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Talc ago

He did it to me, beginning of the week, I've opened 16 new accounts every day ever since. If he does it to me again he'll get a precise dose of the same right back, vote-for-vote.

It's not about "super" users, nothing skilled or advanced about using proxies to open multiple accounts, if anything it's retard-level stuff any middle school kid could do.

MoonMansWay ago

Did you just admit to creating several alts to brigade with?

ffs these stupid fucks are using character assassination to justify brigading action.

Talc ago

If I'm brigaded and admin isn't going to do something about it then I am going to do something about it. This shit needs sorted, or we can all join the race to the bottom.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hit and run

make claims

fail to provide evidence

character assassination attempt

shill confirmed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


nigger i have no idea who you are

if you're getting dv'd to hell,

maybe stop whining like a cunt about it and just voat.

he did it to me

but i will prove nothing and just run away having defamed someone in the public sphere, a dirty little criminal pissant bitch

Talc ago

still can't quote right, retard.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hit and run from known shill confirmed

personal attack added in

known shill continuing the shilling

@puttitout @talc is an obvious alt shill

Talc ago

@puttitout @sanegoatiswear is an obvious vote manipulator, feel free to check out this account's post and comment histories in conjunction with the mass downvoting which occurred earlier this week.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@talc is now spamming comments

@puttitout note the low-level tactics used by

obvious butthurt shill @talc

Talc ago








also caught in a lie. Spamming? where? please show where I spam. Oh, you can't, you were just lying again.

You're a vile dishonest piece of shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

makes claims

fails to provide evidence

butthurt shill continuing to shill

Talc ago




