TheBuddha ago


magnora ago

Probably, but of what?

TheBuddha ago


magnora ago

Seems like they're more afraid of failure, to me. And want to blame anyone but themselves.

TheBuddha ago

That would be a change.

magnora ago

Voat really hates me, they're trying to character assassinate me :/

TheBuddha ago

Pick your subs more carefully, perhaps? Decide who you wish to interact with and what you want to defend, maybe? I try to keep in mind that you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Voat has a wide variety of users and a wide variety of opinions. Liberty to express yourself means you'll encounter them.

magnora ago

There is no countering this person, they will not listen to anything I say. I wasted an hour trying to counter them last night, but they just simply lied about the conversation and created this main thread, and tons of people are upvoting it. Seems pretty fucked up

TheBuddha ago

I try to not let other people control my emotions. You wasted an hour. That was a choice you made.

Damned right, I'm going full-on Buddhist in this thread. ;-)

I feel sorry for many of the posters here. I try to empathize but I don't let them decide how I feel, nor think, or respond.

magnora ago

So your solution is just to ignore the attacks and move on? Alrighty

TheBuddha ago

I am pretty much the opposite of the most vocal Voat users. I don't hide this.

So, that's my solution. You can fight with them, if you want. It's voat, do what you want. I just figured I'd share my method.

magnora ago

Thanks for the input, it is appreciated.

goatboy ago

It's the forbidden fruit phenomenon.

Hatred is a natural human emotion. We evoluted hatred as a self defense and protection mechanism. Yet, culturally it is a forbidden aspect of our identity, due to crimes committed against ethnic group during the 20th century.

So voat acts like a forbidden fruit. People come and their first response is to over indulge in freedom. It the same when someone first leaves a cult. Voat is like humanities gateway out of cultural Marxism.

magnora ago

I upvoted you because you contributed legitimate discussion.

However, I bet many people could make similar arguments about Hitler's beerhall meetings. They're just venting, won't have any effect, etc. But this website site literally promotes nazism and white supremacy... it's disturbing. I'd love to be able to go "oh they're just playing" but they're not playing... these people seem pretty serious. Not all people realize it's just lulz, and not all lulz are innocent and harmless.

I'm all for venting, but when hundreds of people start saying "let's gas all people we disagree with" and pretty much everyone on the site agrees, then I start getting a little worried. It's honestly hard to take that as lulz when you see it on this site 50 times a day with tons of upvotes every time.

I think there's more healthy ways to vent the anger than the way this site does it.

goatboy ago

That's fair. But just as no one made evidence based counter arguments to Hitler's claims about Jews. Few people today make evidence based claims about Jewish abuse of power in academia, media, high finance, etc.

The difference from a hundred years ago is huge however. Hitler censored his people voices. Jews who might have countered Nazi missives were unable to do so. Voat, by its very nature, is the last bastion hold out to protect against the censorship that led to the death camps of the 20th century.

Ultimately, the biggest difference is censorship is a European ideal. Americans will burn the world down before giving up free speech. These SJW pricks are trying to bring European style censorship to America and America will not abide them.

magnora ago

But just as no one made evidence based counter arguments to Hitler's claims about Jews.

Sorry but I don't think that's not true at all. Those people were simply ignored or maligned, and later killed.

I find it ironic you think voat is a bastion to prevent death camps, when many of the top posts are literally advocating for death camps... I enjoy the conversation, but we'll have to disagree.

goatboy ago

Of course they advocate death camps, they're suffering. It doesnt matter. It's always better to stick with the devil you know, than the unseen abyss.

I've looked into the abyss. I saw what's looking back. No one will survive this time. I'm not being hyperbolic. Everyone dies if this war starts.

magnora ago

Whatever, you don't know that. You have no way of knowing that for sure.

goatboy ago

I've seen the simulations.

goatboy ago

Don't be retarded. From crispr cas9 to recent cases of venezuelan equine encephalitis-

The game is clear. The more repressive the government becomes the more likely global Mutually Assured Destruction is initiated by a nonstate actor.

magnora ago

And you think all governments will always just inevitably become more repressive without reproach?

goatboy ago

No. Of course not.

magnora ago

Well then why isn't a rocky road to peace a possibility? Why do you think war is inevitable?

goatboy ago

Because we have too many people for too few resources, maybe not today, but eventually. During periods of energy abundance there will be peace. During energy and resource scarcity, war will return.

magnora ago

I agree. The acceleration rate of world population is negative. The velocity is obviously still upward, but the rate of increase is slowing down since the 1960s. If current deceleration continues, world population is expected to peak at 10 billion in about 50 years. This gives us lots of time to re-allocate resources, and then after that era we will be set because population will level off or decrease. No war required.

goatboy ago

This gives me great hope.

magnora ago

It's not misleading. The worldwide acceleration is negative and has been since the late 1960s. The velocity (rate of growth) is still positive and will be until about 2050, where it'll level off and the population will stop growing.

But yes, it's going to be rocky until then, but I see light at the end of this tunnel.

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

Fuck you faggot.

KikeFree ago

Into the oven, kike.

magnora ago


killercanuck ago

I don't think of it that way. Most of us are just fed up with intersectional politics infecting everything. You can't have a focus on a single subject, hobby, or art without some assholes bringing their politics into it. I honestly just want the facts, no emotional bias, no political bias, just the facts. But because of these scumbag snowflakes you can't even play video games without some bullshit going on. Drama and outrage culture is what's driven me to hate. It's made me embrace the dark side.

magnora ago

Thanks for the reply. So you visit voat to alleviate this? This is the part I don't understand.

just want the facts, no emotional bias, no political bias, just the facts

Voat is basically the complete opposite of this, as is reddit. It's just the opposite end of the political spectrum.

HateCumbuckets ago

But seriously, I'm open to discussion though.

HateCumbuckets ago

Well it's kinda in my name so...

magnora ago

Seems healthy :P

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I think its a vocal minority. Many of us block the "hate" subs, not necessarily because we disagree, but because its the same 5 posts every day.

magnora ago

Yeah, perhaps that's true. It's just frustrating to see 20 posts hating on random people who are just basically everyday working-class people, with a 100% upvote ratio.

There's so much bigger fish to fry. Just seems like a lot of wasted effort and energy. Effort and energy that could actually be improving the world, but is instead wasted on hating others who don't deserve it. We all drag each other down, like crabs in a boiling pot. It just makes me sad and worry about the future of humanity, is all.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

There's so much bigger fish to fry. Just seems like a lot of wasted effort and energy. Effort and energy that could actually be improving the world, but is instead wasted on hating others who don't deserve it. We all drag each other down, like crabs in a boiling pot. It just makes me sad and worry about the future of humanity, is all.

I'm with you on all of that. I'm not exactly the most "tolerant" sort of person, but I try to keep blind hate out of the equation.

magnora ago

Yes exactly! That's all I'm talking about. I'm glad some people on this site haven't been overridden by their emotions, that's comforting to hear.

magnora ago

People downvoting, afraid to even have the discussion. Sad

KikeFree ago

A discussion with a jew is pointless.

magnora ago

But seriously, why so much hate? Are you unable to turn it off?

BigFatDaddy ago

Here's a news article that explains it pretty well.

magnora ago

Ah, I remember when I was 14. Have fun with your sex humor before you grow up

magnora ago

LOL you called me a name again! Good one. You're so clever. I'm sure history will remember you.

BigFatDaddy ago

How history will remember YOU.

magnora ago

Lol So edgy! Good one. You're basically a genius, no one can dispute it now!

BigFatDaddy ago

Yes, your sense of humor is obviously far more sophisticated than the rest of ours.

magnora ago

So you're just posting random memes now? Man you are the best! SO FUNNY! I can hardly contain my laughter at your pure genius.

BigFatDaddy ago

That wasn't a random meme. This is.

Firevine ago

That last one is pretty funny though, for real.

magnora ago

This site values jokes too much

Fambida ago

If that was the case we'd be upvoting you.

magnora ago

No, it kind of proves my point that I'm getting downvoted, actually.

Crensch ago

"hurting my feelings proves my point" faggot

magnora ago

says the guy who is butthurt

Crensch ago

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

Link me to this, liar.

magnora ago

You said it cannot exist in the future.

Crensch ago

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

Link me. To this. Liar.

magnora ago

Sure. I said there was periods of peace, then you said this:

You claimed evidence where there was none. That presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Crensch ago

I didn't need to dismiss that claim, because it was IRRELEVANT.

magnora ago

So you deny periods of peace exist?

Fambida ago

No, it really doesn't. See, if we overvalued jokes, we'd love you, because you are one...

Please note that your reddit clone and patreon begging has already been uncovered, and we know you for the shill you are. You are not here for honest discussion.

magnora ago

I'm pissed off at this fucking website because it was supposed to be the chosen one and it went astray, and I'm trying to make an alternative that might actually work instead of just be shilled with hatred to stir up divides. Fuck me, right?

Firevine ago

Oh I don't have anything nice to say about Republicans either.

But seriously: This is a place to vent, which becomes a place to gather, which becomes a place to crack the eggs to make the omelet.

magnora ago

That's fair. Seems only certain types of eggs are worth cracking though, according to the voting patterns and comments on the site.

I love the free speech vibe, but I do not like the "you're with us or you're against us" vibe that underlies most everything on the site. I just find it discouraging from a website that is seemingly more enlightened. But instead of building something new, or trying to figure out a good path, it just seems like a repository to foment right-leaning anger in a lot of regards. I just find it discouraging that so many here seemingly blindly fall for the political game as long as they can tell liberals to fuck off. I see a lot of the same on the liberal sites, they're more happy to manufacture a "win" against conservative culture then they are to actually improve anything.

Seems like people are too fixated on defeating evil, rather than building good, and we fall for the divide and conquer so we hate those who might otherwise be our allies. It seems like voaters would understand this, but it seems the overwhelming majority don't. I find it upsetting how easily people fall in to the mindset of tribalism, on both sides.

Firevine ago

Someone else mentioned blocking some of the subs, and I agree with them. I've got FPH blocked because they're obnoxious and their fetish is gross.

magnora ago

Yeah I'll probably start doing that. But it still shows up on /v/all and the main page if you're a new user. Hate subs are like 1/2 the site at this point. Hard to really block them all

Derpfroot ago

Hard to really block them all

There are many other forums to join then....and the concern trolling is very obvious.

magnora ago

Only the obvious concern trolling is obvious. Some people are very good at being subtle.

What other forums would you suggest?

Derpfroot ago

Some people are very good at being subtle.

You think you're being subtle, huh?

What forums you suggest?

Your choice.

Professor_Autism ago

Why are you so fixated on foreskin, rabbi?

magnora ago

Ah yes, ignore the question and post a hateful joke instead. Kinda proving my point there, buddy

Professor_Autism ago

Oy vey! How dare I? Will I get my foreskin taken away for this?