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obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm in. I now get to say Happy Hanukkah every single time SBBH posts outside their safe space.

Crensch ago

SBBH are good goats.

You are a CP posting faggot.

BeefBourgignon ago

Are you up on all the Voat drama? Who is this Gabara person? To me, very annoying.

Crensch ago

Gabara is a pureblooded shitposter, but also a good goat.

I wouldn't call this voat drama. A very specific group of usernames like to attack sbbh as the boogeyman when they themselves post bestiality and child porn and attack the mods and admin of this site.

This is nothing more than the same group of shills or single paid shill that is very active doing what they've been doing since the very beginning; trying to turn this place into Reddit.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Listen Crensch, I like you and I've long been a defender of SBBH against unfounded accusations and I still think you guys have some good goats but you also have a some bad eggs that act like shitbags. So I'm gonna apologize right now for counter-signaling you, but I'm going to say what I believe.

On Gabara, he is a complete immature child, he's incapable of handling even light Bantz. Like so When someone insults me (not even very well) and then immediately ban me so I don't point out how retarded he is, that's not the sign of a shitposter, it's the sign of a coward.

Crensch ago

You're also one of my favorites bud.

Gabara is just the quintessential 4chan shitposting autist from before it got cucked.

@gabara we're talking about you.

gabara ago

Hey, I just realized how HUGE a cohencidence it is that these three users:


who I've had no contact with until the same day all at once suddenly, over these cute animal photos, and here we've caught them responding to each others comments.

BUSTED! They are all alts of the same Jew.

BeefBourgignon ago

You should read the Daily Stormer bruh. Mr Andrew Anglin has been talking about this concept called, like, "egregore". It's something along the lines of a collective conscience or some sort of spiritual effort by a group of people that makes a real world difference. I think. So if we all three of us on the same day decided that we've had enough of your unproductive shitposting and called you out on it it's because the ether made it so. And as I said to you before. . . . your posts are like 30% downvoated. For 3 people to commiserate about an aggravating community member is not that amazing of a coincidence.

gabara ago

Call your parole officer, Jeff.

BeefBourgignon ago

Just to be clear, dude. I am not abusing the voting system by downvoating you. Other people are downvoting your drivel, but not on my behalf. I'm not a peer-pressuring brigading POS.

gabara ago

Tits or GTFO.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"everyone who doesn't like me must be someone's alt"

I have no clue who @BeefBourgignon is, as for @obvious_throwaway1 my first i can remember with him was him posting in my thread calling out JIDF @Bagano1 for throwing a tantrum accusing people who asked for sources of being shills.

This lead to the thread by @rabbimohel calling me a Kike where I called him a kike (how dare i call a rabbi a kike!), then you accused me of just reusing his insult, even though that's what he literally just did. Are you @RabbiMohel 's alt?

Then you banned me from SBBH because your feelings were hurt.

I have no clue why @Crensch seems to like you.

Crensch ago

He's trolling you.

This isn't an argument to him, it's an opportunity for lulz.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He's trolling you.

The problem is "I'm just pretending to be retarded" is still acting retarded, it's ultra low effort trolling that makes a bigger fool out of the troll than the trollee.

This isn't an argument to him, it's an opportunity for lulz.

Well I still think I've come out ahead on net lulz, from the Bagano1 Situation.

Crensch ago

Glad you're getting something out of it, then. Y'all enjoy yourselves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Thanks bud.