SaneGoatiSwear ago

no one is safe from the truth, though.

no one.


October 2017 feels like it is too far away.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am a 646 year old penguine.

i am young by ancient penguine standards (eons)

but compared to you i am ancient.

more knowledge and wisdom have i than all the libraries of the americas.

and yet.

nothing no way no how to do anything about what is coming.

the grand cycle of life continues unabated, unfiltered, raw.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what in the dog raping slaughtering eating chink?!?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have brought 0 false allegations.

that was fuzzywords

all of those useraccounts shill and some are actually ONLY here to shill.

i called out locke, he turned tail, obvious sjw reddit cancer.

false accusations

name one, you shill.

pure bullshit

provide one example, you dirty lying shill.

i always will argue for his right to say it

bullshit, you just shilled lies.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

capped logged and archived for continued shilling.

patronizing lone butthurt shilling by known goat shill (possible long term anti-voat paid shill)

julian_assanger ago

I was smashing that upvoat button a little overzealously. I quickly realized it wasn't "awesome" it was "acceptable"...But it was kinda funny.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

capped logged and archived for continued CRIMINAL shilling

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i don't alt.

i am sane goat.

op is anti-speech shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@seemsreasonable is a known shill

he got caught in your comment trap! nice job, real goat!

SeemsReasonable ago

Sanegoat is mad I hate him and called him out so he has started to ping me with the intent of attacking my character in random places instead of replying directly to the thread or comment I make. Don't speak negatively of sane or he will come after you next. I'm calling bullshit as I see it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


people talk shit all the time.

you have called me insane as a fact in public to hurt my reputation.

you have committed crimes on voat.

is mad


hate him

you are shilling, not emoting.

i ping whomever i want

ping police

don't speak negatively

oy vey, look at that TONE/BEHAVIOR POLICE


SeemsReasonable ago

Your arguments have literally zero meaning or grounding in reality. I can't understand how people read this shit above and believe you. I just feel sorry at this point for how dumb you are. Man your life must fucking suck.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

baseless accusation with no proof

appeal to audience

personal attack

fitting facts to alternate conclusions in a

nother personal attack

@puttitout the same shill continuing it's shill "attack" lol good morgen, sweet putt. how's your morning today bro?

SeemsReasonable ago

Literally means nothing. Stop describing yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

assuming a little weak shill like SR(s) could butthurt the sanegoat

you are the bristles in my shill-broom.

and you don't even understand that.

SeemsReasonable ago

Keep being autistic faggot. All you do is make more enemies. It's to the point idgaf what you say you're a piece of shit and the worst person I've come across in my life. Whatever good you may do is overshadowed by the massive amount of bullshit. "Everyone I don't like is a shill! I'm so smart. Listen to me. Look at me. See how smart I am? You disagree? You're a dumb shill. Hey everyone this persons a shill!" You're fucking insane.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

capped logged and archived for CRIMINAL shilling

@puttitout check it out another user who uses "defamation per se" when are you going to read delaware law. these users openly break u.s. law on voat. your user agreement is a fucking joke, and i've done my best to stay within it.

what's the point of continuing to do that, if they don't and you let them?

SeemsReasonable ago

You're always describing yourself. Hallmark of an SJW is project and that's all you do when you make these comments. You're so good at blending in though you've done what your friends couldn't, gain a following on here while pretending to be for free speech. "I don't want to silence anyone shill! I never advocate that!" immediately turn around "Admin! This shill said something mean follow the law and send them to jail!" Your autistic screeching reaches new levels of desperate retardation every day.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

associate opponent with negative concept

oooh alice in wonderland logic, it's been a few days since i've seen alice in wonderland disinfo tactic

false attribution

false quoting


defamation per se


personal attack

@puttitout above user shills so hard the shill training wheels fell off!

SeemsReasonable ago

Literally no meaning what so ever. Projecting all of his attributes on someone else.

Markzila ago

@Goat_Watch how do we know a four day old account isn't @SaneGoatiSwear ? Which still wouldn't be a problem unless @VoatForFreeSpeech is also @SaneGoatiSwear ...

SeemsReasonable ago

Pretty fuckin dumb. It's fairly obvious how he operates and yet people still fall in line behind him. So he acted slightly sane for once, that doesn't mean anything, just a way for him to regain whatever "credibility" he can before he regresses back to his ways. Keep marching to the beat of his drum fools.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill /|\

silversurfers ago

Lol, getting to like you!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

capped logged and archived for known reddit cancer shill here to silence voat; runs the upvoat brigade in disguise v/cheers

silversurfers ago

Thanks, keep your tinfoil cap on.

Markzila ago

@VoatForFreeSpeech WTF... why do you feel the need to delete... there are up down voats for a reason. Please delete your account and pick a user name that more represents your cunty mindset, maybe VoatForHypocriticalCunts is available. You should be ashamed. SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aye someone who ain't attacking the messenger! lol.

yeah VFS clearly is reddit cancer.

the shill OP of this post has just given my call that this fucker is reddit cancer more attention,

so let's thank the OP shill for being the dumbest shill on voat, eh!?


eagleshigh ago

Srs business. Do people really get this emotional over a website? Kek.

daskapitalist ago

@SaneGoatiSwear : Full Metal Jacket edition.

olinneserpona ago

Thanks. The eye raping I have noticed.

MoonMansWay ago

Dont believe what this one guy tells you. Read through some of his conversations here as well as those that attack him. You will generate your own opinion.

olinneserpona ago

From what I've seen from sanegoat he isn't all that bad. Calling out shilling and censorship is good stuff.

sgx191316 ago

Except he calls literally anyone who disagrees with him a shill, then threatens to sue them. He supports censorship as long as he's doing the censoring.

olinneserpona ago

That's like mirror image of an SJW.

sgx191316 ago

Nah, people who support censorship as long as they're doing the censoring are exactly like SJWs.

olinneserpona ago

Should have said two sides of the same coin.

MoonMansWay ago

Most people dont realize how illogical they are when forming opinions and they act even more illogically when called out on it. Its the biggest source of hate directed at him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

uncle420 is a known anti-speech shill on voat.

olinneserpona ago

I know there is a lot of controversy with sanegoatiswear, but what is it really all bout? I am asking because I haven't seen so much BS from him. The few times he has answered any of my comments it has been all good.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what is this really all bout?

reddit cancer mod running v/identitarian

srs/sjw cancer cabal taking over voat, censoring the site and giving the users self-censorship tools, and then trying to put a chilling effect on us sociologically

i fight back when others attempt to silence me: i speak louder.


is clearly a butthurt faggot

i speak the truth as best i can

anyone sayingotherwise

is attacking my character, and trying to manipulate public opinion against me, when in reality, this has very little to do with me, and way more to do with the 100 shills i've proven are on voat (not paid shills) to censor it, to divide it, to control or destroy it.

eye raping

if you have an issue with speech because of formatting

you're no better than the shill trash that needs to be taken out.

free speech or nothing.

olinneserpona ago

what is this really all bout?
reddit cancer mod running v/identitarian
srs/sjw cancer cabal taking over voat, censoring the site and giving the users self-censorship tools, and then trying to put a chilling effect on us sociologically
i fight back when others attempt to silence me: i speak louder.

I talking about the hate you face from so many users, not this single comment which is great. It comes clearly out in my comment.

if you have an issue with speech because of formatting you're no better than the shill trash that needs to be taken out. free speech or nothing.

That doesn't change the fact that it can be quite eye rapening. As you said yourself there's free speech here and I'll say whatever I want. Don't get hypocritical now.

I think people hate on you because of the way you handle mentions of you. I like it that you're calling out shills. I enjoy it, thank you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the hate you face

i am a shill magnet, i speak the truth. i am the dark goat and i take this burden because i love free speech and those that foster it, such as what was once voat.

saying you think it's eye raping

lol so what, exactly.

attempting to coax me into changing my behavior would be shilling bro, lol u just statin an opinion.

way you handle mentions of you

i respond to everything i want, which is most. 11k comments and counting.

shills will continue to be called out

everyone who's a real goat ought do it.

that's the point.

fighting back against those that lurk in the shadows starts with shining the light.

olinneserpona ago

Now I get why they hate you, you twist peoples statements to suite your agenda. Just like you did now. You formatting is eye raping, the comment I'm answering to is the proof. Saying so is not an attack on your free speech. I don't hate you, but now you are annoying, bye.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

tone policing

you are absolutely tone policing

i can format however the fuck i want

and you can bitch about it all you want

but your continued attack on me when it's clear i won't change for your fee-fees

is really amounting to tone policing.

see the funny thing about free speech

is it goes both ways

i'm calling you on tone policing.

i don't hate you




wants to make it a hit and run, eh?


shilling detected butthurt confirmed logging capping and archiving for possible shill, and good popcorn.

olinneserpona ago

Bye bye:)

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Well, I'll be damned. Broken clocks, Twice daily, and all that jazz.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reported, capped logged archived for criminal shilling.


Sane Goat is a good guy when he is on his meds. Most often I will leave his poats neutral or counter-vote to steer him towards 0.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

capped logged and archived for CRIMINAL shilling


When the doomsayer goes silent it is cause for alarm.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fair enough.

on his meds

defamation per se,

a crime in the state this site is registered as a company (the law that applies to it) and it carries civil penalties.

free speech does not equal speech free from consequence.

others have had legal troubles from speech on voat.

this is a general warning for you and anyone reading that we're still IRL even on the internet, and although i don't give a shit, others case you are actually a goat and not a shill.


It's good advice. I think the majority of shill accounts are unconiously created by users who do not delete their accounts. Inactive accounts will be targeted after a certain period of time by either corrupt mods or hackers for hire who seek to gain control of the account either for sale or for corporate/political use. That's the source of the dangerous shills, especially here on voat. Edit: Boats double submitted -.-

A6-EGO ago

Sanegoat is always awesome, his antics keep the free speech of this website and I find that more often than not he has a good point. Even if you disagree with what he says you God damn better fight for his right to say it.

sgx191316 ago

He threatens to sue people for disagreeing with him. He is no defender of free speech.

MoonMansWay ago

I went through your examples and he never once threatened to sue anyone.

sgx191316 ago

Then you should read them again. If you don't think those are threats of lawsuits designed to stifle speech against him, you're as delirious as he is.

MoonMansWay ago

They are warnings to voat users that what you say on this website can be held against you by opposition. He has stated previously to that end. Its a warning that even though we are online they can come after us.

SHILL DETECTED or whatever he says...

sgx191316 ago

They are obviously not friendly warnings, they are threats, but please continue to prove you have no idea what words mean by calling me a shill, moron.

MoonMansWay ago

continuing the same illogical behavior

but please continue to prove you have no idea what words mean

You have a very poor grasp on language, and you keep using the same tactics to shut out disagreement. I bet you don't even understand what shilling is.

have a nice rest of your day, bud.

sgx191316 ago

You have a very poor grasp on language, and you keep using the same tactics to shut out disagreement. I bet you don't even understand what shilling is.

You are literally describing yourself/sanegoatiswear perfectly.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout false accusations by a shill

i have never threatened to sue anyone you stupid nigger.

pointing out a crime is not the same as stating i am going to sue someone for it

either you are the dumbest nigger on voat,

or you are the dumbest shill on voat.

lol we ALLL know which you are

sgx191316 ago

I pointed a gun at the bank manager, but I didn't say I'd shoot him, obviously I didn't rob that bank.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

behavior policing

"look there's a law on the books in the state this corporation is registered and you just broke it!"

does not equal

pointed a gun at the bank manager but i didn't say i'd shoot him


shill is obvious shill.

sgx191316 ago

I don't know what words mean

individualin1984 ago

I am sorry , but I am not buying it. I have fell for this shit from him before. I sat there and thought his intentions are good because he does this stuff every once in a while.

No, He is here to deconstruct Voat he uses this stuff for cover. The fact that he ramped it up like that is just playing the crowed to freeze us in place, when we see things from him that are obvious actions to destabilize and demoralize Voat.

individualin1984 ago

So, anyone that still doubts that he is actually an intentional operative who's goal is to tear down Voat?

Do you find his behavior here constructive in any way to the group?

Do you feel better or worse if you read through what was was done here?

Are you sure you are not falling into the trap of presumed intent because of the mantra he chants?

You can come to your own conclusions. I have observed enough and I am confident in my judgement.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you have no evidence of anything you've said about me.


you've already been confirmed to shill for silence on voat, so

capped logged and archived for continued shilling by known proven shill @individualin1984

you may be a goat, but you are still shilling.

deconstruct voat

no proof

for cover

no proof; cover for what; shilling is obvious

ramped it up

i have been around 25% for months. i have not ramped anything up

playing the crowd

no, that's a shill tactic that YOU are using, i simply speak freely, ESPECIALLY when peices of shit like you start attacking me and not my content's validity, source, etc.

when we see things from him that are obvious actions to destabilize and demoralize

i have done nothing to destabilize nor demoralize voat. that's the shills

you are attempting to rope me in with those who i stand against, those who actually are attempting to divide, and silence, and control voat.

you will not win.

frankly, the second i signed up here, you already lost.

i am one goat you will never silence.

and as long as you can't silence me, i will shine light on you. and all will see the dark truth of your lies, manipulation, tragic nature: you will fail. voat will be free.

and then i can get back to v/fatpeoplehate for fuck's sake.

individualin1984 ago

So, How is your day going?

middle_path ago

So he plucked some low hanging fruit and decided to type in all caps like an idiot, that makes him awesome? Sanegoat is a fucking joke.

E-werd ago

Caps lock is cruise control for cool, haven't you heard?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@middle_path (sadly, he like locke made good content for a while there)

is a known reddit cancer.

he wants hugbox and safe space

and Can't Stand It when someone is allowed to speak freely when it's not him.

his butthurt knows no bounds.

not lowhanging fruit

deeply imbedded reddit trash middle_path

you were saying, trash?

Runaway-White-Slave ago


{genuinely has no opinion about this shituation or sanegoati}

Marthvedderette ago

You're a gay fag @middle_path. Please don't respond. Just letting your big gay ass know

Tipman79 ago

So he plucked some low hanging fruit and decided to type in all caps like an idiot

This guy gets is.

can_of_wurms ago

Your comment is worthless. You should be ashamed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

now do i just respond

this guy gets it?

Tipman79 ago

Lick me.

Pulverizor ago

What subverse is that from?

HWY__395 ago

He is one damn fine goat

Marthvedderette ago

Confirmed. He is not a shill. They really are trying to censor this fucking place. If I see any other shit like I'll be insanegoat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeh, in the valley of shills i walk woke as fuck and unafraid, for i have the spirit of the sanegoat at my side.