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BirthTheGirth ago

Confusing. So Voat is anti-Trump now? Considering Trump has been proven to be on the Q team

BackAsswards ago

A vague coincidence is not proof.

playswithsquirrelz ago

Have you researched Q at all? There's 0 doubt Q and team work directly with Trump. If you're anti-all-things-Trump then fine; but there's no getting around the fact that Q is essentially Trump's guerrilla info team. You can call it Trump directed propaganda if you'd like.

One recent proof that I don't believe could be explained away: Anons ask Q for a 0 delta Trump tweet/Q drop. It is delivered within an hour or 2. -

Vague coincidence?

This is one of the most convincing proofs. Many more out there. Also lots of weak proofs that I personally think are just Q-tards grasping at straws, but I suppose when considering all these as a whole then it amounts to something.

I can't make you believe in Q, Trump, et al, but I do strongly suggest you research it yourself - tons of important info is given out. Shit is gonna go down soon and researching Q drops will help all prepare and to not be shell shocked.