SearchVoatBot ago

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olltre ago

my reaction when i see this post and then notice it has 88 comments

BraunF14 ago

Well it looks like they were an alpha tester? Idk if Voat is in beta or something. I've been here for a year or more feels like 2? Maybe there was some mixup or testing then?

thisistotallynotme ago

how the fuck did you get that other badge on your profile, OP?

Sburban_Shitposter ago

so what does my B badge mean?

Goathole ago

The B stands for Beta. I believe it refers to the initial improvements BEFORE the transition.

Every now and then you'll run into someone with a Whoaverse badge. This was before "Voat". They're out there but many have deleted or stopped using the site. More often you'll find users with an A badge. This is for Alpha testing, it was roughly ended 3 years ago.

thisistotallynotme ago

it means you test betas.

TemetNosce ago

Is this whole post some kind of joke I am not understanding? I have hovered my mouse over the ID's of the new fags, and don't see any kind of yellow star/marker. I DO SEE info that has always been there, like "member for 13 days". Other than that, I don't see any kind of markers.

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago

I've joined during this rush because of the Kavanaugh hearings, been lurking since dog was banned. So yes lurk day here for years, If I get gassed as collateral damage because of my Quden star. I accept it as a true mustache mouthed ball licking porch monkey.

475677 ago

Should have lurked more faggot.

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago

Thanks nigger faggot, as a voater I appreciate the hate, if you are shilling go eat some circumcised Kosher foreskin, I have said I'd accept my Quden star, but I'm guessing you'd never appreciate Blazzing Saddle, Strange Brew or Revenge the Nerds.

was_hereforthenews ago

How does one get this yellow star? How do you identify these Q people to give them stars?

Sburban_Shitposter ago

don’t worry, you’re already marked

was_hereforthenews ago

I want to see this mark. Is that possible?

Sburban_Shitposter ago

its on your profile somewhere

BasedBoomer ago

Based. If Q turns out to be a hoax, a lot of users are gonna need to delete

playswithsquirrelz ago

a hoax in what way? That Trump himself is trolling a bunch of his supporters? Sure, I guess that's possible...

If you research Q you'll find definitive proof that these guys are working directly with Trump.

trackmeplease ago

Q is trying to get people to learn about the JC. Israel is last.

If it is a hoax, many people keeping up will be logical iff presented with facts. (((They))) will be the ones to have a hard time.

x13 ago

Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

People are just upset that Q does not always reveal every detail ahead of an event, in order to prevent the even from NOT happening.

What is Q ?

The purpose of Q is to get people to research and think for themselves.

Q's core values are very simple. MAGA. Think for yourself. Stop being told how and what to think. He asks questions to draw attention to specific events. This is formally known as the Socratic Method. Which is exclusively used to discover the truth in the face of one's own biases. His main focus is getting America back into the hands of Americans and not globalists/Deep State. Which is why you know that all those who attack Q are ignorant, idiots, or shills. There are no exceptions. Basically Q is a back channel to Trump + US Military Intelligence. If you support Trump you support Q. If you don't support Q you don't support Trump. But you should decide for yourself if you care to listen to Q.

This is paste from a previous reply Another made to others on Q. Q is not a troll or a LARP. At best you can claim he's a psyop. And he is. Anyone telling you he's a troll or a LARP is telling you they are an idiot or a shill. Very probably a shill. Cults don't demand you think for yourself. Since Q only demands that people ask questions and research for themselves, what is the obvious outcome of the Q movement? Why is it called The Great Awakening? So yes, it absolutely is a psyop. But that doesn't mean it's bad. One of the oldest forms of psyop is to simply drop leaflets into enemy territory that food and safety is available. This was commonly used by the Allies in WWII. It's why everyone wanted to surrender to the Americans.

Q told us a peace deal with NK was a done deal. MSM was screaming that Trump was going to start nuclear war with them. Q provided unique pictures from AF1 flying over Korea. Q provided surveillance pictures of a building. Months later, after the peace talks were underway additional surveillance photos were provided with Kim on top of the building. The building was a hotel where the talks were held. Kim was enjoying the infinity pool on the top of the hotel!

An anon asked Q to have Trump say, "Tippy top shape." and you know the rest.

Q also makes many Alice in Wonderland references and especially white rabbits. He frequently has said, "follow the white rabbit."

Q has provided surveillance photos of Page and Strzok, while they were employed by the FBI, while they were romancing it up in the UK. They met with other, as of yet, unidentified people.

Q told us exactly 30 days, to the minute, when John McCain would be executed or suicided. What privileged is frequently provided to military officers as an honorable death? Historically it's a gun with one bullet. McCain had a closed coffin funeral.

McCain got "cancer" as he wore his boot. His boot jumped foot. Hillary also got the same boot. It's believed these were to hide GPS trackers. Suddenly the claim of arrests make more sense? Remember the Clinton's flying commercial and how pissed off Hillary was?

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons." "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019

When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

It's pretty obvious by now: Trump is facing a coup

Every president since Reagan has been part of a Deep State cabal

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I challenge you to investigate on your own in earnest. If you are honest, I am absolutely confident you will believe.

Read the comments here:

BTW, there is currently over 57,000 sealed indictments at the DOJ. The DOJ has been hiring like crazy. An average year has no more than 2,000 sealed indictments. There are simple links that let you browse through the dated headers.

Within a 24 hour period, globally, over 50 media outlets all came out with the same attacks on Qanon, claiming he is fake, fringe, and/or violent. They never did any research and never contacted anyone within the movement. Real or not, the powers that be are terrified of Qanon. They absolutely do not want you do research for yourself.

It was no Qincidence that Q = 17th letter, and Trumps entire total words of his emergency alert test yesterday was exactly 17 words. (dont forget the two header words) Trump stands with Q!

Yes, Virginia, There really is a Q.

Just Believe and Do Your Part to help what is asked of us in each Q drop. Q says "you have the power" and it is because we do have the power.

You can trust that Q will deliver us the righteous justice we seek that is fast approaching!

No action is needed, at this moment because Q will do most of the heavy lifting until we are called forth, and Q will vindicate us to the nonbelievers!

"Where we go one, we go all!"

Sburban_Shitposter ago

autism alert

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Im unsure about Q personally but you make some good points, I remember the clintons flying coach and the book Bill was reading was about a young girl being raped and murdered plus there is 26 cases we know of of him riding the "lolita express" and then all the stuff with laura silsby and then amber alert, It all stinks to high heaven.

x13 ago

Taht lolita express was snitched on by people who brought out the records (his secret service detail)

In the end though the Lolita express was an island stocked with 15 year old teens. Not that it makes it much better though because you wonder how many 15 year olds got out alive, with stories to tell. my guess is zero.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

All of which are completely useless and have no relevance to helping the nation, or to giving anyone a way to improve their own lives. It's pointless tabloid-tier facts.

Go and provide the error to fact ratio and then I'll be impressed. You qcumbers only provide evidence of when your prophet is right and never when they are wrong. "Where we go one, we go all!" Fucking lemmings.

trackmeplease ago

Not saying there aren’t tons of lemmings.

I’ve known the big stories months before the news.

Fuck your kike-ass faggot parents for making you.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I’ve known the big stories months before the news.

Hahahahaha! Enjoy your Sunday paper, grandpa. This is exactly my point.

raggedyedge ago

I concur...PsyOp.

Research... The Resister: The Political Warfare Journal of the Special Forces Underground.

Select articles online.

Working on getting all 1,000 pages in a complete collection on Kindle.

speedisavirus ago

Fuck off retard. None of your stupid copy paste shit proves Q is anything but a larp laughing his ass off at all of you low IQ fucks believing.

thisistotallynotme ago

Ruh Roh, you're getting equal amounts of downvoats for your comments now.

That means Voat's overton window has shifted.

trackmeplease ago

Show me it is a larp. Posts like yours do nothing to the discussion.

It is clear whatever Q is, there is some merit to their posts.

shrink ago

Show me it is a larp

This is like a Christian saying "prove that God doesn't exist!" That's not how it works.

speedisavirus ago

The post showed it's a larp. It provided literally nothing to prove it's not a larp.

Orfion ago

How about links to the post on McCain's death and proof he died 30 days to the minute. Innuendo is not fact. Statements of Trumps good works is not proof of Q. Q is a modern day Nostrodamus. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.

Rapunzal ago

'fs yellow let it mellow.....

fuckmyreddit ago

Oh dear God, make it a very big star so even I can see it.

BirthTheGirth ago

Confusing. So Voat is anti-Trump now? Considering Trump has been proven to be on the Q team

BackAsswards ago

A vague coincidence is not proof.

playswithsquirrelz ago

Have you researched Q at all? There's 0 doubt Q and team work directly with Trump. If you're anti-all-things-Trump then fine; but there's no getting around the fact that Q is essentially Trump's guerrilla info team. You can call it Trump directed propaganda if you'd like.

One recent proof that I don't believe could be explained away: Anons ask Q for a 0 delta Trump tweet/Q drop. It is delivered within an hour or 2. -

Vague coincidence?

This is one of the most convincing proofs. Many more out there. Also lots of weak proofs that I personally think are just Q-tards grasping at straws, but I suppose when considering all these as a whole then it amounts to something.

I can't make you believe in Q, Trump, et al, but I do strongly suggest you research it yourself - tons of important info is given out. Shit is gonna go down soon and researching Q drops will help all prepare and to not be shell shocked.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

right a vague coincidence is not proof. Hence we didn't say vague coincidence we said proof. It's proof that comes in the format that the MSM cannot touch, because to do so would make them sound like "Conspiracy Theorist" remember... critical thinking and analysis that uncovers organized effort for a cause is a "Conspiracy Theory" and such has been set up in the normie conscious to be dismissed out of hand. This is how Q is "sticking to the enemy" as in martial arts. If one enters into the light, they both enter into the light and the evil that cannot stand the light will be destroyed by it.

BirthTheGirth ago

Being on AF1 as it flies over NK is not vague

Tzitzimitl ago

it proves only that this q person or group is or was high enough to get on AF1 once; the questions of intent and motive are indeed vague.

BirthTheGirth ago

So stating James Baker, Bruce Ohr, and Lisa Page were cooperating witnesses months before it was released publicly is vague?

Tzitzimitl ago

again, youve got rank but ignore motive and intent

BirthTheGirth ago

Um what? You keep using vague. The only thing vague so far are the dates in which the posts actually take place

Tzitzimitl ago

im noticing something else thats vague here - the thing that supposedly exists between your ears

BirthTheGirth ago

Like the vagueness between your legs? What does rank and such have to do with you saying the posts were vague? How much is Soros paying your kike ass?

Tzitzimitl ago

oh sweetie its okay dont strain yourself

thisistotallynotme ago


Another chick from GCHQ's internet forum task force. They never hire men.

Orfion ago

That was Trumps picture. Where is the proof Q was on that flight.

x13 ago

No one said Q took the picture, but Q goddamned for certain had the photo and posted it. Mountain ranges were located by the weaponized autists. It was also way way ahead of the later MSM NK discussion buzz.

Orfion ago

The picture was tweeted by Trump. Every one had the picture.

Humansized ago

I cant take qews seriously. Maybe if they didnt act like deranged cultists worshipping this q like a god.

playswithsquirrelz ago

Yea a lot of the community is really.... brutal... but that doesn't discredit Q and the info he shares. Interesting shit worth researching IMHO

incey ago

geez you go on with some shit

MrPim ago

He could tag everyone based on when they joined.

Although mine for one would probably be inaccurate if he did so.

KikesDidJFK ago

Fucking nigger. I have this Jude badge but I'm definitely not a Qtard.

thisistotallynotme ago

They gave you mine. It looks good on you! :)

realnstuff ago

We are special now! We have to create the greatest circle jerk submission ever. Then burn it with fire pls.

x13 ago

I for real actually created this account just so I could get one, despite being on voat for about 3 years.


Many other people also generated newer accounts just to get a Q badge.

Evidence :

I reached SCP 110 and CCP 103 in under 19 hours : proof in screenshot :

(screen shot was taken at 22 hours though)

No newbie in history created that much quality content their first 19 hours!

(my comment history shows the work of the first 19 hours)

It takes a very old goat to pull off what I depict in the screen shot.

I'm proud of the cool new Q logo badge. It does not always mean what it looks like.

Zesty ago

I want to be kind because it is my nature. But please snap your own ankles to the side. Bragging about CCP in under 19 hours what a ahero does. Take your paycheck, invest it in a projectile spreading weapon and aim it at the base of your skull. If you refuse, well then we both know that words cannot affect your decisions.

Don't let anons affect your worldview.

thisistotallynotme ago

how do you only get 754CCP in 3.4 years?

playswithsquirrelz ago

I think the "brag" was more an attempt to prove he's been on VOAT for a while and not a newbie.

8_billion_eaters ago

Ve haf vays ov findink cue.

lissencarak ago

gas the qs, voat war now

thisistotallynotme ago

You're 19 days too late for that. The war is almost over, and the Qtards are winning.

MrPim ago

Theres pretty much always some sort of Voat war. If it's too quiet for you just wait a bit. It'll explode soon.

Zesty ago

Don't be a predator nigger faggot horse-fucker. I've never seen a comment reach the top of /all/ with two comments. Whoever orchestrated this abomination can go stick their lying dick up their own goddamn ass. Unattached.

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH is constantly manipulating votes. If you haven't noticed yet, god help you.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep! We get into the database! We are dirty rats!

BasedBoomer ago

God help me but who is SBBH?

Womb_Raider ago

A cohesive group on voat paid to forum slide, derail topics, inject false information and et cetera. You'll see patterns the more you browse the site, and they account for almost half of all post activity. It's inorganic

WhiteRonin ago

Watch for a group who thinks they are the RealProtectVoat! All they do is report you and do nothing else.

thisistotallynotme ago

SBBH are the trolls of Voat. /v/SoapBoxBanHammer

C_Corax ago

The only thing unusual about it is that no other topics have been upvoated much in the past hour or so. Hence 23 upvoates is suddenly enough to get to the top where it would usually only be enough to be somewhere in the middle of the front page.

Don't know if Putt have made changes to how it works. That could be a part of it as well I guess.

Zesty ago

Link me the logs. Here insults are not personal. 23 fuck yous are the same as -1 fuck yous

C_Corax ago

I don't have any logs, but the 6th post on the frontpage is there with just 9 upvoates and I have no subs blocked.

Zesty ago

Send link plox

C_Corax ago

Why don't I show you? This is what my /v/all looked like as of 2 minutes ago. I've highlighted a couple of the other posts that I presume you think shouldn't be there and the metrics I'm looking at.

The only thing I'm seeing off is that more topics aren't being upvoated currently.

Zesty ago

If you care to refute this with logs than I will happily investigate. Otherwise tell your own mother that you'd fuck her to death.

Zesty ago

I'll tag you here too C_Corax. Reply to my original question with proof.

AlbusRex ago

Its like a mark of taint. Serves me right for not joining earlier lol.

x13 ago

It proves NOTHING.

I for real actually created this account just so I could get one, despite being on voat for about 3 years.


Many other people also generated newer accounts just to get a Q badge.

Evidence (not boasting, but evidence) :

I reached SCP 110 and CCP 103 in under 19 hours : proof in screenshot :

(screen shot was taken at 22 hours though)

No newbie in history created that much quality content their first 19 hours!

(my comment history shows the work of the first 19 hours)

It takes a very old goat to pull off what I depict in the screen shot.

I'm proud of the cool new Q logo badge. It does not always mean what it looks like.

AlbusRex ago

[–] x13 -6 points (+5|-11) 11 hours ago

"Q is already proven time and time again to not be a hoax.

People are just upset that Q does not always reveal every detail ahead of an event, in order to prevent the even from NOT happening." Yeah, sounds to me like you just wanted your yellow star.

x13 ago

One problem... every hour every day I start to get more enlightened and astonished by all I was unaware of. So I am actually more than a mere guy wearing that yellow star as of this morning. Of course I will always be an agitator though. Instigation of debate is part of my hobby it seems.

C_Corax ago

I feel bad for the MDE guys, but there's no war without casualties. We will posthumous honor your shitpostings.

Linkmyboy ago

Deserves us right for not jumping across earlier

thisistotallynotme ago

some of us did.

SethQRich ago

My how the turntables

BraunF14 ago

Hey don't remind me of any of that Reddit low effort comment-chain bullshit

SethQRich ago

"Hurr durr anyone who came to voat after me is lame." So many fucking hipsters here it's ridiculous. Congratulations on finding voat before me, fag. Your mom must be so proud of your crowning achievement in life

BraunF14 ago

Yo dude I didn't say that with any malice. Sorry it came across that way. I didn't really partake in the Qtard hazing event; go check my history if need be. Although I do believe in a healthy hazing regiment in some scenarios, i.e. I was in the Navy and I think it's part of the bonding and trust process... And fun :) so dial it back a notch, didn't mean much by it.

Hitlers_Politoed ago

Change my qtard badge to an mde boomer badge pls. -Bob

jollux ago

I want a lawnmower or a can of Monster Energy Zero Ultra ®

Korinthian ago

the MDE guys seem to be well enough adjusted that nobody would need to check their badge. I've only ever seen it as a verification of prejudice anyway. Some faggot is defending jews? Must be a jew or a qtard. I can check the badge now, so if it's a qtard it's a qtard, and if it's not, it's probably a jew.

jollux ago

That's because we're not people "from" reddit. That's just where the MDE fan forum was.

C_Corax ago

I still say we put them on the Holocoaster and ride them straight into the ovens. Right or wrong my mind is already set on it.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

If Germany at its industrial height could not produce ovens large enough to burn all of those bodies, maybe we should make sure we're burning the right people. Otherwise, shit loads of them will survive and claim we holohoaxed them.

C_Corax ago

If we have to go there, it wasn't the size or amount of ovens that was the issue, but the fact that most coal was allocated to forging iron for the war machine. Which of course makes you question if there were ever any ovens on a larger scale in the first place.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

No, we all know that Krupp was definitely burning jews and to make his weapons. That's why the Germans lost, because Krupp canons had so many impurities from burning god's chosen people.