11015578? ago

Sorry, but I found v/TraditionalWives to be nothing more than a slew of virtue signalling garbage cluttering up my front page. It struck me as a place where folks could LARP about 'the perfect wife'. All I have seen was constant posts of either slutty chicks who are OBVIOUSLY high maintenance train wrecks or old pictures of imaginary families set in the 50's.
Now, I am all for the nuclear family. I'm all for cutting cable TV from your life. Bringing up your kids well and having an awesome marriage to a woman who respects you, loves you and is your best friend... I am just not up for virtue signalling the living shit out of every aspect of it, spewing out saccharine sweet stylized shit from the 50's like that was the fucking bomb. You know what the 50's gave us? Those 'traditional' wives and husbands gave us the fucking boomers. They fucked up the raising of their children to such an extent that their hellspawn has damned near destroyed this and every other western country.
How about the idea of Traditional Wives is just a hallmark card myth. How about cutting the crap and just creating v/WivesWhoArentCunts. Personally, my idea of a traditional wife is the Celtic kind... One who can hold her own, is her Husband's right hand (ayyooooo!) and just gets on with shit rather than playing out some pathetic role as a wilting rose who sits prettily in the shadows waiting for her man to pat her on the head and tell her she did good, fuck that. That sounds boring and my ego is healthy enough that I don't need a fawning personality void making a big show about worshiping me... Yawn... I am willing to go out on a limb and say that i honestly think that /v/TraditionalWives has the stink of cuck / incel about it. Thats right, I said it.

(As reference, I'm 16 yrs happily married to a kick ass wife who isn't a cunt, have 3 awesome kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats and life is fucking grand)

11017491? ago

Thank you! It's super cringey and totally LARP. It's clearly full of beta dudes who are totally delusional

11015457? ago

traditional wives. a great sub.

11015445? ago

It's run by a bunch of "ex sluts".

The whole thing is a joke.

11015820? ago

How do you know? Haven't been keeping tabs on the sub particularly close, but as far as I know that doesn't seem accurate.

11015898? ago

@Empress is a confessed divorce risk.

Lots of cock before her incel virgin husband.

11019955? ago

Honestly I want more than your word for it seeing as I've gotten a good, sincere impression from her. Obviously I'm not going to go though all of her comments either.

11020109? ago

It's buried somewhere in her comment history if she didn't delete it.

Or you could ask her yourself. She used to be open about it.

11015510? ago

This cannot be said enough. Both the traditional subs are a joke. One is bullshit slut role play where they belive they'll land an actual good man if they wish hard enough. The other is full of white knight beta male faggots.

11015561? ago

Fucking exactly.

They have cucked voat beyond all recognition.

11015556? ago

Extremely accurate.

11015469? ago

and literal transgenders role-playing, you know, like all of them do no matter where they are.

11015495? ago

The tell is that they only talk about platitudes and bullshit. They don't talk about any of the realities of being a mother.

God help their children.

11015439? ago

SBBH jesus fuck, stop shitting on the non-shitposting parts of Voat

11018893? ago

Voat is a joke now. It's a shitposting factory because people are allowed to game the voting system.

11015224? ago


11014737? ago

Don't have the guts to say that without going Anon?

11014753? ago

You're anon too, fucker.

11014770? ago

Can't not be anon in v/anon you slow witted incel.

11014774? ago

Then why are you telling me to stop being anon, idiot?

11014954? ago

Why'd you post it on v/anon unless you're trying to hide the fact that you're a lizard person prepping for the reptilian invasion that Sander's supporters have been masterminding?

11014959? ago

I'm suing you for being a criminal shill.

11014970? ago

I've already brought a law suit against you in Canada since you said bad things and hurt my feelings.

11014987? ago

Well I'm suing you for even knowing that Canada exists!

11015090? ago

You can't do that!

11015135? ago

Oh yeah well Canada's dad is going to beat up America's dad!

11015206? ago

England? The best they can do is send some Moslems to try, but they have a short fuse.

11014625? ago

I'd love it if it weren't operated by transgenders, and you goats eat it up.

11014453? ago

v/TraditionaIWives is a pretty cool channel.

11015797? ago

I shop there all the time.

11014352? ago

If you think someone elses opinions make them a looser... then you are a reddit looser.

11015474? ago

wtf? i see that mistake azll the time....how do people fuck that up?



is this an across the pond thing? i see this 3 times a week.

11014743? ago

The only opinion that will make you looser is one in which you think you can take a 16 inch dildo up your ass.

11014427? ago

That's for admitting that you're a loser.

11014444? ago

takes one to know one?

11014374? ago
