National_Anthem ago

Wrong, white guilt is based on shame. But I take your point on degeneracy. Critical theory attacks all facets of Christian society. We're actually arguing two sides of the same coin here. I'm sure you'll be able to atleast concede that.

Yes, also i wasn't referencing white guilt, I meant you personally.

What are you actually hoping to achieve with comments like this? What you believe is irrelevant.

It makes all the differences if you are just role-playing.

Fuck knows, it's the internet after all. But if you have proof I'd love to see it, genuinely.

You want me to somehow show you their genitals? Just use reasoning. If you don't know about the trans here, you should.

I asked you a couple of hours ago, what are you hoping to achieve here? You know I enjoy trolling and shitposting right??

Nothing. I tell the truth and you attack me. And you pretend to be me as well while doing it (conservative, pro-white, pro-christian, pro-family). So i guess you could say im triggered. I don't like fake bitches.

You've been spouting stupid shit for two days. Trying to land barbs about who you think I am irl. Lol

I don't think im far off.

From my perspective, you are the disrupter here. Try putting yourself into my perspective.

I have and that's why i called you out. You are either not genuine, or really dumb. Could be both. You are living life vicariously through the internet and I suspect you are establ;ishing a name for yourself to be taken serious among people with similar interest to me. I don't trust you, empress, Le_Squish, Kevdude and PV minions, or SBBH. And i never will.

I agree 100%. I might enjoy winding you up, but ideologically we are on the same page. You just don't think that shitposters can be both. Have you ever been to /pol?? Faggot

Like i said I do not think you are genuine.

You remind me of smokratez. Are you one of his alts?? Also, don't tell me what to do. Saying shit like that is just flirting with me..

No but we have talked a tiny bit outside of voat. Smokratez gets a bad rap for nothin, maybe for coming out against homosexuality. And i dont flirt with catfish.

National_Anthem ago

More kike word games

Kikes want shame removed from idiots like you, that's why you have no problem acting like a fuckin retard right now. It's not a jew move to remind you shame should be reintroduced into thots like you. I don't believe you have a relationship btw.

No I don't.

You sure? Have they tricked you too or do we gotta keep it a secret?

Our time?? Who is 'our'? SRS? JIDF??

Yours and mine.

How? How is that dodging? Elaborate.

You don't want to be taken seriously, you just want to act like an ANTIFA protestor and just spout stupid shit.

What a useless faggot.

Homosexuality is a mental illness and I put effort into redpilling on the LGBT community and how they should be criminalized and removed from society.

From now on, don't speak to me unless you have something significant to say.

National_Anthem ago

Bullshit kike! All you faggots do is try to shame us for being white. For our history, for the holohoax. This proves that you are Jew. Jews love word games

I know the irony isn't lost on you, you simply refuse to acknowledge it.

No. You are incorrect.

I believe you.

Low effort. Perhaps projection

So you don't hang out with trans on voat?

Do you spend much time around SRS. Is this you projecting again?? Are you actually a woman larping as a guy? Seems like something SRS would do??

Now you are just wasting our time.

I do not lack confidence irl. That's a problem for incels like you

You are just dodging. What a useless cunt.

National_Anthem ago

Again with the Jewish shame bullshit. I told you kike, that doesn't work anymore.

Jews don't want you to feel shame, you are ass-backwards.

Lol! Stop trying to put words in my mouth kike. I said nothing of the sort.

So I'm correct.

I bet your mom just yelled that at you. Keep dancing nigger

I just cannot imagine you as being a tidy person, including hygienically. Did you get your November's prescription of estrogen pills recently? You are extremely sassy/SRS-like. Could it be because you could never have the courage to have this conversation irl?

Go play with your tranny larpers.

National_Anthem ago

So you don't deny that you linked these comments in your SRS discord. Gotcha.

You should feel shame because maybe you wouldn't be so pathetic after some introspection. Clean your room.

National_Anthem ago

Nothing you say is going to trigger me, since it's coming from such a low base.

That goes back to what i mentioned about shame.

I actually feel sorry for you, sitting around and jerking it on discord with your faggot ''mates"

fake news.

Hell, I'm not even sure what you are trying to achieve, bar amusing me. Dance for me faggot, dance!

Where did those 2 upvotes come from in a necro thread?

National_Anthem ago

You can't take the insult i just used on you in the previous comment dude.

But you are a pathetic individual, no hyperbole or projection involved. You are what happens when society loses the ability to feel shame.

National_Anthem ago

You are a genuine loser.

National_Anthem ago

OMG your 3 alts in an anon thread.. My whole life is a lie, thank you for helping me see the truth!

You can convince yourself that if you like. I like your typical naggy whore response. You definitely sound like trad wife material.

I would outrun your fat drunk ass.

I could beat you while running backwards.

Pure shitlady, married to a shitlord.

Pure dependapotamus married to a cuck. Step back for a second, any woman who spends their time doing what you do (pretending to be modest but it's all about you, and not your kids) on this website is divorce material. You are not to be trusted. If this husband exists as you claim, i feel bad for his poor decision to marry an internet attention whore who runs around with SRS.

But it seems that my lovely white nuclear family triggers you, but Jews are like that.

I'm starting to highly doubt this. As someone who comes from a strong white family and has a strong white family, It's not something I feel the need to brag about on Voat. I think you are being hyperbolic and lying.

Keep imagining me as fat though, and while you're doing that, run your hand over your belly. How does your fat gut feel? How beta are you?

National_Anthem ago

Sure you are. Likely a single mother until you found an incel husband to raise your kids. I imagine you as a fat whore sitting at home all day shit posting online while your beta husband works to pay for your twinkies and ho-hos. look what people think of your LARP sub when they can speak freely.

National_Anthem ago

you don't date anyone you pansexual incel

National_Anthem ago

get a life tranny

gabara ago

National_Anthem ago

you mean cancel_cat_facts?

ExpertShitposter ago

He was arrested yesterday. See video:

National_Anthem ago

wew, you stroked out. get your story straight

Crensch ago

I am simply in your debt, once again. Thank you!

Crensch ago

Thanks for the assist. Grifter42 as well? I'm getting a lot of hate today for some reason.

ExpertShitposter ago

Grifter42 is the same person as national anthem (myg1488)

Crensch ago

Thank you! Adding to my shitlist subverse now.

BigFatDaddy ago

Guy's a turbofag to be sure. To Hell with him.

National_Anthem ago

ironic coming from you, and who you pinged. Why do you make it so easy to spot now?

I'm guessing the saudi money dried up after all those busts. Explains why your antifa nov 4th protests didnt happen

Crensch ago

ironic coming from you

Is it?

and who you pinged.

Users of voat that might be interested?

Why do you make it so easy to spot now?

I enjoy pointing out the Jewish faggotry and shills here.

I'm guessing the saudi money dried up after all those busts.

Is that why they can't afford anything better than @mangora?

Explains why your antifa nov 4th protests didnt happen

It does, but they certainly weren't mine.

Are you sure you responded to the correct person here? Your accusations are pretty absurd, and will be seen as absurd by most legitimate users of this site.

National_Anthem ago

Is it?

Yes pedo

Users of voat that might be interested?


I enjoy pointing out the Jewish faggotry and shills here.

You enjoy attention, doesn't matter what your ideologies are. You are a subversive kike yourself.

Is that why they can't afford anything better than @mangora?

I was talking about you, PV, and SBBH.

It does, but they certainly weren't mine.

And also why your shilling is so weak and SBBH is resorting to anon posts to spread drama. It's truly like you lost your leaders and now you are running amuck on Voat.

You also protect pedos and remove posts like you are reddit mod cancer.

Crensch ago

Yes pedo

Kek. Smells like shit, so I don't need to ask where you pulled that from.


Legitimate users of the site, you nobody.

You enjoy attention, doesn't matter what your ideologies are. You are a subversive kike yourself.

It. Doesn't. Matter. What. My. Ideologies. Are.

But I'm a subversive kike. Got it.

I was talking about you, PV, and SBBH.

@Trigglypuff @kevdude is this amalek or antiracist or jj?

And also why your shilling is so weak and SBBH is resorting to anon posts to spread drama. It's truly like you lost your leaders and now you are running amuck on Voat.

Your grasp of reality is nonexistent.

You also protect pedos and remove posts like you are reddit mod cancer.

Per @Vindicator:

We have a subverse where you can document moderation concerns, and another one you can post unsourced or indirectly related material. The refusal to honor that system -- created by the community and reaffirmed just a few weeks ago in order to keep this sub focused on source-linked research posts -- is arrogant, selfish and disrespectful. It clearly demonstrates ill will toward everyone here.

@Millennial_Falcon has removed hundreds of posts that ignore the submission requirements, and some, like you and @KillAllPedos, have played on other users' frustrations to infer and promote a desire to suppress information on his part, and now mine. Yet there has never been a post documenting this supposed pattern made in v/pizzagatemods or at v/ProtectVoat. Never. So, if you really believe we are shills, please document it in a thread in the appropriate subverse and ping @VictorSteinerDavion or @Crensch and save the children. If not, stop the baseless fear mongering.

National_Anthem ago

shill softer

Grifter42 ago

Yup. The cock sucker is just pulling out all the stops on his bullshit.

Fucking reddit cancer that's taken over the site.

"You're a fuckin' nobody!"

Funny shit coming from someone who thinks they're hot shit for being part a fucking SRS group, and a long rant from a small man.

Low energy for a lot of words. Sad.

Crensch ago

Lots of me hate going around, though not a lot of teeth behind the bark. I forget, what's your beef with me, again?

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, SRS.

You can pretend to be what ever you want, but you're not winning the Oscar for your acting.

Crensch ago

I'd just like to know where you get off calling me SRS. What cancer have I spread? What brigading have I commanded from my army of beta cucks? What subverse have I infiltrated and destroyed?

Le_Squish ago

Another one for the oven.

May he bake in peace.

ueberzeugungstaeter ago

Sounds pretty comfy actually if you're a mud person.

Crensch ago

Pinging users that might want to know about this:

@kevdude @eagleshigh @Trigglypuff @ExpertShitposter @gabara

Crensch ago

Pinging the users responding to this sock-puppeting faggot.

@Firevine @Its_Just_A_Ride @killercanuck @HateCumbuckets @BigFatDaddy

HateCumbuckets ago

Thankyou for that. I thought it was just another new sjw to play with. Didn't check the history.

Crensch ago

Oh, it's actually worse than that.

Fambida ago

Ahahahaha. Patreon and all.

Crensch ago

Fambida ago

Er, that's the same link you linked above that I replied to man.

Crensch ago

Oh shit. Lost my place. Mea culpa, fellow goat, please forgive the transgression.

Fambida ago

No worries, man. Finding the guy's custom reddit clone is gold and gave me a chuckle.