submitted 6.4 years ago by [deleted]
SearchVoat 6.4 years ago
Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!
'Voat is not an echo chamber; Voat is a meritocracy of ideas (For the newcomers)' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Rotteuxx:
Like this :D https://voat.co/v/realProtectVoat/2728923
Like this :D
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Rotteuxx 6.4 years ago
Woot ! I have a post about myself in rPV !
UpGoat this to the front page motherfuckers.
Now how about addressing my comment ?
SearchVoat ago
Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!
'Voat is not an echo chamber; Voat is a meritocracy of ideas (For the newcomers)' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Rotteuxx:
This notification (#230) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.
Rotteuxx ago
Woot ! I have a post about myself in rPV !
UpGoat this to the front page motherfuckers.
Now how about addressing my comment ?