VicariousJambi ago


People would take you seriously if you didn't post stupid shit like this. Yeah, sometimes you say good shit every once in a while, but 99/100 posts from you are calling people shills and spamming shit like this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

behavior policing

i'll post whatever the fuck i want, thank you very nothing.

VicariousJambi ago

Not behavior policing. Constructive criticism. I understand that you can, and should be able to say whatever you want. If you want to be taken seriously though, you've gotta convey your message in a different way.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if you didn't post stupid shit like this

is that what you call constructive?


"i feel you'd be better off in life if you didn't breathe ever again."

how's that for constructive criticism, nigger?

different way


behavior and tone policing

confirmed shill

Talc ago

You got an instant downvote from me as well. Serves you right for using bots on me, and if you do it again you'll get the same number of downvotes right back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

makes claims

provides no proof

butthurt about internet points

butthurt faggot shill confirmed

uses downvoats for imaginary revent

ayy lmao

confirmed attack shill @puttitout see above comment for admission of the "abuse" they claim without proof i'm doing lol. so easy.

CujoQuarrel ago

I'd say you get downvoated because nothing you post has any value.

And BTW, I'm offended you didn't put me on your 'shills' list since you've called me that so many times.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

false accusations

list was non-exaustive. just a TASTE of the shilling.

you're on it, and it's all capped logged and archived, don't worry, shill.

CujoQuarrel ago

Thanks, I really appreciate that.

Have you managed to get a definition of shill yet?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

implying there hasn't been a standard definition this whole time

why don't you lurk more.

CujoQuarrel ago

There may be a standard definition but you don't seem to be able to articulate it. I think your definition is anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Oh, and I think you're stupid.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't seem to

yeah because you fail to lurk

i've stated it repeatedly, consistently.

i think

you wish we'd believe that

i think


personal attack


obvious shill is obvious

CujoQuarrel ago

Hmmm. Here is a def of shill.

I also know it as a card pleyer put into the game by the house so you could have enough players.

Niether seems to apply.

I think you are just Humpty-Dumpty as reguards to words. "When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."

And as far as me lurking what does that even mean? I don't post many new topics but I do tend to comment on quite a few. Now i could believe that you think that my comments aren't useful and that would hurt if I valued your opinion at all.