rejectedfromreddit ago

The same people who co-opted the Christian symbol of the rainbow claim that anyone with a Confederate flag must be racist, instead of the person possibly celebrating their Southern heritage and way of life.

I guess Libs are the only ones who can decide what a symbol means to other people.

freespeechwarrior ago

An old man used to come visit me when I worked in a mall in OKC. He was always going on about the tribes of Esaw and Gas, basically trying to redpill me but I just thought he was a wing nut at the time. He always wore his Navy dress uniform and he had rainbow colored things on the shoulder. I asked him if he was gay and he said, "They're taking our country. I'll be damned if I let them take the rainbow too." I'm sure he's long gone but I can guarantee that he'd have loved this post.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Believe it or not. I read an article in a christian magazine by a pastor that Satan seized upon the rainbow to pervert the symbol that God gave to Noah. The Rainbow - saying that I will never do this again. /// It is well known that Satan uses the mocking reverse symbolism. Upside down brown cross symbol is the peace symbol. /// Thoughts? /// By the way, I hope the good guys get the rainbow back.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

You don't say, in a Christian magazine. Never would have guessed. Did you also know, that a plus sign is a short cross. It's made to make people think Jesus was a midget, it's symbolic for belittling him. Put that in the next Christian magazine. OK.

Wuttier ago

Lol. If brown is the peace symbol, I think it should be more appropriate for all of those leftist, snowflakes, and mentally deranged retards, considering they want to mix all of the colors under the false pretense of "peace". A fitting color for shitting on common sense and taking it in the ass.

antistatist ago

I did know that about the peace symbol. I did not know that about Noah and the rainbow, thanks.

The idea here is to spread this around until faggots and Jews start calling the rainbow a hate symbol and stop using it. Just had the idea for this design. Creative variations are encouraged.