smallpond ago

They have one alt that they have named transparently (unlike most users), and appear to take a basically normal, reasonable stance on the issues you've linked to.

@magnora starting up their own reddit-clone is interesting, and something people should know about. It's nice for you to give them all this free publicity.

The entire nest, he refuses to admit wrongdoing, or apologizing for making false claims...

A liar like you shouldn't get on your high-horse about making false claims. I know you're busy being voat's SRS, calling for brigades against users who believe humanity extends beyond people with pale skin, but you really should front up with that proof at some point?

Disclaimer: I may not be able to reply. Unpopular users with less than 10 CCP cannot post, and are temporarily banned as soon as they make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, though past comments have stated an intention to improve things.

Crensch ago

Paid shills are the easiest to convert. They have to wade through the shit. They're GONNA swallow some, whether it's with their mouths or their buttholes.

CrustyBeaver52 ago


patriot_biz ago

Yeah, I'm a liberal. I came here mostly because I was sick of that other website's censorship. Slowly as the truth sunk in, I've come to identify with nationalism. I find it difficult to imagine anyone more impressionable than me could remain here for any length of time without being red pilled.

Crensch ago

Well, given the likely paid upvoating of the one submission, I'm of the mind that they're paid to be here.

That won't, however, stop me from burying them in an avalanche of butthole-seeking redpills.

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

Crensch, are you Azzmador? You're probably the most knowledgeable person I've seen on this site.

Crensch ago

I don't know what Azzmador is, and I appreciate the compliment!

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

Azzmador's the old guy in the video smashing the cucks.

Crensch ago

We got hammered pretty hard here. Do you think it's fans of yours or mine that are hitting the downvoat button?

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

lol downvotes equal real life to a lot of these people. They can't help themselves.

Crensch ago

I'm extremely flattered to be asked if I'm that glorious gentleman. Thank you again for the compliment, and also for exposing me to a legend in the making.

Cheers, fellow goat!

Crensch ago

Pinging users responding to what is likely a Jewish shill:

@patriot_biz @Maroonsaint @Caesarkid1 @MadWorld

sept ago

Well to be fair, even kevin strom didn't jump on the "it's all jews" bandwaggon

And quite frankly it could be space aliens parading as jews it wouldn't change anything, those people are advocating for white genocide they have to go, they have to be exposed, shamed, trolled, disqualified in every possible way

Now if they want to spread their shit in israel I'm all for it, and if they end up stoned to death on the public place for that, I won't lose sleep over it

Crensch ago

Well to be fair, even kevin strom didn't jump on the "it's all jews" bandwaggon

Who? My main points is that Jews are always attempting to be a part of both sides in order to ensure some Jews win. I, for one, am done playing; I'm sure many others agree.

And quite frankly it could be space aliens parading as jews it wouldn't change anything, those people are advocating for white genocide they have to go, they have to be exposed, shamed, trolled, disqualified in every possible way

Right, and if it were space aliens, anyone advocating for white genocide, or pushing MSM-tier narrative stuff would be called space aliens, too.

Now if they want to spread their shit in israel I'm all for it, and if they end up stoned to death on the public place for that, I won't lose sleep over it

I'm going to enjoy having lots of soap and lampshades.

Crensch ago

Pleaded guilty to possession of CP.

Given the images of him, he's probably Jew himself married to a Kaiser that was also likely Jewish, who divorced him in order to tell newspapers about how awful racists and anti-semites are.

WOW... the more I look up on this faggot the more I think he's a Jew attempting to make white nationalists look like evil fucks.

Happy to hear your thoughts, but I don't think going any further is necessary at this point.

... fuck. I kept looking. Jewish (Ashkenazic): topographic or ornamental name, from German Strom ‘stream’, ‘river’.

This guy was some kind of leader of a what now?

sept ago

Crensch... I'm really starting to have doubts on your integrity you know

Even if he was a pedo... (let's not forget pics were found on his computer... he didn't fuck any kid), just because hitler said the 14 makes it invalid ?


"On January 4, 2007, Strom was arrested in Greene County, Virginia on charges of possession of child pornography and witness tampering.[17] The Grand Jury later added the charges of receiving child pornography and of seeking to coerce a 10-year-old into a sexual relationship. At the October 2007 federal trial on charges of sexually coercing a 10-year-old girl, and of witness intimidation, the judge threw out both charges due to lack of evidence.[18] "

Crensch ago

Crensch... I'm really starting to have doubts on your integrity you know

I didn't, but thanks for the heads-up.

Even if he was a pedo... (let's not forget pics were found on his computer... he didn't fuck any kid), just because hitler said the 14 makes it invalid ?

No. I'm not saying what he said was invalid. You linked me to a LOT of text by a guy I'd never heard of. My first instinct is to look around about him before reading his words.

Yes, they were found on his computer. I don't see how him not fucking any kid is relevant. Am I wrong to believe that someone holding CP is a pedophile?

"On January 4, 2007, Strom was arrested in Greene County, Virginia on charges of possession of child pornography and witness tampering.[17] The Grand Jury later added the charges of receiving child pornography and of seeking to coerce a 10-year-old into a sexual relationship. At the October 2007 federal trial on charges of sexually coercing a 10-year-old girl, and of witness intimidation, the judge threw out both charges due to lack of evidence.[18] "

I don't... see how either of those is a mitigating factor.

And I rescind my previous doubts about him, personally. Thanks.

sept ago


Quite frankly they found nothing that qualifies as child porn, the whole case was fucking far fetched, character assassination and harassment

Crensch ago

My responses were written in chronological order, and not deleted when new information was gained later.

The last link led me to the very same conclusion.

sept ago


to go back to the core subject, I think it's a strategic error to put all jews in the same oven

It's a jewish thing yes, we can call it judaism, "rabbinical judaism", fancy words for mainstream judaism basically, which is actually a form of supremacism, which has obviously selected whites as enemies/primary target

But it doesn't stop there, I believe, that supremacism doesn't only have an "outter" form, basically excluding all non jews, it also have an inner form, where secular jews are pushed aside, and jewish women are pushed aside too, and it doesn't stop there, jews jewing jews, kind of

Also, I'm convinced they don't consider muslims/arabs, blacks, other non jews basically, as "ok", whites happen to be the primary target, apparently, and I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it has to be all jews because as long as a single jew draws breath it will never fucking end. they will regroup and find another host to leech on until they gather enough power and influence and the cycle begins anew. jwe are a cancer upon mankind and have been for thousands upon thousands of years. nothing you have to say to the contrary can possibly speak to or change this. even if a few of them are hypothetically innocent then i guess some innocent jews must suffer for the greater good and i lay that responsibility at the feet of the jews who practice and worship evil. the blood is on their hands. there can be no compromises on this point. your arguments are filled with weasel words and seem designed to split hairs and instill doubt. you seem to enjoy making excuses for them and playing devil's advocate. in other words you argue like a kike. i'm honestly not sure why @crensch is wasting so much time with you. it seems pretty conclusive to me that you belong in the oven.

Crensch ago

Mmm, some of the more erudite lefty loons write like sept does. I now believe he was correct about Strom, but his presence in this nest is extremely questionable.


You'll never achieve anything with "we must exterminate all the jews"

Assertion of impossibility

you'll always be regarded as a loon except among an ultra minority

Assertion of nutcase status

Zionists like theodor herzl used crude antisemitism to justify their policies, you're only reinforcing the eternal jewish victimhood narrative here

Inferring that the kikes won't fabricate whatever antisemitism doesn't exist for their own purposes.

Meanwhile, I'll work on my "I must take care of my people" instead, just because, you know, it's a tad more practical, constructive and realistic, than playing "Reich IV: Fantasy genocide"

Suggesting he thinks the former is possible without the complete removal of kikes.

Of course zionists capitalized on antisemitism, AND STILL DO, why do you think retarded arm band nazis turn out to be jews uh ? Why do you think jews paint swastikas on their own walls uh ?

He knows they make their own antisemitism. He knows they populate antisemitic organizations. But for some reason we're supposed to behave differently because we'll give them ammo?

He might be a little stupid. Or maybe a little drunk. The more I copied and responded above, the worse he looked.

Maybe my Jewdar is malfunctioning.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i mean it's all anonymous internet banter so you can never be sure but his arguments are weak and reek of jewish tricks and his little tantrum at the end imo is a red flag.

Crensch ago

I'm pretty sure I'm off today. Thanks for the assist, bud.

sept ago

I stopped after you entered into some "you probaly are a jew blahblah" or some paranoid shit

You'll never achieve anything with "we must exterminate all the jews", you'll always be regarded as a loon except among an ultra minority

If you don't realize that then you truly are stupid or maybe you're the troll/shill you accuse me to be...

Zionists like theodor herzl used crude antisemitism to justify their policies, you're only reinforcing the eternal jewish victimhood narrative here

You're a tool basically, even if you're not fundamentally wrong to begin with

jewshekelstein1488 ago

nice, so you read almost the entire paragraph then. congrats. want a cookie?

you'll never succeed in exterminating the jews, you're a loony, a minority, a tool, a shill!

it never ceases to be funny how easily your type gets triggered. 3/4 of what i wrote was not directed at you in any way whatsoever and yet you took it personally. you could have laughed off the rest and explained to me how you aren't a kike and why i was misguided but instead you got all butthurt and lectured me about what a horrible person i am. hmm, i wonder why that would be? lol.

anyways, keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night. you sound just like those idiots who screamed 'drumpf will never win, hurr durr'. it doesn't really matter if you believe it will happen or not. that isn't going to stop us. you don't seem to realize what is coming. it's only a matter of time. and if you really aren't a kike you picked the losing side. *shrug*

sept ago

You're projecting, again

But keep going with that "we must exterminate all jews" I'm sure you'll get somewhere with this

Meanwhile, I'll work on my "I must take care of my people" instead, just because, you know, it's a tad more practical, constructive and realistic, than playing "Reich IV: Fantasy genocide"

jewshekelstein1488 ago

"you're projecting" it says, as it furiously projects and deflects for all it's worth. that's some interesting mental gymnastics there moshe. linking to some jewish torah website in an attempt to paint your opponent as some kind of tool of the jew. "the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you". do people actually buy that crap or are you surprised you got caught and desperate to deflect from your own guilt? i sure called it right. you get a gold star for sneaky tricks. and a free first class train ticket to the east. faggot.

sept ago


And you're an ignorant on top of that

Of course zionists capitalized on antisemitism, why do you think arm band nazis turn out to be jews uh ? Why do you think jews paint r swastikas on their own walls uh ?


You're a nigger


jewshekelstein1488 ago

so we're not allowed to fight the kikes because if we do they win? good one.

btw you spelled shlomo wrong you fucking braindead nitwit hebrew. :^)

@crensch @trigglypuff

sept ago

Ok nigger, go build your reich and exterminate all jews

You're a joke, dumb arm band nazi most likely turning out to actually be a jew lol, for a change

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the term nazi is a slur/pejorative created by jews to slander the national socialist party. your use of it further solidifies my suspicion that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about and are most likely a kike. kek.


sept ago

Tell me again about your project to exterminate all jews and how just great this is going to fly for everybody involved in your project lol

jewshekelstein1488 ago

@crensch it's 100% confirmed without a doubt. chalk up another yid for the work camps.

sept ago

Pfff look at you seriously, you're like a kid "hey buddy help me!! help me!!!"

You wannabe hitler... You are as suited to run for office or any administrative job as a clown is to fight on a battlefield, and you want to, build a reich and exterminate all jews haha

You're a joke, really

Crensch ago

Jewdar was definitely malfunctioning.

sept ago

Seriously ?

That nigger sounds even remotely credible to you with his "let's exterminate all jews !" lunacy ?

Like what ? He'll do better than hitler or some shit ? ...

Well then, I guess you should both run for office with that slogan, I'm sure it will work just fine lol

With dumb ass like that, jews don't even need to paint swastikas on their home, that's for sure

Crensch ago

That nigger sounds even remotely credible to you with his "let's exterminate all jews !" lunacy ?

It's not lunacy, it's an inevitability.

Like what ? He'll do better than hitler or some shit ? ...

No, Hitler had no intention of wiping out Jews. We do.

Well then, I guess you should both run for office with that slogan, I'm sure it will work just fine lol

The Overton Window is moving towards that at an acceptable pace. It won't be terribly long now.

With dumb ass like that, jews don't even need to paint swastikas on their home, that's for sure

And that's a massive hole in your narrative, Jew. If we don't do something, Jews will create false narratives that say we are anyway.


jewshekelstein1488 ago

yup. if anything hitler's biggest weakness was underestimating the jew and taking mercy on his enemies. if he had wiped them out when he had the chance they wouldn't have had several years to move to other countries and lobby their govts to enter the war against germany. and if he would've struck a decisive blow against the allies at dunkirk it's unlikely america would have gotten involved. and if that hadn't happened they wouldn't have been providing supplies to the soviets which allowed them to recover from almost being defeated to eventually zerg rushing and steamrolling a much smaller germany. basically, hitler was a decent person and didn't go into total war mode until it was already too late. and we should never forget that mistake.

sept ago

so basically, you tell me you'll (eventually) run for office with "let's exterminate all jews" as slogan ? Because if you don't jews will do it anyway, and that, you believe you have a chance to get anywhere near something with that ?

Are you a profound idiot or do you take me for an idiot ?

Crensch ago

so basically, you tell me you'll (eventually) run for office with "let's exterminate all jews" as slogan ?

Someone will, yes. I'd happily do so. I'd win, too.

I'd first put a bounty on the heads of anyone on welfare, section 8, or in college on federal loans, offering pardons to those that killed the offenders.

Then I'd put a bounty on Jew heads. Enough to make it worthwhile to slaughter them in shopping centers. I'd pardon anyone arrested provided what they killed was actually a Jew.

I'd subsidize the extremely wasteful and inefficient gassing of Jews, which I would then sell to a population of bloodthirsty whites like WWE and MMA are now sold to them - live-streamed.

I'd also subsidize the creation of lamp shades and soap from Jew corpses. I'd coin a new term, "JewArt" which would encompass all the bullshit "art" that takes zero skill whatsoever to make, and I'd declare 9/11 the national JewArt holiday, where shitty art made from mutilated Jew corpses would be shown. The JewArt would only get better as their corpses rotted.

All this to make you understand that Jews aren't able to keep their lies hidden like they did before; when a critical mass of whites wake up to this fact, their bloodlust and determination will cause them to want to finish the job. All of what I said will be WELL within the Overton Window for a majority of whites.

My descriptions above are really quite vanilla, as what actually happens will be written about for millennia.

Because if you don't jews will do it anyway, and that, you believe you have a chance to get anywhere near something with that ?

They won't have a say. Either we win our government back, or we start gathering militia to "visit" synagogues, news stations, kike neighborhoods, schools, courts, precincts, banks, brokerages, and law offices.

Are you a profound idiot or do you take me for an idiot ?

You are exhibiting the signs of a kike that cannot understand the goyim he's assigned to. That's ok, because Jews actually aren't that intelligent, despite the propaganda saying they are.

Jews are too emotional, and way too narcissistic to calculate the revolt of their host country. That's why they've been tossed out of, what is it, over 900 countries in written history?

sept ago

See trump ?

He got into power

Not with "let's exterminate all jews", but with "america first"/"let's make america great again"

See the difference ?


Jews aren't conspiring to have the power

They have the power

Deal with it

Crensch ago

Finally searched that from above. Apologies for the delay:

Am I saying that all Jews are conspiring against our freedom? No, I am not saying that. Many of the front-men and officers of the multiple organizations of these conspirators against all nations are not Jewish. Many are men of our own race and nation. And some Jews have bucked this evil system and exposed the truth for all to see. Benjamin Freedman was one. J. G. Burg was another. Read their books, if you can find them.


Many of the front-men and officers of the multiple organizations of these conspirators against all nations are not Jewish.

I've little doubt they're on the shekel-take.

Many are men of our own race and nation.

Traitors that should be destroyed along with the Jews.

And some Jews have bucked this evil system and exposed the truth for all to see. Benjamin Freedman was one. J. G. Burg was another. Read their books, if you can find them.

And Andrew Breitbart (at the very least about Podesta).

I'm not saying Jews cannot buck the system, but what I am saying is that without significant reason to believe they have done so, how would we decide?

sept ago

Replying to this post and another of you, below:

Basically: " why take the time or resources to sort them out?"

Given that we have the resources and time to begin with...

.... But to answer your question, I would say because it's not an exclusively jewish thing...

And because of that parameter, the case for "see it's jews !" can easily be countered by "no it's not, look at hillary !"


The trap, is indeed to label the whole issue as an exclusively jewish thing, while at the same time, dismissing it as a non jewish one because there are non jews involved and actively participating, for the shekels, mostly


Zionists love antisemites


In the end I believe the whole strategy, if any, shouldn't be primarily focused on "against jews", but rather on "for us", seriously developing the means for not having to rely their system(s), at all, and letting them crash with their legacy system basically


Of course that's easier said than done

Crensch ago

And because of that parameter, the case for "see it's jews !" can easily be countered by "no it's not, look at hillary !"

Mmmm, yes. We have to cull our own herd, which will take the kind of nonexistent time and resources from above. No sense wasting those on Jews.

The trap, is indeed to label the whole issue as an exclusively jewish thing, while at the same time, dismissing it as a non jewish one because there are non jews involved and actively participating, for the shekels, mostly

Oh, no. I wouldn't do that. I'm more than happy to admit some of the dregs of whites are very much complicit and active in subverting anything and everything for their own needswants.

In the end I believe the whole strategy, if any, shouldn't be primarily focused on "against jews", but rather on "for us", seriously developing the means for not having to rely their system(s), at all, and letting them crash with their legacy system basically

If we could segregate ourselves and be protected from the other races and Jews in particular, we could sort our shit out, no doubt.

I simply don't see that as a viable option with the information I currently have. Maybe Trump has some designs on that, and if he does, great. My focus is on the conclusions I've come to, and how to go about making the best choices.

sept ago

I was reading that a couple of minutes ago

Christian dominion page led me to it


Not sure .gov is part of the solution, definitely part of the problem for now, in many instances, but part of the solution... Well let's hope so, but I wouldn't bet the caravan on it

Crensch ago

Sounds like a fabulous movement. One I'd join despite not being Christian.

I don't think I'm 100% picking up what you're putting down in the second half.

sept ago

Well, they aren't conspiring to get the power, at national/federal level, and beyond

They have the power (by "they" I mean the whole crew, trilateral and bilderbergers, not just the visible jew part)


Every time some1 pays taxes, on any given transaction for that matter, they get a share

And what is done with those taxes ? Practically everything under the sun going against our interests, as a people

It's used to pay for the importation and reproduction of niggers, subsidized schlomo wars, both used to back ever more debt, I mean it's virtually total bondage, and of course nobody is proposing to vote anything on it, it's not as if we were asked to vote on it, and even if we did.. With all the subversion going on and foreign interests directly embedded in the voter base... Chances are "the people" would vote for more of the same

Imagine you had to vote on this, nationally :

1) "Do you want to stop immigration entirely for the next 100 years ?"

2) "Do you want post 1965 non whites migrants to be deported to where they came from ?"

3) "Do you want to end the federal reserve ?"

4) "Do you want to end the UN funding ?"

5) "Do you want to withdraw from NATO ?"

6) "Do you want to bar jews from holding office?"

7) "Do you want to ban islam and muslims from entering the US ?"

8) "Do you want to stop foreign aid to israel ?"

9) "Do you want to deport all blacks to africa ?"

10) "Do you want to deport all latinos to south america?"


Pretty sure if those votes were cast today in the US, only 8 and eventually, 4 and 5 maybe, would have a chance to pass

Imagine that

Crensch ago

If you want answers, feel free to grill me on whatever it is about me that concerns you.

Crensch ago

1-10 is pornography.

Pretty sure if those votes were cast today in the US, only 8 and eventually, 4 and 5 maybe, would have a chance to pass

Imagine that

I do. That's why I'm more or less convinced a collapse must happen before things can truly get better. When the city-whites, that is, the most cucked whites among us, die off, or are sufficiently redpilled with what the subhumans do to them during the collapse, we can rebuild.

The "debt" is Jewish fuckery, and can be dispelled without consequence once their power is gone.

Crensch ago

Happy to be back.

to go back to the core subject, I think it's a strategic error to put all jews in the same oven

I don't see how that could be a bad thing.

It's a jewish thing yes, we can call it judaism, "rabbinical judaism", fancy words for mainstream judaism basically, which is actually a form of supremacism, which has obviously selected whites as enemies/primary target

I can tentatively agree with this.

But it doesn't stop there, I believe, that supremacism doesn't only have an "outter" form, basically excluding all non jews, it also have an inner form, where secular jews are pushed aside, and jewish women are pushed aside too, and it doesn't stop there, jews jewing jews, kind of

I don't know that I believe this, and I don't honestly know that I would care if I found out it was true. The entire race's crimes against humans would merit an extermination were it left up to an unfeeling A.I., in my opinion.

Also, I'm convinced they don't consider muslims/arabs, blacks, other non jews basically, as "ok"

To my knowledge, non-whites are given another name that escapes me currently.

whites happen to be the primary target, apparently, and I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg

This I fully agree with.

I guess my point is, why take the time or resources to sort them out? Purge them based on field genetic tests that should be available in just a few years, then we don't have to pretend to read their minds and allow some of the bad ones to re-infiltrate and breed.

Crensch ago

Pinging users that might want to know about this:

@Hey_Sunshine @eagleshigh @Empress @jewshekelstein1488 @Rotteuxx

11047859? ago

Thanks for the ping.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

hmm.. name sounds familiar. i'm pretty sure i have argued with this faggot a few times. thanks for the heads up.

Crensch ago

Pinging users responding to this faggot:

@lord_nougat @Womb_Raider

Womb_Raider ago

No wonder that guy was getting on my nerves.