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varialus ago

Zero delta doesn't prove anything other than that Q has a program that can check for new tweets every few seconds and is also capable of posting. Requires a bit of programming, but is not difficult.

srayzie ago

There’s no way that they hit the button within 10 seconds of each other if they were not doing this together as a team. Especially when you add up all the other proofs. They even said that the 10 seconds is likely lag. I don’t see how you could come to this conclusion unless you were purposely trying to cause doubt. Judging from your profile, you don’t appear to be a Q follower or know how all this works.

varialus ago

You're either fucking retarded or a shill. Your "proof" is weak sauce. Try again when you've leveled up.

Kekalicious ago

We are all Russian Bots here, Didn't you get the memo?

Cheetah1964 ago

Hail the motherland!

srayzie ago

Says someone who doesn’t follow Q. Figures.

varialus ago

Basic reasoning skills. I'll repeat since you're a retard. I'm not arguing against the validity of Q, only against the significance of this particular "proof."

srayzie ago

Well I think you’re retarded to think they clicked within 10 seconds and that’s not enough for you. Go away disinfo pushing loser.

varialus ago

Fucking retard. Fucking retard. Fucking retard. I'm not even going to correct your misunderstanding of what I stated because you're too fucking retarded to understand what I already wrote, so there's little to no chance you'll understand if I explain it again. You sir, are a fucking retard.

SamuelHyde ago

He's a total cunt, can't stand him.

srayzie ago

I don’t have a dick sir. Your immature ass shouldn’t assume. Retard.

varialus ago

What the fuck does your lack of dick have to do with the price of tea in China? Shit you're a retard.

SamuelHyde ago

Nobody likes you cunt

MolochHunter ago

i presume 'Delta' is military speak for 'difference' ?

TheTuringTest ago

Delta is kill yourself code for MKultra @srayzie

pby1000 ago

Where are all the shills? Did they disappear because they are not getting paid?

Kekalicious ago

They take Monday & Tuesday off to hit Gab. They will be back on Wednesday.

Cheetah1964 ago

When do they hit Breitbart comments? Busy folks.

pby1000 ago

Haha! We will see them tomorrow then.

srayzie ago

I know! What did you do to them? 🤔

pby1000 ago

I know nothing!

asdfe34 ago

Could someone explain this like I'm 5?

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

truth hurts sometimes... :)...

MossadMadManIQ180 ago

Here you go child

Happy Anniversary

srayzie ago

Think of [5] as 5 minutes apart. Q and Trump would tweet/post 5 minutes apart. Think of [10] as 10 minutes apart. Same scenario. This has been used several times as a way to confirm things.

So this anon said [0] as in zero min apart. That would mean Q and Trump would have to post/tweet at the exact same time. That’s what happened!

They will give little Q proofs like that sometimes when asked.

srayzie ago

Yeah lol. Give me a few

Arrvee ago

Maybe I'm paranoid, but Trump's tweet reads like a coded warning about bad actors in the Atlantic Council and tells their targets (who will likely be CIA/MI6 spooks) to report in to local authorities before they get killed. This may be a bad reading because the Atlantic Council was recently run by Trump's own ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman.

Are_we__sure ago

You don't think it has to do with three hurricanes lined up in the Atlantic right now heading West? Two of which are expected to hit the US?

Kool4Kek ago

It was about God silly.

srayzie ago

I didn’t think of it like that. Hmmm. I thought of it as POTUS talking about a “storm”.

pby1000 ago

Tanks Srayzie!

srayzie ago

It’s suppose to be tack! You suck at being Swedish! 😂

pby1000 ago

That is a complement.

fartyshorts ago

Tack så mycket :)

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! Are you Swedish?