LurkMoarFaggot ago

You called?

Crensch ago

There is honour in you!

ShitPostMcGee ago

I'll try and blast holes in any new argument I come across to see if it's bulletproof or not. If it is, I'll start propagating the idea.

cyclops1771 ago

I call bullshit. I have proven that the stupid "Jews owned slave ships" screencap thingy is utter bullshit. It lists James De Woolf (owner of the Polly) as a Jew. It's completely false. He was a Christian, through and through, even donating the funds to build a new church in Newport. His father wrote letters to his sons urging them to continue their lives in the service or their Lord, Jesus Christ.

It also claims that the info came from a specific volume of books. These books are availabel online. Nowhere are those items listed. They in fact come from a pretty shitty genealogical website.

These are FACTS, they are indisputable, but whenever I bring them up, they are downvoated for being against the "narrative" simply for pushing those evil FACT things. And I am called rabbi, Jew shill, fucking kike, etc. etc.

For bringing up facts.

Voat is not perfect. it is like any other human endeavour, rife with illogical behavior, over-reactions, and human frailties.

That being said, I love this place for these very reasons. We don't have to be perfect. Perfection is unattainable, but striving for it is always worth the effort. Failure occurs. It's part of the human experience.

IheartSwimming ago

Voat is not an echo chamber


MehWhatever ago

You can only downvote if you echo what the majority wants to hear. That means anyone who isn't part of the echo only has half the influence on what ideas float up. Most new people only see what floats up and will stick around if they like what they see. The echo gets louder. Rinse and repeat.

I get that in concept this is done to keep people from making bot/shill accounts to downvote things but it's a hamfisted 'solution' with the above side effect, which is a pretty big side effect if you don't want an echo chamber.

I wouldn't call mob rule of what content floats up "censorship" but it certainly doesn't allow for a free platform.

The whole mob rule of leftists on sites like Reddit are why everyone is here. If you want Voat to just be a rightwing mob rule site then fine, the way voting works will keep it that way. If you want it to be an open platform for free speech, not so much.

szopjal_lovat ago

I disagree. I find that most people have a very fixated view that liberalism and related stuff = jews fucking whites and no argument can convince them otherwise. Classical conspiracy theory thinking: when counter-evidence is offered, see it as evidence that the conspiracy is really clever. Like, when I show stuff like how Soros is also trying to fuck Israel with immigration and Netanjahu doesn't like him at all, or Israel helping South African whites, or the kind of jews who were or are anti-immigration, generally rightist and helping whites (Andrew Breitbart anyone) then the answer is "jews are playing both sides".

And I even know why it is the case. I am one of those people who became conservative rightist through an intellectual process, but my basic instincts and upbringing are not rightist. So I figured out, amongst others that ethnic nationalism is a good thing but I am not a type who would be emotionally a strong ethnic nationalist, get it? So I realized that here there are folks who are emotionally ethnic nationalists and therefore they need an ethnic enemy. And they found it as jews. For them every kind of damage liberalism or leftism does is the jews, end of discussion. Because they can only frame the enemy in an ethnic, group of people sense.

The reality is that lefitsm or liberalism is simply a memetic virus. It is not a group of people but a bunch of very seductive ideas, that enables people who adopt these ideas to compete for status, power and "holiness". It is very much like a religion. And this memetic virus is the real enemy. Granted jews may carry this virus more often than whites but many whites carry it. And it is fucking jews as much as it is fucking whites, as Israel too is getting pozzed and more and more people there too wants a multicultural society and so on.

And this is true. But it does not work with low-IQ, basically working class type people who need a human enemy with a face to point at.

So this is pretty annoying that around here you cannot hate liberalism and therefore accept racism and sexism, but not hate jews, that makes you an outsider. The minds are very fixed on this.

Somewhat funny because it is very similar to how blacks think about whites. "We aren't doing anything, everything is being done to us!" which almost means accepting they are dumb. Well, if jews run the media, banks, universities, and basically everything worth running, wouldn't that make whites dumb idiots? But of course it is not true. Liberalism as a memetic virus runs those instutions, in the bodies of whites and jews and asians.

The problem with the whole it is teh jews view is that it is a brain-killer. If you reduce everything to pointing to an ethnic enemy, every dumbfuck can do that. You don't have to put effort into analysis. While if you understand liberalism is a memetic virus, you get to actually argue with it in a smart way. You can prove for example philosophically why gay marriage is nonsense. You can show you are smart and exercise your brain and have fun arguing. Just pointing a finger and saying gaymarriage is jews trying to cuck whites is what literally every 85 IQ dindu could do.

AgniTapasvin ago

If your beliefs, positions, and "knowledge" aren't discussed here or held by many of the goats, then now is your chance to prove us wrong! If you want to see your worldview treated with the respect you think it deserves, you're going to have to argue it into the narrative like every other idea here.

Just made a post about vegetarianism/veganism on here and seen some commenters go against me "hurr durr meat no bad." I can get why some of you wouldn't want to be associated with this diet because it's common among bleeding heart liberals, but I've written an entire post about right-wing, religious reasons why someone might want to be a vegetarian:

Seems like a perfect example of trying to break you guys out of your echo chamber and get you more in search of truth

solidgoldfaggotaward ago

u have been awarded the "golden faggot" for your contribution.congrats

shekelforce ago

Intolerant reddit fags, niggers, and rapefugees...

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Meritocracy is misleading because it isn't the case that the most adaptive and reproducible ideas are necessarily those with most intrinsic merit in terms of their content or truth value. They are simply those which are most fit to thrive and reproduce in this environment.

This is a very important distinction that can easily get lost on people. Say 7k qfags flood voat, suddenly q posts will be far more fit..even if said posts are objectively demeritorious and valueless trash

kneo24 ago

and you'll probably wind up thanking us down the road.

These posts eventually happen. How many do you expect to pop up in the next year?

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Jews did 9/11

SexMachine ago

I noticed this a few years ago with 8chan. Any true free speech platform will quickly turn right wing because the ideas of the left hold no merit and are based on fantasy.

In order for left wing ideas to rise to the top, dissent must be controlled, and those who speak out against it banned.

A prime example, r//science on plebbit declared transgenderism to not be a mental illness, and all discussion to the contrary would be banned. Anyone living in reality knows that this isn't true.

The same thing goes on in the real world too. Look at the Google engineer who spoke up about there not being this techno-patriarchy keeping women out of tech, but maybe women just aren't as interested in tech. Fired.
Anyone who speaks out about climate change being a fraud is labeled a crock.
Anyone who dares to break with the leftist, communist agenda will be put out to pasture.

notwillywonka ago

its because most normal people dont want to deal with rude right wing biggotry. I am a Jew and I'm gay and most people here would like to see me burn. So how is that for a welcome environment. Conversations are made through insults, memes or links instead of arguments. The average IQ is < 100 and this place is just toxic to the bone. Most people would avoid it and whats left is an echo chamber.

SexMachine ago

Well, Jews bring degeneracy everywhere they go. There's a reason why they've been exiled from so many countries. And homosexuality is degenerate, that you're allowed to be openly gay in America shows how far into moral decline our country has fallen.

I don't care if you're gay, just keep that shit to yourself and behind closed doors. It's the openly gay, celebration of your degeneracy that disgusts me.

Bigotry is the intolerance of those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Here you are tolerated. On a left wing website, people would be intolerant of me and my opinions.

So, who are the real bigots?

notwillywonka ago

How about getting your head out of your ass and treating/judging me as the individual I am instead of generalizing each person that happens to be Jewish as the embodiment of the collective crimes you think other individuals with the same religion might or might not have committed in the past. How stupid must you be to really believe such a thing. And as for being gay. My Choice, My Life, and if I wish to shout it off the roof like you do your antisemitism, then I will. I can see how public gay sex would offend you in the same manner as it would offend me to see very unattractive people have public sex and I would never do so, but what I choose to feel or desire, is beyond what other people have a say in.

And as for the rightwing censoring of social media lately. Its a crime!

SexMachine ago

You made generalizations about the right wing and voat, but then shriek when I make a generalization about Jews, even call it anti-semetism.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

I'm all for freedom of speech, but there's still acceptable and unacceptable behavior for public space. I'm not saying that the government should step in and stop you, but society as a whole should shun you for your public displays of degeneracy. If you're wearing your gay pride shirt and your daisy dukes, people should call you out for how disgusting you are.

The moral fiber of this country has been being chiseled away by Marxists for over a generation. Now we have boys dressing as girls and going to school like some sideshow circus freak because no one is allowed to call them out for fear of reprisal.

Like I said, I don't have a problem with you being gay. It's the flaming homosexuals that feel the need to celebrate their degeneracy and in public aspect.

notwillywonka ago

True. I did generalize Voat as having a population of mostly retarded antisemite right wing bigots because lets face it. Judging by the amount of retarded antisemite right wing bigot posts and the amount of upvotes they get, I can't be far off. However. If you are a member of Voat and not guilty of such despicable displays, then I did not mean to include you in my generalization.

Its kinda funny though(mostly sad) that you don't see yourself as a antisemite after having just made the claim that Jews bring degeneracy.."The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." also, not antisemitism at all (yes it is).

And how is my love and desire for my husband immoral? It is not. You assuming that you have a say in what I feel and desire is though. I have just as much right of freedom as you do. and claiming otherwise is immoral.

And yes, rainbows all the way, pink sunglasses, whatever I choose I'll wear and you have 0 say in it. Maybe you should also just be a bit less insecure and accept that gay people are probably not into you.

(**I think this might be post 10 of the day so after this I can no longer respond for the next 24 hours (Yeey censorship!)

SexMachine ago

(**I think this might be post 10 of the day so after this I can no longer respond for the next 24 hours (Yeey censorship!)

It's an anti-spam thing, it's been a problem around here. Make a post on v/introductions and just say that you're a leftist degenerate faggot who enjoys freedom of speech, I'll gib upvoats.

Many here would enjoy voat staying the right wing echo chamber it all too often is. While I don't mind the bantz.

And judging by the amount of countries the Jews have been cast out of, I can't be far off with my beliefs.
It's not individual Jews that are the problem, it's when multiple Jews work their way into anything. Jewish nepotism arises, and anyone who is brave enough to call out is quickly labeled an "anti-semite". That word alone, "anti-semite", why do Jews get a special word for racism against them? Oh, and btw, that word too, "racism", another word made up by the Jew.

Grifter42 ago

Crensch is SRS/JIDF, and Voat is no meritocracy.

The front page is just as neutered and cultivated as Reddit's is, it's just that Voat is a smaller pond, and therefore easier to manipulate via downvote tactics. Any exposure of them is shouted down, as the community is controlled by them, and operated as a honeypot/quarantine.

Ps4Freedom ago

Okay, I get this kinda stuff from time to time but never been able to share it. It's rap, it's relevant and it stretches my world view. What's the verdict here

albatrosv15 ago

Amalek left for our sins.

notwillywonka ago

ofc Voat is an echo chamber and it has more censorship then I'm used to. I am Jewish and gay and as such my opinions are not popular among the racists, neo nazis and bigots. This resulted in a negative CCP, and this results in me not being allowed to make new topics(+10CCP required). I also am limited to 10 posts a day before having to wait 24 hours. How is that not an echo chamber.

boekanier ago

Gay and jewish: congrat!

notwillywonka ago

and proud of it!

notwillywonka ago

Gratz on your great post! I bet thats gonna get you lots of CCP.

Crensch ago

Thank you, and same to you, bud!

lipids ago

That's funny. The shill playbook has been written and battle tested and most of it works here since the design is close to reddit's.

Crensch ago

Most of it doesn't work here much at all.

heretolearn ago

are you using the same voat I am.

Crensch ago

Low effort.

heretolearn ago


Crensch ago

Lower effort.

heretolearn ago


videocodec ago

Voat is my release valve for all the PC crap I have to put up with. And with a dose of depressing news.

CaptainChurch ago

Dude voats been taken over by the ai bot arrays.

modsrcuntz ago

I like u OP

Crensch ago

Awake2Truth ago

The 'market place of ideas' has been around for long before the internet, whether it was the steps of the Academy, or the Roman forum. They all became "echoey" as stronger ideas gained precedence, evidence, and sheer popularity. For me it is about always learning-and I appreciate hearing different perspectives, testing my arguments against the edges of others, and having the pragmatic benefit of others doing lots of research I don't always have the time to do. Q's Socratic Method is fundamentally about raising good questions, not always giving one right answer. Goats do that for me everyday.

Whitemail ago

There seems to be a ridiculous, unacknowledged, vague assumption that all ideas can be in the same space. Imagine a religious building that tried to host Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, and any other religious adherents that want in. I guess they'd have to give each religion time to speak. Some people won't like hearing what is for other religions, and it will make them upset or angry. Others might conclude it is irrelevant and a waste of time. Not surprisingly, most people would assume would rather just go to a religious building that fits their religious preference.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

Good 'ol Batdalf. I hardly see your posts around here lately, maybe I've just missed em. Always glad to see you're still kicking.

Crensch ago

Your comment made me chuckle. I seem to have forgotten something important - Batdalf?

Forgive my memory - when I handed in my stat sheet for birth, I matched my memory stats with those of a goldfish. (Thanks @heygeorge for reminding me)

Windmill_of_Peace ago

A while back on another screen name though I can't remember which one, either SlottinFloppies or my original WindmillOfPeace name(I tend to torch accounts and move on to newish names), but I was a fly on the wall reading an exchange between you and someone who was treating the JQ as a conspiracy theory. They made a post criticizing the JQ and you randomly showed up dropping a shit ton of links from your treasure trove. I remarked about how I enjoy seeing you show up in those type threads with timing like Batman or Gandalf. We haven't had many exchanges between us personally, but you're one of several users I have taken appreciative notice to. No homo.

Crensch ago

Thank you for the explanation. I still like batdalf and I'm glad enjoy my comments.

Cheers bud

GoldBackedDinar ago

half shillocracy / meritocracy

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

This is the best you Shills got? SAD.

thantik ago

Voat is the place where I can post, and the first reply isn't: "I see you posted in T_D 10 years ago, you're a fucking racist bigot trump supporter and everything you say is wrong!"

Nadeshda ago

Hear, hear... Well said as per usual ! :)

Crensch ago

Thank you! Been a minute since I've seen you around - good to know you're still here.


Nadeshda ago

Yes Sir alive an kicking :)

fuzzysaucer ago

Voat is basically t_d with a bunch of white supremacist stuff mixed in, and I don't mind.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Politics is a lot more like Rock, Paper, Scissors than it is about Good vs Evil.

Think of it like the Three Estates of the Realm: Those who Fight, those who Work, and those who Pray. Power collapses into triangles, not lines and spectrums.

Rock is the Military and Executive, Paper is the Economic and Legislative, Scissors is Media/Academia and Judiciary. Capitalists loss against the media and academics because Scissors cuts paper, paper is an abstraction that produces wealth but it has no intrinsic power. Scissors responds only to Rock, to police and military consequences. They can #resist, but they really can't fight back because the militia and the military are currently aligned. And, of course, the Military responds to incentives.

TeddyJackson ago

uh, wait why would you say that?

BLOODandHONOUR -12 points (+4|-16) 1.3 years ago We are all descended from Adam 6,000 years ago. At least- thats what the evidence points to and what we can observe. Everything else is just a theory.

oh, do you really think that? We have agreed on so many other topics, i did not see that coming.

You need to watch the spirit science video. The Babylonians wrote down the true human history on thousands of clay pots a few thousand years ago.

antiliberalsociety ago

And to further note: if you misuse gofundme donations you don't get to bitch about Jews. You are now one of them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why do certain phrases in your post have dotted underlines?

Crensch ago

Because I hate people on mobile and don't want them reading my secrets!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

well i can see it now

i just have to manually look

Nadeshda ago

Check the source, he has style Clammy...


Click the source you know you want to... :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ok i see now

i did check but its not at the word

thats weird

and i get nothing from tapping the underline

maybe its because mobile

Nadeshda ago

Yes it's at the bottom as a link...

like this, blah, blah, blah

[*[blah, blah, blah]: (((Google))) it] Inbetween the brackets, remove [] to use.

Now I will put the above without the [] and add a link in between ((())) just for fun, let's see if it works...

It will hide it when I remove [ ] check this out... woot!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ya das tricky

Nadeshda ago

it basically allows you to hover over it with you mouse, an arrow appears and the link shows a message, like his says google it, lol... it's got style, what can I say, pretty cool may use it sometimes but on my mobile it could be completely different. I just saw the code at the bottom of the post by scrolling down after hitting source.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

good stuff

thx for the info

TeddyJackson ago

Eh, the jews have controlled England longer than America, fuck (((English))) culture.

Der_Untergang ago

Everything becomes an echo chamber when you're out gunned. We're just shit talkers on a website. The people with the connections to kill and get away with it hold true power, and that's an authority no one on this website who's a civilian has any control over. We can only hope that the good guys are out there fighting for what's right. Don't get your head stuffed with delusions of grandeur.

Der_Untergang ago

Nice try. The first two dudes you imaged are cold blooded psychopaths. At least the last dude actually did something against the threat of communism.

TheAmerican ago

Voat is a bit of an echo chamber my friend, don't fool yourself. That's okay though because we're all like-minded people for the most part.

Crensch ago

To my mind, and echo chamber doesn't allow competing thoughts. Just because the ones that win drown out the others doesn't make it an echo chamber - any new idea or any old idea not fully defeated still mumbles about, and reduces the echo effect. Just my .02

TheAmerican ago

I've been here a long time, much longer than what my username will tell you. It's always been common practice here to immediately resort to calling someone a nigger, faggot, shill, kike,cuck and liberal the second someone says something you don't agree with. People are very afraid to step out of line here. A lot of people here are also very irritable and very overly emotional. It is most definitely an echo chamber just like most all forums. Remember it's the exception that makes the rule, there are also some really smart people here open to debating issues and hearing new ideas.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

There are more stupid people than smart people. That is reflected on most discussion forums including Voat.

Crensch ago

Go defend Jews or the Holocaust where you said you would. Here for anyone that doesn't know about this particular kike shill.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A case in point.

Virtually every post you make to me whatever the topic is some irrelevant reference to some ancient thread.

Not smart.

Crensch ago

Gradually I began to hate them.

Joe_McCarthy ago

And now we get a Hitler quote with the usual implication that I'm a Jew.

Again, not smart. Fuckin' retarded even.

shadow332 ago

@Joe_McCarthy is some r/iamverysmart cunt with mental problems. I wonder what jobs people like this have off of voat.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Mossad agent of course. All of your mentally stable cohorts around here know that.

the_art_collector ago

I'd say it's both. Let's not pretend voat is representative of the 'average' internet population.

FrozenFire74 ago

Voat is an Echo Chamber when it comes to Race, Muslims, and Jews. The Holocaust was a lie, that I agree with, but exterminating everyone who has any Jewish ancestry isn't going to solve anything. Not all blacks are Niggers, and there are Muslims who fled the theocracies because they didn't believe in the extremist approach that was being pushed by the morons in office. Liberals are not all idiots, but the ones who choose to turn violent when their opinions are questioned are idiots. Old school liberals brought a lot to the table, not this gender fluid bullshit we deal with today. Third Wave feminism is a blight on society, but giving women the right to vote isn't a blight on society. Any absolutist statement outside of mathematics, is as irrational as it comes. Voat got the free speech part right, but certain ideologies on this site are definitely extreme, and I suspect that's why Atko and Puttitout backed off the site for the most part. Even Putt has stated he will defend our rights to free speech even if he doesn't agree with what is being said.

brewpot ago

Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Hear hear

DasReich ago

Any absolutist statement outside of mathematics, is as irrational as it comes.

A man can not become a woman, ever.

FrozenFire74 ago

Depends on how far along we get in genetic manipulating sciences before the end of the world. I'll agree that as of this moment, splitting your willy in two and shoving it inside your body is not the same thing as ovaries that can bear children.

Artofchoke ago

The reason we have so many extremists is that they were affected first. As the noose tightens, more people join, and it should become more moderate.


but exterminating everyone who has any Jewish ancestry isn't going to solve anything.

Just tell them to go home and they threaten to destroy your whole fucking country.

Not all blacks are Niggers,

The ones that aren't pretty much always have mixed blood, or a minimum of 20% European (average African American)

and there are Muslims who fled the theocracies because they didn't believe in the extremist approach that was being pushed by the morons in office.

They got their lives threatened and aren't my fucking problem. There are zero god damn reasons why any shitskin from any other piece of the planet deserves money I fucking worked for. They cannot function on their own and parasitize every host they invade, fuck their feelings.

FrozenFire74 ago

The ones that aren't pretty much always have mixed blood, or a minimum of 20% European (average African American)

Then Give them the credit they deserve. Let the irrational people prove themselves to be niggers, don't just assume anyone with a higher melanin content is a nigger. The real niggers will make themselves known very quickly.

Just tell them to go home and they threaten to destroy your whole fucking country.

Somehow I doubt you've spoken to every single Jewish person in the entire world about this subject. Once you have and can confirm that every last one of them acts this way, then you will have proven me wrong.

WE are the ones under threat of extinction, THEY are being fucking extreme and pushing freedom, you're seeing the limits and testing them yourself.

'They' are the NWO, a collection of people from all walks of life who are hellbent on dominating the entire planet. You've got all races and creeds in that group.

They got their lives threatened and aren't my fucking problem.

The US backed the rebellion in Iran that led to the Islamic theocracy you see in that nation. Go back to before the rebellion and you'll see women walking around in mini skirts or driving around in cars. Our oil hungry leaders are to blame for their suffering.


Then Give them the credit they deserve. Let the irrational people prove themselves to be niggers, don't just assume anyone with a higher melanin content is a nigger. The real niggers will make themselves known very quickly.

I try to, I take the time to get to know every one I've ever worked with. I enjoy spending my time with 1/10th of the males I've been around (all ended up stealing or straight up asking to fuck our youngest female employees, or just never showed back up to work, the reasons go on) and almost all the females behave exactly as you'd expect after reading the numbers on racial interactions. Their women are pretty fucking fun to be around honestly, especially in groups, they never don't enjoy my company and laugh their asses off when I make whipping gestures :]

Somehow I doubt you've spoken to every single Jewish person in the entire world about this subject. Once you have and can confirm that every last one of them acts this way, then you will have proven me wrong.

Three of best people I've ever spoken with, two of them closer to me than my own family, are part Jewish and are not even a little oblivious to their Jewishness. One looks white, is every bit as degenerate as the Pope, the other is just split pretty evenly between East Asian/Western European/Ashkenazi and took a decent white girl from a white guy and will not have kids, but will absolutely adopt some shit skin. He also hates how sexually aggressive white males are (refuses to believe the Latino problem), and thinks all whites have an Asian fetish because his Jewish dad/Asian mom and because MTV said so, also anime. The third Jew cackles with glee at the impending extinction of Europeans and is very proud of their heritage and ability spawned from it.

"I will not cease from mental fight

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

Till we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land."

'They' are the NWO, a collection of people from all walks of life who are hellbent on dominating the entire planet. You've got all races and creeds in that group.

Destroy the planet with racial wars. Keep everyone segregated. Diversity + Proximity = War.

The US backed the rebellion in Iran that led to the Islamic theocracy you see in that nation. Go back to before the rebellion and you'll see women walking around in mini skirts or driving around in cars. Our oil hungry leaders are to blame for their suffering.

That flies because of traitors and useful idiots, things a sane country wouldn't allow at all. We've been taken over almost from the beginning, Freemasons aren't much better than Jews, it honestly disappointed me to learn how many of our founding fathers were involved in such business. The only things that the US needs to send to the ME needs to be easily ignited, EVERYTHING that pours of of Africa's mouth is cancer on the planet. Literally only Western Europens and Eastern Asians are capable of creating societies that can sustain themselves if they refuse to admit other races, which gives the added defense of not being easily subverted by other nations to allow the host to do bullshit like send money to the ME at all. The US backs the worst of everything it can, and buys the things it can't, I'm honestly not proud of that flag at all, but of the ideas that reside only in the minds of the minority of humans that are intelligent. Those people happen to look and behave a certain way, always.

FrozenFire74 ago

I try to, I take the time to get to know every one I've ever worked with.

That's all anyone can ask of you, and you have the right to hold whatever opinion you have. I've met my share of blacks who were genuine niggers, but I've also met a few that proved themselves to be intelligent and rational, and earned my respect for their efforts. I've met more white niggers than I have black niggers, but that comes from the environment I've grown up in. I've been around more whites than blacks, but the ones who had real intelligence and were rational humans were around the same statistical proportions for the different races. Perhaps slightly more intelligent whites than blacks, but not enough to make a quantifiable claim about the groups as a whole.

Three of best people I've ever spoken with, two of them closer to me than my own family, are part Jewish and are not even a little oblivious to their Jewishness.

I've met more Jewish supremacists than I have Rational Jews, but it follows the same trends that I saw with Whites and Blacks as well. The number of idiots in this world outweighs the intelligent numbers ten fold. The Intelligent and rational people need each other if Humanity ever plans to survive this experience, which doesn't leave much room for discounting people because the majority of their kin are incompetent. The majority of all humans are irrational and incompetent.

Destroy the planet with racial wars. Keep everyone segregated. Diversity + Proximity = War.

The issue there is forced integration, like what we saw with the Civil Rights Act of '64. Forcing people to live next to someone they hate isn't going to produce love spontaneously. Some blacks hate Whites, some Whites hate Blacks, and no amount of reason will change their opinions. Let people live where they want to live, in the communities that welcome them. If a white community wants blacks to live with them, then that's fine, but don't force all communities to open their doors.

Literally only Western Europens and Eastern Asians are capable of creating societies that can sustain themselves if they refuse to admit other races, which gives the added defense of not being easily subverted by other nations to allow the host to do bullshit like send money to the ME at all.

And the Native Americans as well, before the Conquistadors and the plagues made their way to the Americas. Even the human sacrificing Aztecs were on the verge of a multinational war with rival tribes who had the numbers to defeat them and divvy up the region. The same could be said for the African Kingdoms before Europeans showed up. Once foreigners come into your home, they start shitting up the place.


I honestly mostly assumed the Native Americans weren't much better than the countries to the south, and right now I'm honestly saddened about the fact that I'm sitting here having met absolutely zero Native Americans while wanting to keep out as many foreigners as possible. Africans are here on false pretenses and I think are honestly just more capable of growth in Africa and the general heart of the South where they mostly stay. Lately a lot of Africans have been moved around illegally, specifically to spread, and often clash with Latinos. Invading Mexicans right now stand at about 1/3 of Mexico's population. Asians are the only others I don't actively avoid, my only interest in their existence here is that it's odd considering their own countries should just suit them better naturally. THOSE are the people I feel like are here to actually escape something for some reason, they're refugees in my eyes while anyone from the ME or Central or South America is an invader. I wish I could meet some Native Americans, it was curious to me that they were seen as civilized and simultaneously demonized as being cannibals at the same time.

Sorry, wall of text.

DasReich ago

Third Wave feminism is a blight on society, but giving women the right to vote isn't a blight on society.

I absolutely disagree. I love and cherish women. They have the ability to create and nurture life, something no man can do. But they are also emotional creatures. Emotion should never be part of the voting process. Yet we see time and time again that most, not all, vote with their hearts, instead of with their minds.

FrozenFire74 ago

Not every man acts as rationally as they should, or else Bill's wife wouldn't have gotten a single male vote. Women are very capable of rational thought even if they often choose to act emotionally. Some of the women I've worked with in STEM fields (Some is the key word there) can blow men out of the water when it comes to their respective fields, because these individuals are smarter than the others in that same line of work. You may call them the exception to the rule, but these exceptions deserve our respect and should be treated as such.

DasReich ago


FrozenFire74 ago

Then live in denial all you want, and keep assuming that all women are incapable of rational thought. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

DasReich ago

I never made any absolute statements, reread what I said. Even though you stated "Any absolutist statement outside of mathematics, is as irrational as it comes." you made several in your original comment. This is how you lose people when arguing your point.

FrozenFire74 ago

I never made any absolute statements, reread what I said.

Fair enough, handling multiple conversations based on the same post makes it easy to get the different responders confused. Regardless, all humans deserve to be treated as individuals, and should be treated accordingly when you factor in their actions and character. A foolish man should not be given the right to vote over an intelligent woman simply because most men typically act more rationally than most women.

Hand_of_Node ago

Regardless, all humans deserve to be treated as individuals, and should be treated accordingly when you factor in their actions and character.

A foolish man should not be given the right to vote over an intelligent woman simply because most men typically act more rationally than most women.

This claim needs a supporting argument.

DasReich ago

I disagree, you can judge individuals by character, but conclusions can be made from demographics.

FrozenFire74 ago

Those conclusions won't factor in the variation of the individuals involved. Demographics give a very generalized answer, but they ignore the outliers in those statistical spreads. The outliers, in the case of Humans, are the most valuable pieces of data to report. Voat is an outlier compared to multiple social media and forum sites, but we're the only ones who will allow for open discussion of all topics, which allows for the truth to find it's way out to the rest of the world. You wont see Facebook post about who is committing violent crimes in the US, nor will you see one on twitter talking about the holohoax.

TeddyJackson ago

Emotion should never be part of the voting process. Yet we see time and time again that most, not all, vote with their hearts, instead of with their minds.

Jews were behind women voting, and women in the work place, and abortion legalization. That tells you all you need to know.

BeefBourgignon ago

Jews are like women, they're a feminine race/ethnicity/whatever. The man are basically ugly women with beards who are really good at money.

Crensch ago

Then prove us wrong.

FrozenFire74 ago

  1. The NWO is the enemy that we're facing, not simply the Jewish Race. There are a plethora of poor jewish people on this planet who the Cabal couldn't give two shits about. Obama, the Clinton family and the Bush family are not Jews, but they are the problem. Yes, there are a lot of Jewish people who are a part of the problem (Rothschilds, Soros, etc), but it's not a Jewish problem, it's an NWO problem. There are enemies in that group that come from all races and creeds, and exterminating every last Jew isn't going to stop that problem from occurring. Stagnate it, maybe, but nothing it couldn't bounce back from.

  2. Niggers aren't exclusive to blacks. Whites, Asians, Indians, Native Americans and Blacks can all be stupid as shit. No one race is perfect, as all races have people whose IQ plummets into the mentally retarded category. Some races trend towards the higher end of the IQ, but the value is in the IQ itself, not the melanin content. Anyone who is intelligent and rational deserves to be treated as an equal to people who are smart and rational. Just because you are intelligent, however, doesn't mean you have a proper moral compass, as is the case with the NWO. You have to be smart enough to pull off global domination; no Nigger (I mean the dictionary definition, not the racial slur here) will be able to do that. Judge people on their character, not on their melanin content. Treat people who have proven themselves with the respect they deserve, and if you have a good heart, give the people who have to try harder the chance to find their niche in this world (so long as that niche doesn't come at the expense of another)

  3. Muslims have their share of extremists, just as Christians had their share of extremists too, just as Buddhists have their share of extremists. Organized religions have always been an excuse to abuse other humans, regardless of their intent. Judge people by their character, not by their religion or race. Yes, Islam has some atrocious dogma in their scripture, but no one here gets to choose which environment they have been raised in. The Catholic Priest molesting children certainly don't represent the vast majority of sane Catholics that were raised with that religion, yet we never question if every catholic supports pedophilia. Islam does embrace child brides, which is no different than the age of consent in certain European countries being as low as 14. Both of those situations are pedophilia and should be eliminated from society, but Voat doesn't talk about the European age of consent nearly as much as we do about how much we hate that child raping Muhammad faggot. And no, I'm not defending Muhammad, but rather stating we shouldn't be throwing rocks when we live in a glass house.

  4. The blue haired screeching femenist who go on and on and on about Mansplaining and the Patriarchy need a good cunt punting, but there is a shred of truth to what they are arguing for, which is treating women fairly. Now, women aren't as physically strong as men, nor do they have the same brain structures that men do; there are definitely differences between men and women that the blue haired screechers deny to their last screech. That doesn't mean they deserve to be treated as second class citizens though. All they are doing is slandering the name of Femenism, which at one point was an honorable goal of giving women the opportunity to succeed the way men have, not about holding back men so that women can get ahead and then claim equality. I've seen it first hand where men don't know how to keep their hands to themselves, talk to women like their children or incapable of intelligence, and genuinely treat women like property rather than another human (this goes for all races), and this issue needs to be addressed.

  5. Every liberal I have seen in the News today is an absolute tard who only knows how to rely on emotions rather than a rational argument. That wasn't always the case. We have liberals to thank for the 40 hour work week, along with the idea of a minimum wage being able to support a family of 4 with only one member of the family working (I say idea since that clearly isn't the case anymore). They also saw to it that children wouldn't have to work in factory systems when their parents essentially sold them off to make more money for the household (Industrial Revolution times in the UK), Workers compensation when you were crippled on the job (not the 'oh my back kinda feels funny, gibsmedat million dollar paycheck' bullshit we see today. I'm talking loss of limb or some other severe, irreparable damage), as well as OSHA, which is supposed to make the work place as safe as can be reasonably achieved for the job at hand. Bill's wife and her battalion of tardicacas just get on TV and whinge and whine about non-issues; they're glorified celebrities. That being said, we have a lot to thank real liberals for, which I haven't seen in a very very long time.

  6. Absolutism ('All these people over here are evil, and I know for a fact that they all belive X, Y, and Z') is no different than the Leftist extremists we see each day saying that all men are evil, all trump supporters are bigots, all gun owners are racists. Saying that all Jews need to die, or all blacks are niggers, or all Muslims are rapists, or all Femenists hate men, just makes anyone making those claims out to be hypocrites when they condemn the people across the aisle of making the same ludicrous claims, just with a different spin attacking a different group of people. We aren't ants; Humans are capable of individual thought. Many choose to keep to the hive mind mentality for whichever collection they align with, whichever side that may be. Those who ascribe to group think like that are as much a part of the problem as the blue Haired screechers, the Gibsmedats, the Aloha Snackbars, and the Bill's Wifes of the world.

sguevar ago

My main problem with your comment is your point 3.

So Christians have extremists as Muslims do? Or for the sake of the argument, so do Buddhists?

Care to elaborate on that? (If you are bringing the crusades then I will wreck that argument so think very well your answer)

FrozenFire74 ago

Muslims have their share of extremists, just as Christians had their share of extremists too, just as Buddhists have their share of extremists.

Had is the key word there; we haven't seen mass violence from the Christian community in a very long time. Certainly not comparable to what we're seeing from Muslim extremists in this day and age.

sguevar ago

Nor ever.

So your comparison was really bad.

FrozenFire74 ago

Meh, the Conquistadors acted in the name of the Christian God when they came to the Americas, whether or not they were simply using their religion to gain more land and wealth. No different than Muslims acting in the name of Allah to gain more land, wealth, and control over the region. Tactics may be different (no suicide bombers in 1492), but they went to the Americas expecting almost certain death.

sguevar ago

Great you didn't use the Crusades.

However you still used the same reference to the Roman Catholic Church. They may call themselves Christians but they are not. So once again your comparison is a bad one.

The Spanish inquisition was the one killing Christians considered heretics by the RCC because they didn't believe the RCC was God's authority on this earth.

Revelations 17:6 KJV:

"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."

The RCC perverted the Word of God as the jews in the letter do with the old testament and their denial of Jesus Christ.

So you calling that christian extremism is you not acknowledging that they are not real Christians and falling for the deception of the adversary.

Also the RCC follows pagan rituals, false repetitions, worships false idols and is full with false prophets. Calling them Christians to try to prove a point is ignorant.

So I will ask you the same thing you asked to someone else above: educate yourself faggot. Don't use Christ name nor faith in vane. That is hypocritical and disgusting whilst worthy of a jew in the letter.

FrozenFire74 ago

Sunni and Shiite Muslims claim the other group isn't a real Muslim, much the same that Protestant and Cathlics view the other as non christians.

sguevar ago

We have proofs of our claims both backed by the Word of God and facts.

They're not just claims. Educate yourself.

FrozenFire74 ago

Except there is no proof of God, just old scripture that claims he exists. Sunnis also have claims of proof that the Shiite are false muslims.

sguevar ago

In this case you are just trying to dismiss the counterargument because you are too proud to understand where were you wrong.

That is on you.

However, every time that you talk about Christians I will call you out for your perversion of the term.

Have a nice day.

FrozenFire74 ago

So you walk away and plan to stalk my account to claim I have no business talking about Christianity when you can't refute my claim. You haven't proven anything that makes the irrefutable case that Catholicism isn't a denomination of Christianity, and refuse to see the parallels between Catholics and Protestants as to Sunni and Shiite Muslims.

Good to know.

sguevar ago

I already refuted your claim. You still think you are not wrong. Every time you falsely accuse Christians for what was done by pagans I will call you out.

Enjoy your day.

FrozenFire74 ago

If the claim you 'refuted' is that Catholics aren't real Christians, then we aren't going to agree on that on many levels it seems. No one questions the Church of Latter Day Saints being Christian, who have far more radical differences in perspectives than Catholics. As for the pagan influence on Christianity, the entire origin story of Christianity is stolen from the Hebrews, the Origin of Jesus Christ is a parallel between the 'hedonistic' Egyptian God Osiris as well as many more, and the bible that is taken as fact has been altered throughout history to suit the purpose of the current power when modified.

sguevar ago

That my friend is pure zietgeist reasoning and not interested.

Have a nice day.

Hand_of_Node ago

just get on TV and whinge...

Just out of curiosity, what does a device on a door that allows it it swing open or closed have to do with anything? IMO, this kills all your paragraphs. You might as well include a reference to lizard people. Same effect.

There are free English classes on the internet that could cure your communication problem. I do see how you're trying in other sections, but nothing can overcome this bizarre "slip".

Hand_of_Node ago

whinge noun British

Ha. Your source admits it's not a valid English word. It's British English.

FrozenFire74 ago

Are you seriously going to claim that British English isn't English?

Hand_of_Node ago

British English


Notice how they're literally two different terms...

I'm somewhat being tongue-in-cheek, but British English is no longer the default correct version of English that it used to be. I'm not entirely without sympathy for the Brits after their great fall. My informal theory is that their fall was largely responsible for the degradation of their society that we see today. Brexit is really a last gasp, but it fails to address the fundamental issues destroying them.


To perhaps lessen the sting a bit, even regions of the US lack the ability to functionally communicate in English. The northeast (yankees) is one, the south (southern drawl) is another.

FrozenFire74 ago

That's all poppycock sir.

xenoPsychologist ago

whinge is a british term for whine. if hes a britbong, that would explain a few things.

Hand_of_Node ago

Instead of ragging on their invalid English variant, I'll just point out the appropriateness of your username for this topic.

xenoPsychologist ago

psychologizing aliens is more of a hobby.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'This comment has it all! - Based niggers! Not all Jews! Blacks and niggers are different things! Liberals did something good sometime in the past! And horseshoe false-equivalence fallacies!' was posted in v/whatever by @Crensch and permalinks this comment.

This notification (#250) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

so_anyway ago

loooong commment, tooo loooonnnnggg.

just call out the trannies, realize the news is fake and made by lying trannies. watch out for nonsense stories, nonsense details that don't add up, DUPING DELIGHT is a huge one, CGI, staged photos, photoshop, and claims that no real person can ever investigate.

Hand_of_Node ago

Also, "whinge".

What language is this guy speaking?

FrozenFire74 ago

I have a problem with MtF trannies transitioning and participating in female sports, as they are still dudes with silicone in their chest and physically stronger than real women, but what does that have to do with this post? It's none of my business if someone cuts their dick off so they can act like a women until they abuse the system to get free tournament wins.

Hand_of_Node ago

someone cuts their dick off so they can act like a women

They should be removed from human society, at minimum. It should often go much further than that.

Deflo56 ago

The path is unmarked and fellow travelers are unknown. Everyone is strange except you and me and sometimes I wonder about thee to paraphrase Robert Owen. Avoid trying to find utopia. It’s not here.

randomfuckingidiot ago

People dont realize they're already in one. No cannibal hordes, no plague, even the poors are fat.

13909969? ago

I've had quite a few opinions challenged here on Voat and have ended up changing my mind on a number of them.

magic3383 ago

This is exactly why places like voat can't exist.

eulogyjones ago

I haven't exactly changed any opinions during my decently long stay here. I still disagree with a lot of what most voaters think but I value the shit out of free speech, guns, and individual sovereignty with the first two highly championed here while the latter principle is at least a generally respected idea.

I'm not here for agreement though and TBH I like it that way. I just like not being censored for not kissing the authoritarian ring before I speak.

matthew-- ago

Sounds like an invitation for an argument! What are some things that you disagree about?

eulogyjones ago

I mean I'm a Stirner-ite individualist (anarchist if you like but I think the term poorly describes my philosophy) and think that the individual should be free to live exactly as they choose and anything attempting to restrain the individual, whether for a "common good" or something else, is tyranny.

I technically hold an amoralistic viewpoint and think that "natural rights" are a bogus concept although I appreciate the Constitution because it utlizes negative liberty (freedom from) and has a general logical consistency.

Most people who believe in natural rights believe in a god, something I do not. A right is something that can only be given by a concept higher than the individual such as a god, the state, society, etc. I think that the individual secures their liberty through might and power.

I am also a staunch antitheist. I think that there is no proof of a god or gods and that even if a god did exist, especially in abrahamic form, that it would be an absolutely malevolent being. My main issue with religion however is that while I am perfectly content to live my life in peace and let others practice their religion and respect their sovereignty in doing so, the religious often do not respect my personal sovereignty and wish to enforce their religious dogma and laws on me.

I hate communism for the same reason I hate religion. Dogmatism, credulity, servility, and authoritarianism.

I suppose that's enough to garner a downvote fest lol

matthew-- ago

Well, most of those opinions aren't very different from what most of boat thinks.

The only thing I can nitpick on is:

> the individual should be free to live exactly as they choose and anything attempting to restrain the individual, whether for a "common good" or something else, is tyranny.

How does that apply when considering family? IE, should parents have a legal obligation to raise their children?

It's not that I don't agree, I'm just interested in how you consider or answer the question.

Also, how would you consider the impact of certain (((influences))) in society? People are free to live as they please, but if I get you hooked on drugs by say, offering a free sample that you choose to take (because you don't understand the risk), are you still free?

eulogyjones ago

How does that apply when considering family? IE, should parents have a legal obligation to raise their children?

In my opinion the individual chooses their own "ties" having a family being an example of that. I don't think people have a defacto obligation to raise their children but I do think that "genetically fit" individuals have an evolutionary drive to foster their offspring for success. I personally don't think the state needs to be responsible for mandating the rearing of offspring but I also have a much more "survival of the fittest" mindset when it comes to morality. Hopefully this helps define my position in as brief a way as possible.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but I think your second question is closer to asking what the definition of free will is as opposed to individual liberty. I'm still mulling that particular topic around because I'm not sure what I think but I lean towards free will not existing. I think that we are more like beings in motion, subject to surrounding forces (similar to particle physics) than agents with absolute free will. We do the thing we call making choices but those choices are effected by other things, like you point out in the addiction example. A semblance of free will at the most. I think this is different from enforcing one's own liberty or what it means to be free in general.

Rotteuxx ago

Same, pretty sure we're not alone on this one too. It's art of why I love Voat so much.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Being proven wrong is great, it means you're about to learn something new. And you also dont look like a jackass spouting incorrect shit in the next conversation.

Crensch ago

Same. I loved every minute of it, too.

DasReich ago

It's a chill that runs up my spine. I think to myself "well shit, maybe I do have some more to learn."

heygeorge ago

You're going to have to come with links to evidence and sources and arguments and videos and all manner of things

Many Voaters are armed to the teeth with links, graphics, and supporting evidence for their claims. :D

There is another subset of bad eggs who provide links (to blend in/presumably bolster their claims) which are meaningless or broken or worse.

Look into everything and think for yourself!

shrink ago

Speaking of which (warning, link is a PDF)


Many Voaters are armed to the teeth with links, graphics, and supporting evidence for their claims. :D

142 images of graphs and real world news articles explaining the Africa Problem, Zionist Jews, and the current global Race War attempt, highlighting racial differences as well. Before Voat I never thought I had a reason to appreciate being white, nor fear for being in the top 10% of pretty much anything you could quantify besides height and weight because I'm the product of selective white breeding.

Hand_of_Node ago

I've brought this up numerous times, but no one wants to address it:

Error 1001 Ray ID: 45c95b50e684960d • 2018-09-19 04:37:22 UTC

DNS resolution error

What happened?

You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain ( There are two potential causes of this:

Most likely: if the owner just signed up for Cloudflare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network.

Less likely: something is wrong with this site's configuration. Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (e.g., a hosting provider) and the provider's DNS fails.

Good luck with getting answers to a question on a non-existant page.

thejewish4 ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Actually I addressed it, then you immediately scurried off like the long nosed cockroach you are.

ArielQflip ago

Uh. Just because you have been here from the beginning does not mean anything [] I can cage the goy [Gensch] or I can release the goy ]Gensch[ . It's really all up to goy. See WWG1WGA. Sry to use u as example but I'm PART of Patriots MAGA!!!!!!!!!

XSS1337 ago

Fuck toy and fuck your opinion .

Carry-on nigger faggot kike loving pieces of shit.

Rotteuxx ago

David Koresh was a pedophile.

He deserved to burn & die in agony. His victims not so.

Alright, now show us how that opinion means I'm pro gov't in regards to Waco.

lifes-not-fair ago

Boards (or at least subverses) are circlejerks. I choose to participate in the VOAT circlejerk because it coincides with my beliefs such as free speech. Voat has introduced me to the JQ, holocaust and holodomor. My own research has validated the arguments. So the echos grow louder in the echochamber. I sometimes disagree with opinions. Nothing wrong with that.

Le_Squish ago

No Weimar Republic? We failed you...

TeddyJackson ago

Weimar was an small part of (((communism))). That is the real wake up call to jq.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not going to answer any part of my comment eh?

you just join in all their threads huh?

wait what?

You do realize this thread is the second from the top on /v/all right?

No clearly posting in a front page post makes me a member of a subverse I've never posted or commented in once.

Keep deflecting jew.

selpai ago

It's not a natural echo chamber, no. It just so happens that the first group of people to move to and stay on a free speech oriented platform are the disenfranchised; those deemed most deplorable by the far-left and deplatformed.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Theres plenty of shit to still disagree on, we're not a monolith.

blackguard19 ago

Having just spent much of the past year using Reddit and not Voat (despite being an old school Voat user), I can attest that Reddit is nothing but a shill hive, where disinformation is promoted and real truth is suppressed and smeared.

I'm sure there are already shills here, and they will continue to trickle in, but the antidote is free speech. On Reddit you can't even call a shill a shill because that is considered a "personal attack." Here, if someone is shilling you can just tell them to shut the fuck up, shill faggot. This is the way to keep them at bay. This is why free speech is paramount and why people who view Voat from afar and then whine about how it's just a bunch of "racists" or whatever, they just don't get it.

Atomized_Individual ago

It's an autistic turd flinging contest.

Atomized_Individual ago

I've never posted there, but they banned me pre-emptively for "treating fat pigs as humans"

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wow so sounds like youre functionally illiterate

thats perfect

you are banned from fatpeoplehate

not soapdox

visit /v/soapdoxbanhammer

Atomized_Individual ago

Both MF. I got a msg yesterday, sperg. Mind your own shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

excuse me

soapdox is explicitly

my shit

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Can you unban me from soapdox? I'm not banned, so you will have to ban me first. WWJDF!SOMETHING?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I've literally never posted to SBBH, anyone can check my profile and see you're lying.

Why you gotta lie JIDF?

KikesDidJFK ago

He's from the JIDF advanced gaslighting department.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't know why he even bothers to lie when anyone can find out he's full of shit by clicking on my name and seeing my entire post history.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey Buddy Ol'Boy !

Your first link goes nowhere, an empty rPV post.

Fail #1

Your 2nd link... well you're trying to pull an Olympic class mental gymnastics move by affirming that @Crensch stating that David Karesh was a pedophile means that @Crensch is pro-government in regards to Waco...

Fail #2

Seriously bud, wtf is wrong with you and @Freshmeat lately ? You two are definitely not on top of your game like you used to be, you guys are getting fucking lazy.

I'm seriously disappointed in Voats flag ship shills, get your act together or resing and let someone else have the job.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Their budget must've gotten slashed, can't afford to pay the JIDF what they used to.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

For those new /u/9-11 wants the USA to send White American sons to die in the desert to annex land for greater Israel.

MrPim ago

I love Voat too, but let's be real, this place can get pretty echoey just like any board.

IDintDoNuthin ago

I love Voat too, but let's be real, this place can get pretty echoey just like any board.

EndTheFed4 ago

Good ideas echo

Kikes did 9/11

Newtonsnephew ago

Seems like “nigger faggots” are getting thrown around for upvotes recently. Pretty echoey.

Grifter42 ago

Yeah, because Crensch has an agenda to put forward. He's one of the leaders of Voat's SRS.

matthew-- ago

It starts that way at first. But then you make a low effort post like "heil Hitler" because you want to fit in, get down voted, have numerous people call you a faggot, and wonder what the fuck is going on? After which point you finally speak your own mind because damned if you do and damned if you don't, and the community likes it.

Schreiber ago

Voat is definitely an echo chamber.

Denying that is delusional and makes you no better than leftist and their echo chamber safe spaces.

modsrcuntz ago

It’s not echoey if it’s correct

freespeechwarrior ago

Yup. Big ol circle jerk most of the time. At least it's funny.

bakersdozen ago

OP is a prime example of a delusional fucking faggot. The only reason he doesn't think voay is an echo chamber is because the echo inside his empty head is leading him to believe that every other post isn't another "jews put holes in my underwear" theme. Anybody with two brain cells to rub together old very quickly notice the bias on this site. Voat and Reddit are like brother and sister. If you were to smash the two together, you still wouldn't get an objective viewpoint, but at least you'd see both extremes of right and left delusional thinking.

Schreiber ago

OP is the kind of faggot that makes conservatives look bad.

hellocensorship ago

you're the kind of dumb kike faggot that makes jews look bad. go snatch another nickel jewboy

shrink ago

It's a phenomenon that occurs absolutely anywhere on the internet, even if you don't have mods controlling and policing the language of the users. Arguing everything all the time gets exhausting, and nobody is going to have the energy or desire to spends hours defending and supporting their claims every day. As such, people will be fine arguing here and there, but generally they won't want to go to a place where everyone challenges them endlessly on everything they say. This goes for virtually everybody, regardless of belief.

And so it comes to pass that such a place will eventually adopt a presiding opinion or worldview, even if it's completely open and available to everyone. An extreme leftist progressive wouldn't stick around here; even if they could successfully back up and defend all their opinions, they'd hate to have to do it constantly, since the userbase here essentially has an antithetical worldview. They'd get into a few heated arguments, and after a short time they'd leave, even if they did objectively "win" every argument.

I don't think there's a place on the internet that doesn't follow this pattern.

MehWhatever ago

If you don't want to be constantly challenged you can simply ignore people who try and argue. It's not like you're obligated to let them put you on the defensive.

If you're getting tired of being challenged then that's a burden you've placed on yourself.

A good platform lets you decide what kind of experience you want from it and then get it. I think it's pretty simple to do on most platforms between deciding who/what you follow/sub to, muting/blocking people who are pieces of shit, and just putting on your big boy pants and ignoring shit.

shrink ago

If you don't want to be constantly challenged you can simply ignore people who try and argue

Right, and let's say the minority on a free speech platform (who are right) do this because they get tired of it. The majority continue to hold to their beliefs, in that case, which are wrong.

If you're getting tired of being challenged then that's a burden you've placed on yourself.

No one is going to defend a point forever if they think it's hopeless. One example: here on Voat, there are a couple of newfags I've had arguments with about free speech and what is or isn't censorship. Anytime they pull shit out, I have a solid counterargument, and then they either don't respond, or they just repeat the same shit they had in the last post. Why would I continue arguing with them? The arguments have made zero headway, and anytime they repeat themselves, I must do the same. Imagine if they were the majority and they ALL did that. Voat being a free speech platform doesn't automatically make my solid arguments grounded in reality the majority opinion.

SexMachine ago

Except leftist ideals can't survive the scrutiny of an open forum, that's why they can only thrive in sheltered safe spaces.

shrink ago

No, that's exactly the point I'm trying to explain is not wholly correct. People get tired of arguing against people when the numbers are stacked against them, it makes no difference how solid their arguments and opinions are grounded in facts. Eventually, every place comes to have a dominating opinion, even if it's completely open and uncontrolled. Anyone with an opinion not held by the majority is going to get tired of defending it, even if they're 100% right, and they'll walk away. So that majority opinion remains the majority opinion, regardless of the truth.

The only way that the truth becomes a majority opinion 100% of the time in open forums is if the majority is genuinely willing to critically assess their own opinions, assess those of their opposition, and be intellectually honest in analyzing the facts and observations that support either side. Few people are willing to do this, and most come to their opinions through rhetorical persuasion and emotion, not rational, logical analysis and critical thinking. It's just human nature, the vast majority of people are not convinced by using sound arguments and facts. That's pretty stupid and gay, but that's how humans are wired.

epik- ago

People get tired of arguing against people when the numbers are stacked against them, it makes no difference how solid their arguments and opinions are grounded in facts. Eventually, every place comes to have a dominating opinion, even if it's completely open and uncontrolled.

While that's true, the factor of how difficult an argument is to defend also plays into the fatigue.

Anyone with an opinion not held by the majority is going to get tired of defending it, even if they're 100% right, and they'll walk away.

On reddit right-wingers didn't walk out the door. They were kicked out time and again.

shrink ago

On reddit right-wingers didn't walk out the door. They were kicked out time and again.

I know that, reddit isn't a free speech platform. I'm saying that even if you HAVE a free speech platform, that doesn't mean that the truth is going to become the majority opinion or that such opinions will float to the top through debate.

SexMachine ago

I'm just saying, there's no left wing forums that are open and believe in freedom of speech.

shadow332 ago

I don't think there's a place on the internet that doesn't follow this pattern.

For those who actually get off their computers, what @shrink is saying is basically what happens in real life when you get a group of people together for a longer period of time.

shrink ago

The reason I specified the internet is because there's the mistaken idea that since so many people can "gather" in one place and instantaneously converse, that the best or truest ideas will always float to the top assuming said place has actually free speech. You would expect the phenomenon of echo chambers to occur in real life for various reasons, which is why it was assumed and left out.

shadow332 ago

You can't assume it unfortunately. I think a lot of people we talk to here (I mean on the internet in general) don't have any normal outside regular contact with other people. I always forget this then I see someone post a picture of themsleves or listen them talk about some really fucked up problem where I'm taken aback and I think: in real life I would never willingly associate or come into contact with people like that.

bakersdozen ago

The problem isn't the fact that people argue. It's the fact that there's no resolution process because there's no real accountability during these arguments. White power faggots side with white power faggots. voat sides with voat. Reddit sides with Reddit. Most other positions are quickly downloaded because of this faggot dynamic. To actually get a productive argument going, you need to employ public scrutiny. This is really an echo chamber in function, and a free speech site in appearance.

MehWhatever ago

I half agree with you. I think voat is an echo chamber for sure due to the way voting works but it doesn't outright ban/censor content so it's free speech in that regard but not free in how popular content is determined. At the size voat is now, that's not that big of an issue, not that much new content is added daily so it's easy to see everything new, regardless of whether or not the mob decided it should rise to the top.

But on a more active site, this voting mechanic would create a form of censorship for anyone not willing to dig through large amounts of posts every day.

hellocensorship ago

but it doesn't outright ban/censor content so it's free speech

not true at all.

these faggots tried to censor info i was giving guys, claiming i was trying to track their IP or some other bullshit claim just because i was posting a PDF doc. anybody who downloaded it knows they were full of shit and could easily check it for any virus or anything of that nature, but they were using this to try to get me banned. just goes to show that voat is just as big a hypocrite as reddit. these white power faggots are just as blind as the SJW faggots, but that's exactly the danger encountered in any echo chamber. there's no real scrutiny possible just like there's no real scrutiny possible on reddit. both sites claim to be about free speech, but in actual practice both sides behave like censoring faggots that will do anything to further their respective fucktard propaganda.

and you're right. the size is a big factor to voat's arrogant self-righteousness in this regard. they're too fucking stupid to realize that if they grew to the size of reddit, the echo chamber would be front and center and then they could no longer make such bullshit claims that they don't practice censorship.

and yes, the voting system is definitely being gamed by both sides and everybody knows it which is why it's so laughable when these lying fucking faggots try to pretend that they don't practice censorship.

also, notice they downvoated me so i can't even comment. i have to use another account just to make this comment. proves my point. they are scared little bitches just like on reddit. there really is no difference.

MehWhatever ago

How did they censor your posts? They remove the link?

Yeah the whole downvoting thing, it's one of those things that seems like it's solving one problem but just creates three more. I'm not claiming to have a perfect solution but there's got to be a better way to fight spam/bot/troll accounts without making this Digg 2.0 where all the power of raising or burying content is in the hands of a handful of people who mostly just agree with each other.

That's not free speech.

Hand_of_Node ago

yet facts get raps

This is where I closed the page. Retardation at its finest. (wtf are "raps" in English?)

hellocensorship ago

sorry, the doc is primarily for english speakers. you wetback retards probably don't know what rap music is with all your faggot ranchero accordion music.

Hand_of_Node ago

Heed, my moorish-American, that jungle-jabber is not music.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Thanks for that link, good reading.

hellocensorship ago

cheers! i got censored for posting it, but at least the truth is getting out there.

shrink ago

How does "accountability" have anything to do with it? You either succeed in supplying a sound argument, or you don't. If someone provides an argument you can't refute, you either do some research for the refutation, you concede that they're right, or you run away from the argument because you're afraid of being wrong. If you take the last option, and then continue to espouse an opinion for which that unrefuted counterargument was previously given, you're being dishonest.

I don't see how "accountability" comes into play here. The only thing that matters is the argument, who the person is is irrelevant information. That's the kind of thinking behind authoritarian leftist browbeaters who want everyone identity tied to them on the internet so they can name and shame anyone for having the "wrong opinions" even if said opinions are grounded solidly in facts.

hellocensorship ago

OR you act like the censoring faggots on voat and remove the ability to respond altogether LOL! you make it sound like voat is reasonable when you're such a dumb lying faggot like the SJW cucks on reddit that you don't even acknowledge your own lies and hypocrisy. nobody can hold you accountable to your bullshit on here just like nobody can hold the SJW fags on reddit accountable to their bullshit. fucking lying piece of shit. you argue like a dumb piece of shit kike.

the messenger is very relevant as the whiter power faggots on here have proven by censoring accounts and trying to get accounts censored. you dishonest faggots are so afraid of a dissenting opinion that you're busy diving for the downvoat button LOL! you faggots are no braver than the SJW faggots on reddit. kill yourself lying piece of kike shit.

shrink ago

I'd respond to this in good faith, but your post is so ridiculously over the top I think I'd be wasting my time because it's so clearly leaning into troll territory. Also ridiculously wrong, but that's the point of a troll post.

MrPim ago

Exactly. I have spent most of my internet life being a digital nomad. I wandered from forum to forum. Sometimes a short stay sometimes longer, Voat has been one of the longest. I have yet to find a forum of any real size and activity that didn't form a hive mind to one degree or another.


ctrl+f jews

CowWithBeef ago

The echoes are generally topics few other places will touch so they have to be discussed and reported here.

MrPim ago

Oh I absolutely agree.

Triple_Agent ago

I agree, pretty echoey.

shrink ago

Eye c wat u did their

TheTrigger ago

Wow. So edgy. Much meme. LOL!!!!

RoundWheel ago

Your post makes OP's point. ;)

MrPim ago

And your post makes me feel like it's a 'both opinions are correct' situation.

Maltherian1 ago

One of the things I love about voat is that a post will be called out if it is bullshit even if it fits the general view

70times7 ago

Called out but still downvoated.

I remind everyone often that hey yall, these roman catholic jesuits that trump is putting all over the government is a horrible idea.

Kavenaugh being one of them.

Yeah yeah, F the demoncrats and all that, but still. Replacing jews with catholics is just as much suicide as the latter.

Its suicide long term.

Bible doesnt call the catholic church the "mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" for no reason.

Doesnt call it "the beast" and the "woman that sits upon a scarlet colored beast" for no reason.

Rome at the end has a "mark" and "image". Not the jews.

Both gonna burn in hell, but this blind eye to (2 now) jesuits that Trump is putting on the SC is retarded. (jesuits were founded to destroy protestants and bring the world back under a global papal world order if noone ever warned you)

Just to spite the liberals. If trump does 5d chess, Rome does 6d chess.

captainstrange ago

What if I told you that the jews were used to oust the protestants in the u.s. in order to make way for the catholics?

TheAntiZealot ago

Can you explain the connection between Jews and Catholics?

I have actually heard some shred of information regarding this. Something about WWII and the birth of Israel. But I know not much.

captainstrange ago

I just 'follow the money.'

Cui bono, you know?

Who benefited from the purge of ukraine? Supposedly the bolshis. But I look at it and ask well who did the ukrainians support?

The ukrainians supported the east orthodoxy, the biggest intracatholic competitor to the roman catholics themselves. Millions of east orthodoxy supporters, gone.

I ask, who supported hitler? Well, the church ordered bishops to support his election. Why? Supposedly they didn't want to make him an enemy--that seems like a cogent reason, but whats the bigger picture?

After the Renaissance the church lost out to competition from private banking, jewry held the purse strings.

People will talk about brittain wanting a controlling interest in the middle east but thats ordinary geopolitics.

A bigger question is, who would benefit from all the jews being contained and rounded up into one tidy location?

And the answer is anyone who wants to eliminate them.

What would happen if israel were destroyed or scattered today?

It would be a deathly blow to jewish power everywhere.

And of course, who benefits?

Of course theres the other possibility that it was always a ploy by a certain aristocrat to create his own private fiefdom, "a seat at the table", but one does not preclude the other.

70times7 ago

Id shake your hand.

captainstrange ago

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

70times7 ago


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Bible doesnt call the catholic church the "mother of harlots and abominations of the earth" for no reason.

Doesnt call it "the beast" and the "woman that sits upon a scarlet colored beast" for no reason.

Rome at the end has a "mark" and "image". Not the jews.

Actually, the Bible doesn't do any of that. You or some other idiot just made that up.

Get out with your Chick Tract level bullshit.

ReAwakened ago

I'm ready for a baptist supreme court justice. All we get are jews and Catholics (y'all get the capital because you're Christian) and one Catholic light.

Kr1ll1nX ago

Baptists are trash that deserve to endure the wrath of God as an entrance fee just to set foot in heaven. When I think of how many children have been turned away from God because of strict baptist "fuck you, burn in hell" method of child rearing, all from "loving" parents that did a worse job than Podesta would have done, I want to vomit.

Shizy ago

So you were raised baptist I take it 😂!

Kr1ll1nX ago

I was sent to a strict fundamentalist Christian school that had a huge rate of Baptist participation. They gladly sacrifice the eternal salvation of their own children in favor of fighting what they perceive to be as sins. I was personally locked in a room until I "accepted Christ" countless times, often for things that were not considered sinful at all.

I am a Christian in spite of Baptists and fundamentalism, not because of it.

Shizy ago

Sounds like a cult not a legitimate religion. I wouldn't blame you for feeling way you do after having to go through that.

ReAwakened ago

That's good. Thanks for sharing.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

Fuck you nigger us Catholics were the first to fight Muslims and hate jews. Is the pope full of shit and could he be just another globalist sure, but have you read or seen anything from our very concervative cardinals.

Catholics have their problems but you can cut this shit out about going after other Christians.

captainstrange ago

The jews are dogs that the black pope sets loose to justify the church--in the same way isis are dogs set loose by the cia to justify their own budget.

And you rank and file catholics are just the gladiators.

Hand_of_Node ago

other Christians.

Catholics are far from Christian.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

Whatever you’re a piece of shit trying to feel superior, your little cult doesn’t follow Christ and so I can totally disregard your misguided opinion on Christianity.

Hand_of_Node ago

your misguided opinion

Laughable. You're a heathen. I don't need to explain anything to you. I don't care if you know why you're a heathen or not. It makes no difference. You could believe you're a sovereign citizen and you'd be just as wrong.

Hand_of_Node ago

our very concervative cardinals.


Lal ago

Ya, like Burke, Athanasius Schneider, Pell, Robert Sarah, the Dubia Cardinals, among others. Some people still join the Church to be orthodox and faithful to God, it’s not all faggot marxists trying to bring her down from within.

Hand_of_Node ago

going after other Christians.

"Concervative" is not a word in English, and I didn't even mention his implication that Catholics are Christian... Catholics are about as Christian as fish are mammals.

Rawrination ago

No the first to fight muslims and hate jews where those who lived in the areas now controlled by Islam. The ORIGINAL Christians. Off the top of my head Coptic are the only ones I know the name of.

The Catholics got involved once things came to their own doorstep. But before that where happy to sit by while the Holy Land was taken over by muslims and jews.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The Copts split from the rest of the Christian Church when they sided with Nestorius' heresy about Christ having only a Divine nature instead of the orthodox understanding that Christ had both a human and divine nature.

Aside from that split and other heretical movements, there was only one Christian Church until the Orthodox split, which was more political than anything.

TheAntiZealot ago

Who are the Copts? Who is Nestorius? What is the Orthodox split?

If Christ had an exclusively divine nature, what does that imply? That He was never made flesh or born as a man?

Teach me! (Or point me in the right direction)

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Happy to help! Prepare for a wall of text. Many of the links I include will be from, which has arguably the most in-depth electronic Christian library on the Internet outside of, but New Advent has a better search and linking tools. So even though they will all be the same root domain, the articles are either from original documents (yes, we have most of the originals going back to the 1st century) or the Catholic Encyclopedia, which is the authoritative source on Church history.

Also, I had my heresies and councils mixed up. I should have said Monophysitism and not Nestorianism.

Jesus Christ founded a Church with the 12 Apostles, including a man named Simon as the head of this Church when He told Simon "You are Peter (meaning Rock) and upon this Rock I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." The Church thus founded was called Catholic, meaning "universal"..

As the Church grew, leadership to the various smaller churches was required, and the Apostles became the first bishops with Peter as their head. The Apostles would go on to ordain priests (like St. Paul) and additional bishops as their successors; we call this Apostolic Succession. Apostolic Succession is based upon the ancient principle of a king passing leadership off to stewards to tend to the kingdom while the king is away, and is how priests are able to forgive sins during confession as well as performing the other Sacraments, since they have inherited this from the ones who ordained them into the Priesthood.

The Roman government saw this new religion as a threat since the Christians refused to acknowledge the Emperor as God by offering incense to the Emperor, and began persecuting Christians mercilessly. Note that only one of the original Apostles died of old age, the rest were martyred. Also during this time, various people rose up claiming to preach the faith, but who were in fact preaching errors and we call these people heretics because they were not preaching the orthodox Christian faith. Some early heresies include Adoptionism, Docetism, and the Monarchians.

Finally a Roman Emperor named Constantine had a conversion experience and made the Christian faith legal. Contrary to popular opinion, he did not make it the official religion of the Roman Empire, because although there were a large and growing number of Christians, most of the Empire was still pagan. Constantine requested the bishops call a council in order to establish what would be official orthodox Christian teaching and to determine which things being taught by various bishops which were directly at odds with each other were orthodox and which were heresy. The controversy at the time was Arianism. The bishop Arias was preaching that Christ was in fact only a man and not at all Divine and was eventually condemned by the council of Nicaea.

With all of that out of the way, we can get to Monophysitism. One of the common themes of almost all heresies is that of Christology, or "who was and/or is Jesus?". Christology is very important because it informs the entire world view of the Christian and can and will lead to other more serious issues like Gnosticism or Atheism. With Monophysitism, we have the idea that Christ had a "blended" nature that was both human and divine, which effectively means that we are worshiping something other than God made flesh and implies that our wills will also be subsumed into God, a sort of "annihilation".

Unfortunately, the bishops of several areas, including Palestine, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, and other countries, rejected this council and effectively left the Catholic Church, thus becoming their own separate Church which is not in union with the rest, also referred to as a schism.

The Orthodox schism is a bit more complex and revolves a lot around politics of the late Roman and Byzantine Empires. The Great Schism had been building for many years, but the "event of convenience" so to speak, was the addition of the Filioque to the Nicene Creed. The Filioque says that the "Spirit proceeds from the Father and the son" instead of the original that the "Spirit proceeds from the Father". The Eastern Churches were incensed that the Pope would use his authority to insert something into the Creed without a council and thus left communion with the Western Church. Ultimately it seems that the language change is largely an argument of semantics with the Eastern ("Orthodox") Churches complaining that the phrase should be "through the son", but are more upset that their opinions were not included by calling a council.

I know this is a lot, but heresies are important to understand, even though reading about them seems pretty down in the academic weeds. Most of the condemned heresies have arisen again since the Protestant Revolt and the same arguments are as effective now as they were then. For instance, the Jehovah's Witnesses are essentially following a modified version of the Arian heresy.

Hopefully this helps.

TheAntiZealot ago

That was an easy wall to read :) and I even read some of your links. But not all. I'll save this comment, thank you!

I love history and etymology and legal philosophy so following heresies definitely seems practical and useful.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Excellent. Happy to answer any other questions you might have about the Catholic Church.

One thing I've learned since converting, and the thing that really drew me in, is the level of logic and reasoning to the Church. Even the mystics like St. John of the Cross explain themselves in understandable ways.

Two highly recommended books which tackle "all heresies" by simply setting down what the faith is are Against Heresies by St. Irenaeus and An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by St. John of Damascus. I'd suggest finding them in PDF format for easier reading since they're all online for free. Irenaeus and John of Damascus are called "Church Fathers", which are the guys writing from the time after Pentecost until about the time of Augustine. Some of their writings actually predate Paul's letters by a few years, but weren't included in the Canon of Scripture. The Church Fathers are recognized by both the Eastern and Western Church.

TheAntiZealot ago

Yea, I am a fan of the Dark Night of the Soul.

Rawrination ago

~The More You Knooooww~

Thanks :)! ^_^...

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

No worries.

Took me many years to find my way into the Catholic Church (even though I still flirt with the idea of being Orthodox), and the more I do apologetics the stronger my faith gets.

Are there idiots and assholes in the Church? Yeah, absolutely, because the Church is a hospital for sinners and not a museum of Saints.

The fact remains though, Jesus Christ never wrote a book, instead He left us a Church which agreed on the same faith for the first thousand years. Anyone who claims "muh Constantine added paganism" or "b...but Eusebius" or whatever is almost guaranteed to have gotten their information from some a-historical source who wants the ancient Christian world to have been Baptist or some shit.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

You’re full of shit Constantine converted the Roman Empire to Catholicism. Everything you just said is ignorant and a lie.

70times7 ago

Your problem is with the bible. Not me.

Bible sais dont call religious men father. Dont do repetitive prayers. Dont bow to statues. Dont learn the ways of the heathen (xmas, easter etc).

Bible warns of a entity that sits on 7 hills, changes Gods times and Laws (weird you like sunday and not saturday no?) , killed christians for 1260 years, prohibits its priests from marrying and the other 30+ the bible warns about "antichrist"

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

call no man father

What do you call your dad?

The imperative "call no man father" obviously does not apply to one’s biological father. It also doesn’t exclude calling one’s ancestors "father," as is shown in Acts 7:2, where Stephen refers to "our father Abraham," or in Romans 9:10, where Paul speaks of "our father Isaac."

There are numerous examples in the New Testament of the term "father" being used as a form of address and reference, even for men who are not biologically related to the speaker. There are, in fact, so many uses of "father" in the New Testament, that the Fundamentalist interpretation of Matthew 23 (and the objection to Catholics calling priests "father") must be wrong.

A careful examination of the context of Matthew 23 shows that Jesus didn’t intend for his words here to be understood literally. The whole passage reads, "But you are not to be called ‘rabbi,’ for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called ‘masters,’ for you have one master, the Christ" (Matt. 23:8–10).

He was using hyperbole (exaggeration to make a point) to show the scribes and Pharisees how sinful and proud they were for not looking humbly to God as the source of all authority and fatherhood and teaching, and instead setting themselves up as the ultimate authorities, father figures, and teachers.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

And you’re spouting stupid bullshit your Protestant snake handler preacher screamed at you growing up. You claim to know Christianity and yet try to use the Bible to demonize Christians.

You and your faith have problems, when you fight other Christians for no other reason than blind hatrid you are no better than the Muslims. You should be supportive of all Christians given how many swords WE all have at our throats right now.

CANCEROUS_Forsho ago

All sectors of Christianity have they’re problems.

Just practice what the messiah preached brother.

I hope that is something we can agree upon.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

I love and would die defending all Christians.

70times7 ago

You realize the catholic church use to burn people alive for even possessing a bible right?

John 5:39 - Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

That should make you take at least a few seconds to ponder.

The scriptures testify/witness of Jesus. The catholic church used to murder people who owned scripture.

Doesnt take a rocket scientist mate.

Lal ago

I haven’t heard this particular claim but you’re right, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that in the Middle Ages before the printing press a Bible needed to be transcribed by hand making them extremely rare and valuable. It would take a team months to put a Bible together, the value of one Bible being in the 6 figures in today’s dollars. So if some peasant was in possession of one of these and it happened to be missing from a local church where all the people would have had access to it, that would be a pretty big crime.

70times7 ago

Ah, that old lie.

Yeah, families and communities could never write their own copies down. That would take what, a whole few weeks?


You serve satan.

TheAntiZealot ago

You serve satan.

2 Timothy 2

24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

70times7 ago

And what do you make of John 17:3?

TheAntiZealot ago

John 17:3 : And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Not sure how to respond.

It's a good verse.

70times7 ago

Understand what Jesus is saying about His Father?

TheAntiZealot ago

That God is the source of all creation and, indeed, eternal life. And through Christ we might have access.

Lal ago

Lol. Because everyone was so literate.

70times7 ago

Ah, the ol' noone could read until 100 years ago lie.

TeddyJackson ago

Yep, to all of that. Catholic church was founded by the jews. When the Roman empire converted from the old/real gods, judaism was given a pass and allowed in the empire. Christianity has always been about controlling the masses. Christianity was created to control white just as islam was founded to control browns.

TheAntiZealot ago

Christianity was created to control white just as islam was founded to control browns.

White Sharia exists.


Skeeterdo ago

it's really weird to me that people say this when the bible describes quite well that the jews of today are child sacrificing saturn worshipers.

The problem you have is that many people don't read the bible and humans are sheep regardless of religion.

The human condition is following.

TeddyJackson ago

bible describes quite well that the jews of today are child sacrificing saturn worshipers.


It also says to turn the other cheek and forgive those who trespass against you and give 10% of your money to the church. And that the true reward for being a bitch is in heaven where everything is great so don't mind that your real life on Earth sucks shit because of jews.

Kr1ll1nX ago

Search the interwebs for "Synagogue of Satan". Done.

Skeeterdo ago

Citing this is not difficult but there's further reading involved. check

amos 5:26

26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Chiun is commonly referred to saturn which has a hexagon.

it's said again

Acts 7:43

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Child sacrifice is discussed about normally with moloch/molek Leviticus 20:2–5

Say to the people of Israel, oAny one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. 3 pI myself will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given one of his children to Molech, to make my sanctuary qunclean and rto profane my holy name. 4 And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech, and do not sput him to death, 5 then I will set my face against that man and against his clan and will cut them off from among their people, him and all who follow him in twhoring after Molech.

People also refer to the Star of David as the Star of Solomon because he started practicing witchcraft

There is more but It can be a bit of a hefty subject to cite.

I find all of this extremely coincidental and it's not there by accident.

TeddyJackson ago

Amos and Leviticus are old testament, why would the old testament be against the hebrews? I checked the passages and they the KJV, so I'm not doubting the quotes you provided but rather why the old testament/hebrew bible is against hebrews.

Skeeterdo ago

Sorry man, I'm a bit confused about your question, what do you mean against hebrews?

Also it's not me downvoating you.

TeddyJackson ago

Also it's not me downvoating you.

I know. I pissed a off a troll so no every comment i make on this site is down voated but then i get harassed by sbbh people for saying every comment i make is down voted.

Sorry man, I'm a bit confused about your question, what do you mean against hebrews?

Isn't this was we were talking about?

it's really weird to me that people say this when the bible describes quite well that the jews of today are child sacrificing saturn worshipers.

Those old testament passages are from the hebrew bible but are saying negative things about hebrews. So why are those passages in the old testament.

Skeeterdo ago

So the book of acts is actually new testament and if I'm not mistaken it's Stephen speaking to the high priests.

Amos is old testament and is a plea of repentance.

It makes sense to me that there was a sect of Jews that were practicing these things. Reading further in the new testament jesus says and I cant quote at the moment but something along the lines of

Ye are the children of satan, the father of lies because you don't hear my truth.

It seems that the jews that denied christ are very well this saturn sect of Judaism.

I myself have further reading to fully understand this but it's starting to become more obvious to me.

TheAntiZealot ago

There's also this:

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.


Skeeterdo ago

I'm aware of these and to add to that.

Paul differentiates “true” (spiritual) Jews from those who can only claim a physical connection to Abraham: “A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code” (Romans 2:28-29).

TheAntiZealot ago

Wow, cool!

SexMachine ago

Moloch -> Cronos -> Saturn?

I don't know, it's been a long time since I looked into it, but my conspiracy theory is that the elites of the world are actually Moloch worshipers and into child sacrifice and shit.

Eyes Wide Shut wasn't completely fiction. That's why they killed Stanley Kubrick the same week the film was first screened.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Yeah I've always held the opinion that theres some screwy shit snuck in there. Follow authorities because if you dont you defy God? That never smelled right.

hangry ago

What? You mean you can't just post "I love Q" and WWG1WGA and be so specially important and hip?

elitch2 ago

The fuck does wwg1wga mean?

CowWithBeef ago

Where we go one, we go all. Q is pushing for unity against the cabal so d&c won't derail the movement like sjw d&c killed occupy.

the_art_collector ago

It's from the movie "White Squall" about a captain who leads a group of boys into a storm.

elitch2 ago

Ha. Were they Americans?

IheartSwimming ago

We are Legion.

hangry ago

It's a slogan for the QCult...Where We Go One We Go All.

lemon11 ago

Mouseketeers larping as musketeers is how you know your fifty-year-old has reached adolescence.

elitch2 ago

Hive mind faggotry.


Fibbideh ago

We will gobble 1 wang greedily anytime

elitch2 ago

I assumed it was some sort of faggotry.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

We Want Gay 1 Way Greedy Anal?

shekelforce ago

No reciprocation without lubrication.. FUCK