SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'UK: School-Child Tranny Epidemic on the Rise!' was posted in v/European and includes this reply from @so_anyway:

transexual children_worst thing by shadow332 9/16/2018

Hollywood is ruled by _ satanists by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

Abrahamic relgions obsessed genitals by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

"Celebrating God Given Gender" by Empress 9/18/2018

Number of genders is defined by culture... by Drowpic 9/2018

Differences between men and women by albatrosv15 9/2018

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Differences between men and women' was posted in v/politics and includes this reply from @so_anyway:

Men are big, boney, rectangular and long with big coarse features. Women are small, curvy and soft with short limbs and small features.

can't you see the differences.

transexual children_worst thing by shadow332 9/16/2018

Hollywood is ruled by _ satanists by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

Abrahamic relgions obsessed genitals by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

"Celebrating God Given Gender" by Empress 9/18/2018

Number of genders is defined by culture... by Drowpic

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'crossdressing is a mental illness.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @right_now:

transexual children_worst thing by shadow332 9/16/2018

Hollywood is ruled by _ satanists by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

Abrahamic relgions obsessed genitals by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

"Celebrating God Given Gender" by Empress 9/18/2018

Number of genders is defined by culture... by Drowpic

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SkullKid85 ago

Why do the Jews get blamed for this?

shadow332 ago

Did you not read my explanation in the description? I also mention it here.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Peripherally related to this situation....


Or maybe it was a "transgender female". Whatever.

So it's late at night, and it's pretty dead. Nobody's around. I was leaving the drugstore after 1:00 am, and in walks this tall guy in high heels and a skin tight mini-skirt. He's wearing a dark wig, and lots of makeup. I didn't know what else to do, other than give a startled laugh. I'd never seen anything like this where I live. There's no way this freak would dare walk around in public like that during the day.

He was lean, but he had wide shoulders and a strong back. Did he think people wouldn't recognize what he was? While this is not the only "transgender" person I've seen lately, I was trying to figure out if this dude was a hooker.

We did not have all this tranny freak shit 10 years ago. Now we're suddenly seeing tons of men who feel like they were born in the wrong body. All this neo-Marxist brainwashing is unbelievable.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Its addhorent and its a means to rot a society/culture from the inside.

qwsp0 ago

Yeah. I actually had to witness this first hand. A giant Star of David threw itself out of the sky and crashed into my neighbor's yard. 6 greasy, little gremlins shouting "Oy vey" slipped their way into the house, dragged out a child or 10, and started injecting them with a big Menorah shaped syringe labeled "GIRL JUICE". Immediately the once barrel chested and square jawed children mutated into traps. :^)

shadow332 ago

You're... kind of stupid.

qwsp0 ago

"Kind of"

Yeah okay suuiuure

shadow332 ago

Sorry, I was being gentle. I'm sure you've heard worse.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

The worst thing jews hav done is continue to breath.

Charilko ago

this is what satanfags get off on more than anything: the inversion of the normal, the good, the pure

Of course. If you want to look at it from it’s theological perspective, Satan seeks the corruption of mankind. He cannot create (because he is not a god himself), so in his hatred for God he tries to destroy God’s creation. Satanism, by definition, is dedicated to this aim.

Sex has always been a part of the Black Mass and corruption of morality has always been a part of the occult. It’s about the desecration of the human soul.

Some Satanists will whine about they’re really just atheistic hedonists who want to have fun, or how there is no such thing as evil. Maybe they believe that. Who knows. But the true believers know exactly what they’re doing. For them, the more debased, the more defiled, the more corrupted they can make themselves (or others), the better.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that philosophy was behind this transgender push. It is, after all, about denying a basic biological reality and thus corrupting God’s creation as it was intended to be.

Never forget, Alaistair Crowley’s attitude was “so what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” - in other words, radical self-definition even at the cost of denying basic observable reality is a Satanic value. And you don’t have to believe in God to see the damage this kind of attitude can cause in the world.

Eradicatemall ago

Jews are the children of Satan

Doglegwarrior ago


Is by far the worst thing jews have done hands down and every aspect of our corporate and goverment are involved in the lie from the top to the bottom.. if you want to listen to the absolute authrority on the issue listen to erik cloppers 2 hour long rant at harvard about how evil and vile this stoneage (might be bronze age)fucking practice is! If you dont know much about the topic take some time out of your day and watch this..

LostandFound ago

They are just capitalising on the fact that plastics have destroyed most if not all of our natural water sources with estrogen. Our children are being bathed in plastics from the second they are concieved.

Theres a reason these people are the worlds experts at desalination, taking sea water and filtering it completely for drinking.

kalgon ago

Wait until you realize they have enslaved american children to infinity

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'DONT BE MENTALLY ILL AND/OR GAY' was posted in v/whatever by @theoldones and includes this reply from @and_another_thing:

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actually ago

flooding a womb with a girl, with Testosterone will force her to grow a penis. it'll be tiny and not work and it'll be close to the anus. there might be only one single ball. she'll have no libido. without a period (though she will have a womb, she won't have a period) she can grow strangely tall. taller with lots of male growth hormones.

if the testosterone flood that naturally occurs when pregnant with a BOY is supressed, he'll reflexively have a nasty fake roast beef vagina but no womb. it'll be higher up in the pelvic region. because he has no balls, he'll never go through puberty, just like the dickgirl doesn't have puberty. he'll still grow tall though. but sometimes they can be supressed to remain short. this makes their organs grow too big and they die from organ failure. their fake nasty vagsplosions drip horrible stinky nasty vile goo constantly, and they have no feeling in their fake vaginas. they smell REALLY BAD.

the reason almost all "boys" in America are circumcized at birth is because they're females that were forced to grow dicks in the womb and even though their dicks are teeny tiny and real close to the anus, the foreskin is way too tight. real men don't have that problem but real men are also super mega rare.

White_pride_cis ago

This is a prime example of the shills that people like the JIDF and Soros employs to make us look fucking insane. This is exactly the same shit another faggot was talking about last week (Friday maybe), where they were taking photos of clearly girls and writing little blurbs to say they were men. They also took several photos of what you can clearly tell are men, and applied pseudoscience to try and say they were women. I wish the report button had an option for shill and faggot.

right_now ago

hey hey hey @white_pride_cis, guess who just survived an accident and is going to find out what he is and what you are.

i know for a fact you're a liar. anyone who says women are huge and bony and boxy, and that men are small and soft and curvy, is a satanic liar. a real man is going to know what you are.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Ring of newfag alts, pushing the "everybody is a tranny" thing' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @shadow332:

They also play that "flat earth is real" "I am so crazy" to derail discussion.

oh too bad, AIDS is a hoax

Him as @right_now threatening to dox other users:

hey hey hey @white_pride_cis, guess who just survived an accident and is going to find out what he is and what you are.

I only noticed this user for the past 3 days because he keeps cross posting threads I make in other threads causing the cross post comment bot to go nuts.

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White_pride_cis ago

Yeah... I saw the post... and yours... wow. But what in the fuck does it have to do with me? I never drink more than a couple and ride the Harley. That’s a death wish. I know you’re trying to threaten me, but why do I get this weird homoerotic rape vibe? Are you having post op regrets? @shadow332 @crensch @sryazie I would start your search here.

shadow332 ago

Wow, I don't even get what he's linking. Just block these people, White_pride_cis, and don't waste your time.

right_now ago

cuz i just thought you'd love to know and it would totally make your day!!!

White_pride_cis ago

You want me to know what exactly? That you’re going to find out if I am a dude? Yes, I am definitely a dude. I just saved you some trouble.

shadow332 ago

Hello I'm the OP. How am I "shilling", i#m the one pointing all of this out.. The above poster is writing word salad, which is something different.

White_pride_cis ago

I responded back to @Actually. If you follow the thread, my box is under his, as yours is under mine. I do not disagree with you at all. My point is that people like @actually come here and post whatever the fuck that was meant to be, so the leftists, MSM, etc. can point to that and say "See! This is the actual nonsense they believe!"

shadow332 ago

Strange, your comment popped up in my inbox. I think that's why I was confused. Sorry about that. I though it was a comment reply. Yes, he's playing the crazy guy but no one is really convinced by it.

White_pride_cis ago

No worries bud. Maybe things are a bit wonky after the migration? There has been a lot of crazy comments coming out... Go read the thread on V/greatawakening regarding the Mk Ultra program. It is on par with this... Which is why I asked if it was ran through Google Translate. It makes no sense, yet people are responding back with equally shitty English and grammar. Go take a look. Maybe @Srayzie or @Crensch will agree that something weird is taking place.

srayzie ago

I think we’re getting more bots lately. One bit has different usernames and always says Q is a tranny

shadow332 ago

The "everyone is tranny" thing is getting tiresome. Have you guys found anything, like info about people making these bots. If I had a lead, I can try and start digging and see who is putting them here.

Crensch ago

Bot likely at first glance.

shadow332 ago

Do you guys know who is making them? I can try to dig for more info but I have no leads.

Crensch ago

Not a clue here. Sorry bud.

shadow332 ago

I'll have to have a look around. It could be bots made to bait people. They've got stuff like this going so I wouldn't be surprised.

shadow332 ago

Maybe these are some kind of bots? Whenever the grammar is suspicisously off, that's the first thing that comes to mind. Thanks, I'm going to have a look at that thread.

shadow332 ago

You sound nuts.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

This transgender stuff is bad. But I would have to say the worst thing is all the countless people who have died in unnecessary Wars started by Jews pulling the strings behind the curtain.

dan_k ago

What a great eye opening post, I applaud you Sir.

shadow332 ago

You're welcome. And for those doubting these people are Jewish, please go to their Wiki pages.

SmokeyMeadow ago

What about killing Jesus?

shadow332 ago

Killing Jesus created a legacy for Jesus. It made people more aware of him. This is being done without people really caring r noticing which makes it all the more sinister.

dan_k ago

Jews did it.

TheDonaldTrump ago

The jews see a future in which everyone is a degenerate.Not only would they then feel at home,but that situation would crown them the unchallenged rulers of the world.

We here at Voat mock a lot of cucks,whores,trannies and soyboys,but even a lot of them are victims,the weakest of our folk,who were never given a chance.

Here is a relevant example of noted scholars discussing the issue:

Susan Bradley: How trans activists are unethically influencing autistic children to change genders

Susan Bradley is a consultant child psychiatrist, formerly chief of psychiatry at Hospital for Sick Children and head of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Toronto. She is an emeritus professor at U of T.

I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.

Michelle Cretella, M.D., is president of the American College of Pediatricians, a national organization of pediatricians and other health care professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children.

The jews will have to pay for this.

shadow332 ago

At first when I looked into this, the rabbit hole I went down was first my curiosity about occult stuff, I thought, to say "IT WAS DA JOOS" is too silly. But that Charité in Berlin is what really set bells off for me. Anyone in Germany knows how that place was and has been always teeming with leftist degenerates, pushing their "research" off as "science".

Then I looked at the bios of the people who pushed this research. Wikipedia of course will instantly brag about who's Jewish and who's not.

rndmvar ago

Wikipedia of course will instantly brag about who's Jewish and who's not.

They go to lengths to change their family names, and shapeshift. But once they think they have a majority, they crawl out of the cracks and crow about their heritage. All the while, still trying to claim their shapeshifted identities.

elitch2 ago

This is over the top. I am actually shocked that it is happening out in the open.

That slippery slope got fucking steep, quickly.

shadow332 ago

Yes, this was within 100 years. What's making it possible now is the surgery and hormone therapy. I think fro here, it will only get worse.

actually ago

hormone therapy is what children born with the wrong genitals take, but it's for the opposite sex. it makes their hands turn white. boys with vagmesses chug pregnant horse piss, and dickgirls take T and HGH. dickgirls go completely utterly bald by 30.

elitch2 ago

I hope there's a hell.

I really fucking do.

shadow332 ago

children born with the wrong genitals take

What? There are no "wrong genitals". Just mentally ill people.

actually ago

skull and bones. you can't claim ignorance after all the real people and transvestigations i've posted. you're a liar if you say you don't see it. 322. skull and bones society. of dickwomen.

shadow332 ago

I agree they are mentally ill people.

Mumbleberry ago

This is what you are talking to;

shadow332 ago

I hate that fucking 77777 account. So stupid and annoying. What is the point of these accounts anayway? Just to shit up the site?

Mumbleberry ago

I thinks it/them are trannies who have realized the enormity of the mistake they made and are lashing out in an act of self flagellation.

shadow332 ago

Those accounts are so stupid. Look at this idiotic cunt: @qwsp0. This is some plebbit refugee though.

qwsp0 ago

No u

shadow332 ago

Bit late to the game.

qwsp0 ago

Implying I'm not slow

shadow332 ago
