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Vindicator ago

More fear mongering attempts to undermine the community, huh? Well, instead of removing this where no one will see your bullshit, I am flaring it and leaving it up. You've wormed your way into a number of users trust with your lies and unsubstantiated claims.

Heads up @Millennial_Falcon @sensitive2 @VictorSteinerDavion. I'm epoxying this dryrot instead of removing it, for the record.

Mej777 ago

Really I have wormed my way....interesting. What lies? State them openly. You are siding with @Millennial_Falcon as your support system. There is a sub just for him for all the researchers who have left pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

This fear mongering:

This post stays up. Post real evidence with ties to government actors get banned. @KILLAllPedos.....this was for you to prove a point. Mods want sensational instagram and pictures to post. The actual well researched deep truths are banned if it does not fit the agenda.

His post was removed for bitching about mods, like this post does, Jem. The "Voat is compromised" "limited hangout" meme is 100% shill fear mongering, of which there is zero evidence.

We have a subverse where you can document moderation concerns, and another one you can post unsourced or indirectly related material. The refusal to honor that system -- created by the community and reaffirmed just a few weeks ago in order to keep this sub focused on source-linked research posts -- is arrogant, selfish and disrespectful. It clearly demonstrates ill will toward everyone here.

@Millennial_Falcon has removed hundreds of posts that ignore the submission requirements, and some, like you and @KillAllPedos, have played on other users' frustrations to infer and promote a desire to suppress information on his part, and now mine. Yet there has never been a post documenting this supposed pattern made in v/pizzagatemods or at v/ProtectVoat. Never. So, if you really believe we are shills, please document it in a thread in the appropriate subverse and ping @VictorSteinerDavion or @Crensch and save the children. If not, stop the baseless fear mongering.

Mej777 ago

Okay you just accused me of lies and said I worked my way. State the lies and unsubstantiated claims. You refuse instead you smear me. State the lies, state intentional disinfo?

Your last statement “save the children” is a joke. I am one of the children.Ever considered why I have direct evidence.

Fear lingering. I actually kept the assault quiet for months until you banned me and I was threatened by @Are_We\Sure with death twice sending me pictures of Scalia ranch where he was murdered and when I exposed him sent me bloody pictures of Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim in the arch of hysteria on a mattress asking me if I felt sorry for the blood soaked mattress.

That was all caught and saved by others. Know mods stepped in so whitehats did. Save the children I have outed many locations the children are kept. I know them know. I am involved in an entire seperate investigation in Napa County as an eye witness before it burned down.

Save the children I have risked it all to save them as have others including their lives.

Several highly known victims posted under alts on Voat and were attacked. They never posted again. I am flying out next week for witness protection pending trials.

I am stopping to meet one of these infamous traumatized children originally from Ohaha, Nebraska on my way. I have been advised it is a further risk but am going to tape an interview first.

I think I am doing everything in my power to save the children including myself from my victimization as a child, but more importantly for blowing the whistle from the inside over 7 years ago on abuse under color of law. I am done with your diminishing me. You literally are diminishing an actual victim which has only embedded the trauma further. I believed you were one of the good guys on Voat.....

VictorSteinerDavion ago

No mods stepped in

No one told me anything of this, yet you tar me with a brush that crafts a picture of inaction and tacit support for things that are obviously wrong

Vindicator ago

You literally are diminishing an actual victim

No, Jem. You diminish yourself.

And the implied assumption of this statement, that you have some special status here, is disgusting. Do you have any idea how many users here are victims of child sex abuse? Why do you think MOST of us are here? Goddamn you're narcissistic if you believe you're an "actual victim".

BTW, there are also a lot of frustrated law enforcement and attorneys here who suffer from not being able to help kids more than they have.

And guess what? All of the ones I know about all are will to post within the submission rules.

Vindicator ago

This is a lie and unsubstantiated:

The actual well researched deep truths are banned if it does not fit the agenda

Show me one example! It's total bullshit.

It also happens to be a shill talking point I've seen on here in dozens of unsourced posts involving narwhals, elohim, Jesuits, Joos, genetic mutations, vampires and on and on with equally useless crap. What a surprise.

Crensch ago

Nobody gives a fuck about you. Present your evidence of moderator misdeeds, in an easily-understood format in /v/pizzagatemods or /v/protectvoat, or FUCK OFF. We deal with accusations constantly, and you and your claims are no different.

Put up or shut up, nigger.

Crensch ago

Is this a milestone for you, Vindi? Are you in the M_F and Crensch crosshairs now, as well?

Vindicator ago

LOL, no. I believe I'm almost to the anniversary of first being called a child-raping shill mod. 365 days of nightly hentai patrol. I think it's the first thing I've ever done that many days in a row (including sleeping and brushing my teeth.) And I got downvoted 500 pts in one night back then.

Crensch ago

Well then, Happy Anniversary you sad sack of shit! 365 days of putting up with these faggots, I do not envy you, but you have my admiration for putting up with it, even if you COULD BE A COMPLETE SHILL FAGGOT JEW PEDO MOD. Kek.

It's been a helluva ride, bud. Happy to see you at a healthy 4,500 ccp instead of an unhealthy 5k.

Cheers, my niggerfaggot.

Vindicator ago