kackarot ago

upvotes for meh

17-Seconds ago

Thank you for the welcome.

Norseman ago

@BearHunter1 you should read up, instead of running around harassing voat users about their "vulgar language" or calling people snowflakes and NAZI's every post.... and then coming back a week later to do it all again.

Bearhunter1 ago

Don't really care to fit in. I just want to follow Q as a patriot. Have a great day. Go ahead.....be a jerk. Thanks for the advise. I understand now the best is to ignore your sort. That's the last you will hear from me!

redheadpatriot1 ago

Thank you

Mstrukr ago

Never been here before. What is a CCP. Just here to find Q postings

On_Fire_4Q ago

Dipping my toe

PatriotLady ago

I'm a gun lovin' Christian Grandma, traveler to exotic places, and the only conspiracy theorist in my family, though I tone it down around my mother who is 78 years old and hates our President. Her mouth would shock even you all, she's Irish and not afraid to tip a pint. This room sounds like my family reunion when the kegs almost empty. The only thing missing is the pissing contest over who has the best Harley. I fucking love free speech! And no, I don't think God cares if I use the F word. Pretty sure He's got bigger things to worry about. So upvoat me or downvoat me or block me. I'm still gonna mouth off and have my say. God Bless all you fuckers.

SamAdamsGhost1 ago

Non PC. Sounds like my kind of place.
Thank you for the welcome and fuck you too! :)

qwertykill3r ago

LOL. I have questions...how do you post shit? Research is the one thing I do well and I have a shit-ton to contribute, but I'm stupid as fuck when it comes to using these boards. I need a tutorial...So much information just going to waste with no one to read it.

Thanks for your help!

MAGA17Q17 ago

Hmm... niggerfaggot. I like that.

Bokkie ago

ummm... (being an older momperson... this is quite a shock... but like parenting, I am sure I will learn as I go, and experience the same kind of public humiliation that young children are so good at providing parents as a way to keep them grounded....Perhaps my next post might even peep out of the brackets...?)

PatriotsTruth ago

Thank you BO. WWG1WGA!!!

FleecedSheep ago

Many thanks for a clear & concise fuck you and back at you! I think everyone understands what freedom of speech entails. And yes, if they don't they shouldn't be here.

I'll do my best to use my new found social media freedom Thanks for the welcome message

Have a nice day!

ratsmack ago

You need 100 CCP to post, 10 to downvote (I think),

It's the other way around, niggerfaggot. :)

Redonckulous ago

Wait, was i a niggerfaggot before or AFTER Voat...??

Red-Pill-NOW ago

I think the excuse you offer for vulgarity is weak-sauce, why would anyone want to brand a revolutionary movement like that? It's such a stupid argument I wonder if it comes more from the enemy than anything, makes me want to punch some of these 'fellow patriots' in the face. Low-rent is low rent no matter how you seek to glorify it.

Kruel-Aid ago

I was already on messageboards for 20 years before Voat was invented. If you're not in diapers you've probably eaten my heel.

13571113 ago

Gentle faggots and fat bitches, I love you guys! Finally found a home for FREE speech. <big smiles>

Censorship blows! Q knows! The Don best drop the hammer HARD, on Liberty's foes!


GodspeedAnon ago

Fuck you.

That was tl;dr.

I'm gonna enjoy arguing with you shills

USAPatriot ago

Interesting time we’re in...

AnonPatAmI ago

Hey, thanks for taking the time to explain this shit. I'm a Q newbie, but was never on Reddit, but hey, it still applies. From what I've heard they called each other fags, etc. there too.. I literally just registered & probably have 0 CCP so I'm hoping this reply will post, but not sure. Well, thanks again for the post, & also for the welcome, oh yeah fuck you too...I think I may love it here!!

ACatIsFineToo ago

And the holodomor.

Constantreverie ago

Did reddit ban a q sub? Why would they do that? I don't know too much about Q, where would be a good start to hear what it is? (Aside from randoming googling it)

Fearsome4 ago

Sounds like the culture is a bunch of fake tough guys that confuse not being PC with being rude. Whatever.

BOSSMAN131 ago

You have outstanding black people and you have niggars. Thankfully the fine black people I know outnumber the bad!

MrfFancyPants ago

Thanks for the welcome and the advice. Fuck you and have a nice day.

electronicka ago

hey thanks for the welcome

lick my ass

basking ago

Was ein schönes, funkelndes, neues Board! What a shit fucking nice new Board! Thanks for the warm welcome :)

fishyculture ago

LOL! Well, this is my first VOAT comment, and I want to thank your niggerfaggot ass for giving me such a warm, fuzzy and fucked up welcome! I appreciate the crash coarse in VOATing, I am not much into chats so I have no idea what I am doing here but I will catch on.

magaharp ago

I get your point about not being offended, etc. But why bother coming here when we could be on 8Chan? All for free speech, but the benefit of the GreatAwakening board on Reddit was that a lot of the shit was removed. Anyways, time to look around and get acquainted.

Evewos ago

Thanks for this warm welcome. Let taste Freedom ...

BoatGoatMoatVoat ago

Fuck you, too. Q followers have just as much of a right to free speech as anyone else. In fact Q followers are fighting to keep that right for ALL. I don't care about insults because I am not insecure like some pussies who can't take it. Insults are irrelevant because I know what is true.

Pine_Gap ago

On behalf of all RefuFags, we cum in peace. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of information is why we are here. Q sent us.

GreyGears ago

the ability to call people "Niggerfaggots"


The difference does matter, as jews are the one trying to censor us. The "kike" part is the canary's canary.

Skeeterdo ago

I remember. But when thhey have no where to go it might be a different story.

Blockchainbukake ago

Ha ha fuck you bitch, cant make me read shit. I saw free speech and I got a bone and a smirk. Can you handle the mizz? I'm here time to fuck shit up. I only came to drink beer and kick ass, looks like I'm almost out of beer.

maxoverdrive ago

Come back again and talk shit when you aren't a 14-year-old faggot, which you clearly are. Shut up and man up, you little fatherless jizz-stain....

DryerBox ago

I've been here for a long time, but I just wanted to say, nigger faggot kike, god that still feels good

kfr0329 ago

Appreciate the introduction and fuck you, too.

GetaClue ago

Long time lurker (at most boards) but here I gotta actually interact, maybe even contribute. Got it. Another FNG payin dues @ new digs. Check.

xnickwardx ago

To Whom It May Concern,

I was raised a liberal. I became a progressive. My version of progress eventually became liberalism. I stopped identifying. I stopped being labeled. I watched identity politics manifest. I was a part of identity politics. I was part of Occupy Wall Street and identity politics was not prevalent. Language has been important. Language will always be important. Occupy Wall Street was framed as a leftist movement. It was not. It was a movement of people, learning to live in community and it was an opportunity to listen ideologies that were foreign. It was here that the foundation for similarity was formed and destroyed. I see it on the boards. We are fighting corruption. We fought corruption about six years ago. It was not about who was black or white... it was... but not like this. It was about who is rich and poor, but it was not class warfare. It was about who saw the truth and who was in denial. We told the truth before the truth was in the alternative news. We were the alternative news. It was co-opted. Every last bit of it. If you are true occupy, you know what happened. We lost. The meme war defeated us on Bunker Hill. We regrouped and have been permeated every memesphere since. We are here. True progressives. We wanted peace, prosperity and a better future for ourselves. We didn't realize protest fails when the media doesn't cover it. I am sorry. I failed. The question remains, under what banner do we form to fight? Patriotism is my opinion. It is our self. If we want to change the world, we should change ourselves. If our larger self is America, I will not deny my haplogroup, while recognizing the power of epigenetics. Go fuck yourselves.

Sincerely, Anonymous

alakai ago

Honestly I'm a lurker I didnt comment accurately till now lots of new propaganda doesnt even make sense even the jew question there are good and bad of every race creed and religion just because some are bad does not mean all it just provides cover for the actual criminal I suggest naming names and keeping it that way point responsibility to those who are responsible paint with a broad brush and you will cover even the good parts of a painting paint delicately and with care and you will have a masterpiece which is how voat should treat investigative intelligence work if you want to convince the masses

ACatIsFineToo ago

Naming names is antisemetic if you notice most of them are Jews.

Painting a masterpiece is a poor metaphor. Containing a massive outbreak of EbolaAIDS that threatens the survival of all intelligent life on the planet is a bit closer.

Bokkie ago


ACatIsFineToo ago

Look up the ancestry of most of the Deep State types. Especially the ones who weren't used as public figures (Clinton, Bush, McCain, Obama.)

maxoverdrive ago

Stop being a niggerfaggot SJW cuck and actually read some of the shit that's posted here. Until you do, no one here gives a fuck about your obviously illiterate run-on paragraphs of pure bullshit....

NeoFuturist ago

"Tr-trust the p-plan guys, Trump is building a secret wall and the Mueller investigation is actually investigating Hillary ecksdee!"

I welcome you to this platform because here I can finally call you what you are. You're kike shills carrying out a psyop and the dumb niggerfaggots who are too stupid to see it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q approves!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13971906:

Just go here https://voat.co/v/whatever/2735311 and say something inflammatory. There's also a sub called fatpeoplehate. Call everyone a faggot. (not here, in regular subs) You'll have your CCP in no time. I only need a few more and only 5 comments so far.

This notification (#516) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q approves!' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13971899:

Just go here https://voat.co/v/whatever/2735311 and say something inflammatory. There's also a sub called fatpeoplehate. Call everyone a faggot. (not here, in regular subs) You'll have your CCP in no time. I only need a few more and only 5 comments so far.

This notification (#515) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

Bokkie ago

ok, Free Speech, right? So why should I be Compelled to use speech I Choose not to indugle in? How Free is That?! Just Sayin' (That Free Enough for ya?!)

LibCucks ago

Thanks Nigger Faggot. Glad to be here.

TwitterBannedIt ago

I thought everyone hated fat people.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

All of these gullible boomers need to be gassed and gassed again. Fuck off back to reddit you niggers.

maxoverdrive ago

I agree. They're bunch of worthless fucking cultists because it means that they can "feel good" without actually having to do anything in the real world, much less risk their precious little lives for meaningful change. Good god, these Boomer fucks are cowards....

RougeCoyote ago

Thanks for the welcome. We'll take it from here.

8bit- ago

Thanks bro. That's gay af about the CCP, but I guess it's a bot/troll-preventative measure. I'm not too concerned about the ability to downvote, but maybe I should be...

eorily ago

It prevents large groups of (((sub-humans))) from joining just to downvote the use of parenthesis.

everlastingphelps ago

It's the voat immune system. It worked really well for killing the cancer mods at v/TheAwakening

larryhuston ago

Q is Gay as fuck you moron qucumber.

friendshipistragic ago

Go suck an anime futa fronthole

Fuckyounigger ago

your lucky they still dont have the DDOS check as opposed to this alternative

maxoverdrive ago

If you don't like it, fuck the hell back off to reddit, faggot. Otherwise, pull your panties out of your little mangina and adapt. Those are your only two options.....

jbo5112 ago

He's from 8chan. They don't have a voting system at all, so it is an actual adjustment. It's not like coming from Reddit and whining that you suddenly forgot how votes, rankings, and nested comments work

I also find 8chan's reputation for being crass and crude to be overrated. Voat, by comparison, has an abundance of nondescript terms that are crudely used to hurl insults as if they were intellectual conversation. Public Service Announcement: if you want to learn to properly insult people, study Martin Luther of the Reformation.

Kaptaan ago

How do you link to the original comment

JoeQ ago

Well then I am glad I skipped that shit, then.

Rustimccollum ago

So glad to find a place where I can be brutally honest. My voice has basically been silenced everywhere. Lesson learned we do not luve in a free fucking country after all.. But we are gonna fix that shit

Rand_Thompson ago

Fair enough

birds_sing ago

the ability to call people "Niggerfaggots" on this site acts as a canary in the coal mine

It has nothing to do with the ability to call someone that. It's used to test the person. If they can't stand being called niggerfaggot, then they probably won't be able to stand being called wrong.

you can always ignore/block users or subs if it's too much.

If it's too much for them and they have to block or censor people because they called them wrong or called them a bad name, then they don't belong here.

But yes, block subs that you don't want to see. Because there's no censorship, there are some weird subs that you probably don't want to see.

Bokkie ago

this niggerfaggots thing.... won't the white folks feel offended to be so ignored? Where is Their affectionate nickname...? Where is Their identifying pejoritive? What about the Straight folks?
Once Again... the Majority, the Christians, the White, Straight, Men, The White Soccermoms.... ? Old Straight, White Men?!
wait... they Do sound Really boring,... nevermind.....!

eorily ago

We already have a nickname, the master race.

birds_sing ago

What the fuck are you attempting to say? Are you trying to say that white people are boring?

Well..... maybe you're right. I guess it would be pretty boring watching evening sunsets at the lakehouse with your dad, instead of watching someone get raped in the jail cell right next to yours. A soccer mom watching their daughter scoring their first goal sure would be a lot less exciting than watching them have their clit cut off.

Yep, those straight old white people sure are boring. They never do exciting things like breaking the law, or participating in gang rapes. Those straight old boring white people.

Bokkie ago

I'm Saying.... using ll those moldy old epithets is fine, just lazy... if this is a free and open forum, where are the equal opportunity insults!? I spoke mostly tongue in cheek... surprised at such apparent sensitivity... I had expected a full barage of effective epithets... not whiny little ffffaggottty tears!

birds_sing ago

Voat is free and open (free as in freedom). Because of this there are no controls over what is said. Therefore, "equal opportunity" is unable to exist because there are no controls to force equality. The superior will be superior; the weak will be weak, etc.

And as for insults - Calling someone a nigger or a faggot is a way of implying that they're all the negative stereotypes that are associated with blacks or gays. Meanwhile, there are no insulting words for whites because there's nothing negative about being white. (And to call white people boring - I don't understand how non-white's level of boredom is the responsibility of the white race. Or is this another one of those blame white people things? "I'm bored. It's da white man's fault. Always making me bored and shit.")

And as a side note - In my earlier comment, there was no sensitivity, no tears. I was agreeing with you. If your reading comprehension was at a white man's level you would have understood that. But I guess that reading comprehension is too boring for someone as diverse as you.

Bokkie ago

Good Response!
i have to take responsibility for my own lack of clarity... I did make the first statements... actually... I AM that boring white folk...and am about as equal opportunity as you can get... I don't have anything against any group.... until they act like jackasses... either dangerously, or stupidly... somehow affecting me or mine... when I spoke of equal opportunity, I took this whole deal as being a levelling... Everyone is whatever pejorative is preferred, and Everyone is entitled to speak freely and how they choose... I bear you no animosity... I posed a question... you misunderstood and I responded to that... that's all ... its not worth getting hitched and spending our lives together... on goat farm, somewhere int he middle east... Cheers!

birds_sing ago

I AM that boring white folk

Then act like it and speak/type in coherent sentences. You know, like a white person.

I bear you no animosity

If that's true, then don't claim you made me shed "whiny little ffffaggottty tears".

Am I mad? Nope. I'm just trying to make it clear that bullshit like this doesn't fly here. And again, if you are white, you need to start acting like it. We hold our kind to a higher standard, because (unlike the others) we're capable of living up to that standard.

kammmmak ago

In other words just contribute in any way you wish and don't give a fuck. So simple it boggles the mind for many.

EyeOfHorus ago

Send them over to the 9 month old original Q research site v/GreatAwakening they can get all their CCP in that sub.

8bit- ago

BO of /QResearch/ here. Thank you for hosting us, and fuck you too, nigger. I greatly appreciate this thread. I am new to Voat, and it seems to be a lot better than Reddit already from what I'm seeing. I am still learning the ropes here as I am an 8chan native, so this whole CCP/points system goes way over my head. I don't want to steal users from already existing subverses. I know that a lot of people have already established their own home bases so if you want to stick with those subverses, it really makes no difference to me as I hope we are all working towards the same goal. I am willing to listen to any tips/advice anyone has and I will be checking my inbox as often as time allows me to. I don't want to cheat the system here and I don't mean to intrude on already existing subverses, but I would like to keep the sense of anonymity that we have on /QResearch/ as much as possible, but again this CCP shit makes things weird. Would appreciate a DM on exactly how that whole thing works. Things may change as we go, but I plan on keeping everyone informed of what the changes might be, so I'll keep you faggots updated as we go.

ratsmack ago

Turn off the NSFW flag on the sub.... it makes you look gay af.

Only turn it on if you plan on hosting porn or gore or some shit.

everlastingphelps ago

I don't want to steal users from already existing subverses.

It's not really stealing. It's less like boards on the chans and more like buckets that posts go into. Anything (that isn't in a sub set as a containment sub) can end up on v/all if it is popular, and if you subscribe to a sub, it will show up with all your other subs on their homepage.
So, you aren't stealing, you're sharing, and it's a magic pie that gets bigger the more people are eating it.

heroicdanger ago

Voat is a free for all but it has a strong culture. That culture is anti-authoritarian, anti-oligarch and pro-free speech.

If you act like a reddit mod and start censoring/banning your community then they'll turn on you.

If you form little Jew mod groups behind the scenes to attempt to control things then they'll turn on you.

If you bring pseudo outrage culture here then they'll turn on you.

I'm a Third Way (Clinton/Blair) liberal and have been reading and sometimes contributing to this site for years. Voat means right but it doesn't lean as right as outsiders presume. They mix up being full of white nationalist language with being full of white nationalists.

Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of white nationalists here. But they're allowed at my BBQ and I'm invited to theirs, so to speak. That's why downvoting is locked out straight away. Downvoting gives the community the ability to influence or censor speech, and that is a responsibility that is only handed out here after you've started to hopefully understand the community culture. You don't downvote to disagree here.

Basically be an adult. You will hear and see things that you don't like. You have no more right to your subreddits than they do. Subreddits on Voat are like a library shelf. You can set up a new section for making cakes and can put the cake making books in there but you don't get to set the cake making agenda nor remove books that say you should make cakes in a different way.

Also, we all fuck kids here. And hang niggers. And know the Holocaust was faked. And think Hilary is a Satanist. And kill Jews. And think gays should be put in electroshock treatment. And all the other things that will piss you off.

Fearsome4 ago

Hillary is a satanist.

eorily ago

She worships moloch. Satanists are from the satanic temple.

BoatGoatMoatVoat ago


modsrcuntz ago

I like you OP

Snowbound ago

I'm a little surprised at the multiple trigger warnings I've seen for Q redditfugees. Does reddit mean remedial? I never spent much time there but shouldn't they be familiar with free speech from the chans? But... I do see dozens begging for upvotes on QRV, directly after they were told that they don't couldn't so... I guess the warnings for them are appropriate.. smh

qwertykill3r ago

I have NO fucking clue how to use this board, but I will figure it out. Hopefully.

SpaceForceCadet ago

If your mods are ban-happy, we'll be able to see it and we'll probably mock them/point it out.

Thankfully, the QRV subverse has been set in such a way that the mod team is a direct tesselation from the 8chan/QReseach board, which, having dealt with it's own kiked ban/censorship-happy moderation of previous volunteers that have long been removed (bans are now only handed out for excess spam or CP violation on the 8chan front). I can't speak for the redditfugees much, as I generally consider the chans home, but I hope they are able to learn and adapt quickly to the absolute freedoms that a platform such as Voat can provide in allowing them an outlet to seek a more direct and unfiltered form of truth (That Which Is), because Truth is Hate for those that hate truth.

everlastingphelps ago

The key difference is that the mod logs are open here, and show not only the bans and deletes, but shows what was deleted, which is what killed the cancermods from reddit. What was done in the dark was brought to the light. (IIRC, the modlogs at 8chan show that something was done, but don't preserve the content.)

Grifter42 ago

Voat is run by the same people as Reddit, larping as far-right types. They don't give a fuck about free speech. They just do their best to demonize the right, and to try and make everyone out to be as radical as possible in order to alienate the masses.

maxoverdrive ago

Fuck off back to Israel, you kike shill. No one here fucking believes your shit, which is why you're being downvoated, when you aren't being ignored....

Anonomous ago

Well, might be part of the Q-refuge. But the warning of harsh language and fun poking! Doesn't scare me. I see a bunch of comradery highly intelligent speech here! It sounds and reads like FREEDOM! Fuck all of you with the freeist of fucks I can give! 🖕 {|}

midnightblue1335 ago

Since you Q folks are going to be adapting some of Voat culture, allow me to adapt from yours: your "WWG1WGA" thing shall be re-purposed.

JDN11DBAN = "Jews Did Nine/11, Don't Be A Nigger".

Bokkie ago

So... midnightblue1335... I'm guessing you don't have much talent or imagination... having to steal and repurpose stuff... or does this make you a recycling artist...?

midnightblue1335 ago

Shut up, you kike faggot. Can't take a joke that makes fun of your lord and savior, can you?

Bokkie ago

Still trying to make sense of your 'welcoming insults', hah! at Least get the Sex right!

Imthrowingaway ago


alakai ago

Mossad and deepstate intelligence agency's did nine eleven with the full cooperation of our government in an effort to RIP us off

Knower101 ago

Has anyone made a case for where all the gold went from under the Trade Center?

jazzguy ago

get that as a bumper sticker and see how long your car remains in a piece. best to keep that to yourself until more pedes awaken

Shekelstein6M ago


Pede literally means faggot in French. It's also awfully close to pedo.

Struggle_Puss ago

It's "rite of passage".

JoeQ ago

Fuck you very much for taking the time to welcome us, but being an old usenet fag from way back, it is kinda scary to see all these warnings about the harsh realities of free speech. Was Reddit really such a pussy palace as to make such shit necessary?

friendshipistragic ago


maxoverdrive ago

Reddit is the home of pansies, faggots, SJWs, and betas. All the wheat came here after Pao; now we're dealing with the fucking chaff.....

TwitterBannedIt ago

Yes. The internet is mostly pussies now. I'd trade it all for a BBS with decent door games.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

go to reddit and suggest vaguely that we should research more about any potential risks to the current pediatric vaccine schedule.

Grifter42 ago

This push-back is from the same people who ran Reddit.

SRS/JIDF runs this site too, and they call themselves SoapDoxBanHammer.

They've pulled the same take-over of subs one by one, and they've compromised the admin.

Here's a starter list: https://archive.is/IQaz5

These smug pricks gloat about it.

GasRite ago

Was Reddit really such a pussy palace as to make such shit necessary?

It's run by bitter fat women, a homosexual cannibal and Serena Gorilliams' soyboy husband.

So yeah, it's worse than however bad you thought it was.

Fagtardicus ago

usenet fag

was able to post there without offending the mods feelings or being disgusted with yourself

something does not compute

QriousDan ago

Tru. New fucker here. ThankQ for the tour. Now piss off.

hfkmfn ago

I can't stand how the Redditers keep making strangely off-color remarks like a pervert. I used to think Agent provocateurs were behind that but it might as well be the culture there!

Splooge ago

OP is a niggerfaggot, fuck you right back, bucko. ❤

RageAgainstPizzagate ago

Great we love free speech, just don't be a punk when we use it to bitch slap you into the next century. Have a nice day.

flowerchild ago

Hi y'all I am new to the Voat, and just to let everyone know in advance — AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE — my feelings come first. MINE. I got no time for rational discourse, yawn....measured debate .....screw that!! give me DRAMA. Yeah that's right EGREGIOUS HISSY FITS are second nature to me and FIRST nature?!? Well, "THEY" diagnosed me with Stage 37 Tourette's Syndrome, and that was BEFORE I hit my stride. Yeah baby I get triggered thinking about NOT getting triggered. I mean, WTAAF?

So-ooo, annnyway. Is there a food court, or .. ?

Bokkie ago

Well.... Whatever blows your tartan schoolgirl skirt up, Skippy!

maxoverdrive ago

Jesus H. Christ, boy, you've taken way too much acid. You need to lay off that shit, pronto....

midnightblue1335 ago

What the fuck are you trying to say, cupcake? I read your paragraph twice, and it's so malformed and lacking in contextual cues of sarcasm, that it makes NO sense.

Explain yourself, niggerfaggot.

flowerchild ago

Explain yourself, niggerfaggot.

That's how it is, isn't it? From birth to death, we hit the ground running and pretty soon start to say stuff, and boy, here it comes. The whole freaken world be like, WHY ARE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE??

You know those cave paintings in France, how the History Channel has to say "No one is quite sure of the significance, possibly religious in nature, or hunting ritual, blah blah blah". Well nobody ever says, "Maybe it was just some guy having fun with crayons."

Plus, fuck you. :)

freedumbz ago

Jews did 9-11.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Also, fuck you all you colossal fucking faggots.


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Hitler's greatest wrong was losing WWII

Knower101 ago

Who said Hitler lost it? Lots of evidence that US just absorbed everything of value that was Germany. Weapon and space researchers, MK Ultra and the SS..excuse me CIA.

Samchay6 ago

Yeah, we also have an awful lot of "Holocaust Survivors" walking around...

smokratez ago

Hitler was a freemason who worked with the jews.

Kippering ago

Also n voat a lot of deceptive dirty Pakis and disgusting islamo Turks...they try passing themselves as 'White Nationalists' and some Bernie kike fags and nasty shitreddit said transexuals invaded voat which is why you see shitposts like this one above. I'm generally a pacifist, the Middle East shithole is a common topic like most message forums and Most people with the middle east shit hole even on voat will ask you to pick Team A or B I'm not saying that I'm saying Fuck Them All! and the kikes and kebabs secretly love each other and islamics jewish will support each other vs the West/USA. If you don't like it here you can always try censorship shitholes like poal.co or or maybe https://phuks.co/ , https://saidit.net/ or sites like Gab.ai or 4chan / 8chan and Minds seem to be more voat like in attitude ... Reddit is dead, the founder banned more users and subs when people called out her nigger attitude and steroid doping and reddit only survives by fillling itself full of commie islamist bots, everything about reddit was fake even the real people there were fake. get used to this fact you dumb fucking faggots

Taffy525 ago

Thanks for bringing the welcome wagon neighbor. Will try not to degrade the community!

Intrixina ago

I think you got your wires crossed - its 10 to post submissions and 100 to downvote.

A nice PSA I think, though.

Helbrecht ago

Nice if they actually read it. Most won't

Skeeterdo ago

Prepare yourselves boys. The donald is coming. I got a bad feeling about this one.

RealityIsntReal ago

Im a nigger

Pine_Gap ago

was ruined by shills and black hats. not us.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Please send them to 8ch,please!

ThoseFeels ago

It's only natural, man. It's then entropy of all things. One of my close friends is T_D and he said 'I finally understand what 'the goyim' means' the other day and we talked about Jews. He knows I'm on voat. I bet those folk are tricking in as we speak.

Rawrination ago

I'm someone like that that came when T_D first showed up here and stuck around.

https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/2092975 is one of my favorite things in the world to link people too. (And part of why I got banned from r/The_Donald lol)

Rawrination ago

Thank You. Here's a place to download it https://y2mate.com/youtube/TlK5cUS3K1o

Suzo ago

Great compliation! Some of the links are now broken, so it would be great to refresh.

Acerphoon ago

Wow, thanks for that link. Saved for future use.

It might come in handy.

BrapBrapBrapBrap ago

The_Donald ruined /pol/

ciaozuzu ago

Didn't they already try that once? If I recall they ran back to reddit for a diaper change.

oddlike777 ago

There might be a lag for the AI to switch servers. The first wave will be the easiest.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Many of them came and fled already. I don’t think the influx from them would be bad.

hfkmfn ago

/r/The_Donald, while vaguely pro-Trump has been infiltrated for a long time, and repressed the JQ specifically... They are also the top target for #BanOut2018 coming November 21st... And it's big, with full-bown normies on board who make anons look enlightened... Some of the Q infiltrators have been diabolical (i.e. Jerome Corsi) and T_D is an even bigger target for SJWs...

It could be bad.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well, sure, but they already came here and it failed badly. They ran back to reddit. Many of those users will not come here. So only the subset of people who didn’t experience that would come. And sure some lib shills would make it raucous, but who cares. The issue isn’t the shills, it’s the actual people from reddit. Only about 5% of them can hack it here. They are pussies who do not think for themselves and cannot or will not stand up for themselves unless they have the comfort given on leftist run places like reddit.

Helbrecht ago

Yeah, T_D isn't worth visiting anymore. Comped bad. That migration will be ugly.

MAGASpinster ago

Thanks for the warm welcome.
It's 10 to post and 100 to downvote faggot. And fuck you also.

islandtax ago

That's the best info for a new refugee that I've read. Thank you.

qsentmebitcoin ago

tits or gtfo

Deplorablepoetry ago


Man tits

Old man tits


So saggy

Old man saggy tits

Depressing so here is a lesson, put your feet on the bed and do thirty pushups.....

I’m gonna do it right now!



ReadPastHeadlines ago

is this a Q post?

ThisIsMyRealName ago


Thisismyvoatusername ago

FPH is the perfect example of a community that came and stayed to themselves and found a home. Thank you for saying it. If more reddifugees followed their example the site would be much larger. But people have very thin skins because most people coming from reddit are faggots.

elitch2 ago

We all know they are a bunch of lard asses, LArping as fat haters, right?

Whoisq ago

I’m not saying I hate fat people, but that sub sounds right up my alley.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I’ll admit it can be funny.

Kaptaan ago

Blah blah blah is my comment


Your Comment... "Most people here are faggots" WHICH ONE ARE YOU? A faggot or Committed Patriot ready to die for President Trump? I Know the truth to that question. CHEERS, cock sucker!

BearDolphin1488 ago

ugh, how many muslims have you killed to prove your 'patriotism'?? i spent years fighting in the desert and now you jew cock suckers are ruining this place (like you did the last one) with you faggot donald talk.

/here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlK5cUS3K1o

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That isn’t my comment. Did you link correctly? And, regardless, did you have a point you wanted to discuss?


No, just a reply to the insult, to everyone. Apologies for directing it to you. Thanks for the correction. Peace!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Peace to you too, but a reply to what insult? That most people coming from reddit are faggots? Is that an insult? Seems like just a truism.

I’d say on average only 10-50% of people who come during reddit waves stay, depending on the wave. The rest are nonhacking motherfuckers or more simply faggots.

ruck_feddit ago

You're being generous.

gazillions ago

They need to learn that adults are not children. If they choose to make fun of fat people then it's up to the newcomers to click away, not lecture, not whine and not complain about adults saying things they don't approve of.

Complaining about the words other people choose for themselves is political correctness and that is the skeleton of communism.

Bokkie ago

I think you really hit the nail on the head here... people used to seek out groups that they had things in common with... with social media... all sorts of round pegs and square holes are beating the hell out of each other just because they can....

SirJiggzalot ago

I find the best policy is if you see a sub you dont like, don't fucking click on it. Seems like common sense is uncommon. Freedom of speech is more important than pussies getting their little feelings hurt. Irl nobody gets a fucking participation trophy. That last sentence isn't really relevant , yet somehow seemed appropriate.

gazillions ago

Fair enough. The problem is that if you don;t have the sub blocked all the threads are that sub. You can no longer click on "new" without getting pages of that sub. It's not unlike going to bed in your own country and waking up in China.

SirJiggzalot ago

Still, you dot have to click on pages you may have issues with. People should just not be whiny bitches.

gazillions ago

Still, you could acknowledge the existing culture and not expect it to accomodate you.

Rawrination ago

We're all white on the inside. :D

Bokkie ago

uhh... on the Inside? I disagree... unless of course, you make a habit of looking at people's insides? Then, I guess, you would know?

Butterbread ago

skeletons, newb

Fuckyounigger ago

quality shit right there haha

Deplorablepoetry ago

Crass, pal.

Calling all reddit immigrants faggots without proof of cocksucking is not fair.

They have beards to catch the goat cum.

Please excuse my ejaculation

Whoisq ago

I’ll have you know my beard has been cum free for several hours now, buddy.

Butterbread ago

Shut the fuck up with your lame reddit-tier "humor" you faggot

Whoisq ago

Thanks for taking time away from that faggotry you call “chugging dick” to comment.

Butterbread ago

You're unoriginal and unfunny. Go back to reddit or 8chan or wherever, you little bitch

Whoisq ago

I understand autism prevents you from recognizing humor, among many other things. That’s probably how you ended up here to begin with. Do me a favor, go grab your fidget spinner and find a cozy rocking chair where you can sit with your weighted blanket and relax for a bit. You’ve had enough social interaction for the weekend.

dochuckster ago

we'll see

HST ago

Mmmmk newfag