7e62ce85 ago

That is why women can't vote under our laws.

TheStapler ago

A good case in point for the argument that (((democracy))) serves no one but elites who profit off of a growing demographic of idiotic mongrels. Democracy is a failed religion and we are a long way from knocking it off of its altar because too many people are making way too much money off of it. It will take extreme fascism in which a lot of heads roll in order to save humanity. Some cruelty now, against the most (((destructive elements))) of society, as Hitler tried nobly to carry out, is necessary to avoid a lot of cruelty later in the form of world wars over scarce energy resources. I would love for someone to prove me wrong because I do like my freedom but as a civilized white person I think my life absolutely would improve under such a regime.

albatrosv15 ago

as Hitler tried nobly to carry out

Actually, Hitler didn't carry it out. That's the problem.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'UK: School-Child Tranny Epidemic on the Rise!' was posted in v/European and includes this reply from @so_anyway:

transexual children_worst thing by shadow332 9/16/2018

Hollywood is ruled by _ satanists by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

Abrahamic relgions obsessed genitals by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

"Celebrating God Given Gender" by Empress 9/18/2018

Number of genders is defined by culture... by Drowpic 9/2018

Differences between men and women by albatrosv15 9/2018

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ProgNaziGator ago

We don't have the stomach to purge mind virus individuals. That's why we brought in all these illegals and muslims.

so_anyway ago

Men are big, boney, rectangular and long with big coarse features. Women are small, curvy and soft with short limbs and small features.



can't you see the differences.

transexual children_worst thing by shadow332 9/16/2018

Hollywood is ruled by _ satanists by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

Abrahamic relgions obsessed genitals by Conspirologist 9/15/2018

"Celebrating God Given Gender" by Empress 9/18/2018

Number of genders is defined by culture... by Drowpic

Titanbikes4ever ago

It's the men's fault that women got this bad. Maybe stop being whiny pussies on the internet and actually do something about it

ProgNaziGator ago

Cop cuck male under matriarchy power will jail your ass for doing that

WhoreOfBabylon ago

Right-wing protests routinely get attacked. I know several women whose boyfriends won't let them attend rallies because they're worried about their safety.

ArkansasJack_Ass ago

They need to understand with the way they vote and their shrinking fertility they are ensuring the future is nothing but blood fire and misery. They will never attain the jewtopia they are being promised they have been misled and the entire world will be far worse off for it. I truly don't know how to drive this point home because if you say look at South Africa or look at Tibet that is the future of western nations they will not listen or they will drill into the details of those situations to try and hamster wheel their way out of taking responsibility.

brass_bell ago

It is a civilizational shit-test and we are failing it. It white men would quit being pussies, they would go back to getting laid. "I'm not pussy!" well for every one lifting weights and learning to shoot, there are ten going to comiccon and drinking soy milk. White women are not going to give civilization back to you, you have to take it from them - and they will love you for it.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Polygamy for the alphas seems like a good option to me. Fuck the betas. Fuck the women and make the babies the betas wouldn't.

Runwithscissors ago

While we care about children’s lives all they worry about their shitty snatches.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Distances themselves from white men, then complains about not finding good men.

We should call them racists every time they complain about not finding a good man.

ProgNaziGator ago

That's really funny.

mattsixteen24 ago

The devil preys on the weak, women and children.

ProgNaziGator ago

Point well made.

Only exception is that happily married women are much for conservative.

Drowpic ago

They have something to care about.

shekelforce ago

Those that burn the coal vote left in the polls. I firmly believe we should shame women. They are traitors.

somebody112 ago

This is true, however, keep in mind that normally a societies women would never come into contact with men from another ethnicity. Women were always inside the borders of their society away from foreign men, and if they did come into contact with large numbers of foreign men then it was because your society was conquered. Women just go with the strongest men, and whoever they think is the best / most fuckable dude available to them. The only reason that white women weren't coal burners before is we controlled them better. They aren't really traitors, they're women. Women aren't really loyal like that, and they don't even really think or understand about the world the way that we do for the most part. Women are insulated from danger, they work and move around in the safest places in society, they're coddled and cared for and kept away from danger and hardship (for the most part) by society (if possible). So they literally have no fucking clue how shitty and damaging they can be to our society and culture.

Look at how many Asian women fuck over Asian men going after white guys. Meanwhile white guys are fucking Asian women because they're easier to get and white guys don't really discriminate against Asian women, but white dudes fucking Asian chicks is almost as bad as coal burners, maybe worse, because very few white women are coal burners but loads of white dudes are fucking Asian chicks.

ProgNaziGator ago

Fair point, coalburners are natural part of hypargamy. We really have lived in denial about of mammalian natures. Pair bonding = micro. Hypergamy = macro.

Females job is to be fucked by the new alpha. Even to look the other way while the new alpha will kill their children from last Male. When no males are around they circle the wagons by being dikes.

Feminism ultimately has always been fundamentally about a war on monogamy and pair bonding. They have succeeded not in reverting females to base animal instincts of hypergamy.


*Women living with right wing males grow up happy and get married.

culofiesta ago

All the feminist protests aren't for women, they're for the individuals. All they want to do is make things easier for themselves, fuck womankind as a whole.

If menopausal pussy hats actually wanted to help women they would stop grooming gangs in he UK, forced marriages in the middle east or actual institutionalized sexism in the Muslim world.

But they don't care. It's just a way to tilt the game in their favor.