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SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko @puttitout notice the hit and run nature of oee's shill work here. notice how fuzzy is clearly using disinformation tactics to help the shill in the front page upvoat brigaded post. i'm all for free speech for all but libel comes with civil penalties in delaware, and this is libel, and some of this (not this post particularly) attack on me can even be considered defamation per se. a massive amount of new and long standing users just participated in overt defamation attacks on my reputation (disinformation tactic: character assassination campaign). this is clear cut organized defamation. they are conspiring to commit defamation, conspiring to commit defamation per se, committing defamation and defamation per se, by my account. i have recorded all of this. i would hope you would make an official annoucement on whether breaking u.s. laws such as delaware defamation laws is allowed on voat. a link to a list some of which are defamation in delaware, carrying civil penalties if convicted. no names are required in delaware defamation suits. meaning, one doesn't need to use a person's name to defame them in delaware law.