duchessofdarkness ago

sorry you're autistic

digitalentity1497 ago

I'm upvoating Sane just because.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

bold faced lie

i have made no threats, you lying nigger.

vandilx ago

Don't measure your personal worth by the amount of Internet Points you have.

There are a lot of anonymous dicks out there.

MoonMansWay ago

And look where he devolves the conversation to.

MoonMansWay ago

Member for 1.5 years with constant activity, but sure faggot.

MoonMansWay ago

One merely needs to look at: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1608024/7843949/10#7843949 and posts from other users stating they were targeted and downvoted by Sane which Put affirmed.

"We will make this right and it will be a beautiful spectacle to behold." He did not affirm that sane was the one doing it. IF anything you could gather he is just looking into. You just want it to affirm since it fits your agenda.

If multiple users are saying the same thing

Saying is claiming.

Other users have also stated

Stating is claiming

you autist.

Go fuck yourself D&C

MoonMansWay ago

he openly stated in chat he was going to attack me as well as a screenshot of a webpage that lets you buy votes for Voat.

Nigger, Proof or shut the fuck up. At this point im leaning towards thinking you are D&C with the utter lack of proof for your claims. Its all anecdotal, and im not going to believe you. I urge all other voaters to exercise critical thinking on this post. I feel like im on fucking reddit right now - this all characteristic of a SRS thread.

MoonMansWay ago

He casts a wide net, but his methods have undoubtedly upset SRS infiltrators. Unfortunately some users are using this character assassination to justify brigading

MoonMansWay ago

Or you are doing it to yourself. Its still anecdotal since you dont have any before and after. You are asking us to believe you on faith and trust. Which I will not give to a 6 day old account regardless if said account claims its just an alt.

MoonMansWay ago

My leading hypothesis as of now is the voat manipulation is being done by those against Sanegoat to craft 'proof' to use in this witch hunt being levied against him. But its just a hypothesis like every other commenter's comments here today.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

atko said 1,000,000 visitors to voat last month.

i called out 90 shills.



fuck off.

people can shill too. they're just behaviors.

you've been taken in by the script, to a certain degree, and you're regurgitating it

whatever it is

you're hitting the shill radar

and i call it for what it is

whether you're organizing, whether your paid... or not

doesn't matter.

what does is the continued script you're splurging.

self censorship isn't censorship

MAY be an attack

first selection of recent evidential comments second selection of recent evidential comments third selection of recent evidential comments selection of recent evidential POSTS calling out all the shills, re: all this evidence

did you not even?

this is like 20% of it.

MoonMansWay ago

6 day account with a long number for a name - providing anecdotal evidence in a character assassination post.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

read delaware law.

MoonMansWay ago

I would find it more likely that his numbers are being artificially adjusted by others using the alt armies so they can have 'proof' to lead a witch hunt.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fair enough,

butthurt goat that admits it sheepishly (no pun intended)

admits downvoating on butthurt feefees

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i haven't called you a shill.

i have detected possible shilling.

you're being capped logged and archived for POSSIBLE shilling

but by all means

continue calling what's being done to me as



sounds like butthurt not shill tho ffs just really weak butthurt

french bulldog

that was seriously a dick move.


oh butthurt confirmed

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm specifically calling YOU names and refraining from it most elsewhere.

you couldn't possibly be this stupid/blind/retarded.

so you must be a shill

but i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and replying meaningfully

attempting to use my forced ad homenim as a strawman will not do you well in your next reply, bitch nigger.

sgx191316 ago

He reported a lot of shills

Well, yeah, if by "reported a lot of shills" you mean "accuses everyone who disagrees with him of being a criminal shill with no evidence whatsoever", then yeah, he does that a lot.

noticed a lot of brigading happening around VOAT

He's certainly said he's being brigaded, though he has provided no evidence of it. It is funny how when he gets downvotes, it's because other people are attacking him, and when he gets upvotes, it's also because other people are attacking him.

while he has people stalking him and insulting him wherever he goes

Define "stalking", as it applies to a public message board? As for insulting him, he's systematically attacked everyone who he's ever disagreed with, calling them criminal shills and nigger faggots, is it surprising people sometimes say the same sorts of things back to him?

IMO this is a coordinated attack on his character

Coordinated by whom? Presumably you have evidence of this coordination? And saying "This guy is a nigger faggot shill" is an attack on character, saying "This guy is using upvoting bots" has nothing to do with his character.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill shilling

sgx191316 ago

Yes, everyone who doesn't 100% agree with you is a shill. Thanks for proving my first point, though.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am a goat.

i am free to speak

behavior police in reverse

fuck off.

possibility of being brigaded

fucking lol

static on the line shilling detected

you claim things are my responsibility that there is no proof of

please back up your claims.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

first selection of recent evidential comments second selection of recent evidential comments third selection of recent evidential comments selection of recent evidential POSTS calling out all the shills, re: all this evidence

because there are shills

they are attacking speech on voat

they have attacked me for months straight

you fucking nigger

either you're retarded and can't see the obvious

or you're lying through your teeth and are a shill.

fucking wake up

or get on the list, bitch.

i'm fucking sick of you pretending to be a not a shill, or continuing to attempt to talk to someone this fucking stupid.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm having some right now.

just not with you.

3rdTimestheCharm ago

Yeah the only concrete thing I saw was him being mean to someone. That is sort of what voat is about to some extent so I didn't find much fault there. If he really has all these alts and is manipulating things than fuck him. If he's just eccentric and loves conspiracies then people need to back off a bit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the only one you've done

shilling is weak so weak needs more fitting facts to alternative conclusions

SaneGoatiSwear ago


no worries bro, voats are meaningless as long as one is above 100ccp for downvoating ability.

because of overt restrictions placed, really being above 0 is important.

and frankly

if you voat often,

you need more ccp because of the arbitrary ccp ratio placed by @puttitout.

all of these are censorship tools and need to go.

but there are spam and no-effort account issues to resolve.. yes putt?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@amalekshairyass and he still hasn't provided any evidence.

a whole paragraph of nothing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Defamation per se

capped logged and archived

SaneGoatiSwear ago

burned me

AYYY LMAO nigga please you haven't even made me more than chuckle.

he was following me

no no, shill, i lurk ALL of voat. i am everywhere. i am the grey background in night mode.

everyone around here that's a goat knows it, too.

triggered him

lol no, again, as if you could even bring more than a scoff of laughter let alone butthurt.

the greatest on voat have tried. even amalek tried. MICK got butthurt by ME aayy lmao. couldn't pull it off.

other shills have shilled this story before

therefore it's evidence


wow that's some inception level stupid shilling.

go through his history, he's got some real major issues in general.

defamation per se

like at what point do i call for you to be banned?




weak shill is weak

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you woke up this morning and begged for upvoats by attacking me.

everything you've said about me is false.

@puttitout notice the blatant lying

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i don't even neeed to click on that, it's been used repeatedly

i was yelling at putt not to implement worse shadowboxing

which didn't work.

he implemented greyboxing.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

That's a serious accusation and you haven't really provided evidence.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout note that it's not enough for skyrock to shill against me here, but he must do it at phucks as well https://phuks.co/s/ProtectPhuks/6428#comments

derram ago

From what I've gathered, sane is deleting downvoated comments in order to regain lost ccp. I've still seen no evidence of vote manipulation besides that.

Rumour after rumour have people convinced he's spending hundreds of dollars a day to downvoat people, but I find that really unlikely. I know he can't program so maybe he's found a downvoat bot to run, but I haven't seen one in the wild anywhere.

Again, the argument was in regards to his attitude towards the site. Having some kinda karma war with the users still doesn't make him "anti-voat" especially when he's getting hit just as hard as the people complaining.

TinyRick ago

I went around to some of your history and randomly upvoated comments, Should help you get your posting status back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout confirmed criminal shill admitting to brigading up a known shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note shill op has now been upvoat brigaded @puttitout

sgx191316 ago

Prove it. You always attack everyone else for not providing proof, but you never provide any of your own.

sgx191316 ago

None of that is proof, it's just a random collection of links and more of your evidence-free accusations.

you are a liar, shill

Prove it.

this is defamation

Then prove it and sue me, I dare you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


obvious shill is obvious

asks for proof there's an upvoat brigade on a shill's veiled upvoat begging thread

when proof is literally in thread

that it was an ORGANIZED brigade is unprovable,

the brigade however is obvious.

all ups for the shills, all downs for any dissent, and of course instant major - for sanegoat, the uber anti-shill.


sgx191316 ago

So you have zero proof of any of your claims and anyone who asks you for proof is a shill, which you know because reasons. Got it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reported as spam

repeating same comment over and over regardless of response.

spam shill

sgx191316 ago

I ask you for proof, and you report it as spam. Why are you so eager to censor anyone who asks you to support any of your wild accusations?

spam shill

Prove it.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I'm pretty sure he's just here to destabilize things at this point.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Shit proof. I'd call you a shill but you need proof to call people out ;)

HarveyHarveyJones ago

You sound like some asswipe that just listens and believes every headline they read right off.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Sane has brought this up for months now.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Not gonna happen

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Based off his trolling and craziness on a blogging site, you deem him unworthy of earning any money? You guys are so unbelievable. Wasting my time getting annoyed with people wasting their time about a user who laughs at all you dumb fucks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


-harvey's statement is now fact.

i've been fucking LAAUGGGGHin at all y'all shills all day for 6 months straight now.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

You're 100% sure because yousaw sane say he could.... so you're 100% sure based off of a gut instinct? Good way to discredit yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh and i don't think the cabal is doing the upvoating

i think @goatku is.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when i see dat post with 100 upvoats i think

the cabal upvoat brigaded this.

heroinwinsagain ago

Secret to internet points, the more people disagree with you, the better off you are. fucking brainwashed school books of fake assassinations and false flag events and hoax news stories created by the government.

Fuck the social contract, its null and void.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i am permanently like this for the time being. shill war and all.

like bro, i got a giant sword and armor on, srry it's shiny

alts used to manipulate should be banned

i'm not sure.

because historically

that power will inevitably be abused to ban others.

right now all that's at risk is imaginary internet points

if -CCP restrictions were removed, shit comments still get curated, brigades still happen, but no one is silenced.

who watches the watchers and banners of accounts

ferref? the cabal? the sjws the srs the fucking pv sbbh pg faggots that are doing this to me and all others who won't submit?

no thanks.

i believe voating is protected self-expression in the u.s., and OUGHT NOT BE ABRIDGED.

that means taking the fucking voats like a goat and not being a whiny bitch about it.

and for an example

i think anyone should be able to see all my comments and voat freely on them. meaning a user with 10k ccp could brigade me to -1200ccp right now. all by themselves with one account and it wouldn't matter

i see a voating free for all being the true nature of voat.

it might be gritty, painful, and ultimately, one hell of a wild ride,

but that's hella preferable to the restrictions, censorship, self-censorship they're heaving on us against our wills right now.

i'll take wild west over north fucking korea any day.

cheers for actual discussion in this shitty post.

goatboy ago

I'm not even mad. I'm impressed with sanegoat's commitment. That level of assholery isn't cheap.

Echo59 ago

So much for freedom of speech in voat. It's just another place where any dissonance is downvoated to oblivion. And compliance with majority is encouraged.

Power users just exploit it shamelessly, but voats buying is sad and bad for all.

MadWorld ago

It is a difficult problem, considering how easy it is to efficiently fire up virtual machines with automation scripts. Each virtual machine will appear to "legitimately" run a voat account. On the other hand, it would be far simpler to generate voting stats on a user who is being targeted with massive and consistent downvoats by the bogus accounts.
Thank you for exposing the faggot and his ladybugs!

Lord_of_the_rats ago

no proof here.

sorry but you sould have screenshot'd.

no evidence == no action.

auggs ago

How is Sane able to provide, at the very least, copy and paste of your comments in the chat but you can't do the same?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because the shill is lying.

Lord_of_the_rats ago


here we haz some wisdoms

SaneGoatiSwear ago

not really peaceseeker is a neutral shill

Lord_of_the_rats ago

hm. the vote restrictions are retarded though

they are censorship

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aye :(

Lord_of_the_rats ago

several badlogick here

let's inspeck them

  1. sanegoat manipulates votes, therefore your problems must be his reponsibility
  2. you did not provides any evidenses of your claim, that sanegoat said he is vote manipulate.

@sanegoatiswear @uchihamadara

so basickly, the only thing which is almost 100% likely to be a true

is that someone target'd you.

in the futures.

pleases avoids the uses of badlogick.

MinorLeakage ago

Yeah this a shitpost of the worst degree. The worst part is 150 idiots have upvoated this shit.

SparkS ago

you are bringing serious accusations without proofs against a user who is fucking around for diverse reasons. and in the end words are words. i dont agree with this. from my point of view this is totally ur problem and should rant about it exclusively to a dev or whatever not doing what u r doing. its disgracious for u.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note the shill response is to link to something that is not proof

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i rescinded my initial assessment and told you.

i understand

i think this is what Puttit meant

i get it

it's your opinion

but you stated it as fact.

that's manipulative by definition.


yeah, again, that's an opinion.

i call it manipulation.

should i start doing this to what you're saying so you can understand what it's like?

" @ferref just said he knows that puttit will be banning sane goat tomorrow and will be giving ferref a badge for all his hard work against sanegoat the evil spam amalek shill bot."

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the amount of bullshit out of puttitout's mouth in that comment is astounding.

let me just key you in on one obvious one:

alt detection

putt has alts. is he saying he's going to ban himself?

no of course not, he's being facetious.

there's no rule about alts, nor any discussion about rules being created for alts

are you suggesting putt's going to just put a rule in place about alts without any community discussion, or with just a little feigned community discussion?

i don't see "banning alts" or "alt detection" as what ought be done nor what he's proabably doing.


The admins have said they are working on a way to find and ban those using multiple accounts.


We are actively working on alt detection and will be dealing with this problem very soon.

putt did not say that. just didn't. that may be your interpretation but that's just an opinion. you stated it as fact.

sorry bro, not paranoid,

calling out bullshit.

aye CTR is here, srs/sjws are here... many shills are here. millions poured into internet manipulation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that user is 100% cabal. that you trust anyone on the internet is lamentable, but that you trust that obvious overt shill is fucking sad.

i have always been against imgur.

sli.mg went down and I called it, as the admins had disappeared 6 months prior and never returned, it was just a matter of time until the site went down.

i have yet to be butthurt on voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

You called it, but continued to shill for more shitty services, and now you're shilling against Atkos new upload service that everyone likes. Planed destruction?

Tell me sane, why do you hate voat so much? How much does u/spez pay you? Are you sleeping with Elen Pao?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

2 day img host made by a guy who just quit his baby, voat? no fucking way.

i will never click on that. it's as compromised as atko is.

and he's hella compromised.

shilling against atko

have preference, speak freely about it

shill calling his opponent shill

that's weak even for a weak shill like you.

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

personal attack

associate opponent with negative concept

and again

shill shilling

@puttitout see how these shills work

as the little bitch uchiha gets upvoat brigaded, i lose 250+ ccp

lol but no mention of me being downvoat brigaded nearly the same amount as the op, who was upvoat brigaded to the top post of v/all.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL! Don't you kno putt has you blocked? he has you blocked for a month, he told me.

Chiefpacman ago

Yes I too would be popular if it werent for sane holding me down.


SaneGoatiSwear ago


Chiefpacman ago

Wouldnt be surprised if this post was paid for.

Fuck off shill.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Like when fake news site run their mouths all day about fake news. Everyday i see a post about sane. Even when he's not shitting in the pot

Ina_Pickle ago

Yeah, and it's getting really old.

Why the hell would Sane spend money to mass downvoat someone relatively unknown? I've never seen a single post of comment by Uchiha Madara, and trust me, I would remember that name. But for some reason Sane is supposed to be willing to waste either money or insane amounts of time removing his ccp?

Makes no sense. Explain it better and provide some sort of evidence of Sane's undying hatred for you @UchihaMadara. You have to have some reason for thinking Sane hates your fricking guts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in other words

TLDR shill shilling, another in a long line of paid accounts, alts, and long standing embedded shill users all attacking me

note, the below is just a SELECTION of what's been thrown at me.

first selection of recent evidential comments

second selection of recent evidential comments

third selection of recent evidential comments

selection of recent evidential POSTS

calling out all the shills, re: all this evidence

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aye. then @expertshitposter comes up with this trash https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1615123

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol sthap making the downvoat brigade on me look bad! lol jk. voat how you want. it's protected speech!

HarveyHarveyJones ago

We love you you crazy, paranoid goat. Yeah i disagree with you here and there but you're still the vigilante of goats

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note the shill spammer forum slider

refuses to post proof, instead linking to non-proof to make it look like he linked to proof

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you have 34 ccp

puttitout is watching you, shill.

youre going to get reckd

and free speech shall prevail

you're free to speak here

but outright lying and defamation per se are speech types that carry civil and possibly even criminal penalties.

i would suggest you speak freely, but know

free speech doesn't mean speech free of consequence.

my post response

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

criminal shill shilling


Chiefpacman ago

He's probably paying $ for the votes/ attention. Chalk it off as a win.

Everyone's a hater

SaneGoatiSwear ago

known butthurt faggot shill


awww cute

you got any evidence of those baseless accusations, shill?

Chiefpacman ago

I forgive you though, tough day at the office. Smoke a fat one man, fuck it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Chiefpacman ago

side with you any day.

Fuck all these otha niggas.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

side with the truth.

if i start spewing lies and shilling

wreck my ass too.

any of us are suspect at any moment

because of the sheer amount of money being poured into internet shilling right now.

so we gotta keep on our goat hoof tips. (lol not toes)

people are free to speak

and banning users or accounts at all is a bad move

then there's a possible grey area to exploit to corrupt banning to include undesirables

it's slippery slope @puttitout

what kills the rot?


the fucking light of truth dries up the rot of shills.

name and shame

point out fallacy and disinfo tactics consistently


personal attack

like this

Chiefpacman ago

Its me dawg!

Im saying he is paying for them


SaneGoatiSwear ago


Chiefpacman ago


I'm serious though.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se


criminal shill @skyrock

@puttitout check above comment, stating i have brain damage as a fact, in order to hurt my reputation in public.

this is speech that in the relative state carries civil penalties.

user is breaking u.s. law on voat.

with the ill intent against me of course

SaneGoatiSwear ago

all the upvoat farms

you have exposed nothing, you lying sack of shit

@puttitout this user lies to attack other users on voat. he is anti-free-speech and pro-censorship. this is an anti-voat user. @skyrock ought not have mod positions on voat. lying in part of an attack based on no evidence is no less than ideological treason against voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so you mean downvoating on feelings is serious?

my post response

SaneGoatiSwear ago

look at the downvoats on the original comment! they don't want their record truthed!


Sane, if you had to smoke dick for crack, or lick poop off o the floor, woul dyou rather take a lamp up your butthole or a rug?


Sane with those big jwish nostrils if you tried to sniff ass of a man would it smell super sensitive to you


Sane, how big is your jewish nose


sane is it true that your butthole is as big as the moon


sane, is it treu that your butthole comes form tardust?

my post response

SaneGoatiSwear ago

my initial response instantly downvoated to -4. lol.

he's stated on the Voat chat he can buy up/downvoats to manipulate people's accounts and submissions (he even linked to a page that showed where you can buy them)

this is a fucking lie.

@puttitout check it out, user lying!

hey @uchihamadara show me the chat log, you filthy liar. i never said that shit. ever. i mean it's true those sites exist, but i never linked to that shit and i never said that shit to you in chat. that's a bold-faced lie.

stop crying for upvoats you faggot, and make another alt

you shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

your "evidence" is comments of mine that have also been DOWNVOATED to -12

cherry picking evidence

shill more than confirmed

@skyrock is a shill!

wow. of course the sjw cabal gave you locke's trashheap.

SaneGoatiSwear ago







@puttitout check the wacko on this one.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you say you'll attack me on phucks.

you attack me.

what would you think?

i have evidence of your intent and the outcome

now of your shitposting

shill confirmed anti-speech @skyrock.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Holy shit you actually don't understand sarcasm.

SaneGoatiSwear ago






try PM him you stupid fuck




no fuck that


and also suck my nonjewish nonkosher cock u stupid kike


no homo


i mean that in a strictly non homoseuxal way


you dirty faggot


yeah ur mamma got fawked by a chimpanzoo ape bongo drummed monkey


and she shitbirth you


im huffing my farts


infinite energy system


if you put me in a room with no air


no food


no water


and just myf arts


i will survive for perpetuity


fuck you jew


you go to reddit.com/r/xxchromosomes


i passed out after eating dorito shelled tacos from taco bell


i was spamming shit about sane


about how autistic he is

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Sane, if you had to smoke dick for crack, or lick poop off o the floor, woul dyou rather take a lamp up your butthole or a rug?


Sane with those big jwish nostrils if you tried to sniff ass of a man would it smell super sensitive to you


Sane, how big is your jewish nose


sane is it true that your butthole is as big as the moon


sane, is it treu that your butthole comes form tardust?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Voat is what you make it. All 'users' interface with voat and 'manipulate' our posts and comments or is there something I'm missing?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

You like to see homos naked?

Hey_Sunshine ago

sweetholymosiah ago

he's actually performing a service making it so obviously possible to manipulate

SaneGoatiSwear ago

someone clearly is. you see the graph of my ccp?

expert bot downvoat brigades then obvious upvoat brigades undoing the damage.

shill alts around me falling like someone's sniping while they attak me

i feel like i'm in The Walking Shill

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lawlz hey gauz clearly OP paid for the upvoats to get this to top spot on the front page. hit pieces on me usually only go middle front page. CLAE$ARYLRSRS that's EVIDENCE. OF CRIMES. GET "EM HUR DUR I"M TARDMAN AWAYYY

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fails to link to proof of wild accusation

@puttitout note the liar lying.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it will be beautiful to watch @puttitout wreck the shills.

hey putt did you see how @skyrock thinks of treating voat users? https://phuks.co/s/introductions/4523

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh hi skyrock

i didn't realize you were a shill until yesterday

when it was obvious




THE PAROLE THIS WEEK IS "FuzzyWords sent me to brigade SaneGoat"

betadynamique ago

I like Voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no they didn't

please show where they said that.

where's the rule against multiple accounts

puttitout has alts

you saying he's gonna ban himself?

get real

they're gonna find a coding way around shit, like they always do.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

OP in question spent some time doing this in chat yesterday, though.

uchcha in chat:





















Sane, what's the biggest phallic object you have shovd up your asshole? Was it a cucumber, a lamp, or an pad?


Sane, do you do any kegel exercise to maintain your asshole's elasticcity


Sane, how much does your asshole expand after taking a dump


Sane, how many black nigger jew dicks can you shove in your asshole at the same time?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he's stated on the Voat chat he can buy up/downvoats to manipulate people's accounts and submissions (he even linked to a page that showed where you can buy them)

this is a fucking lie.

@puttitout check it out, user lying!

hey @uchihamadara show me the chat log, you filthy liar. i never said that shit. ever. i mean it's true those sites exist, but i never linked to that shit and i never said that shit to you in chat. that's a bold-faced lie.

stop crying for upvoats you faggot, and make another alt

you shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nigger i just woke up.

Talc ago

He did it to me, beginning of the week, I've opened 16 new accounts every day ever since. If he does it to me again he'll get a precise dose of the same right back, vote-for-vote.

It's not about "super" users, nothing skilled or advanced about using proxies to open multiple accounts, if anything it's retard-level stuff any middle school kid could do.

MoonMansWay ago

Did you just admit to creating several alts to brigade with?

ffs these stupid fucks are using character assassination to justify brigading action.

Talc ago

If I'm brigaded and admin isn't going to do something about it then I am going to do something about it. This shit needs sorted, or we can all join the race to the bottom.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hit and run

make claims

fail to provide evidence

character assassination attempt

shill confirmed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


nigger i have no idea who you are

if you're getting dv'd to hell,

maybe stop whining like a cunt about it and just voat.

he did it to me

but i will prove nothing and just run away having defamed someone in the public sphere, a dirty little criminal pissant bitch

Talc ago

still can't quote right, retard.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hit and run from known shill confirmed

personal attack added in

known shill continuing the shilling

@puttitout @talc is an obvious alt shill

Talc ago

@puttitout @sanegoatiswear is an obvious vote manipulator, feel free to check out this account's post and comment histories in conjunction with the mass downvoting which occurred earlier this week.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@talc is now spamming comments

@puttitout note the low-level tactics used by

obvious butthurt shill @talc

Talc ago








also caught in a lie. Spamming? where? please show where I spam. Oh, you can't, you were just lying again.

You're a vile dishonest piece of shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

makes claims

fails to provide evidence

butthurt shill continuing to shill

Talc ago






AnTi90d ago

That reminds me.. One time I was tripping on acid and smoking herb with a friend, about 15 years ago, and a big black ant was walking by and I picked it up and put it into the pipe and we smoked it.

I have smoked an ant. (It tasted terrible.. kind of like burning hair.)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

da fuq did i just read.

3rdTimestheCharm ago

sanegoat is deff not dropping money. I don't think he has any money, unless his parents are still doing allowance?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

notice i'm being downvoat brigaded in this thread while OP the criminal shill is being upvoat brigaded.

sgx191316 ago

notice i'm being downvoat brigaded in this thread

Nice proof you've got there.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


of what? i didn't make a baseless claim

like you




sgx191316 ago

notice i'm being downvoat brigaded in this thread

Prove it.


Prove it.

AristotleCLONE ago

Look at my CCP.

Now use deductive reasoning to get cognizant of how I wear it like a badge of, honor, that my words are so powerful when cutting Alt-Right Dungpile racists so deep ... to whereas they comatosely downvoat my acct.

So yes you are correct that This is a huge exploitation of a few "super"users who can target folks they don't like, and effectively censor them; Enjoy the ride!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

-ccp restrictions ought be removed! @puttitout

voats should curate shit comments NOT CENSOR USERS.

either alts are ok, or -ccp restrictions are overt authoritarian user-curated censorship.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Maaaaybe sane, just maybe, the admins and owners and so forth of this site, have redefined this community. Maybe absolute free speech is not the purpose anymore. Maaaybe. Just maybe the ying and yang of everything still needs a home.... more importantly a leader to guide us there. Food for thought

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the same slippery slope dislogic used at reddit before the corporate infiltration facilitated overt censorship

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Im just saying if the shills have their hold on the controls, be hard to take them back.

I understand though.... a home's a home and also worth fighting for.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aye. it would be.

aye it is.

AristotleCLONE ago

-ccp restrictions are overt authoritarian user-curated censorship

I think you finally get the big picture here.

This website is controlled by Third Reich Clones; evil, wicked, Caucasoid racists who got sick of Reddit not using downvotes as restrictions in terms of overt authoritarian user-curated censorship ---so they launched this shithole called voat.co

So I reiterate, that you should do like I do ... and wear your CCP with that pride of knowing your words had this much power over Alt-Right Dungpile who felt epicly helpless vs your scholarship ---so they spit on Democracy by using their acct to rape your First Amendment Liberty.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout more epic words than i could ever write above.

3rdTimestheCharm ago

You have been attacked a lot recently. However you have also had some evidence brought against you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what evidence?

all these hitpieces say much prove nothing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@ferref is lying

no where did puttitout say he will "ban those using multiple accounts"

my post response

edistojim ago

What is the reason he is targeting you ? I'm sure you have some kind of idea right?

edistojim ago

To everyone that can read: I apologize for asking. I know I've lost IQ points for even reading that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the shills are low level, but there are many.

they use the same tactics over and over again.

but nothing is done.

now the war is on

and one way or another

this war shall end, neo.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no. this user was forum sliding in chat for a couple hours

doesn't bother me. bo thered some other users tho.

hatharzso came in repeatedly asking if there was still just "hate on Sane" going on, to leave and come back waiting for @uchihamadara to stop being such a low level forum sliding shill.