greycloud ago

How can you write several paragraphs about the rejection of a bill without mentioning the bill number? the ONLY way to do that is to DELIBERATELY OMIT the bill number so that people are unable to look up the bill themselves. this reeks of dishonost news and spin. they fail to mention the bill so that you can't study it on your own to independently verify.

Smokrates ago

Sounds like the GOP knows it has something to lose if this goes into effect. After all the GOP has run things in that state for a long time.

Broc_Lia ago

Sounds a lot like the "debate" on net neutrality to me.

Broc_Lia ago

Ideally, yes.

frankenmine ago

CNN is corrupt and should be archived in the OP. It doesn't deserve our support. Please keep this in mind for future posts.

Also, please see:

bikergang_accountant ago

Yep, it's an anti-corruption bill.

magnora ago

Just a word of caution... I just discovered the funders list for, and it includes a Rockefeller foundation, a Soros name, and other big-money influences.

Look at the donor list for

This could all be a setup... Oh man I hate that I just found this out but I feel compelled to share

freedumbz ago


Something something shiny and colorful.

elgindelta ago

Gov Dagauurd a dead man walking

ArthurEdens ago

Keep it up and see what happens

HeyBooBoo ago

You linked to CNN. Never link to CNN. NEVER.

rumpleshinsplint ago

Lot of religious crazies out here...

binrobinro ago

"But state GOP lawmakers said they didn't think voters knew what they were doing."

Just like Brexit, or Trump.

freedumbz ago

This article is trash, and OP is a fucking faggot.

I remember this being on the ballot in November, and I voted no. Do you know why? Two reasons. One, it was way too long and convoluted to be anything useful to the common man. Two, it was fucking retarded. It cut in ways that were un-necessary (state legislators under this law can not attend a charity dinner meant to raise money for kids with disease. I am not kidding.) Or just plain dumb (the state paying out "democracy credits" which was literally the state paying for anyone's political campaign..) It was cancerous, wasteful, and stupid. All it did was generate ignorant slander aimed at the GOP when it was inevitably repealed (for fun, ctrl+f "Democracy Credit" and tell me this wasn't meant to get people to vote for "free" shit).

But I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Here's the part that affects the voters the most - the part where the state has to pay out... a lot.

To start, let's read this pile of garbled text:

NOTE - please ignore all AG explanations on all ballots. They are always biased and retarded. Read the fucking text. Also, if you actually read it, see you in a while.

Now, let's look at this part:

Section 3. Terms used in this Act mean:

(1) “Commission,” the ethics commission established by sections 32 to 41, inclusive, of this Act;

(2) “Democracy credit,” a credit valued at fifty dollars, issued by the commission to a South Dakota resident voter under the Program established by sections 43 to 62, inclusive, of this Act, that can be, through proper assignment, used to make a contribution to a participating candidate;

(3) “Participating candidate,” a candidate for statewide or legislative office who is certified by the ethics commission as qualified to be assigned and redeem democracy credits, pursuant to sections 51 to 54, inclusive, of this Act;

(4) “Program,” the South Dakota democracy credit Program established by sections 43 to 62, inclusive, of this Act;

(5) “Qualified contribution,” a contribution made by a natural person resident of the state that is not, in the aggregate, in excess of two hundred and fifty dollars to a candidate for legislative office or in excess of five hundred dollars to a candidate for statewide office; and

(6) “Registered representative,” a volunteer who is permitted to solicit and collect democracy credits on behalf of a specific participating candidate because the volunteer has, pursuant to section 56 of this Act, properly filed with the commission to affirm understanding of the regulations and penalties associated with the Program.

We have a group of people who say "this is a good guy" and give him state money to run a campaign. This can't go wrong at all! Even with the "checks and balances" you have an inherently shit system to start with.

SD legislator and Governor were 110% justified in repealing this.

vastrightwing ago

Ok, so the people voted for a law (maybe a stupid one) but their representatives decide to undo it. Sounds like tyranny to me.

And politicians never write bad law, like ObamaCare, for example.

willofthewarrior ago

Situations like this are why US government is set up as a democratic republic, not pure democracy.

vastrightwing ago

Yes. The Oligarchs don't want the will of the people to ruin their party.

issueninja ago


gazillions ago

You want goats too.


Five, not two.

Artofchoke ago

All this generosity, you're a giver! I now give goats to you!


gazillions ago

Omg i'm so generously blessed!

Praise Kek!


We shall farm wool

Eatmuhballs ago

Lol who actually believes the government is looking out for the human race?

selpai ago

Mate, you're linking to CNN. Stop that shit.

Seventh_Jim ago

Anyone got a reliable source on this? If true then every yes vote on the repeal should equal an occupied lamp-post outside the legislature.

OriginalReaper ago

This is when I wait for second amendment supporters to speak up

BoiseNTheHood ago

> Anti-Republican headline


Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and assume there's more to this story.

TheDude2 ago

What in the fuck? I didn't read the bill. maybe it's shit...I don't know. But the people voted it in you swamp dwelling politicians!

vastrightwing ago

Obamacare. Need I say more?

capicua ago

if only you had used a credible news source besides CNN, any local south dakota news sources pick this up?

Fiyanggu ago

The establishment will do what it will to protect it's interests. The American system of government is broken. All the entrenched interests care about is too keep the party rolling while spitting on the interests of the people.

shill343 ago

How the are they allowed to repeal a public referendum?

magnora ago

Through a state of emergency, apparently. In a state of emergency, I think the governor becomes a temporary dictator of sorts.

worthlesshope ago

the title of the thread and the upvotes the posts in the thread are getting don't match voat's usual way of things. Something about all of this seems really fishy..

Simsim ago

Agreed, its getting pretty shilly in here.

jrfg1743 ago

ya, all this independent thought

Longbottom_Leaf ago

Voat is generally pretty libertarian and hates corruption in general. We don't give free passes to corrupt officials just because they are republican

1HepCat ago

Some more detailed arguments against the measure:

"An individual running for office would not be able to self fund their campaign." Campbell said, "That besides being unconstitutional, is absolutely insane. Along with that, IM 22 asks you and us to allow state government out of the general fund to fund campaigns, also insane."

IM22, an extraordinarily lengthy document, was challenged in the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court, and Judge Mark Barnett placed a preliminary injunction, finding IM22 likely unconstitutional “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

it would basically set up a fourth branch of government made up of unelected commissioners who would have authority to repeal any law passed by the South Dakota Legislature.

Legislators take an oath not to accept bribes. The punishment for accepting a bribe is a Class 4 felony (1939 law). IM22 makes bribery a Class 1 misdemeanor – a lesser sentence.

magnora ago

I mean, of course the established government is going to hate it. They're all corrupt.

"Under this law almost all high-ranking officials would become criminals" pretty much says it all. They can't allow that, that breaks their entire game!

1HepCat ago

I'm definitely sympathetic to the people's desire for responsive government. I agree the quote you cite is a weak argument. Presumably, the high ranking officials would be protected by the Constitutional provisions against ex post facto laws unless they continue the forward-going illegal behavior. Then again, given the examples I've provided, I agree that the measure doesn't appear to pass Constitutional muster.

Anyway, since most outlets reporting the emergency repeal are very left leaning, I figured better arguments from the repeal side were probably available elsewhere and I think I found some decent ones.

With all of that said, I hope the SD legislature is able to pass some of the more sensible provisions that they claim to support.

Cantilever ago

Great counterpoint

dontforgetaboutevil ago

This is armed rebellion shit right here.

Cantilever ago

This could be a Trojan horse. When money leaves politics, the only instrument of influence will be corporate-censored social media and MSM.

Take a look at the donor list pushing the reforms.

Rockerfellers, rothschilds, and Soros groups all major donors.

magnora ago

Oh wow. This changes things. I'm going to need to digest this information

Aldo ago

SCARY! SOROS! I'd rather be beholden to oil, telecom, and King Trump!

Broc_Lia ago

The measure, which passed with more than 51% backing in November,

That's pretty narrow.

would have created an independent ethics commission,

"Independent" and "government body" are oxymorons. That sounds like a whole heap of BS disguised by the reasonable measures.

limited lobbyist gifts to lawmakers, banned officials from joining lobbying firms for two years after leaving office

All sound fine to me

and created so-called "Democracy vouchers" for registered voters to steer toward their preferred candidates.

What in the name of hell does any of that mean?

All in all, I think there's more to it than is in the article. First off, it's CNN, who I wouldn't trust to tell the truth about a pickup basketball game. Second of all, they're screaming about the koch brothers again whilst carefully ignoring Soros.

freedumbz ago

Democracy credits are taxpayer dollars (fifty per credit) assigned to any candidate that is approved by an ethics committee that is run by the state for the purpose of campaigning. Great idea, right?

Broc_Lia ago

That sounds exactly like the kind of bullshit I'd expect the party of the Clintons to come up with

TheDude2 ago

Apparently, liberals are using tax money to fund campaigns. This is some real bullshit.

Aldo ago

Its better than our current system where only those who have friends with money can run and win, then they're expected to turn around and represent the people? Time and time again they only represent their donors.

Broc_Lia ago

Representative democracy doesn't work in general. But if you force everyone to pay for whoever is in power's campaign, then it'll turn into a one party system pretty quickly.

TheDude2 ago

How about zero tax dollars to politicians?

tribblepuncher ago

An "independent ethics commission" sounds an awful lot like something likely to be unelected and probably loaded down in favor of a particular political perspective. I haven't looked at the article in detail, but that just smells fishy right there.

Aldo ago

Independent usually means non-politicians and either non-partisan or filled 50-50 with Rs and Ds

Simsim ago

LOL If you seriously believe that, I have a bridge to sell.

magnora ago

Then look at the material in the top comment. I believe in them and their message.

While it's good to call out billionaire influence, I think your message may just serve to make people apathetic toward something that is a legitimate good.

I think that 51% is a lot larger now that they've shot themselves in the foot by using such an obvious tactic

Broc_Lia ago

I think that 51% is a lot larger now that they've shot themselves in the foot by using such an obvious tactic

Oh probably, but that doesn't make the proposal any less a piece of horseshit.

Joker68 ago


shill343 ago

The only way that this is going to get fixed is if these bastards start suiciding themselves.

Jizzmaster3000 ago

Anyone have a non-CNN link?

toobaditworks ago

You can check my post above for all credible sources posting this story at the same time.


Thisismyvoatusername ago

I need to study this more, but between this story being from CNN and the groups it mentions as involved for and against, I am leaning towards this being the correct outcome as bad as it looks. That said, they clearly need to do something to make their electorate trust that the system is controlled by the people, though. This looks horrible on its face.

vastrightwing ago

To all of us deplorables, we now know who our "representatives" really represent: not us. In a clear move of blatant disregard, our kleptocrats said "fuck you!" In very clear fashion. This is war!

lemon11 ago

pyres ago

You should never try to take the gibs from your government officials. They can't live on their salaries alone. /s

If enough people kick up a ruckus, they'll probably send in the National Guard to put down the people.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Is there another source besides CNN, like a local paper?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

so nothing from the locals?

I mean it could very easily be ultra shady state politics, but if you where to listen to the democrats then every republican is an evil white rich guy who ties poor Mexicans onto train tracks.

And if you where to listen to republicans, then every democrat would be a gender queer, vegan communist who shits on the constitution.

The thing that strikes me about this, is that there is a lot of push back from the mainstream over this, so i suspect that there was something very nasty behind this bill that they are leaving out.

Aldo ago

I only trust sources that give me the narrative I want to hear, DUH!

Pawn ago

They just kicked a beehive of epic proportions.

0011011000111001 ago

Fake News.

CNN used as source.

Repubs most likely didn't say anything like that.

Fuck CNN, use a better source.

rumpleshinsplint ago

Just bc they are red doesnt mean they arent pieces of shit.

freedumbz ago

The measure was retarded. It relied on "democracy credits" and the name to pass. Read the text, it's really bad and they were justified in repealing it.

Astronautilus ago

Unknown, fake news, fake news, fake news... You're not doing too hot lol

lucifirius ago

Huffington Compost, Washington Compost, NY Slimes...

0011011000111001 ago

I haven't heard of Ballotpedia, but the others are also known as fake news..

Broc_Lia ago

Even from reading that obviously biased article, I can tell that law isn't all it appears to be.

gazillions ago

I accidentally clicked on it too. I feel like I should wash my mouth out or something.

prairie ago

Deleting the cookies is washing your mouth out.

0011011000111001 ago

Hold me :(

gazillions ago

Have some goats.


Subtenko ago

why are they all up on each other? Are they india goats? What they waiting in line for?

gazillions ago

NO!!! Now you stop that.

Those are western white goats of the western white culture, so those are clean, sane industrious goats.

0011011000111001 ago


bloodguard ago

The sad thing is they'll probably send these same corrupt criminals back into office next election. People just need to make it a consistent policy to vote against all incumbents. Forever.

Wonder_Boy ago

"I hate congress and politicians!" casts vote for incumbent

magnora ago

Incumbents should be labeled as such on the ballot. Then people who are anti-incumbent can easily do so.

derram ago | :

South Dakota GOP repeals voter-approved anti-corruption law -

'Curd, his colleagues and a lobbying group filed suit against the law last year in a South Dakota circuit court. '

'"It was an attempt to fundamentally transform the South Dakota citizen legislature," he said. '

'"The state motto in South Dakota is 'Under God, The People Rule.' The fight against corruption will not end until elected leaders abide by that principle."'

'On Tuesday night, less than 24 hours before the vote, demonstrators from Represent South Dakota projected the words "Respect Our Vote" onto the state capitol. ', "State Republicans' decision to effectively overturn the referendum results also comes on the heels of a controversial attempt by House Republicans in Washington to gut an independent ethics watchdog."

This has been an automated message.

magnora ago

The law that was passed by the public and undercut by the state government was the legislation talked about here:

"Corruption is Legal in America"

"How to fix America's Corrupt political system"

They finally got it through in this one state, and then the government pulls the rug out from under the people. This is simply unacceptable in what is supposedly a democracy or a representative republic.

naturallyfree ago

Take it to Gorsuch (my new mantra)

freedumbz ago

Read the bill you literal fucking retard. A group of cronies giving state money to any political candidate they like is a fucking retarded idea.

Outlier00 ago

I fear no real change will ever come about in this nation without great bloodshed.

magnora ago

Maybe, maybe not. But it's true that "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." There's not many legitimate avenues for change remaining, those in power have seen to that... there's still a few things left to try

Tzitzimitl ago

change is inherently illegitimate, because the disease will fight the cure at all costs.

crashing_this_thread ago

You have the second amendment for these occasions, don't you? This cannot stand.

freedumbz ago

This bill did nothing to stop or address corruption, and had more to do with reinforcing it. You sound like you WANT a group of state appointed cronies to give out state money to campaign for office to their friends.

Tzitzimitl ago

its been tried multiple times, the second is only effective as an offensive measure if the public is not retarded.

magnora ago

Today someone told me about the Battle of Athens:

ShineShooter ago


cousineerie ago

This is why, fundamentally, things will never change for the better until it all comes crumbling down.

IhAzBacon ago

This is why, fundamentally, things will never change for the better until it all comes crumbling down.


There will be a second coming.

Artofchoke ago

No, there won't. I'm so sorry. :(

heretolearn ago

when. I've been waiting.

IhAzBacon ago

New International Version

Mark 13:32 ►

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

New King James Version (NKJV)

Matthew 24:36-39

No One Knows the Day or Hour 36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,[a] but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Artofchoke ago

Don't be cruel, the poor fuck will figure it out soon enough and need support. :/

Subtenko ago

thats the plan big boooooieeee

Thisismyvoatusername ago