praxist ago

If you want the most efficient way to wake up about the jews, please refer to the /Them section of suppositoryrepository. Also of interest, the /Holohoax section.

BreederBasher ago

Goyim and goyim alone invented the Jewish conspiracy to cover up for their own criminal activities. Judaism is the bedrock of Western Civilization. Homosexuality is the reason it is civilized at all. Look at countries that ban Jews and gay people. They're all savage shit holes. All of them. No exceptions.

There is no Jewish conspiracy. There is a very real Christo-Islamic conspiracy against Jews and Homosexuals and therefore against the foundation of Western Civilization and anything even resembling a free society.

keksupreme ago

shut up you stupid paid jew poster go back to soros you retarded dumb shit

dayofthehope ago

My follow up question is this, if these things are true, how do we reconcile our hatred for identity politics on the left with what is commonly referred to on voat as the Jewish Question. This is important to me because it would undermine any argument I made with leftists if I held the same view of Jews as they do of White Males (that being a conspiracy of oppression on non-whites).

Basically, most Jews bear malice towards non-Jews. There was a poll that asked people if they supported affirmative action if it didn't harm white people. Then they asked if they supported affirmative action if it harmed white people. Every group, including blacks had less support for affirmative action if it was framed as harming whites, except Jews. Then they liked affirmative action more.

Most Jews are participants and beneficiaries from the global, international system and the banks that control the world.

Anyways, that doesn't mean that we have to hate someone just for being born in a Jewish family. I bear no grudge against people like Bobby Fischer, Gerard Menuhin, Brother Nathanael, etc.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Do your own damn research, faggot.

Jason85 ago

I noticed your up points were at 90 and when I upvoated them they went up to 125 and when I downvoated you it went down to 35, why is this?

Pulverizor ago

The difference between the first two numbers is the upvote activity between when you loaded the page and decided to press the up arrow.

The downvote number is the total number of downvotes and isn't related to the first two numbers.

Jason85 ago

Ohh ok Thankyou

TurdLord5000 ago

If you drink.... the next time you get drunk.... you WILL get Mel-Gibson-level wasted and start talking about this. I guarantee it. So be careful who you drink around from now on if you don't want your friends to run screaming for the hills.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

I sense a lot of Sharia in these threads. Jews are no more fraught with bullshit than any other race. NYT is full of socialist shit Jews but is finely balanced with other shit races pushing Socialism Jews are a distraction as are some whites Focus on freedom and race doesn't rate.

friendshipistragic ago

I didn’t believe it either until I started researching. I started with who led the 1918 Revolution in Germany and then started cross-referencing population stats with representation stats. Oh! And take a look at the history of the Jewish controlled territory in Russia. The role of Jews in the conquest of Spain. Read clauses 10 and 11 in the Magna know what? Just look ok? Really look.

Cleanhobo ago

Ask them... They will yell you. It's not a secret?

Nadeshda ago

I will just leave this here...

”Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. … In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. … Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donor to Jewish charities.”

Jewish Prof Says Porn is “Atavistic Hatred” Toward Gentiles Article:

”The revenues from today’s sex industry are difficult to estimate, but it is believed that Americans now spend between eight and ten billion dollars a year on "adult entertainment"- hardcore videos and DVDs, Internet porn, cable and satellite porn, peep shows, phone sex, live sex acts, sexual toys, and sex magazines.

”The Clinton Administration largely abandoned efforts to enforce the nation’s obscenity laws, and pornography had become widely available, mainstream entertainment. The sort of films that Sturman had repeatedly been indicted for selling were now being distributed by some of America’s largest cable, satellite, and hotel companies, which were earning several hundred million dollars a year from adult entertainment. Sturman increasingly seemed like a relic from a shady era that most industry figures wanted to forget.”

Empire of the Obscene Article:

”Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? … Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”

Mr. Goldstein did not invent the dirty magazine, but he was the first to present it to a wide audience without the slightest pretense of classiness or subtlety. Sex as depicted in Screw was seldom pretty, romantic or even particularly sexy. It was, primarily, a business, with consumers and suppliers like any other.

”The manifesto in Screw’s debut issue in 1968 was succinct. “We promise never to ink out a pubic hair or chalk out an organ,” it read. “We will apologize for nothing. We will uncover the entire world of sex. We will be the Consumer Reports of sex.”

”Mr. Goldstein, who lived to shock and offend and was arrested more than a dozen times on obscenity charges, stuck around long enough for social mores and technology to overtake him. By the time his company went bankrupt in 2003, he was no longer a force in the $10-billion-a-year industry he pioneered. But for better or worse, his influence was undeniable.

“He clearly coarsened American sensibilities,” Alan M. Dershowitz, the civil liberties advocate and Mr. Goldstein’s sometime lawyer, said in 2004.

Al Goldstein, a Publisher Who Took the Romance Out of Sex Article:

wgtt911 ago

Jews were claiming 6000000 would be killed before the was early as 1933....there were onky 6 millions jews in europe before the war...look it up..if 6 million were killed how come there are still jews..never forget the 30million stalin killed.

boekanier ago

6M is a fantasy number. It has to do with the figure 6, which is 'holy' to the jews. 600k must have been too low, so they added a 0.

brokespanker ago

Here are my thoughts which somewhat fail to answer your question:

  1. I don't believe in a Jewish conspiracy in the sense that there is a chain of command where the people on the top know the plan and they pass down marching orders to their minions to implement their schemes.

  2. I do believe that we are largely controlled by our subconsciouses and we behave more like networked robots than we'd like to admit.

For example, I don't think any individuals at CNN had a plan to intimidate jurors in the Manafort trial. I do believe that the subconsciouses of CNN employees knew darn well the impact the fear of doxing would have on jurors, and their networked subconsciouses directed the CNN skinbots to do just that while writing stupid excuses in their conscious minds to make them feel good about it.

I do believe – whether you want to accept Jesus Christ as Lord or not – that the Kingdom he founded on Earth was the greatest skinbot ever created and there will never be a better one. To the extent that you want to complain about the Jewbots or the Islamabots destroying the civilization created by the Kingdombots, you can blame the Atheismbots and overly-secular government taking out the firewall built around the Kingdombots.

Atheism absolutely sucks as an operating system. It's the Windows 10 of belief systems. Without Steve Jobs/Jesus to copy from, it degenerates into self-contradictory dogmatic mess that only thinks its special because it fails to comprehend the Darwinian purview in which it dwells.

In conclusion, none of us belongs to a conspiracy, but thinking that we do serves as a useful model for understanding group behavior. In other words, one could argue that racism is good and if Atheismbots were truly rational they would appreciate why it evolved.

Arrvee ago

I have a theory. We start with two points that seem to be true.

  1. The Rothschilds are largely responsible for giving the Jews back their homeland, which gave them a huge amount of respect and influence in the Jewish community.

  2. The Rothschilds, Jesuits, Illuminati, Mafia, whatever you call them, take over communities by gathering likeminded people together, declaring their operatives to be the community's leaders, having all of their agents and media outlets praise them, throwing money around until everyone likes them, and having their same media outlets smear any opposition.

Then a conclusion.

  1. The Rothschilds did the same to the Jews.

The major Jewish organizations have been infiltrated, taken over, and/or were started by the Rothschild/Jesuit mafia to convince Jews to follow their orders. Mega Group, for example, which runs Epstein's Pedo Island, was advertised as a way for America's leading Jewish businessmen to promote their interests and entrapped them all instead. Steinhardt and Soros might have started with Rothschild money. When they all act in concert, as the Jesuits do, it sure looks like a Jewish conspiracy, and the people giving the orders are happy to let the Jews take the blame.

imback ago

We don't hate identity politics. We would just like it if they allowed us to play that game with them ;)

11hrr ago

FUCK YOU faggot

Dave_ph ago

I don't hate identity politics. I identify as white

Tallest_Skil ago

change my mind

No. You either come to truth or you die at its hands. This isn’t a matter of belief or opinion. You’re just objectively wrong. You have no intention of putting in any work of your own.

engaged in the same identity politics of the left.

If you talk about horseshoe theory, you can just get out.

how do we reconcile our hatred for identity politics on the left with what is commonly referred to on voat as the Jewish Question.

What’s there to reconcile?

This is important to me because it would undermine any argument I made with leftists if I held the same view of Jews as they do of White Males


If you can’t comprehend the existence of objective truth itself, you’re worthless in general.

lifes-not-fair ago

This thread needs to be a front page sticky

TheAmerican ago

The guy isn't even debating the issue as he said was the whole point of this post. He just wants a reaction out of you guys, Jew trickery if you will.

IndigoElectric ago

I am asking you to prove it to me. I can't prove something doesn't exist. You say it exists, present your argument.

TheAmerican ago

Many people have provided you with a lot of evidence and you have essentially responded to none of it. That was the point I was making.


copypasta time:

The truth about immigration, by the numbers: [Embed]

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews: [Embed]

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race: [Embed]

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained: [Embed]

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism: [Embed]

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis: [Embed]

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov: [Embed]

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west: [Embed]

also see

The facts about slavery in North America: [Embed]

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: [Embed]

The Jewish role in the porn industry: [Embed]

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52) [Embed]

The Holocaust: [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Dir kike [Embed]


Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews).

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I will direct you to E Michael Jones' Slaughter of Cities and the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Lots of good YouTube videos with him discussing those books if you don't want to wade through them. He is an excellent orator.

FlappyJappy ago watch this video in its entirety and try to say theres no jewish conspiracy when 120 million american men have been branded and mutilated all because of jewish lies

ptr55 ago

Why do all our politicians campaign to Israel and why is AIPAC the largest lobbying group? This can't be explained away by saying Christians just love them. No one builds a country for people out of love. If ANY of our politicians campaigned to a foreign country the way they do to Israel, they would be leveled with charges of treason.

Honestly people like you ARE The enemy. You'll never say a damn thing about all the wars in the middle east and you'll refuse to put any of the pieces together.

The high iq argument is old as dirt and doesn't work. They don't represent nearly enough of the high iq population to be in all the positions they are. In fact, they represent less than 3% of the top graduating high school students but over 60% of the graduating college post-graduates in Ivy League schools. This doesn't add up no matter how you look at it.

parrygrin ago

I can argue this moderately from a left libertarian perspective if the authoritarians haven't hardened your position irretrievably.

"Organized" is a strong word.

But consider the less extreme formulation, that we're not looking at something as grand as a conspiracy, just the same illiberal tribalism found all over the world across time and across cultures until like... John Locke.

The hardcore White Nationalists argue that tribalism is normal, and they're wrong, but they're not crazy. The issue isn't that the Jews have been trying to create a master race for thousands of years and so therefore the Germans did nothing wrong in WWII, it's that both positions are humanity's past, not the future...and fundamentally unamerican.

Tribalism and nepotism need no organizing to function. They're the norm. If you're applying Occam's razor, illiberalism is the "entia principia" every culture starts with. The notion is we don't want to add pieces to the board if we can make a play with the ones already extant, right?

Where is the liberal--not leftist, but "individual human beings are of primary importance" classical liberal--historicam moment for Jews or Israelis? Where can you justify adding that piece to their board?

Israel has now officially declared itself an ethnostate with second-class citizens.

The circumcision thing. Here we're looking at an irrevocable change to somebody's body that they can't consent to. Did you see the guy a few weeks back lost his fucking job just for making a compelling speech?

Then there's shit like this:

Birthright, yes, the non-profit that sends Jewish kids to Israel, only guarantees a ticket there in the contract. It's expected that they will send the kids back to the States (after all, they need them to spread the pro-Israel message) but if a kid asks too many inconvenient questions, if they go off script, Birthright abandons them at a random intersection in Tel Aviv.

None of this touches the stuff about AIPAC, should also be accounting for.

When the Catholics have child molestation shit, they go to the authorities. When it's Jews...

Look, I have Jewish friends. They're like, atheists and agnostics and shit. They live in like... Alabama, not New York. They're married to Christians. They're clearly not the problem.

That doesn't mean there is no problem.

albatrosv15 ago

Child rape assembly line. That's new terminology for me.

IndigoElectric ago

An excellent post, very articulate and is giving me a new perspective. Let me review your points and I'll give you my thoughts.

"Organized" is a strong word.

I agree with this and the below 4 lines under it.

Israel has now officially declared itself an ethnostate with second-class citizens.

I have heard there was some law passed recently that redefined Israel/Jews in Israel, I don't know enough to comment. I will say though that the religious/ethnic shell game that certain prominent Jews play (Ben Shapiro) is nauseating to me. Regardless of how you view Judaism, religion and government must be separate.

The circumcision thing. Here we're looking at an irrevocable change to somebody's body that they can't consent to. Did you see the guy a few weeks back lost his fucking job just for making a compelling speech?

I am against circumcision, but that is a custom that has permeated a lot of non-Jewish societies. I haven't heard about the gentlemen you are referring to, I will have to look that up.

Then there's shit like this:

I think I may be missing something here. All it said was there was a nasty lawsuit going on in this community because Hasidic Jews didn't want to pay taxes for public schools their own kids don't attend. I don't think this is the most insane argument in the world. Executed poorly yes, but not wrong.

None of this touches the stuff about AIPAC, should also be accounting for.

What specifically? I am willing to comment, but this is too broad a statement.

When the Catholics have child molestation shit, they go to the authorities. When it's Jews...

I am not so sure about the Catholics. I think there is more of case to be made that any insular community can cover up crimes in order to avoid public scrutiny. Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons are all in this group.

Look, I have Jewish friends. They're like, atheists and agnostics and shit. They live in like... Alabama, not New York. They're married to Christians. They're clearly not the problem.

Totally agree.

In summary I would say that what I referred to as a conspiracy is an observable phenomena. That being said, I would add that aspects of this phenomena are not caused by things uniquely Jewish (nepotism, tribalism etc). Thus, it is best to judge people individually. People who are genetically Jewish should be judged on how closely they follow the more contemptible portions of that religion. Much in the same way I would judge a person of any other creed.

parrygrin ago

Stream the This American Life episode when you get a chance, dude. The Jews voted for themselves en masse and took over the whole school board before running the whole district into the ground. Black and brown kids just utterly fucked.

Moreover though, don't gloss over the philosophical history point.

When, ever, have the Jews experienced or expressed a clear liberal moment?

Jivicus ago

That's because there is no Jewish conspiracy.

You're referring to the Zionist conspiracy. This is the only conspiracy that matters on earth. It is through this Zionist conspiracy that all other conspiracy is born. There is no other conspiracy on earth that doesn't branch from this human evil.

Maybe the true "Jewish conspiracy" is the Blame the Jews conspiracy.

3dk ago

Rothschild, Soros, Mossad, Zionists, Jewish lobbying and holohoax. Jews have enough influence in US government to get US soldiers to fight in wars that protect Israel, generally destabilising the entire region, while burning through hundreds of lives and countless billions of US tax payer dollars.

Whenever there is some strange message about race mixing + degeneracy in mass media, almost always there is a Jew behind it. Same with advocates of open borders into European countries.

I don't think they are all bad, but generally whenever there is something that could potentially harm western nations, a disproportionate amount of those who stoke the fire are Jewish.

IndigoElectric ago

Whenever there is some strange message about race mixing + degeneracy in mass media, almost always there is a Jew behind it. Same with advocates of open borders into European countries.

I agree, and I am not going to lie and say I don't notice that pattern. However, I am trying to understand the reasoning behind this. Is the person who writes these things compelled to do so because they are Jewish? If so, is it because they practice Judaism? Or is it because they are ethnically Jewish. Also, is it physically possible for a non-Jew to write these things? Obviously yes, so the conclusion in my mind is that although Jewry correlates with such rhetoric, it isn't the fundamental cause.

Like with the NBA. The majority of the NBA is made up of black players. One could assume that being black has something to do with being in the NBA. Upon further review though, you find that the fundamental factor of getting into the NBA is height and athleticism. Two qualities prominent in blacks but not universal among them. The majority of black people do not play professional sports.

By the same logic, I will agree that Jews tend to be involved with more tyrannical left leaning ideologies, but this doesn't include all Jews.

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

Lurk more then.

Hydrocephalus ago

It's worth fighting identity politics with identity politics. Even if it's a coincidence that a large percentage of the most influential and prolific of our enemies just happen to be jewish, and appear to have a specific agenda of advancing jewish interests, it's worthwhile to notice this and act against it accordingly. Examples like the New York Times promoting Ben Shapiro as a part of the "dissident right" should be idenitified as jews promoting jews to be controlled opposition. Even if it isn't an intentionally coordinated effort, jews have the mondset of only pushing things that are "good for the jews". It's important to realize that they have a tribal identity that they hold loyalty to above any nation they may inhabit, and when viewing any prominent jew's action through that lens, their actions become a lot more consistent, where before they might seem contradictory or random. An example of this is jews spearheading mass immigration from the third world, while it might seem odd that they are pushing for immigrarion of people from countries that traditionally hate them, it makes sense when you realize that undermining the cohesiveness of a host nations population, the jews are able to advance their interests without fear of meeting significant resistance from a now fractured population.

adaya ago

Power corrupts, I’m suspicious of any long term institutionalized power I’m in the definitely Jewry involved but other powerful agents / cultures as well.

I appreciate that Voat is one of few places that can openly question whether there is Jewish Conspiracy. And also find someone like Sarah Ruth Ashcraft who thinks that the 1% & evil incarnate have always been same people, she calls them “Hivites”

KosherHiveKicker ago

Yes or No

The World Jewish Congress is a group of International Jews conspiring to use influence within their respective "host nations" for the benefit of Jews, and their goal of "A Greater Israel."

IndigoElectric ago

I'll say yes for simplicity.

Now answer me this:

Does the WJC speak for every individual Jew? What about ethnic Jews who renounce Judaism? What about anti-theists like Christopher Hitchens? What about Jews who know of this organization, and actively denounce it?

Honestly yours was a stupid question because there a lot of white power advocacy groups that claim to represent the interests of all whites yet don't speak for me. I am an individual, not a group. I think it is more effective to judge people individually.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Step One Completed! You agree that a Global Conspiracy Of Jews exists.

Now Step Two.

Is the below a formally sanctioned conspiracy of Zionist-Jews working for the Israeli Govt to coordinate attacks on British, and American civilians, and falsely blame Egyptian Muslims?

The Lavon affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954.[vague] As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties among the population, but cost the lives of four operatives: two cell members who committed suicide after being captured; and two operatives who were tried, convicted, and executed by the Egyptian authorities.

IndigoElectric ago

What's your point?

If you want me to acknowledge Israel, a Jewish nation, committed/attempted to commit war crimes I can do that. I don't see what this has to do with my statement in general.

KosherHiveKicker ago

My point is to have you admit the truth.

A group of Jews (Specifically Irgun, who currently in control of the Israeli Govt.) conspired to formally attack the United States to intentionally false flag the blame on innocent Arab Muslims.

antiliberalsociety ago

His tactics to avoid the questioning seem oddly familiar...

draaaak ago

Almost too (((familiar)))....

antiliberalsociety ago

He's cherry picking responses

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'll fix that.

notenoughstuff ago

There's a video on Youtube called "Six Million". It is just newspaper articles being shown. Try to watch, understand and consider it.

Was Karl Marx Jewish, and if so, how Jewish? How many rabbis did he have in his family tree? Does communism at its core prefer or hate workers, and does it want slaves instead of workers? Is communism designed on purpose to destroy from the inside-out and the outside-in? How many of the core communists in the early Soviet Union were Jewish? How many Jewish communists were there in the top in the early days of the People's Republic of China? And were their birthdays somewhat recently celebrated by the top of the Chinese communist party? How many massacres and genocides were performed in the early Soviet Union?

Has Jewish bankers financed wars, sometimes even overtly for political purposes? Who was Jacob Schiff? Did Jewish bankers in the USA support financially the early Soviet Union (see again the first mentioned video).

Are Jews according to their religious teachings a supreme people? God's chosen, destined to eradicate and/or enslave all others? See also "sit like effendi" and determine the speaker's popularity in life. Are the Jews extremely genocidal and murderous according to their own religious stories? "Kill everything that breathes"? And do they have a tendency to lie? What about their mythical massacres?

Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I do agree that the format of 4chan seems to encourage actual arguments much better, amd I wonder whether this is a fundamental flaw of Voat and other Reddit-likes that may or may not be possible to fix. It enables controlled opposition to discredit things, never coming with good arguments and twisting things more and more.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Click away your ignorance here ...

Neinlife ago

Shill post is shilly

IndigoElectric ago

Fuck you and your cinemasins faggotry, I've been here longer than you have.

Neinlife ago

You just prove you are too fucking stupid to read and learn. You may not believe in the ocean but when you step in you will get wet.

Ignorance is bliss, you should be the happiest faggot here.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Look into kevin macdonald. Culture if critique exolains why the Jewish people are in fact in control. Debating here just undermines the work already done by this man.

Neinlife ago

No amount of explaining will fix stupid.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I left a link for the OP to follow.

Thank you for the ping to help spread the truth.

Alopix ago

You don't have to call it a Jewish conspiracy if you don't want to, however it's entirely undeniable that there is a conspiracy to undermine and destroy White western civilization, and the leadership is more Jewish than Israel. This is not an opinion, or a theory, it's empirical information you should verify independently for yourself rather than taking our word for it.

A Jewish conspiracy versus a conspiracy merely populated by Jews... if you have to quibble about phrasing like that to swallow reality, whatever. It's fucking you in the ass whether you acknowledge it or not.

vastrightwing ago

Take a look at my research. I cite numerous resources and research that says otherwise.

pby1000 ago

TL:DR- Evil began with Lucifer, and Lucifer was there before Judaism existed. The Jews are not the source of the evil. They are a byproduct of it.

I am glad you posted this because I get into the same arguments with the muh Jew niggerfaggots here. I am not saying that Judaism is good. I am aware of the Talmud, and how they justify screwing kids and ritually sacrificing them. It is very sick and disgusting. However...

Islam has been around for about 1400 years. Christianity has been around for about 2000 years. Judaism has been around for about 3800 years.

Evil has been around for more than 3800 years. If the Jews did not exist more than 3800 years ago, then where did evil come from?

Go all the way back to the Fall of Man. Everyone knows the story, so I will not repeat it. Did the Jews exist then? No!!!! Evil existed, but the Jews did not. Imagine that!

So now ask yourself this question: "Does the same evil exist today that existed over 3800 years ago?" Yes! What is that evil? It is the evil that Lucifer brought into the world to enslave and annihilate the good people of the world. This is what we are fighting against.

How does Lucifer implement his plan? He created a bloodline and uses it to infiltrate existing groups and create new groups. Did Lucifer create the Jews? If so, why do people only see the evil of the Jews and do not complain about Lucifer?

The first 17 pages of this pdf explains it very well. I do not need to retype it because people can read it. It is a very fast read and it explains a lot.

The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins:

I think it is important to understand the genealogy of the bloodlines and to trace them back to before the Jews. The bloodlines go through the lines of Nimrod and Cain. If you go back far enough, you will get to Lucifer.

Here is another link:

There are a lot more sources.

Genesis 25:29-34: Esau despised his birthright.

helpfultechguy ago

These people are parasites, gypsy folk that were given a country. No other country has been GIVEN to someone, it is always conquered and taken. They never conform to a country, they seek to subvert it. It doesn't matter if you're trying to split hairs of "one is religion, one is race they aren't the same." they definitely are the same. They are Semitic and will always identify with race, and their history is religion. Even non-religious Jews will still go to birthright and put their stupid noses against the wall. It's the embodiment of having your cake and eating it too.

The reason nobody likes these inbred gypsy-folk is beyond the fact that they are visually unappealing, demanding, and socially insufferable. They choose to do damage whenever they can get power over others. They killed more native slavs than hitler killed jews, by a long mile. They subverted US politics and it's money system, and has used to to go to war with damn near every country in the world. They have such fucking balls that they choose to still be dual citizens even when they hold places in congress. They manipulate our markets and keep the normal working class person under their proverbial boot heels economically and bleed the poor dry. They put their mouths on the penises of bleeding young children as part of a sick ritual.

I now challenge you to tell me anything positive those subversive rat freaks have to offer. I could keep going on the negatives all day, other posters have listed other reasons that we also hate the Jews such as CowWithBeef's post and Ban_Curcumcision's post. Why don't we leave the burden of proof on you to start listing the reasons we should even give a fuck about the Jews other than the reasons they are a problem. What positive contributions have Jews made?

Lordbananafist ago

No offense but...

You’re really late to the game. If you pulled this shit during the actual fighting I’d just kill you and take your stuff.

everlastingphelps ago

The only post this faggot has made in response is to congratulate himself without remembering to change accounts.

Stop dancing like a monkey.

IndigoElectric ago

I have since replied more, but the burden of proof is on you to convince me. I am still waiting.

antiliberalsociety ago

As you ignore all the proof in this thread. Go back to cuckchan JIDFaggot

Reddiggoat ago

Can you link to the comment with proof? I must have skipped it.

everlastingphelps ago

The burden is on you to fuck yourself in the ass, you fucking clumsy nincompoop reddit level troll.

IndigoElectric ago

I accept you surrender

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

If you don't believe it by now, you are suffering from willfull ignorance. You don't believe because you don't want to believe. No amount of proof or evidence will change your mind. If that is not the case, you are either paid or a common troll. Either way, fuck off. Your a piece of shit.

draaaak ago

Your a piece of shit.

You're a piece of shit.

Carry on good chap.

antiliberalsociety ago

The term you are looking for is cognitive dissonance. No amount of proof will convince him. It's a JIDF ploy to size up their opposition.

IndigoElectric ago

No, I have examined a good amount of the evidence provided, watched all the pro Hitler and historical revisionist films, and I'm not convinced.

You obviously know something I don't, so if you think the conspiracy is so self evident, go ahead and change my view.

Reddit_is_shitty ago

One need only have basic intelligence, common sense, and an open mind to unlearn all the lies that have been thrust upon them.

If you are still ambivalent to Jews being the Machiavellian bastards they are, you are either too stupid to comprehend it, or you are willfully ignoring it.

Either way, you're a fucking jackass and a kike-loving faggot.

kalgon ago

Here's my contribution, probably one of the most important read on the topic for starters

In The Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald advances a carefully researched but extremely controversial thesis: that certain 20th century intellectual movements – largely established and led by Jews – have changed European societies in fundamental ways and destroyed the confidence of Western man. He claims that these movements were designed, consciously or unconsciously, to advance Jewish interests even though they were presented to non-Jews as universalistic and even utopian. He concludes that the increasing dominance of these ideas has had profound political and social consequences that benefited Jews but caused great harm to gentile societies. This analysis, which he makes with considerable force, is an unusual indictment of a people generally thought to be more sinned against than sinning.


Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.

Jews and the Left


This one take a hile to load

IndigoElectric ago

Fair post, I'll refer to some of my earlier comments as to why Jews are in so many positions of power (IQ and Pareto Principle)

You certainly will not get any argument from me that Jews made up large part of the anti-western and communist movements of the last century. That being said, the implication made when that is brought up is that these movements can only be started by a Jew. Or in other words, it is physically impossible for these evil philosophies to sprout from a gentile brain.

This gets into dicey territory when dealing with Jewish individuals. Based on what I read on this site, the general mentality is that even individuals are not to be trusted if they are Jews. Even if said Jew speaks/does agreeable things most of the time.

If that is the case, if one is a Jew are they predestined to do evil? Can they help being not good? Are Jews the only people without free will?

kalgon ago

Based on what I read on this site, the general mentality is that even individuals are not to be trusted if they are Jews. Even if said Jew speaks/does agreeable things most of the time.

If that is the case, if one is a Jew are they predestined to do evil? Can they help being not good? Are Jews the only people without free will?

It's a bit more complicated, not everybody here thinks jews should be systematically exterminated to the last one because they are inherently evil, some do yeah and genuinely, and I understand where they come from, it's like in the V tv show, just because some lizards aren't all that bad isn't going to cut it, some people will want them all gone, entirely, because "it's the only way to be sure"

That is my answer to your question above

We would be under covert alien invasion it wouldn't be that much different tbh

What we're dealing with truly is that frightening, that dangerous/detrimental to us. You might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.


Now the following is optional read, but I strongly suggest you to read and listen to it, if you're honest in your will to understand what the fuck is going on


Judaism, what we call today judaism, mainstream judaism aka rabbinic judaism, the legacy of pharisees talmudic lunacies, is a supremacist ideology, "god chosen people"... It's not just about some funky haircuts and fairy tales, it's hardcore supremacism period

On one side you have the jews, on the other you have the "goys"/goyim/non-jews, and there's as much difference between a jew and a goy as there's between a goy and a cow

That's not an over statement on my part, that's how it works, this video is a must watch, hit tab as much as you need to make sure you understand everything he says, and watch it entirely if you have time

Only male, religious jews are considered full humans, the rest are different levels of lesser humans, and the goys are at the bottom of that hierarchy

They aren't nazi they are ashkenazi if you will, pun intended


Of course it's not all jews, but it's jews, and the noam chomsky types aren't the one calling the shots. Worse, they ultimately act as the foot in the door, because "see? not all jews",_kevin/kevin_strom_works/Kevin_Strom_1991-1994/Kevin_A._Strom_19930814-ADV_All_America_Must_Know_the_Terror_That_Is_Upon_Us.html

Out of 388 members of the new Russian government, only 16 happened to be Russians. One was an American Black. And all the rest, all the rest, 371, were Jews. Of these 371 Jewish Bolshevik leaders, no less than 265 of them were from the Lower East Side of New York City. So you see, the Russian Revolution wasn't Russian at all. Am I saying that all Jews are conspiring against our freedom? No, I am not saying that. Many of the front-men and officers of the multiple organizations of these conspirators against all nations are not Jewish. Many are men of our own race and nation. And some Jews have bucked this evil system and exposed the truth for all to see. Benjamin Freedman was one. J. G. Burg was another. Read their books, if you can find them.

All America must know the terror that is upon us.

It's kevin alfred strom saying that, a so called "neo nazi", more a nativist as a matter of fact

Here's his side of the story about the so called pedo accusation he got charged with, before you rule him out entirely for "nazi pedo" stuffs

And this is what he was referring to, about the east side of new york story above his numbers aren't 100% accurate, they are slightly under what's reported in the hearings before the overman subcommittee, but that's roughly that


Now I could leave you with alex jones calling the talmud (upon which rabbinic judaism is based) satanism, which is quite telling coming someone who has always refused to name the jews

But that's an anecdotal opinion, not proof of anything really

I will rather leave you with this, that's anecdotal but a much more interesting perspective

Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל‎ Lohamei Herut Israel – Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi"), often known pejoratively as the Stern Gang,[9][10][11][12] was a Zionist paramilitary organization founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in Mandatory Palestine.[13][14] Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by resort to force, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state, a "new totalitarian Hebrew republic".[15] It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[1] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[16] According to Jean E. Rosenfeld, the group admitted to having used terrorist attacks.[17][18]

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[2][19] After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support for Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.[1] In 1944, Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.[6] It said that its National Bolshevism involved an amalgamation of left-wing and right-wing political elements – Stern said Lehi incorporated elements of both the left and the right[2] – however this change was unpopular and Lehi began to lose support as a result.[20]

Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine.[21] On 29 May 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activist members into the Israel Defense Forces, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later,[22] an act condemned by Bernadotte's replacement as mediator, Ralph Bunche.[23] After the assassination, the new Israeli government declared Lehi a terrorist organization, arresting and convicting some 200 members.[24] Just before the first Israeli elections,[24] a general amnesty to Lehi members was granted by the government, on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration, an "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel", the Lehi ribbon.[25] Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.

Didn't voat you down btw

Reddit_is_shitty ago

At this point in time, the evilness of Jews is embedded in their DNA. Through their ridiculously evil religious materials (Judaism is far more evil than Islam), they have encoded environmental factors into their DNA. These behaviors are antithetical to the progress and success of humanity.

Jews, regardless of age or location, are evil on a genetic level.

TheSeer ago

At some point you do start to wonder if some/most/many of them are straight up CURSED.

aztlanshark ago

Once you accept that communism is, in fact, a Jewish political and social doctrine (see Karl Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, look up Bolshevism on Wikipedia and research every member you see in the accompanying picture, same with Menchivism, etc.) many doorways to understanding the current social/political structure become clear.

Don’t have time for links.

goat404 ago

I just want a reply on this question and then I’ll take my time to debate.. Q: do you believe the holocaust was real?

IndigoElectric ago

Define Holocaust?

I don't like this question because the term isn't well enough defined for my liking. I'll try to answer it the best I can nonetheless.

Mark Weber, who is a notable historical revisionist from the Institute for Historical Review, gives three main points of contention with the traditional Holocaust story. I think these are the main points people refer to when claiming they're Holocaust Deniers. I'll list my opinion in parentheses.

1.There were no Gas Chambers (I find this to be plausible. Mainly because all of the supposed chambers were retroactively asserted to be on the soviet occupied territory like Auschwitz. There does seem to be some evidence that buildings were tampered with in order to implicate the German's on this.)

2.Six million Jews did not die, or did not die as a result of Hitler's policy of sending Jews to camps (This one is also plausible to me. I still have more research to do but the change on the memorial plaque at Auschwitz from 4 to 1.5 million is suspicious. The fact too that the number was being used by Jews before the genocide was supposed to have taken place.)

3.There was no official policy by Hitler or the Nazi's to exterminate the Jews (This is misleading. There may have not been an OFFICIAL policy, but we do have correspondence from higher ranking Nazis that heavily implies that as an option w/o making it official. This is explained in Weber's debate w/ Michael Shermer

That being said, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a rationale denier willing to claim every single aspect of the events as fictional. Weber himself even acknowledges that Jews did suffer under the Nazis.

draaaak ago

An FYI: the Auschwitz alleged jewish death toll has been changed again, for a second time. Now they claim that 1.1 million died at Auschwitz, and that 90% of those people were Jews. So, 990,000. This brings the overall total down to 2,990,000, instead of 6mil. Big difference, especially since the official story of the "Holocaust" that is taught in schools and represented by the media and entertainment industries (run almost completely by Jews) still uses the 6mil figure, if not even higher figures.

Now consider this... the Jewish death toll at one camp has been cut to less than 1/4 of the original figure. How do we know that this is even accurate? They've changed it twice, why should we expect them to not change it again?

ALSO: What about the other alleged "death" camps' totals? What credibility do these record keepers really have at this point, after having shaved 75.25% off of the "main" camp's total? Perhaps each camp's death toll has been grossly exagerated.

goat404 ago

Okay everyone in war suffers (long term the Germans suffered more cause of the British bombers). Jews could leave Germany before they got collected from their homes, did not. They would be relocated. I follow your believes that there were no gas chambers. Not 6 million were killed. Only with THOSE arguments and the giant push from the Jews to blackmail whites (cause of the holohoax). The uncountable amount of shekels being payed in repetition for ‘facts’ that are doubtful. That alone could be considered a giant conspiracy from Jews against whites

83739392 ago

There is one alleged gas chamber to have a wooden door. There is no residue or hydrogen cyanide on the walls.

Even if you never believe, you can still believe that Jews should stay out of.american politics and elections

wigson ago

Go post on Twitter or Facebook that you think Jews are evil and the cause of all the wars in the world, then share the results here.

theHare ago

Every time I interact with the Jewish media I have some Jew talking about themselves, bringing up their race, playing some game. It’s obvious, it’s stupid and I hate to even waste my breath on it. I just want them to shut the fuck up. They can go their crime haven and leave people alone.

Captain_Faggot ago

3 year old account that didn' see nuffin.

Only replies to the post he agrees with.

Fuck sake.

IndigoElectric ago

Burden of proof is on you.

Stop being salty and try and convince me.

Reddiggoat ago

While the hivemind downvotes you to oblivion, I'd just like to point out that the most compelling arguments so far in this thread have been "How else do you explain ______?" and "It should be obvious you JIDF faggot nigger etc."

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Shut the fuck up you kike. You would have responded to the bevvy of answers already softballed to you. Instead, you are a cherry-picking faggot. Typical kike behavior. I hope you die a tragic and painful death.

bb22 ago

Only JIDF could be this "dumb." You eat foreskins, kike. Prove me wrong. Burden is on you.

albatrosv15 ago

It's such a broad subject and to really understand the whole picture you would need to research thousands of hours.

Here, or example, is the most basic introduction --

But if you want to learn about jews from the least places you would think you would find them -- Just research history of soviet union and it's leading people. Old Bolsheviks, Yagoda, Beria, all nine yards.

SLM123 ago

Name another “genocide” where it is illegal to question.

goat404 ago

Denial of Armenian genocide is illegal in some places. France, Switzerland and Slovakia. Questioning it isn’t as far as I know

SLM123 ago

Well, TIL. Anyone been charged with Armenian genocide denial? Laws to question history are kinda gay.

WilliamCutting ago

To be fair you could find any topic that is illegal in a some places. The Holocaust is either completely illegal to question in many places or you will be financially ruined if not physically attacked in others. There is no historical act that has as much protection behind it as the Holocaust.

goat404 ago

True.. but the question was if there were any other rules about any other genocide

WilliamCutting ago

I understand.

That answered it to the letter of what he asked and I wanted to get to the spirit of his question. Yes there may be some rules concerning things like that, but ultimately The Holocaust is the new Passion of the Christ. Hitler is the new Devil and Racism is the new Evil.

goat404 ago

I fail to agree with you. How is the assassination of a leader figure by the Jews comparable to a claimed genocide

WilliamCutting ago

I'm confused at what your getting at.

Im not talking about my opinions of either event. I am saying that in most countries in the world, I could say the Armenian Genocide is questionable but the "Holocaust" is the jewish sacred cow.

goat404 ago

The Armenian genocide is only questionable to those who want to stay on good par with Turkey for their own interest

CowWithBeef ago

Explain Jewish over-representation in the following institutions of influence and power: congress, scotus, news media ownership and journalism, universities, think tanks, billionaires, hollywood, music production, sports ownership, federal reserve ownership, banking executives, voting machine companies. Clinton admitted that AIPAC was more influential than the NRA. We give Israel an absurd amount of money per Jewish citizen. What nationality were the men arrested for cheering on 9/11? Who were the Bolsheviks and what did they do? Marxism killed how many more than the nazis? Which iideology is still considered ok to believe in? Why?

I actually think jews are overrepresented in the elite collusion club but that most jews are basically fine people. I'm probably a minority on voat for thinking this. I also think a lot of their overrepresentation is from high verbal iq, but not all of it. There is nepotism. There is subversion. There is fraud, particularly through control of global currency and finance. They also were heavily involved in all of the bs that led to the iraq war.

Tl;dr Some elite jews work together to further the interests of other jews. (They also work hard to convince white people it's evil to do the same.)

BreederBasher ago

"Explain Jewish over-representation in the following institutions of influence and power: congress, scotus, news media ownership and journalism, universities, think tanks, billionaires, hollywood, music production, sports ownership, federal reserve ownership, banking executives, voting machine companies."

Inherent genetic supremacy to you white heterosexual gentile trash.

CowWithBeef ago

If you're Jewish, I appreciate your honesty.

Doglegwarrior ago

You needed to throw in circumcision.. it is the biggest and most obvious redpill will you understand the implications.. jews have tricked 120 million american men and their famies into mutilating their dicks as a blood sacrifice.. dont believe me.. this guy who knows more about circumcision then anybody in the world can explain it better then i ever could.

waringi ago

They also were the originators of "organized" crime, aka mafia.

slickleg64 ago

Another unpopular opinion : I dont have a problem that these elites are Jewish, Capitalism breeds competition, and if you want to take control you have to do better.

What I have a problem with however is how Jews have made themselves immune to criticism and scruitny, under the holocaust magic blanket.To the point where if you were to point out crimes committed by a jewish group, you will be regarded as anti-semetic and your objections nullified. They have made themselves untouchable in the public eye.

Ideally to get around this we have to expose individuals, instead of going after the group as a whole.

Hitlers mistake was going after peasants and letting the elite/wealthy jews flee. He still borrowed money from the Rothchilds.

CowWithBeef ago

Other groups, especially whites, have let them gain a monopoly on discrimination in favor of the in group. Jordan Peterson should be asked about Jewish supremacy and Jewish in group discrimination to see if he's consistent. I forgive him regardless because few can handle the JQ.

dias17se ago

You can go to youtube to see him choke, when questioned about jews, he instantly turns stupid, and his iq turns to <85

CowWithBeef ago

But isn't that because they're so powerful? He's afraid so he won't touch them.

LampshadeMaker ago

No, it's because he's a jew himself playing the gatekeeper role.

slickleg64 ago

Jordan Peterson is a psuedointellectual who is ignorant to the history of the origins of marxism. hence why hes incapable of answering the JQ, he has a high school level knowledge of 20th century history, and only debates against canadian leftist ideals to sell his books. He should just stick to psychology and making incels feel better about themselves with his books preaching regurgitated christain values.Anyone can shut down a leftist like he does if they got balls. Noone has done it yet and not turned into a sellout .

Rawrination ago

He's not ignorant. JP is a fucking Jew.

JP's MAIN reason for existing is to keep white people from grouping up again like they did in the 1930s and 40s.

He's useful as a sort of baby's first red pill, but beyond that know that he is NOT a friend.

pby1000 ago

Are the Satanists and Luciferians?

The symbolism in Hollywood, DC, and elsewhere is from Gnosticism. There is no such thing as a Jewish pyramid or a Jewish obelisk. The pyramid and obelisk are both Egyptian.

CowWithBeef ago

Publicly jew, privately those things would be my guess for the beliefs of the ones in the club. Think Rothschilds with deer heads on their heads at an elite party.

pby1000 ago

That is what I mean. There are many Satanists and Luciferians who are not "Jewish".

I wonder if these people who are so anti-Jewish are that way because they are Satanists and Luciferians. Do they deflect blame away from themselves by blaming the Jews for all?

IndigoElectric ago

Explain Jewish over-representation in the following institutions of influence and power: congress, scotus, news media ownership and journalism, universities, think tanks, billionaires, hollywood, music production, sports ownership, federal reserve ownership, banking executives, voting machine companies.

Well this is simple enough, Jews are over represented in these fields because Jews have statistically higher IQ than many other groups in society. Higher IQ would qualify someone to more powerful positions and grant them higher amounts of wealth and compensation.

Based on this alone, it would actually be more of an anomaly if Jews DIDN'T occupy these positions based on what past sociological research has told us.

I actually think jews are overrepresented in the elite collusion club but that most jews are basically fine people.

This is the nonsense that drives me up a wall when SJWs use it and it's just as insufferable here. The only difference is that SJWs will frame it in the scope of white privilege (i.e. individual whites may be good people and may have disadvantages in their own lives, but oppression of non whites is solely based on whiteness alone.)

My problem with this is that, if individual people can be good despite their group's bad reputation, why not judge people as individuals and not as a group? Why do I see so many goats denouncing Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux, and hell, even Christopher Hitchens?

All of these people have been helpful to a lot of the causes voat supports, yet I always see things devolve into ethnic purity tests when anyone with a drop of Jewish blood says something.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's around 196,817,552 non-hispanic white americans in america and approximately 3-4.8% of them occupy the highest cognitive tier of "genius" (>140 IQ) or 5,904,527-9,444,243 non-hispanic white geniuses in America alone. Without even seperating into cognitive tiers the total American ashkenazim jewish population is around only 5.7 million people total.

CowWithBeef ago

It's not bigotry, it's suspicion of nepotism. The iq argument is the best intellectually honest, innocent explanation. I buy it for a lot of the differences, but it's not enough. There are protestant groups much larger than jews in the usa that have average iqs within 5 points. They should also be far over-represented in power if merit alone is the explanation.

MichaelClayton ago

Jews have statistically higher IQ

Seen this response so many times. Fucking paid shill all the way GTFO

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Jews have statistically higher IQ than many other groups in society.

This is patently false. Another Jewish lie meant to deceive people with regard to their over-representation in these types of fields and positions.

chirogonemd ago

Simple statistics. Even if it were true that Ashkenazi Jews had an average advantage in IQ of one standard deviation, it wouldn't account for this discrepancy. Think about sheer magnitudes of population size. The population of the US is roughly 300,000,000 of which whites make up somewhere close to 190,000,000. Jews represent approximately 1.7% of the population, or close to 5 million.

Given the ratio of 190 million to 5 million, even a difference in mean of one standard deviation would still result in many, many millions more whites in the total group of those with 'superior' IQs.

You couldn't hope to account for the dramatic over-representation that exists, certainly not the fact that the majority of media ownership is Jewish.

Whites have been accused by SJWs of being oppressors by virtue of skin color only, despite the fact that "white" is comprised of many, many ethnicites, cultures, and nationalities. The Jews in question have an allegiance to a small, political ethno-state, which they protect from immigration while they actively promote immigration into white nations. The NGOs providing medical aid to African immigrants crossing the Mediterranean, for example, are all Israeli.

Not only this, but the level of nepotism and ethnocentrism displayed today by Jews, and quite actively, is not found in whites to the same extent, nor could it be, or they would be committing career suicide. And why is that? Well, because of a perpetual victimhood narrative that has been maintained by the Jews for millennia. This too represents another distinction.

At not point did white people claim victimhood or use it as a means for gain over any other "oppressor" class. Jews play this card routintely and cash it like a check to shield themselves from any form of public criticism, and to also blackout any critical media coverage of Israeli affairs. Their nation, while having one of the higher standards of living anywhere in the world, still gets billions annually in aid from the U.S.

Using the Holocaust and the media frenzy that resulted (while they owned those media companies), Jews have been able to create an ethnostate (even though, ironically, Hitler was evil for wanted an ethnostate) which is held up on stilts by other developed nations, where they accept billions in our taxpayer dollars because of a historical atrocity we were all lied to about.

Additionally, whites haven't been exiled from entire nations close to 200 times in the past 2 millennia. Jews have been. If one of your friends got kicked out of 1 or 2 bars, you'd have reason to question the bar owners. But if your friend got kicked out of all 60 bars in the city, you'd be inclined to start saying, "Well what the fuck are you doing?". The same as we should be.

The difference in the SJW Marxist narrative is that they simply use OUTCOME ONLY as the means to identify whites as oppressors. When we focus on Jews, it isn't JUST because of their differential outcomes. It's the ways in which they are achieving it. To create the U.S., white Europeans had to commit to a treacherous journey where half would die, and half the remainder would die in the following winter. They had to settle a frontier. They had to fight a bloody war for independence, and another major war to solve internal conflict. All to establish the most successful capitalist republic in human history.

Jews have been exiled from every nation they have ever tried to settle, until they were able to create a hoax of a Holocaust story, and by that time had taken control of media to make it a world story, and a check they would cash for the next century in order to force the rest of the world to create a nation for them, while they insidiously take over banking and media in those countries to perpetuate the victim narrative.

That's the point.

Wotan-has-risen ago

Saving this for future use, if you don't mind.

chirogonemd ago

Not in the slightest. Cheers.

0fsgivin ago

The problem is IQ doesnt account for the level of disparity...

they should br over reprrsented. But nowhere near to the degree they currently are.

james780 ago

Jews have statistically higher IQ

fake news thats a lie that has been repeated many times

they are, where they are today because of duplicity, stealing, scams, nepotism, ect its the only explanation

thantik ago

If Jews have a statistically higher IQ than many other groups in society, then why are Asians severely discriminated against in these same fields? Asians also have a statistically higher IQ than jewish groups yet you do not see the same overrepresentation that you see of the jewish population. In fact, accounting for IQ, Asian college goers are severely underrepresented in society, despite many of them wanting to go to elite schools.

RacistJew ago

Because Asians are socially retarded and annoying. White washed jews are good at blending in.

LostandFound ago

Nigger got game, the chinaman card, epic didnt see that coming

IndigoElectric ago

More than likely it's family connections and nepotism/tribalism that perpetuates this dominance.

Don't get me wrong, these aren't necessarily good things. My problem is when this kind of thinking impedes interactions with individuals.

Is the individual Jew always evil? What about a half Jew?

Is it the religion? Or the genetics?

Should we disregard everything someone says because they are Jewish?

If an individual Jew fights for a good cause, and an individual gentile fights for a vile cause, who is more evil?

Longbottom_Leaf ago

More than likely it's family connections and nepotism/tribalism that perpetuates this dominance.

Logged in again just for this. Holy shit you are fucking dense. There it is. Right there. Jewish people gain an advantage because the Jews in power give them an advantage. That is the entire conspiracy right there. It is so fucking undeniable that you caved within your own discussion thread against it and switched to a "not all Jews" approach. Come on man.

IndigoElectric ago

Well I did ask for my I to be changed....

Longbottom_Leaf ago

Fair enough

InflationSlave ago

Nepotism is a conspiracy itself.

throwawaymcgee ago

You should post just this single sentence to /v/conspiracy.

IndigoElectric ago

Fair enough, but it something that is uniquely Jewish. It may be more common because they more organized and tribal, but non-jews are capable of the same corruption when they reach positions of power.

kneo24 ago

This is a fairly weasel like reply. You just gloss over it with one standard comment meant to denounce it. I don't think anyone actually expects parity when it comes to representation. Some groups will be a little more, some a little less. The fact that they're often over represented by 400% or more in a lot of areas isn't just "lol IQ". Overall, you wrote a decent amount of words, but it's mostly fluff.

IndigoElectric ago

Okay, I pointed to an empirical observation which is a rational explanation for distribution of power among Jews and the rest of society.

Clearly you have rejected that, so what is you explanation then?

Keefin ago

At what point of overrepresentation would it take for you to begin to question whether there might be something more to it than the simple "high verbal IQ" meme?

kneo24 ago

It's not even a relevant point. You just touched the surface and missed the underlying point. You're deflecting by staying at the surface level, but to answer your question, consider that because they control these fields, they more or less control the form IQ tests ultimately take, which means they can gear the tests towards themselves. On that note, they gain these positions through sheer nepotism and in group preferences. Places like Harvard, for example, might appear at the surface to be mostly white, but whites are not a majority at Harvard. There's a ton of nepotism and in group preferences taking place there to get Jews into Harvard.

The underlying point you're conveniently missing, especially if you look at Voat as much as you claim, you can't ignore they have a lot of anti-white, and whites versus everyone else initiatives.

Lastly, you also conveniently ignored a few other points that the OP made.

Again, your reply was mostly a non-reply, meant to touch the surface level and not dig deeper. This is clearly you, trying to control a narrative instead of having an honest discussion. You were transparent from the start.

wigson ago

It's not high IQ. They got a leg up after WW2 in the US by capitalizing on Holocaust guilt. Since then their tribalism and nepotism have helped ensure they stay in control.

kcamstar ago

You hit the nail on the head and they've been milking that cash cow for all it's worth ever since... but it's more than that. They are also subversive and stay tightly knitted through journalistic, financial, government, academic and business opportunities. Those in power make sure other Jews come into power and they wantonly prevent any non-Jew from entering into positions of power.

The Jew high IQ is bull shit at best. If you research those that created the IQ test you will find the majority of the tests were created by Jews for the purpose of making Jews look more intelligent.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

The high jewish IQ claim has never been sourced. I tried to find it, all roads lead to a single study a jew did in the 1950's that gave jews an unusually high score. It was never replicated and studies on innate intelligence have been shut down since then. There is no modern study showing "high verbal IQ" for jews.

CowWithBeef ago

SAT scores?

TheSeer ago

Nepotism and sociopathy, combined with making sure other groups are not allowed to act in their own interest.

I seriously doubt the 'Ivy League' will have any prestige in 5-10 years. Many employers will probably AVOID hiring their graduates/former students.

CowWithBeef ago

High verbal IQ. The SAT is an IQ test calibrated in their favor. They're the majority of "white" students at Harvard because of this. Jews are excellent at utilizing language and at cheating by making a test in their favor to take advantage of this. They also blend in as whites so people don't see the 20x over-representation at elite schools. Meanwhile there are almost zero rural protestant whites in these schools.

Reddit_is_shitty ago

Then explain why Jewish kids routinely finish much lower than whites and asians in standardized testing in elementary, junior and high schools.

It goes Asians > Whites >>> Kikes >>>>Beaners >> Niggers

CowWithBeef ago

I haven't taken that red pill yet. Where is that? The verbal section of the SAT is a pretty small part of a normal education so it wouldn't really disprove my verbal iq claim. I think I got the high verbal iq claim from the bell curve. The authors may have been overly receptive to data favorable to jewish iq. They were pretty thorough though.

peacegnome ago

but that most jews are basically fine people.

they are mostly marxists, social justice loving ("we were the original victims!") people. There is also a huge amount of discrimination against non-jews, they are very tribal. They will shout all day about how some business needs to hire inner city blacks, but they would never hire them for their own business. Also, they (obviously) act as apologists for jewish misdeeds, and will invoke muh antisemitism or muh holocaust as needed.

you did mention colleges but left out k-12 where they are hugely over-represented in controlling what goes on in schools.

billyvvinz ago

Meh, I don't care about the average jew anymore than the average nigger, but when you see the people pushing anti white bullshit (in our countries) and you see they're typically jewish, you start to make connections. The same connections you make when you see the stats showing black males commit 50%+ of violent crimes.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Most niggers are below average in IQ and above average in likelihood to commit crime.

Average is a loaded term when referring to groids.

shmuklidooha ago

When the gibs aren't enough.

elcob32 ago

The only difference being that instead of white patriarchy, it's organized Jewry that these goats believe run the world.

I don't think that's a fair characterization of most of us goats. It is not that it's "organized Jewry", rather the Jewish people (not by religion, by genetics) have a tendency to engage in strong in-group behavior. While at the same time these people also discourage all other groups from doing the same, labeling it racist to do so.

Over time this in-group behavior has resulting in the Jews almost completely running Banking, Politics, and the Media. While this may not be the result of a large scale conspiracy it none the less results in the deposition of the inhabitants of their host countries.

1HepCat ago

If it is genetic, the religion certainly fed into the behavior:

Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4 for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.

--Deut 7

I agree that it seems less a conspiracy than long-compounded nepotism and an unreciprocated grant of privileges by self-abnegating Europeans.

My understanding is that much of the e.g., the Rothschild's wealth was built up during the middle ages when Jews were relied on for international commerce. You couldn't conduct business in a far away land without getting taken advantage of. Local Jews on the other hand could generally count on other diaspora'ed Jews to be subject to Jewish law so long as both parties were Jewish--even when the transaction was conducted remotely.

Nowadays Jews are privileged by modern Christians who believe that God will bless them if they bless Jews and curse them if they're at all critical of Jews. Jews are also at the top of the SJW intersectionality hierarchy of privileges because of the Holocaust narrative and because of war propaganda against the Nazis which still biases the minds of many in the West.

Ban_Circumcision ago

So...who owns all the central banks? jews... Who owns all the media in the USA which shapes public opinion and controls the masses? Jews... Who advocates for male genital mutilation in the USA...Jews... Who is 2% of the usa population but 67% of grad students at Harvard, a gateway to the architects of society and positions of power? jews... Who has the largest representation of dual citizens in our government and legislature? jews.... Who controlled Britan through the Balfour Declaration to drag them into brother wars? Jews... Who owns and produces all the pornography? Jews.... Who owns Hollywood? jews... Who has the LARGEST political lobby in the USA? AIPAC, Jews.......

Remember they are just 2% of the population. Yeah totally not a conspiracy with all these Jews in these high places who consistently fight against the White Race.

Why were Jews kicked out of pretty much every country that ever existed? Thats like getting kicked out of 100s of different bars and saying the BARS are the problem. LOL

Saufsoldat ago

All of these are blatant lies. You don't understand the meaning of the word "all", do you? Do none of you niggers comprehend the english language?

Ban_Circumcision ago

ALL of them? theres no dual citizens in usa govt? AIPAC isnt the biggest lobby in the USA? hmmmm

albatrosv15 ago

He plays word tricks with you. He sticked his ass into "all" word and now he is right in every angle. It's the typical jewgood goyboy defending jews.

GEDballer ago

What's the source for 67% of grads at Harvard being jewish? Hillel's college guide has it at 12% for undergrad and 20% for grad.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Jews own Hollywood because they created it. They went out there when it was nothing but a pile of dirt and built the industry. They did pretty much the same with the modern banking industry.

There's no doubt they have strong in-group preference, which is probably pretty common for people who live as a small minority in a foreign country. And they're good at making money. Put those two things together and as a race they accumulate a lot of power.* (Well there's actually a third piece which is that they often work as satan's hired hands, but that's neither here nor there.)

(* In the modern era, money is power. In earlier times maybe nobility meant power and power meant wealth, but in today's time the direction is reversed and power flows from wealth.)


Let's get rid of money and the Jews. Kill two birds with one stone. Money never made sense to me anyways. It's just unatural and I've always hated the concept.

I'm Scottish, English and German.

waringi ago

They didn't create Disney, but here we are...

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

At the turn of the last century the media was produced on the east coast. (((They))) went to Hollywood be away from the copyright, patent, and decency laws of time.

DEL-J ago

The overwhelming majority of people who believe in conspiracy theories of any nature are very ignorant people. You’re not supposed to believe anything until there is absolute overwhelming evidence saying that thing is real.

That being said, I do see why many people would perceive a Jewish conspiracy. Any group of people that rise to prominence, power, and wealth are suspected of nefarious dealings. Outside of the US many countries believe the US to be the source of all of their woes, pulling all the strings and what not. It’s hard for people to believe just how big and random the world is and it’s harder for them to look at how things got the way they are.

Why are so many Jews in positions of influence, power, or wealth? Because they helped each other out, cooperated, networked, etc. they exemplified the traits necessary to get ahead in life, and they did it as a larger percentage of their demographic. That’s it.

Could some conspiracy theories be real? Sure. But the evidence just isn’t really there. Few rabid fanatics of any cause understand how to objectively weigh evidence.

This comment isn’t necessarily directed at you, but just anyone inclined to get more perspective.

Everyone should remember, don’t believe anything until it’s been irrefutably proven or witnessed.

Tallest_Skil ago

So you bought a 3 year old account today and INSTANTLY ran it into the ground, huh?

Reddit_is_shitty ago

This is some total liberal Marxist propaganda bullshit that colleges try to impress upon kids.

"Don't question anything. If you don't have evidence, it cannot possibly be true."

Those are the kind of statements that low-IQ easily manipulated dipshits preach.

WilliamCutting ago

Contribution points

Submission Contribution Points: 0

Comment Contribution Points: 5

Account 3.1 years

Wow, seriously if you are going to make second account you have to at least use it occasionally.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Everyone should remember, don’t believe anything until it’s been irrefutably proven or witnessed.

YES GOY! Don't retaliate. There's still a 2.3% chance Jews aren't colluding against the White race!

It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of seeing the trends and patterns and realizing it's statistically impossible they could've formed by chance.

IndigoElectric ago

This pretty much sums up my view. Couldn't have said it any better.


You forgot to switch accounts

MegaDouche ago

You’re not supposed to believe anything until there is absolute overwhelming evidence saying that thing is real.

Wow, what a statement! Do you believe man landed on the moon?

meowmix56 ago

Or that socrates existed? Or jesus? What about dark matter? I'd wager a large portion of life and society is built not on absolute proof but on reasonable assumptions about what is most likely given the evidence.

70times7 ago

If you cant see it by now, why would anyone bother wasting their breath on you?