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srayzie ago

All of you who have made posts or comments saying @Vindicator banning @Jem777 makes him responsible in ANY WAY for her death should be ashamed of yourselves. He shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for doing what he would do to anyone if they couldn’t abide by the rules.

I was just a regular user at the time and I saw it all. He gave her many warnings. She would stir shit up by saying the mod team wanted to know who had evidence so they coild dox them or threaten them. That is ridiculous. Now that I am a mod and also run my own sub, I see what’s going on behind the scenes. It’s nothing like that. There isn’t some secret plot against pizzagate researchers.

I know Vindicator has a good heart. He puts in so much time here. If he’s not doing pizzagate here, he’s spreading the word on Twitter. He doesn’t get paid. I’ve seen some of you say that you would do better without mods. Then why don’t you go set up home groups? I can tell you right now, this sub would be destroyed in a couple of days if you didn’t have someone enforcing rules.

It trips me out how so many of you guys talked shit about Jem when she was here, but now run with all the drama that’s been stirred up because of others emotions.

Piscina ago

For goodness sake, move on. Get over happened days ago.

srayzie ago

It doesn’t matter how long ago it was. Hes been attacked and the drama continues. If you don’t want to read this, move along. Get over yourself.