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Gothamgirl ago

I gave everything I had to police and deleted my social accounts. I will try to bring them up again and grab what I can.

I have never had a problem with any mod before that day. I have actually always defended them.

srayzie ago

You gave what to the police? Your cell phone that had child porn on it that you tried to imply I planted when I’ve never met you in my life?

I hope you turned it over. Good luck trying to convince them that I have hacking skills capable of planting child porn on a phone that I don’t have access to, OR the phone number.

You let your true colors shine bright. Your connection to Sarah is ruining your credibility. You lying about me on multiple occasions with no evidence, makes you lose credibility.

If you talk shit about me, have the decency to ping me.

Gothamgirl ago

You know I will just say that I addressed the situation in an improper setting. I was wrong for that. I was asking since I felt you have played games with me before.

You see how you have now blamed multiple people of being Sarah whoever that is, and got irate with people over it? I am in the same boat with all of this stuff happening, I feel trully mindfucked -just like you. I do not have a connection to Sarah. I am now the 3rd or 4th individual you have accused.

I have never had any issues with Vindicator or any other mod. I think they are great.

srayzie ago

I have said all along that Jem, you and Flynnlives are involved with Sarah. This isn’t breaking news. Well, now they can see you for who you really are because you let your true colors show thru.

You are saying you should have addressed it in a different setting. I played games with you? You’re the one that told me that FlynnLives was Q. Sarah was Montagraph and all kinds of other crazy shit. I thought you were either mental or shilling me. But you straight up said LIES yesterday. That dark Illuminati art shit? Wtf?! Sarah tried that one. Why would you even say that? It’s bullshit.

The fact that you have issues now with any mod is because you chose to make a fool out of yourself and accuse me of something that you can’t even prove.

Gothamgirl ago

You were a very friendly mod, one I looked up to for advice . That's why I turn to you with my questions and thoughts. I am digger. I thought you may have the answers or insight since you were mod of 2 important subjects. Then you start accusing us of being Sara. Which I am not, nor do I know her. I think you may have showed me, Flynn and the chatbot trolls or her, spoke about the same subject. Which if you were researching from our outlook, the subjects are relevant It's just not anything talked about or covered on Pizzagate or Q it's more into mind control aspects of today.

srayzie ago

I am very friendly. I always am unless someone fucks with me. I didn’t accuse you of being Sarah until you acted weird the other day. You could have talked to me if you thought something weird was going on. I would never threaten a parent with kidnappimg their kid. I LOVE kids. I would NEVER plant CP on anyone. It was all said at a very convenient time too. I’ve never been anything but nice to you up to that point.

Btw, Sarah began publicly tweeting threats to me today. She’s not very happy with me. Then she started trolling Voat as an FBI agent today.

Gothamgirl ago

If that is the truth then I apologize to you, and the way I addressed the situation, I will let police deal with it and never address you again.

When Q says you have more then you know, maybe we should stop calling them chatbots? I mean its not really hard to relate what it is they're trying to explain to everyone, theyre using biblical, mythical references and movies and books, to explain. Like Alefantis uses a greek god as a profile pic. Basically you have to look for the meanings of all of it. Q doesn't give away answers free either, he makes you think. We can not change anything if we can't identify the problems.

If you want to understand the bigger picture then you need to examine ALL the evidence.

I don't know who Sarah is but it's not him

or her

Or me.

7 is the number of god. He will protect their honor no matter, what you think you might know. The problem is you haven't researched all of it, only what was threatening and scary to you, and blamed others, just as I have, we all make errors, this is alot of information to grasp.

I don't recall any interactions with Sarah. I know why she is like that though, it's on the walls at Besta Pizza clear as day. I would explain but the chatbots already have. I hardly remember saying anything at all about Jem777 getting kicked off here, I do remember I always backed the mods.

Shizy ago

@srayzie has called you a whore, a slut, a bad single mom and accused you of being a liar and a stalker. And this is your reaction? You just go on like no big deal and right back to pizzagate? You claim you don't know Sarah or who she is, but then you say she is the way she is because of besta pizza?

I'm just pointing out it's not typically the expected reaction to being accused of such things, even if those names are deserved.

Gothamgirl ago

You should probably check my comment history for Sarah, and no I do not know her and never meet her before.

In order to have a reaction to Skrayzie, I would first have to care about what she thinks and says, and I don't and it's not true.

Why do you'll downvote everything I say on a free speech site?

Shizy ago

You said Sarah was all over besta pizza! How would you know that if you had no info on who she is? You get lots of downvoats, it's not my fault so don't get paranoid! Oh, and if you don't like that downvoating is an option take it up with voat.

Gothamgirl ago

Honestly I don't care about downvotes thats not why I was here. Just pointing out the brigade is pretty useless, and pathetic.

I don't know who Sara is just that there was a picture on Besta Pizza's wall which was posted on Voat many times, if you were really here for the children, then how did you and your friend miss it?

Thats right you'll left researching for kids, to follow Q.

You two continue on, please lol, your only showing that your both ineffectual incompetent fools who still don't understand the basics of pizzagate.

Carry on we are all watching your friend destroy her own credibility.

I have defended every mod on here including her, the truth will come out. She plays to many mind games, and she is about out of quarters.

Do you know it was Rebel Skum and few others that introduced me to cicada3301 and taught me cryptography and Iconology, so that I could understand?

Shizy ago

I actually spend more time on pizzagate than on GreatAwakening so save your attempts of shaming or questioning what I do! You also have no clue what I do in real life in regards to helping children so it's quite funny how tough you're acting right now. It's doubly funny since you have shown over the past week or so that you seem to lack a backbone! I'm actually surprised you got so mouthy with me here! It must be because I'm female since you seem to cower to men!

Real cute expressing concern for my credibility and intellectual level 🤣! What a joke from the person who has been shown to be here trying to score guys to fuck! How credible does that make you look? It makes you look foolish and desperate! Can't you find men in real life?!


Gothamgirl ago

Yes you do and your comments are very telling.

I have one guy only, thank you, and I am not answering this nonsense any further.

Shizy ago

Oh good for you! You fucked around until you finally found one who would stay with you a few months! You must be such a prize!