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middle_path ago

So he plucked some low hanging fruit and decided to type in all caps like an idiot, that makes him awesome? Sanegoat is a fucking joke.

E-werd ago

Caps lock is cruise control for cool, haven't you heard?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@middle_path (sadly, he like locke made good content for a while there)

is a known reddit cancer.

he wants hugbox and safe space

and Can't Stand It when someone is allowed to speak freely when it's not him.

his butthurt knows no bounds.

not lowhanging fruit

deeply imbedded reddit trash middle_path

you were saying, trash?

Runaway-White-Slave ago


{genuinely has no opinion about this shituation or sanegoati}

Marthvedderette ago

You're a gay fag @middle_path. Please don't respond. Just letting your big gay ass know

Tipman79 ago

So he plucked some low hanging fruit and decided to type in all caps like an idiot

This guy gets is.

can_of_wurms ago

Your comment is worthless. You should be ashamed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

now do i just respond

this guy gets it?

Tipman79 ago

Lick me.