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SaneGoatiSwear ago

note shill op has now been upvoat brigaded @puttitout

sgx191316 ago

Prove it. You always attack everyone else for not providing proof, but you never provide any of your own.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

obvious shill is obvious

asks for proof there's an upvoat brigade on a shill's veiled upvoat begging thread

when proof is literally in thread

that it was an ORGANIZED brigade is unprovable,

the brigade however is obvious.

all ups for the shills, all downs for any dissent, and of course instant major - for sanegoat, the uber anti-shill.


sgx191316 ago

So you have zero proof of any of your claims and anyone who asks you for proof is a shill, which you know because reasons. Got it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reported as spam

repeating same comment over and over regardless of response.

spam shill

sgx191316 ago

I ask you for proof, and you report it as spam. Why are you so eager to censor anyone who asks you to support any of your wild accusations?

spam shill

Prove it.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I'm pretty sure he's just here to destabilize things at this point.