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goat404 ago

I just want a reply on this question and then I’ll take my time to debate.. Q: do you believe the holocaust was real?

IndigoElectric ago

Define Holocaust?

I don't like this question because the term isn't well enough defined for my liking. I'll try to answer it the best I can nonetheless.

Mark Weber, who is a notable historical revisionist from the Institute for Historical Review, gives three main points of contention with the traditional Holocaust story. I think these are the main points people refer to when claiming they're Holocaust Deniers. I'll list my opinion in parentheses.

1.There were no Gas Chambers (I find this to be plausible. Mainly because all of the supposed chambers were retroactively asserted to be on the soviet occupied territory like Auschwitz. There does seem to be some evidence that buildings were tampered with in order to implicate the German's on this.)

2.Six million Jews did not die, or did not die as a result of Hitler's policy of sending Jews to camps (This one is also plausible to me. I still have more research to do but the change on the memorial plaque at Auschwitz from 4 to 1.5 million is suspicious. The fact too that the number was being used by Jews before the genocide was supposed to have taken place.)

3.There was no official policy by Hitler or the Nazi's to exterminate the Jews (This is misleading. There may have not been an OFFICIAL policy, but we do have correspondence from higher ranking Nazis that heavily implies that as an option w/o making it official. This is explained in Weber's debate w/ Michael Shermer

That being said, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a rationale denier willing to claim every single aspect of the events as fictional. Weber himself even acknowledges that Jews did suffer under the Nazis.

draaaak ago

An FYI: the Auschwitz alleged jewish death toll has been changed again, for a second time. Now they claim that 1.1 million died at Auschwitz, and that 90% of those people were Jews. So, 990,000. This brings the overall total down to 2,990,000, instead of 6mil. Big difference, especially since the official story of the "Holocaust" that is taught in schools and represented by the media and entertainment industries (run almost completely by Jews) still uses the 6mil figure, if not even higher figures.

Now consider this... the Jewish death toll at one camp has been cut to less than 1/4 of the original figure. How do we know that this is even accurate? They've changed it twice, why should we expect them to not change it again?

ALSO: What about the other alleged "death" camps' totals? What credibility do these record keepers really have at this point, after having shaved 75.25% off of the "main" camp's total? Perhaps each camp's death toll has been grossly exagerated.

goat404 ago

Okay everyone in war suffers (long term the Germans suffered more cause of the British bombers). Jews could leave Germany before they got collected from their homes, did not. They would be relocated. I follow your believes that there were no gas chambers. Not 6 million were killed. Only with THOSE arguments and the giant push from the Jews to blackmail whites (cause of the holohoax). The uncountable amount of shekels being payed in repetition for ‘facts’ that are doubtful. That alone could be considered a giant conspiracy from Jews against whites