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obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm in. I now get to say Happy Hanukkah every single time SBBH posts outside their safe space.

Crensch ago

SBBH are good goats.

You are a CP posting faggot.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

And you are an idiot for continuing to pretend I am someone else.

So we're at an impasse.

Crensch ago

Ok. You are the alt account of a CP posting faggot.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ok. You have no proof or evidence.

See how this works? Opinions are like assholes.

Crensch ago

I like how you have no proof or evidence about sbbh but you continue to attack them.

See how that works? Your own arguments can be used against you.

obvious_throwaway1 ago


Well. That's pretty amusing, if I do say so myself. What have I accused SBBH of, exactly? Lets clarify:

  • Intentionally brigading on Voat, purely to get a rise out of people from what I can see. Feel free to deny that.
  • Luring people into SBBH only to get a convo started and then ban them.. just to try and get a rise out of them. Feel free to deny that.
  • Accusing people of being people they are not with zero evidence or proof.. just to get a rise out of them. Hmm. I'm seeing a pattern of behavior here.

I know it's frustrating when people who have been around longer than you have watched your behavior since the beginning and don't have any issue calling it the horseshit is is, but life comes at you fast when you're an autistic piece of shit like you are.

Sorry-not-sorry. (((Happy Hanukkah)))

Crensch ago

I see no evidence of the brigading.

Who gives a fuck about the second two? Get the sand out of your vagina, sissy.

HST ago

Having been brigaded by you lot you should know it happens. I mean, this guy doesn't seem to be playing with a full deck of cards, and I don't want to be on his side, but it definitely does happens (I kinda deserved it tho ngl)

Also "get the sand out of your vagina, sissy" reminding me of that prolific spammer back in the day.. Had some debate sub going on. Name slips my mind. DEBATE ME LIVE FAGGOT

Crensch ago

You claim that you were Brigaded but then say that you deserved it. Which is it?

Ina_Pickle ago

Sure she was raped, but she deserved it.

Totally her fault

Crensch ago

You're one of those stupid faggots, aren't you?

Being BRIGADED means undeserved downvotes/upvotes from a group specifically voting as a bloc.


Ina_Pickle ago

You have spent so much time over on protectvoat railing against the downvoating shills, that It's slightly shocking you don't grasp just how hypocritical you sound.

Rules for thee but not for me huh?

Crensch ago

Yor comment doesnt even make sense.

@kevdude @trigglypuff @srayzie @vindicator @think-

Ina_Pickle ago

You've always been an ass. Way to prove the "trolls" point for them yet again. I have a very long memory. I know exactly how you were acting even 3 years ago. I found your desire to stifle free speech on this site under the guise of protecting it so appalling that your name always sticks out to me in a comment section.

Crensch ago

Sounds like your brain is a little too connected to your front hole.

Ina_Pickle ago

Lovely. Now I'll associate you with pissing too.

Crensch ago

Like I care what a weak fronthole associates me with.

Vindicator ago

Liberals never seem able to see the difference between legit and rigged voting. :-(