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kneo24 ago

feel free to ask friends or other users for upvoats

That's frowned up. It's actually against site wide rules.

tango_whisky_blunt ago

These are voats rules, what you're saying is basically you find it "problematic". Go back to reddit faggot :)

Fuck_SRS ago

Everyone already knows you fucked up, no point editing your comments, just makes you look more like a nigger, nigger.

RumpRangerRick ago

Maybe you're the one that needs to go back to Reddit, niggerfaggot.

PuttItOut ago

Voat bans manipulation, and this includes vote farms/farmers, because it destroys the credibility of our platform.

tango_whisky_blunt ago

Sounds more like you just find it problematic and want to censor people. Should go back to reddit faggot, you never belonged here.

14041111? ago

Edits original post like a faggot, still tries doubling-down on telling the mod to leave his own site

You Qniggers really don't know who you're fucking with, do you?

14022064? ago

you got niggered, fag

Skyrock ago

Lösch dich. You will never climb out of this hole of embarassment on this account.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Nice edit faggot. BTW it's spelled "pseudo" not "psudo".

Own up to your crap. Be a man, not a little whiny bitch.

middle_path ago

You won't be banned here.

Imthrowingaway ago

This is like watching someone get the shit stomped out of them, then he gets up and asks for more. Hahaha.

RumpRangerRick ago

Should go back to reddit faggot

And there it is. The most ignorant comment I'm likely to see on Voat.


Simonbelmont27 ago

I know you're probably getting spammed but omg you are one dumb nigger

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] tango_whisky_blunt "And we're not going fucking anywhere, so block us and stop bitching about your stupid fucking autists." "You must be new around here."[ -4 ] [S] -47 points (+0|-47) 9.4 hours ago

Sounds more like you just find it problematic and want to censor people. Should go back to reddit faggot, you never belonged here.

This is too funny to pass up.

sguevar ago

I just found this post. Laughing my ass off on the bus. This is priceless.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

You're so fucking stupid it is nearly endearing. Please stay and be the aloof jester that everyone shits on

BlockMe ago

Hey, dumbass, learn about cupcakegate, sanegoat, and amalek.

@she and Manhood101.

Coz you're going down in voat history along with those dumbasses.

turtlesarepureevil ago

whats cupcakegate?

BlockMe ago

When the /v/news mod had a meltdown over name calling.

redpilldessert ago

Haha, he's the site owner!

midnightblue1335 ago

Had to save this comment. Every time I see you being mentioned, I'll be sure to bring up the fact that you told the Voat CEO that he "never belonged here" and should "go back to reddit". This is the kind of thing you never live down.

Jaegerjaques ago

Lol you truly are one irredeemable fucktard. Show some respect when you're talking to the guy who created this website, you fucking piece of human garbage. With your subhuman underhanded vote manupilation, your kind should go straight into the nearest oven.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

putt is not atko

Jaegerjaques ago

Fuck, now I also look like a retard. Well, at least I'm not as bad as that fuckwad.

DishingShitLikeA ago

It takes a certain level of, something, to admit your mistakes. Carry on.

Jaegerjaques ago

Thanks bro. it's not as if you wouldn't notice if I tried to bullshit my way out of it, anyway.

recon_johnny ago

Well, say President. CEO is Atko. Whatever.

Ina_Pickle ago

Is he? I thought Atko stepped completely away from the business, such as it is. Not even sure if.he contributed to the new code, although he might have quietly done so.

cyclops1771 ago

He hopped in and fixed the system when it was down for 3-4 days.

So, it's still his baby, even if he's no longer babysitting it daily anymore.

DishingShitLikeA ago

That felt like an apocalypse. I thought it was done for good.

Yesterday I installed a projector after not having a TV for 6 months. Truly didn't care not having one, got a little bored sometimes sure. Voat went down... What The Fuck!!!

cyclops1771 ago

'Twas not a good day until I found that the preview site was still up and running.

There were about 50 of us on there the first day, and started spreading the word that the servers will still up, just not the site. Not sure how Atko got word, but like a knight in shining armor, riding a white charger, he saved the day. Probably yelled at Putt - dude, WTF? hehe

DishingShitLikeA ago

riding a white charger

... lol 😂 wut? Wew lad. Easy boy. (Still funny)

cyclops1771 ago

Riding a white charger, clearing cache, whatever, same difference!

Fambida ago

I'm highly curious whether you're gonna be man enough to stick with that username or abandon it and start a new one.

Ina_Pickle ago

you never belonged here


That's next level ignorance. XD

elitch2 ago

Have you worked out your mistake yet, faggot?

You are fucking poster child retarded.

African_Jew ago

Hahaha you told the fucking CEO of Voat to go back to reddit you imbecile.

PuttItOut ago

You must be new around here.

Skyrock ago

Ashra ago

Subtle destroyer. Yes.

MadWorld ago

Archived in case account gets nuked:

Vindicator ago

I immortalized this beautiful Putt Down here: where everyone could enjoy it. :-)

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


HateCumbuckets ago

You sir. Are amazing. I had to comment. I get the feeling this is going to end up a part of history!

shadow332 ago

But you're just some guy who gets upset when people say "nigger" on FatPeopleHate. You are part of the problem.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

Lol cuckboy needs his n word lol fucking winebabies

14022115? ago

shut thje fuck up gook

14040615? ago

Lol this is butthole empress pm me

14040632? ago


14040644? ago


HateCumbuckets ago

And hey, you're the whiny little bitch that blocks people when you can't upset them. Special sundried cumflake that you are...

DishingShitLikeA ago

Not saying I like or agree with you. I don't know you. But I'm going to make a mental note of that insult. I'm sure it will have it's time.

14015010? ago

I'm curious as to what you don't like or agree with. Not that you have to or anything though, but at least talk to a person before you condemn them. You might be surprised.

14015059? ago

As in I haven't stalked their profile or recognized them. That simple.

14015201? ago

I was just trying to work that one out too. Wtf? I wish people had the balls to stand by any statement. Only little bitches hide.

14015288? ago

You just replied to DishingShitLikeA. Laying it out there. Fuck OP with a rusty shovel

14015431? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'"You must be new here" faggot goes Anon. What. A. Bitch.' was posted in v/whatever by @DishingShitLikeA and refers to this comment.

This notification (#830) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14015125? ago

Makes sense.

HateCumbuckets ago

Hey you unblocked me! Nigger doesn't bother me at all mate. I just respect the rules of the sub. I might have been an uneducated newbie here on voat once. But my eyes are open now.

knije_tahou ago

God bless you, you beautiful bastard

jonny1313 ago

Well this is the best thing I've read all year.

redpilldessert ago

I still think if you used a Google pagerank type system (where the weighting of your own votes is dependent on how others rate you or your comments), this could be automated.

Everything should be automated as much as technically feasible.

ShinyVoater ago

Where'd you Digg that idea up from?

MyDrunkAccount ago

Thats waaay too "Chinese Social Score" for me man.

redpilldessert ago

It's just meritocratic like the overall voting system is anyway, but put to its logical conclusion.

kneo24 ago

Consider this fair warning that brigading and manipulating votes is no longer tolerated at Voat.

RogueCajun ago

--except when u go to protectvoat and cry because you found an "upvote farm"....then a downvote brigade is fine, tho, right?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"waaah those meanies keep downvoating my bot farms".

Hydrocephalus ago

Play stupid games win stupid prizes, if we catch you upvoat farming we'll spread the word,