have opinions that have no basis in reality been up voted to the front of voat unironically?

Don't worry, when I get back to civilization, I will be posting lots of cute animal pictures with hate facts plastered on them. Just because the gore psyop worked on some goats doesn't mean it will work on all of us.

Anaximandel ago

As I said, I'm OOTL. What gore psyop?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fags from poal were spamming gore and nasty degeneracy to /v/aww, people then flooded it with animal pictures to push the gore off the front page.

I agree the /v/aww "spam" is annoying but unlike the goreposters it's relevant to the Sun and not rule breaking.

Crensch ago

Faggots from poal or phucks or some cuckland site started posting animal gore to /aww

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You know the kid in high school who would say shit just to get a rise out of someone else, literally 24/7 without stopping? The one that even when it wasn't funny anymore still had to be a faggot because he was literally brain damaged and his parents probably did meth while pregnant?

That's literally all of SBBH. Sure, they sometimes do some good work naming the Jew, but they're still childish mostly-mindless intentional provocateurs. A few small goods don't right the fact that they're mostly a bunch of useless children simply shitposting Randy Marsh style on the internet.

They're Voat's resident highschool autist brigade, and they mostly only ever venture out into Voat proper to lure people into SBBH and then ban them when they post. Best thing you can do with this kind of human garbage is simply not give it the attention it seeks so badly.

freespeechwarrior ago

@gabara's banned me from there twice, then unbanned me, and I never even posted there. I'm pretty sure that they're all the same 14yr old autist with multiple personality disorder. It can be entertaining though.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Ditto. I got banned near the very beginning, Messeged the mod asking why I was banned and that I never have posted there before. His reply was "no u. Now behave." wtf lol

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Over the years I've been promoted to a mod of SBBH repeatedly. Then removed as a mod, repeatedly. I've never posted there, never visit there, and have the sub blocked.

I'm sure it can be entertaining, but just like all things predictable in their dysfunction, it gets old.

Ina_Pickle ago

Ditto on the mod thing.
The level of bullshit floating around this comment section is amazing. They have balls to brigade and then try to claim some moral high ground. It is expected after years of witnessing them in action that G is gonna troll and Crensch is set to asshole mode by default. No need to insult our intelligence by pretending to be something they aren't.

Geez... asking for evidence when the voat count is right there for everyone to see.

Crensch ago

They're better goats than you ever could be. They are better Patriots than you ever could be. They are better humans than you ever could be. They are better jew-haters than you ever could be. They are better Defenders of this place and what it stands for than you could ever imagine.

Go back to poal or phucks or Reddit or wherever the fuck you and your crew gather these days.

SBBH is not the problem, you are.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Yup. Exactly. Same script, different day. Make accusations with zero evidence or proof, hell even zero attempts at skewing something I say or do.

You have zero reputation and have shown yourself to be nothing more than a low energy troll trying to get a rise out of people, over and over again.

Won't work on me. Sorry.

Crensch ago

I'm just doing what you continually do. Until you bring some evidence, I can dismiss your claims with nothing. I can also accuse you without evidence because that's what you're doing.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Pure gradeschool level logic. Thanks for proving my point.

Crensch ago

The fact that you can't even rise to the level of grade school logic should really tell you something.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Look. Kid. It's simple.

I'm sitting here typing knowing full well I'm not someone you constantly accuse me of being. You either do it because you actually believe it (and are wrong, and I'll never be able to convince you otherwise without doxxing myself intentionally so I don't give a shit either way), or you are just trying to get a rise out of me - neither situation is worth my time or energy to engage you on because you're still a worthless human being outside of our disagreement so I have no motivation to ever help you anyway.

That's all the evidence I need personally, and unlike you I don't treat Voat like some kind of validation blog so I don't give a shit what others think - that's the difference.

Be mad. Downvoat. I don't really give a shit. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Go back to your safe space and cry about it some more.

Crensch ago

That's all the evidence I need personally,

Nobody cares about you.

Anyone reading can see that you have zero evidence.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Whatever you say, kid.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to be wrecked by a kid?

smokratez ago

Call him a tranny next. That's what you faggots do right?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'll let you know the day it magically happens.

Crensch ago

It's cute that you don't see that it already has. Don't worry, everyone else sees it.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Gabara.

Crensch ago

That uncertain feeling that keeps you awake tonight will be the thought that maybe I'm right. That maybe you are the butt of the joke.

Sometimes those nagging thoughts are actually the truth. I would lose sleep over having posted what you have. How fucking embarrassing. Not a single shred of evidence for the claims of brigading.

And such absurd, pussified accusations of things that nobody would ever even care to defend themselves against.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

And you are an idiot for continuing to pretend I am someone else.

So we're at an impasse.

Crensch ago

Ok. You are the alt account of a CP posting faggot.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ok. You have no proof or evidence.

See how this works? Opinions are like assholes.

Crensch ago

I like how you have no proof or evidence about sbbh but you continue to attack them.

See how that works? Your own arguments can be used against you.

obvious_throwaway1 ago


Well. That's pretty amusing, if I do say so myself. What have I accused SBBH of, exactly? Lets clarify:

  • Intentionally brigading on Voat, purely to get a rise out of people from what I can see. Feel free to deny that.
  • Luring people into SBBH only to get a convo started and then ban them.. just to try and get a rise out of them. Feel free to deny that.
  • Accusing people of being people they are not with zero evidence or proof.. just to get a rise out of them. Hmm. I'm seeing a pattern of behavior here.

I know it's frustrating when people who have been around longer than you have watched your behavior since the beginning and don't have any issue calling it the horseshit is is, but life comes at you fast when you're an autistic piece of shit like you are.

Sorry-not-sorry. (((Happy Hanukkah)))

Crensch ago

I see no evidence of the brigading.

Who gives a fuck about the second two? Get the sand out of your vagina, sissy.

HST ago

Having been brigaded by you lot you should know it happens. I mean, this guy doesn't seem to be playing with a full deck of cards, and I don't want to be on his side, but it definitely does happens (I kinda deserved it tho ngl)

Also "get the sand out of your vagina, sissy" reminding me of that prolific spammer back in the day.. Had some debate sub going on. Name slips my mind. DEBATE ME LIVE FAGGOT

Crensch ago

You claim that you were Brigaded but then say that you deserved it. Which is it?

Ina_Pickle ago

Sure she was raped, but she deserved it.

Totally her fault

Crensch ago

You're one of those stupid faggots, aren't you?

Being BRIGADED means undeserved downvotes/upvotes from a group specifically voting as a bloc.


Ina_Pickle ago

You have spent so much time over on protectvoat railing against the downvoating shills, that It's slightly shocking you don't grasp just how hypocritical you sound.

Rules for thee but not for me huh?

Crensch ago

Yor comment doesnt even make sense.

@kevdude @trigglypuff @srayzie @vindicator @think-

Ina_Pickle ago

You've always been an ass. Way to prove the "trolls" point for them yet again. I have a very long memory. I know exactly how you were acting even 3 years ago. I found your desire to stifle free speech on this site under the guise of protecting it so appalling that your name always sticks out to me in a comment section.

Crensch ago

Sounds like your brain is a little too connected to your front hole.

Ina_Pickle ago

Lovely. Now I'll associate you with pissing too.

Crensch ago

Like I care what a weak fronthole associates me with.

Vindicator ago

Liberals never seem able to see the difference between legit and rigged voting. :-(

HST ago

Ya'll got salty when lockeproposal left (the first time). It's not my fault he got so irrationally upset, so I wouldn't take much of the blame.

But it was days of every comment getting downvoated many times. Didn't bother me much, but it really happened (my six gorillion upvoats, all genocided)

Crensch ago

Ya'll got salty when lockeproposal left (the first time). It's not my fault he got so irrationally upset, so I wouldn't take much of the blame.


Who the fuck cares about some faggot that left?

But it was days of every comment getting downvoated many times. Didn't bother me much, but it really happened (my six gorillion upvoats, all genocided)

Looks like you're doing just fine, and are just a faggot for complaining about downvotes you admit you deserved.

HST ago

More the former than the latter, if it's got to be one or the other (which it doesn't)

Crensch ago

More the former than the latter, if it's got to be one or the other (which it doesn't)


It quite literally does. Deserving the downvotes NECESSARILY means that there was no brigading done. It means that everyone that saw it, INCLUDING YOU, thinks you deserved the downvotes of EVERYONE THAT SAW IT.

It's mind-boggling how stupid you are.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Literally everything you dumb fucks do is brigading, I could cite dozens of links recently where you posted something I said in SBBH, both to try to lure me there (good luck, will never happen), and to give your other butt-buddies the whistle call like the good little troll brigade bitches they are to come and downvoat it.

Thats all I need to know about your childish behavior. I get it, it's frustrating when an adult calls you out for your bullshit, but that doesn't change the bullshit into anything other than it is - bullshit.

Go back to your safe space, kid. Won't be getting a rise out of me.. ever.

Crensch ago

Literally everything you dumb fucks do is brigading, I could cite dozens of links recently where you posted something I said in SBBH, both to try to lure me there (good luck, will never happen), and to give your other butt-buddies the whistle call like the good little troll brigade bitches they are to come and downvoat it.

Not one link.

Never will be.

Also, im not SBBH.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

OK, Gabara.

Crensch ago

Yeah, try to make that one stick.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

That's exactly my point, fuckin' retard. You sure do miss subtlety.


Crensch ago

Is your problem situational awareness, are you just incapable of understanding that your position and mine are very different?

smokratez ago

Are you going DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM on him? lol.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I very much get the difference in the situation. You're a liar, and I'm some guy being targeted by liars who claim to be anti-Jew when the very act of acting this way against me would only be explained by.. stopping the fact that I'm 100% anti-jew. Extremely different situation.

Crensch ago

The users on this site know that I'm not a liar. I respond to Jews how I need to respond to Jews in order to get them to make mistakes.

Only someone who is not familiar with this site, or who is paid to say it would ever think that calling me a Jew would somehow stick.


I've never seen a core SBBH user defend Jews once. The posts in aww trigger sub humans, like Jews. Why would you think they're Jews? What evidence do you have that I haven't seen?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

To be clear, with the exception of that meth'd out townie @bagano1 who I actually do think is JIDF, the rest of SBBH have not shown themselves to be JIDF outright and I used the Happy Hanukkah more as a low-brow insult.

The fact that over the years these faggots have gone on multiple crusades claiming I'm various people, literally same script different day different patsy, is quite suspicious to me. They did the same shit to my original account before the warrant canary died and I abandoned it to make this one, so I have a long history of observing behavior that is simply.. immature trolling trying to get a rise out of people.

I suspect I'm a target because I literally don't give a fuck, have been on the internet longer than most of SBBH have been alive, and don't let morons bother me.

Just my two cents.

midnightblue1335 ago

Bagano1 being JIDF would explain why he so desperately wants America to be disarmed of all firearms. Never thought of it that way.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Just look at the post history. It's some seriously bipolar shit. I've got his particular MO down pat - he just finds a popular thread, grabs the top upvoated post, and then pops a mentos in his mouth so he can spew foam as he starts out with something along the lines of "You're so fucking stupid", "You're so fucking wrong", etc, etc - followed with zero evidence or explanation as to why.

It's either brain damage (which I suspect is the case), or very badly scripted JIDF salary worker. Both are bad, either way.

midnightblue1335 ago

In my experience seeing his posts, 90% of them are generic "good goat" posts. Claims to hate jews and negroes. But then mention guns and he fucking loses his mind spewing insane shit like "only the government should have guns".

I've tried to engage in conversation with him, but he doesn't want to. I tend to mention him in subs where a gun saved the life of a White person from savages, saying "Here's another reason why citizens should be armed, what is your ideal outcome in this scenario?" He never tries to back his shit up though. Is that shill behavior?

This is why I think @Tallest_Skil is not a shill. He backs up what he says. I think his main detractors are shills or willfully ignorant. He'll make a black pill claim, provide half a dozen links objectively proving what he says, and he'll get 20 downvotes with 10 commenters saying "LOL DIE SHILL" or something like that. I've been asking his commenters "What did he say that was wrong?" and I have yet to get a single reply. Is that shill shit?

Ina_Pickle ago

I've tried to engage in conversation with him, but he doesn't want to

Good luck with that. I have only ever seen Bagano insert a comment and move on.

Schreiber ago

his main detractors are shills or willfully ignorant.

Check out how many downvoats he gets. Nobody even come close to him in that category. That's like claiming that 99% of voaters are shills or willfully ignorant.

midnightblue1335 ago

Okay, next time he makes an accurate post, I'm gonna link you to it and expect a rebuttal to at least one of his points.

If we aren't shutting down real shills with actual rebuttals, they will sway fence-sitters to the side they're working for. Saying "lol fag shill rabbi die" doesn't help anyone.

ARsandOutdoors ago

@Tallest_Skil is on meds or something. He's all over the place some days, and coherent others as far as I can tell. Or he is just truly Bi-polar. Or I've been on this site so long he has gone from crazy to making sense

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m coherent all the time. You just don’t like half of what I say which is true, is all. There’s nothing wrong with you (other than your unwillingness to accept said truths). I don’t like half of what I say which is true, either.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You should go back to some of the earliest posts by Tallest_Shill.

The writing style has changed dramatically over time, that account has passed through far too many JIDF handlers to be anything but. Go look at the shit he posts on the comment section of ZeroHedge for further evidence of that.

Tallest_Shill and Aged are the only two members I have on my block list.


Fair enough. Personally when I only ever see "you're a Jew" type posts, I see a smokescreen that provides cover for other groups of bad actors. Arabs and Chinese will gladly support the Jew-hating as it gives them camouflage.

Also, if we're to assume they are in fact as subversive as we'll lead ourselves to believe, by not taking note and improving upon their tactics for your own agenda, you are by default empowering them. Saying "Happy Hanukkah" to them shows they live rent free in your head.

As far as I know, they are of the opinion that Q is fake and gay, so they are in fact human to some degree.

Crensch ago

Also, nobody is stopping me or you from creating a fake SBBH sub and sock puppets and calling ourselves SBBH to slander them.

Nobody would want to. It would surprise me to find any group or individual able to outmaneuver the goats when it comes to defending this place. We would welcome the attack. We would welcome The Invasion. It would give us a reason to stomp some faggots into the dirt.


Well if we're taking anything here seriously, government agencies and wealthy families can easily just pay some people to make us all go away. We're around because we're not important and not enough of a threat to warrant imitation and destruction, rather we're profitable for certain websites. Breitbart comes to mind, as the site is posted and upvoted daily.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Which is very likely where all the attention from the shill accounts has originated from. Being based in Tel Aviv and all. Eventually you get enough reoccurring IP logs and you can backtrace them to a source

Newbalance ago

This going to be good

VoidCollapse ago

It's already working, this guy took screenshots of people wishing him happy hanukkah and is sweating bullets: https://twitter.com/abgutman/status/1067216049140105216 https://my.mixtape.moe/aqdcqg.png

Gorillion ago

Hijacking to add that the Pol thread realized that HH also stands for "Heil Hitler" and H, being the 8th letter of the alphabet, also translates to "88".

Some seriously weird meme magic going on there.

Newbalance ago

Happy hour

edgelord666 ago

it's going to fizzle out without ever accomplishing anything let's be real here

Gorillion ago

HH, faggot!

MrDarkWater ago

(((They))) just said that 🤔 is anti-Semitic

Food_Stamp ago

You're gay and stupid though...

Beefandcheese ago

I think you are misunderstanding the bigger picture and the obvious hilarity of it all.

BentAxel ago

happy hanukkah

Mr_Wolf ago

Happy Hanukkah!

iownyou ago

Happy Hanukkah bud

edgelord666 ago

you're doing it bud! it'll take off in no time! do it again!

GapingAnus ago

The point of these exercises isn't to accomplish anything but to have fun watching hand-wringers and pearl-clutchers chimp out. The only downside is that it gives the (((media))) a new topic to bait people with clicks with for the next couple months.

Like the thot patrol. It's not about the taxes but about watching camwhores cry on twitter.

dallasmuseum ago

It'd stick if people had some determination instead of being a bunch of googles

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's what all you shills said about IT'S OK TO BE WHITE, and ((())).

edgelord666 ago

no, not really because neither of those are appropriating something that jews care about

crazy_eyes ago

do you really believe that they dont care about being called out?

HST ago

Do you really believe they have an opinion on anything?

crazy_eyes ago

I'm not sure what you're getting at with this

HST ago

You're asking him a question he will not process like a human would. You've seen him enough to know there's no introspection.

truthwoke33 ago

I genuinely feel sorry for him. Dealing with schizophrenia is a challenge.

Anaximandel ago

Maybe, but its worth a shot.

Happy Hanukkah!

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

That's what the people who pioneered gender studies thought aswell

Mittermeyer ago

No the people who pioneered genders studies just wanted children to molest. They didn't care about accomplishments or teachings past getting their fix of children genitals.