sensitive2 ago

Fully agree with @Vindicator who says we will let this post stay to show what BS this user keeps posting. By the way: If you haven't learned by now, moderator sensitive is no more because I was stupid enough to lose my password for Voat. I re-registered under sensitive2 and already explained and re-introduced myself here in v/pizzagatemods. You can all help me out to regain my downvoat ability by upvoating each and every one of my comments. Thaaaanks. Maaaah! :-D

Vindicator ago

More fear mongering attempts to undermine the community, huh? Well, instead of removing this where no one will see your bullshit, I am flaring it and leaving it up. You've wormed your way into a number of users trust with your lies and unsubstantiated claims.

Heads up @Millennial_Falcon @sensitive2 @VictorSteinerDavion. I'm epoxying this dryrot instead of removing it, for the record.

Mej777 ago

Really I have wormed my way....interesting. What lies? State them openly. You are siding with @Millennial_Falcon as your support system. There is a sub just for him for all the researchers who have left pizzagate.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

.this was for you to prove a point. Mods want sensational instagram and pictures to post. The actual well researched deep truths are banned if it does not fit the agenda..

That's straight up garbage.

KILLAllPedos is just a crybaby nonsense troll and you're either in collusion, a sock, or a useful idiot.

Do you want the case number and police report posted?


Should I give my relocation address

You should never, ever reveal your address, or any other information that could be used to identify you.
But that doesn't excuse you from providing appropriate evidence to support your claims.

From the original post:

Mods want sensational instagram and pictures to post.

A claim without evidence, again.

This was a test:

Why? As in why test? Why not work through v/pizzagatewhatever to create a post that points out of this supposedly critical groundbreaking investigation and then posting a formal post to the main thread?

All of this is the standard kicking shit drama festival that seems to occur on a regular schedule.

Vindicator ago

This fear mongering:

This post stays up. Post real evidence with ties to government actors get banned. @KILLAllPedos.....this was for you to prove a point. Mods want sensational instagram and pictures to post. The actual well researched deep truths are banned if it does not fit the agenda.

His post was removed for bitching about mods, like this post does, Jem. The "Voat is compromised" "limited hangout" meme is 100% shill fear mongering, of which there is zero evidence.

We have a subverse where you can document moderation concerns, and another one you can post unsourced or indirectly related material. The refusal to honor that system -- created by the community and reaffirmed just a few weeks ago in order to keep this sub focused on source-linked research posts -- is arrogant, selfish and disrespectful. It clearly demonstrates ill will toward everyone here.

@Millennial_Falcon has removed hundreds of posts that ignore the submission requirements, and some, like you and @KillAllPedos, have played on other users' frustrations to infer and promote a desire to suppress information on his part, and now mine. Yet there has never been a post documenting this supposed pattern made in v/pizzagatemods or at v/ProtectVoat. Never. So, if you really believe we are shills, please document it in a thread in the appropriate subverse and ping @VictorSteinerDavion or @Crensch and save the children. If not, stop the baseless fear mongering.

Mej777 ago

Okay you just accused me of lies and said I worked my way. State the lies and unsubstantiated claims. You refuse instead you smear me. State the lies, state intentional disinfo?

Your last statement “save the children” is a joke. I am one of the children.Ever considered why I have direct evidence.

Fear lingering. I actually kept the assault quiet for months until you banned me and I was threatened by @Are_We\Sure with death twice sending me pictures of Scalia ranch where he was murdered and when I exposed him sent me bloody pictures of Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim in the arch of hysteria on a mattress asking me if I felt sorry for the blood soaked mattress.

That was all caught and saved by others. Know mods stepped in so whitehats did. Save the children I have outed many locations the children are kept. I know them know. I am involved in an entire seperate investigation in Napa County as an eye witness before it burned down.

Save the children I have risked it all to save them as have others including their lives.

Several highly known victims posted under alts on Voat and were attacked. They never posted again. I am flying out next week for witness protection pending trials.

I am stopping to meet one of these infamous traumatized children originally from Ohaha, Nebraska on my way. I have been advised it is a further risk but am going to tape an interview first.

I think I am doing everything in my power to save the children including myself from my victimization as a child, but more importantly for blowing the whistle from the inside over 7 years ago on abuse under color of law. I am done with your diminishing me. You literally are diminishing an actual victim which has only embedded the trauma further. I believed you were one of the good guys on Voat.....

VictorSteinerDavion ago

No mods stepped in

No one told me anything of this, yet you tar me with a brush that crafts a picture of inaction and tacit support for things that are obviously wrong

Vindicator ago

You literally are diminishing an actual victim

No, Jem. You diminish yourself.

And the implied assumption of this statement, that you have some special status here, is disgusting. Do you have any idea how many users here are victims of child sex abuse? Why do you think MOST of us are here? Goddamn you're narcissistic if you believe you're an "actual victim".

BTW, there are also a lot of frustrated law enforcement and attorneys here who suffer from not being able to help kids more than they have.

And guess what? All of the ones I know about all are will to post within the submission rules.

Vindicator ago

This is a lie and unsubstantiated:

The actual well researched deep truths are banned if it does not fit the agenda

Show me one example! It's total bullshit.

It also happens to be a shill talking point I've seen on here in dozens of unsourced posts involving narwhals, elohim, Jesuits, Joos, genetic mutations, vampires and on and on with equally useless crap. What a surprise.

Crensch ago

Nobody gives a fuck about you. Present your evidence of moderator misdeeds, in an easily-understood format in /v/pizzagatemods or /v/protectvoat, or FUCK OFF. We deal with accusations constantly, and you and your claims are no different.

Put up or shut up, nigger.

Crensch ago

Is this a milestone for you, Vindi? Are you in the M_F and Crensch crosshairs now, as well?

Vindicator ago

LOL, no. I believe I'm almost to the anniversary of first being called a child-raping shill mod. 365 days of nightly hentai patrol. I think it's the first thing I've ever done that many days in a row (including sleeping and brushing my teeth.) And I got downvoted 500 pts in one night back then.

Crensch ago

Well then, Happy Anniversary you sad sack of shit! 365 days of putting up with these faggots, I do not envy you, but you have my admiration for putting up with it, even if you COULD BE A COMPLETE SHILL FAGGOT JEW PEDO MOD. Kek.

It's been a helluva ride, bud. Happy to see you at a healthy 4,500 ccp instead of an unhealthy 5k.

Cheers, my niggerfaggot.

Vindicator ago

Matt_Helm ago

Megyn is part of the deep state she would never do anything to expose anything they want covered up.

Gbuggers ago

Whats in your closet megan Kelly who you protecting yourself or james alefanis. Remember what his name translates to.

MolochHunter ago

I think its 1) absolutely alefantis 2) very likely megyn kelly (look at this for similarity and 3) almost absolutely Howard Rubin. I dont understand all the denial

Joe10jo ago

Def isn't Megyn!

FloridaJackalope ago

Very suspect picture. Good find.

Omnicis ago

Anyone with eyes can see you are retarded.

MolochHunter ago

just. wow.

millennial_vulcan ago


The REAL woman in that pic needs major investigating . Super sketch. She was in Real Housewives of DC that was bizarrely cancelled after one season

oftotc ago

This post stays up. Post real evidence with ties to government actors get banned.

Post some of your real evidence that got someone banned in reply to this comment. You won't get banned for it, and everyone will be able to determine for themselves if you're full of shit or not.

Mej777 ago

Nice try @oftotc you like to show up with your buddy @AreWeSure and attempt to draw out evidence from others that put their lives at risk. You know my account was banned for real evidence. Have actual eye witness testimony and so much more. You tried this with @Wisconsin_is_Correct as well....I and others are well aware of what you all are doing. @KillAllMODS used to be @Killallpedos and his posts on Rob Reiner have been repeatedly deleted and banned. As have many others. Actual victims & whistleblowers banned after the gang try’s drawing out how much they really know so it can be cleaned up. Sorry bud you get an A for effort but your psychological games will not work on many of us.

The evidence we possss will destroy and has already been placed in strategic positions for safety. The Spoliation letters served, the request for jury trial made, the threats copied, the attempted deletions copied. All activity for weeks including death threats copied and waiting.Lets just say some have played their hand a little to aggressively and it is a losing hand.Checkmate.

@dressage2 @darkknight111

oftotc ago

So you won't give an example of posts that got deleted (nefariously is your assertion) because I'm trying to draw out what you know so the "gang" can clean it up. Am I understanding you correctly? If it was already posted (and deleted), wouldn't that mean the gang already knows that you know whatever information was in the post (that got deleted)? In which case, you risk nothing by providing an example or two.

I am happy to hear that you are well aware of what I am doing. Now if you would just put all that effort into the actual PG case instead of all the other crap you and ^your gang splatter around this subverse, we'd have a pretty effective investigative team. Instead you send folks spinning their wheels fruitlessly investigating people, places and things that have little or nothing to do with the subjects outlined in the Executive Summary. Which one of us is actually disrupting the investigation?

/v/pizzagatewhatever is there for you and your gang to do your thing completely unimpeded by the likes of me, yet you insist on dumping that shit here in /v/pizzagate. The solution is so simple, and yet you refuse. What should that tell me if not that you're an agent of disinformation instead of just a stubborn LARPer.

Mej777 ago

You just proved the entire reason for the post. I can post picture of sweaty implicted pervs hanging out and it stays up and people spend a lot of time doing facial recognition on “is that Megan Kelly” Yet I and others have posted exhaustive research of actual evidentiary value...and it is deleted within minutes depending on who it is connected to. Worse if you keep reposting evidence you will be banned. This was for you @EyeofHorus @KILLALLPedos, etc.

Now I might just post some links with real names and out some secrets and we will find out what the agenda really is won’t we.

Maybe I will post the police report of my assault and carjacking by a hitsquad who told me I better keep my fucking mouth shut while they beat me.

Or victim/witness protection I am not trying to scare anyone. I never spoke about it when it happened except for a select few who are not mods. No reason to fear if your info is not deadly serious. Mine might be.....when Vindicator chose to ban me after being notified I was doxed and my life was threatened by poster who follows me everywhere, knows a lot about constitutional law, has insider information and likes to make death threats by showing murder scenes and dead bodies to me got serious and sides were drawn...

I was banned, not them.....whose playing who. Choosing which side of history you are going to be on is yours with it..

@dressage2 @carmencita, @jangles @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt @blacksmith21


@darkknight111 @dressage2

oftotc ago

If I was a mod, I'd leave this up just so people can see your bullshit ;-)

Mej777 ago

That is the point dipshit...I did it for a reason to show how some mods control the narrative. The mods agenda should be free speech, & finding truth not allowing posts to discredit their other work. If I am banned as a shill under @Jem777 because I have posted real evidence. But they keep my post up of a random picture it shows motive,..

Their stated Mottos is truth and free speech.

BestCaseOntario ago

That nose on the right, oy vey.

migratorypatterns ago

Great find!!!!

She's such a tool ...

millennial_vulcan ago

Its this one....

do some investigating into her and report back ;-)

Wrath17 ago

Three ugly kikes. The bitch is not Megan, though.

Aasb ago

Stop UPVOTING SO BLINDLY! This is DISINFO! Mej777 loves to make quick assumptions and then leave the scene As already mentioned by others: thats not Megan Kelly, its Cat Ommanney and the other guy is Septime Webre.

brandon816 ago

That's because Mej777 ( anagram of bot owner Jem777 ) is another of the disinfo bots.

Mej777 ago

Really I am a bot. Do you want the real Identity of Shadilay’s army? Since I was able to gain it by working with them for complete exposure.

seekingpeace ago

Thanks for that! I wondered why Jem777 got banned.

Mej777 ago

Got banned for real evidence on Stephen Paddock, the Uranium, dark Weapons, Trafficking he and Marilou Danley were running as Part of Uranium One.

Headquarters in several places including Australia and South Africa where Marilou just happens to have passports from. Got plane registration and tail number that matches government planes (think Jeffrey Epstein) called out Saudi Arabia Waleed on Voat the next day as owner of top five floors of Mandolay Bay. Called Four seasons personally and got their office to state on the phone the name of Four Seasons owner an Israeli Tycoon Who confirmed the floors owned with the top five being owned by Walled and Gates.

Copied all records including Sally Paddocks properties, planes, travels, in Mesquite as well as Las Vegas and many others.

Connected him to Lockheed Martin and many others. Copied Danley passports, travels, names to Uranium One deal involving Podesta, HRC, Mueller, McCabe, Obama Admin, etc.

All records passed to authorities. Used the multiple accounts of disinfo to isolate and ID actual poster who has insider knowledge to our advantage....

That is why I was banned. Does that sound like a bot? Or a human being who knows the system and is desperately trying to blow the whistle. Trust me it is the latter.

@seekingpeace @darkknight111

Mej777 ago

Really? Explain yourself. Why has @Mej777 only throwing up pics now when the real account was banned that has actual evidence sent to DC already. Why would the mods leave this up?

Who is playing who with mind games?

argosciv ago

@Vindicator ^ disinfo flare plox

Aasb ago

Whats up?

argosciv ago

I'm agreeing with you and asking Vindi to disinfo flair the submission :)

Aasb ago

I see now :) thx

Junipertea ago

That's not Megan Kelly.... Its Catherine Ommanney or Cat Ommanney. Google it and you'll see

LadyGlitterSparkles ago

Damn it. The only difference between us and Russia is that our propaganda is branded in two flavors.

Long_Knife ago

I love how this is so far upvoated and a completely different person that it's supposed to be. It's turned into the blind leading the blind in this sub.

heyyouwho2 ago

That photo is from Washington Life magazine, remember the style from digging last fall. This woman is Cat Ommanney of Real Housewives at a party.

Mad_As_Hell ago

The guy on the right is Septime Webre, artistic director of the Washington Ballet

JesusRules ago

Ugly gargoyles

heyyouwho2 ago

The other man is Septime Weber, Washington Ballet, socialite and Alefantis friend.


v/pizzagate (Vindicator) > KillAllPedos | Sent: 1.9 hours ago on 11/9/2017 6:53:04 AM Submission /v/pizzagate/2233325 deleted Your submission /v/pizzagate/2233325 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 11/9/2017 6:53:04 AM

Reason given: @KillAllPedos: Rule 4

Original Submission

ROB REINER = PEDOPHILE : say this on REDDIT & VOAT and....YOU'RE BANNED! - MODS running cover for PEDOS


Voices are 'ALLOWED' to scream PEDO, if your voice never mentions Rob Reiner as a PEDOPHILE. Say it! say it again,and have your 10 YEAR account banned from REDDIT

"@FemaleVet4Trump 45 points (+45|-0) 10 months ago My 10-year-old Reddit account was deleted when I posted about Rob Reiner's abuse of Corey Haim and his bullshit children's charity that makes "videos". You can read the annual tax reports for the charity on the various charity review sites, like guide star and charity navigator."


That was 10 months ago......>**FAST FORWARD TO 11/6/2017 ** a voat poster by the name of @EYEOFHORUS posts critical info on an incident involving a insane truck driver intentionally set to do harm to kids and their parents across from the Rob Reiner child and Family center and is blocked, then banned even after 2 attempts!!! by @Millennial_Falcon .Most of the Voat users had no clue this post was up due to the quickness that it was taken down.

**"A man tried to run over parents and their children at a train museum. Witnesses and victims think this was an intentional act, read the article comments.

The museum is across the street from the Rob Reiner Children and Families Center

This is related to pizzagate because Rob Reiner is circumstantially tied to sexually assaulting Corey Haim. Reiner follows the Jerry Sandusky / The Second Mile model of interfacing with deprived children.

For pedo apologist Millennial_Falcon stop deleting my submissions you filthy piece of shit:

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2228635 has been deleted by: (at) Millennial_Falcon on 11/6/2017 5:43:31 PM

Reason given: @EyeOfHorus: Rule 3. What is the basis for suspecting this is related to Reiner?

I've made it very clear that this is related to Reiner because it occured 100 yards from a Reiner child center. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2228885 has been deleted by: (at) Millennial_Falcon on 11/6/2017 7:57:16 PM

Reason given: @EyeOfHorus: Rule 4. Rule 4, indirectly relevant? Fuck you! A man tried to run down children across the street from pedo Reiner's child grooming facility. I know what's wrong with you, you're a pedo apologist. Burn in hell you piece of shit. I'd wring your fucking neck myself.

You've been banned from v/pizzagate :( @Millennial_Falcon has banned you from v/pizzagate for the following reason: spam"**


Now, let's go to the pattern of PEDO SCUM in Hollywood: Most of these vile primates have come out loud against Trump; Most are LIBS/DEMS; have a TALMUD ( jewish background ) Now Rob Reiner fits that like OJ's GLOVE!

Now, we've had leakers/ ANONs says to look at the "Charities"....."the Foundations" Guess who has a 'Charity Foundation' - ROB REINER! it's called:

I Am Your Child Foundation

[LINK] ( if you type - it brings you to this URL.?)

This is interesting, the incident that took place at the Rob Reiner Child and Family Center is a different place... His Foundation has locations in P.O. Box 15605 Beverly Hills, CA. 90209 (310) 285-2385 ....AND.....DOWN THE STREET FROM COMET PING PONG IN WASHINGTON DC!!!!!

"1875 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20009"


another PG connection : in between both above locations is the VOODOO temple that Both BILL CLINTON and JJ BRINE have connections to it's leader : Max Beauvoir - The Temple of Yehwe : Location :4545 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 328, Washington, DC 20008, US

[Link to address] [Link to Bill Clinton Connection to it's leader] That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti WaPo [Link to JJ Brine's connection]** "“I have been to Haiti a couple of times. I was going to see Max Beauvoir a friend of mine who died recently who was the supreme chief of Haitian Voodoo.”**

ALL 3 locations are on Connecticut Ave. IF that DC tunnel is real, ALL 3 locations are over that "tunnel" : {Link}

Let's come back to Rob's foundation for a sec..Looks like Illuminati satanist Bill & Melinda GATES dropped a $1 million 'gift' to Rob I Am Your Child Foundation Receives $1 Million Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [LINK]

Now back to PEDO REINER!

This was posted to VOAT 1day ago : "@KillAllPedos 2 points (+2|-0) 20 hours ago (edited 20 hours ago) I got 100 MILLON SHEKELS that says ROB TALMUD RAPIN' PEDO REINER IS GOING DOWN!!!!!


John Travolta spills bread crumbs in his lawsuit affidavit leaked by TMZ Says he "got smart and learned to love the taste of jew man cum" says he "began in his 'welcome back cotter' days....

[LINK] "

'Rich powerful HOMOSEXUAL Jewish Men Run Hollywood" - JOHN TRAVOLTA

We now go to a Al Franken Celebrity joke on Rob Reiner; where is says his dad ,Carl Reiner let his friends fuck Rob when he was a kid" WTF?! now WAS this a joke..? or the kind of redpill that Seth Mcfarlane did on Kevin Spacey in that family guy episode? [Link to you tube]

Busted: Al Franken Cracks Jokes About Rob Reiner's Father Anally Raping His Own Son


When Elijah Wood comes out recently and says " Elijah Wood Calls Out Hollywood’s Pedophile Problem" in that dailybeast article [Link]

Was he speaking of Rob Reiner? >SMOKING GUN< " In Rob Reiner's 1994 bomb NORTH, we see on a billboard an image of young Elijah Wood as a Coppertone child, his bathing trunks being first pulled down and then jerked back up by a mechanical dog"

[excerpt from Erotic Innocence: The Culture of Child Molesting By James Russell Kincaid] [LINK]

On Youtube there's a Mocking vid of Rob Reiner talking about the making of 'Stand by Me' (FELDMAN). this vid was made in 2010.. with 53,000 views....hmmm...was this an 'open secret' for years'? YouTube Poop: Stand By Me Pedophile [LINK]

Here we see another Rob Reiner Movie 'Sleepless in Seattle', in where there's a scene with Tom Hanks,and Rob makes a point to "check-out his ass" 15 second scene from Sleepless in Seattle [LINK]

This post will be updated,much MORE to come.................


VIDEO: Hollywood Blabbermouth Rob Reiner Suspiciously Defensive, Blames Trump for Harvey Weinstein’s Alleged Rapes OCT. 17 2017

"Ask Rob Reiner about Harvey Weinstein and suddenly he sounds like a worried man. A very worried man. Perhaps he should be.

Smoke. Fire.

A seasoned investigator would be lining Reiner up for a polygraph after watching this display of lunacy." "And the morons posing as journalists at MSNBC’s Morning Joe are no better.

Listen for yourself. Watch the wheels comes off Reiner’s alibis for Weinstein as he tries to pin Hollywood’s sex abuse troubles on everyone except Hollywood."

LOOK TO THE COMMENTS : "Greta G • 22 days ago He is acting suspicious, like a perp returning to the scene of crime talking to police or just protesting too much, unwittingly bringing attention to himself. Reminds me of Raskolnikov gabbing to Petrovitch in Crime and Punishment. Rob Reiner is rumored to be a pedophile. Corey Haim."




Rob Reiner Explains Why Millions Of Americans Support Trump: "They're All Racist"

"Morning Joe co-anchor Willie Geist asked Reiner,

"There are millions and millions of people who do not watch this show that actually like what they hear from Donald Trump. And they aren't taking messages and orders from us in the media. But they listen to what he says for themselves and vote for him. How do you explain that?"

"There are a lot of people who are racist," Reiner quickly replied.

Joe Scarborough was shocked, remarking, "Oh my God, did you just say that?" Enjoy the cringe-worthy moment..."

READ THE COMMENTS: brushhog May 5, 2016 6:27 PM

Rob Reiner is a pedophile. <<< C'MON LOOK IT'S POSTED IN 2016!!! IT'S HOLLYWOOD'S 'OPEN SECRET'


Aasb ago

Doesnt look like Megan Kelly and the other guy is not Howie Rubin

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I hate the bitch as much as the rest of us...but that whore is not Megan...

MolochHunter ago

really? compare

carmencita ago

Whoa. What a threesome.

millennial_vulcan ago

women is here: Real Housewives of DC

needs investigating. Very sketchy.

dozer_ ago

Doesn't really look like Megyn. Nose and eyes are different. I might be wrong though

Californiadeplorable ago

That’s not Megan Kelly IMO

Are_we__sure ago

It is not Megan Kelly and that is not the Soros guy.

More disinformation .

carmencita ago

If not so would still love to know who that is. Considering the other two


v/pizzagate ( @Millennial_Falcon) > @KillAllPedos | Sent: 40 minutes ago on 11/9/2017 4:17:26 PM You've been banned from v/pizzagate :( @Millennial_Falcon has banned you from v/pizzagate

carmencita ago

Horrible. But is that not what we all expected?


When we have enough submission points to post we will do PART 3

carmencita ago

I know how committed and angry you are and I get that, but the point is to get your post to stay up long enough to make a difference. I would rework it but keep the evidence you have. Your post needs to be up long enough to red pill the newbies. We already know.


PART 3 is under construction as we speak.....

carmencita ago

Ok. Waiting.


Part of making that post was to prove a point about the MODS here.- censorship- We did that. that other part is found in that post,> the info.the links. information is free, anyone is free to repost that info.