HarveyHarveyJones ago

Just follow the fucking rules on the sub. You could have posted the exact same thing on v/whatever and it probably would have gone up because of the iconic look of TIL. So even if this all stemmed from your joke being ruined because of a sub rule, you could have easily made the same joke on v/whatever. Which sub it is in wouldn't affect the humor.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

look at all those brigaded comments!

they're so scared of allowing me to be easily seen

why would they want to hide my rebuttal of these 100% baseless claims by clear bate poster @oeethagreat

this user won't face the fact that he hasn't provided any evidence of his claims

clearly commiting defamation in delaware law

@atko @puttitout have and probably will say nothing about users breaking u.s. law on voat. they seem to allow it all. as long as you don't say something that requires them to pop up and correct the record like...

voat code allows the admins to turn off access to sections of voat for users at will without any logs. they ban users at will not in the logs and they allow users to ban other users without proving they broke the rules. ONE of those statements is not true.

enjoy telling us which one, whoever is picked from the cabal to rebut it. (sometimes admins, sometimes fuzzy or cyna or another cabal member)




SaneGoatiSwear ago

look at all those brigaded comments!

they're so scared of allowing me to be easily seen

why would they want to hide my rebuttal of these 100% baseless claims by clear bate poster @oeethagreat

this user won't face the fact that he hasn't provided any evidence of his claims

clearly commiting defamation in delaware law

@atko @puttitout have and probably will say nothing about users breaking u.s. law on voat. they seem to allow it all. as long as you don't say something that requires them to pop up and correct the record like...

voat code allows the admins to turn off access to sections of voat for users at will without any logs. they ban users at will not in the logs and they allow users to ban other users without proving they broke the rules. ONE of those statements is not true.

enjoy telling us which one, whoever is picked from the cabal to rebut it. (sometimes admins, sometimes fuzzy or cyna or another cabal member)




hunter3 ago

link to deleted post? which sub?

1nv1ctus ago

I experienced something similar with @sanegoatiswear, although the reason given when he deleted my submission was "rule 1. personal use. shite site.". I followed up for clarification, but he didn't respond. Ironically, it's the only negative mod experience I've had on here.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

then you haven't experienced much of voat. go post off-topic comments in v/historyanecdotes right now! enjoy! i'm kidding i'm not advocating breaking locke's rules. just letting you know there's an actual mod deleting and banning subjectively sometimes but not other times.

i don't know about the other sites you linked

if they're found to break voat rules (ala rule one of v/til) it will be deleted anywhere.

please, take a look everyone, ill source this op's claim.

https://archive.fo/8FtVA that's what he posted priceonomics.com a data tracking company selling products with a very strangely posted article on drinks. look at the site. why is that post on a site like that?

hm. ok find the actual source in the article proving op's claim in the post title

oh here it is in the atlantic! not on priceonomics. https://archive.fo/XDpFW that was linked in the priceonomics as the source as to martini's creation being in america and in the 19th century.

THAT story links back to guess what a fucking wikipedia link to source their claim!


in which it doesn't even fucking say he invented it.

oy vey. coulda just said rule 3 or whatever.

please properly source your fucking claims op lol

also priceonomics seemed to be a data mining site or selling stuff, an the article was out of place, possibly to lure innocent views for hmm... data mining!

you could have done the work clicked back A WHOLE TWO TIMES to the source and posted that but NOOOO

you posed to that priceonomics shit.

try harder when you post

that's the problem, not me

i even just follow the rules of the sub the community hasn't bitched about. there's a sticky up you can discuss the rules. community makes them. i just mod.

in the future, when you post low effort links to shit sites that are bait for profit and/or that are factually incorrect or not proven at all, in other words.

when you break the rules of the sub, i will in the future clearly slowly tellyou what you did and help you figure it out and repost. a little after you i started doing just that.

i've never modded before.

i'm also an asshole.

so there's that. you know free speech and fuck you and all.

1nv1ctus ago

While I can agree that the source was shit (I’ve since started paying better attention to this, including posting archive links), I disagree with your conclusions about the validity of what I posted in that TIL – the correct Wikipedia source was present in the article, you just ignored it or missed it.

The title of the post was “TIL that the modern cocktail is an American invention that first appeared in New England and New York in the 1800’s” – I did research it, and if you go to the Wikipedia page for cocktails, it reinforces the claim that the modern alcoholic cocktail originated in the US in the 1800s. The link to that Wikipedia page is also posted in the article along with the Atlantic article you mentioned, but it’s further down.

you could have done the work clicked back A WHOLE TWO TIMES to the source and posted that but NOOOO

I did do the work, I just thought the article would be more interesting than a Wikipedia page because it provided more contextual info, but I know better now.

in the future, when you post low effort links to shit sites that are bait for profit and/or that are factually incorrect or not proven at all, in other words.

Since I’ve shown that it wasn’t factually incorrect or unproven, that leaves low effort links to bait sites, which wasn’t my intention, and which I’ve improved upon since then.

In any case, I don’t plan to post to TIL again so it’s probably a moot point now anyway. Happy new year, go fuck yourself.

Redditsdead ago

You're such a faggot you've redefined the word.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


middle_path ago

Let's see. He types in large font, distracts the issue he's being blamed and shifts it to LockeProposal, and has felt the need to comment on every comment ITT. Sanegoat is......not sane. How did we not see this coming?

Gorillion ago

This is starting to feel like an operation. I think these are sold accounts trying to trigger a mod war.

dabork ago

You're all cancer. You fags who keep trying to antagonize mods so you can claim censorship are cancer and you fags who take moderating a website seriously are cancer.

You all guzzle jizz and you're all sad as fuck wastes of human space.

Just kill yourselves, all of you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

spammed so so much

pointed out you selectively deleting off-topic comments

ftfy, sorry your attempts to disinform have failed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aw look the sjw cabal is enjoying their pagan satanic rituals!

so cute!

do you guys burn effigies of me too?

fucking sjw reddit cancer shit trash.

and to think i likeyour posts.

you almost had me.

but this bullshit meter went off at the last second

thanks for banning me and clearly showing your hypocricy in selectively deleting off-topic comments.

you've gone down as the next @she but the cabal silenced it well.

still, some good goats are aware of what you've done.

it is known and today's attack on me was a failure

pessimisticsteel ago

Fuck off about lockeproposal.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

selectively removes comments that break comment-deletion rules based on fee fees

bans user for pointing out hypocricy

shadowbox button /|\ reddit --->

<---- ur mum


SaneGoatiSwear ago

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1531416 one of the master baitors has apologized publicly for it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see @lockeproposal selectively deleting comments that break comment rules such as off-topic comments. some are deleted see v/historyanecdote 's deleted comment log. but then check recent posts. some off topic comments are not.

for pointing out some off-topic comments for deletion (respecting the sub's idiotic rules on deleting comments!) i was banned by locke

that ACTUAL reddity cancer happened, and this entire slew of shit at me was afaik to misdirect attention away from any mention of the actual cancer

lo and behold they attempt to bait me in v/til and make baseless accusations about me shitpost me downvoat brigade me to t he tune of over 1000 downvoats...

all to keep locke's cancery bullshit hidden.

it didn't work.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


disinformation tactic

personal attack

personal attack

veiled threat


obvious shilling is obvious

followthemoney ago

Sanegoatiswear should be permanently banned.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko @puttitout notice the hit and run nature of oee's shill work here. notice how fuzzy is clearly using disinformation tactics to help the shill in the front page upvoat brigaded post. i'm all for free speech for all but libel comes with civil penalties in delaware, and this is libel, and some of this (not this post particularly) attack on me can even be considered defamation per se. a massive amount of new and long standing users just participated in overt defamation attacks on my reputation (disinformation tactic: character assassination campaign). this is clear cut organized defamation. they are conspiring to commit defamation, conspiring to commit defamation per se, committing defamation and defamation per se, by my account. i have recorded all of this. i would hope you would make an official annoucement on whether breaking u.s. laws such as delaware defamation laws is allowed on voat. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1531361 a link to a list some of which are defamation in delaware, carrying civil penalties if convicted. no names are required in delaware defamation suits. meaning, one doesn't need to use a person's name to defame them in delaware law.

SkillYourself ago


Are all of these you? If so, wouldn't you have had a better case on the 4th link "Today I Learned Andre the Giant Drank 119 Beers In 6 Hours.", because it was a simple case of nuance?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no til is private.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Technically you should have put "TIL til is a type of-"

SaneGoatiSwear ago


@dougal_mchaggis 's public apology to me for being mistaken, then lying and shitposting on v/til


anything to say, buddy?

SkillYourself ago

Can you screencap the mod mail/all relevant messages for me? @SaneGoatiSwear claims that he sent you a message asking you to resubmit with "TIL: Til Is A Type of Tree Found On The Canary Islands".

Also, is there an archive of TIL rules that's dated prior this submission? The current rule 3 states "The title must be congruent with the link, and start with: "TIL:" "TIL" or "TIL-". While your post was not technically against the (current) rules, it doesn't make sense. "Today I Learned is a type of tree(...)". Catch my drift?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's in the public deletion log @skillyourself

check his post, at the top in some small as fuck letters it shows me saying resubmit it.

one of the two ops that recently were baiting me in v/til has just publicly apologised and admitted to lying

i doubt oee will show a similar level of integrity.

SkillYourself ago

Aku ada tengok modlog tu. Kau patut sopan sikit. Komen mod kau sedih betul la.

SkillYourself ago

This post is completely fucking retarded.

common_sense ago

He's been going through a mental breakdown lately. It's pretty funny. Fuck him though he's a faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fair enough

i don't see a requirement on a "free speech" site for me to be calm

or are you worried adhdferret is modding v/niggers when he says stuff like this https://voat.co/v/videos/1482143/7194729



cointelpro_shill ago

the real mod abuse is in v/pizzagate, we all know it

SaneGoatiSwear ago





disinformation tactics up the ass.

how many pages of disinformation did you just shit out today?

how many downvoats will your cabal give tonight, eh? i wanna know in advance this time it would be MORE FUN!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no i do not

this is libel

provide proof of both "what i do" and what you claim i am like.

you are participating in a massive attack on me.

you are a shill and you have upvoat brigaded yourselves into everyone's minds as shills.

heygeorge ago

Just after we chatted a bit today, I imagined a story about someone with absolutely zero friends in real life. That is really fucking sad, and also sad for the poor parents who have to not only 100% financially support but also have to take verbal abuse when the crusts aren't cut off the bread properly.

PS: Thanks again for picking up the libel thing. Much appreciated and glad I could help. You sound at least 13 now.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the recent bait shill speaks!

oh you want to say something meaningful?

spit it out!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah i told him to repost with the correct titles but he wouldn't he was just baiting me back then so now the whole cabal could jump on me in an organized brigade and character assassination attempt.

it has failed miserably.

we all are more aware of their shillyness is all 8)

it's only on the front page because they upvoat brigaded the post.

on behalf of the shills, i apologise for this wasting space onyour front page.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


note: i don't voat. someone dvd you before i even read this.

no faith in the sane hate?

ok. watch. they've goaded me into a shit ton of comments today

watch my fucking numbers drop like crazy soon. lol saying this might trigger them to wait so as not to let me be proven correct. they are attempting character assassination, that's the last thing they would do lol.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shills organizing shilling @kevdude right here bro check it.

i don't think they're ness. paid by anyone but they organize and attack other users with baseless allegations and never provide evidence of their contrived claims.


fuzzy and the script generally is

"sane committed the she harikari by deleting non rule braking posts it's censorship."

yet in reality the posts were rule-skirting and factually incorrect/incogruous titles. both ops were told to resubmit with correct titles/ factual posts. attempts were made to help them repost, time was given, conversations had.

also, fuzzyshill attempted to associate that with what locke just did, which as you know was deleting comments some that were rule breaking (understandable) but also some that were not rule breaking, and that were pointing out the fact he was not deleting other rule-breaking comments, just some. and then banning the user for that. note i never deleted comments i made all efforts to help repost with good titles/info and never banned the offending users. even after both repeatedly posted the exact same type of malicious post - and that they made no effort to repost shows the malicious intent, now with the information at hand with this massive disinformation /character assassination campaign against me. all coordinated. oeee was a sleper this recent op was the lynchpin, and locke was the jump point. clearly fuzzy has had a hand in organizing it, as you can see above.

a massive disinformation campaign and downvoat brigade was just levied against me. i've posted on protectvoat to start archiving some of this attack.

HWY__395 ago

I did let it go, last week.

Hahaha I don't think you did :D

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you are participating in a massive downvoat brigade and disinformation/character assassination campaign against me.

it is not working.

you are just making it obvious that you're all shills against free speech.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

randomly delete rule abiding submissions for perceived slights

anyone who disagrees with me is a shill against free speech and I'll prove it by censoring you deleting your submissions.

it's all a conspiracy against me by the spooky shadow cabal


SaneGoatiSwear ago


@atko libelous user participating in attack probably not cabal just butthurt. libel on a published format such as voat is still a crime in the us bro.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not libel if it's true.

heygeorge ago


On the plus side: Libel is the better term as opposed to slander.

On the negative side: Much of what was said above is objectively true. Also, you're so full of shit about libel law in the US, but please, keep crying about it, faggot!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

provide a source that shows that what they're doing isn't libelous.

did i suggest enforceable in court based on precedence?


what do you think?

o what you don't have an informed response with sources from actual legal code?

i await your non-disinformation-filled response.

heygeorge ago

Like US federal-level criminal code?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

provide a source that shows that what they're doing isn't libelous.

please learn how burden of proof works.

user1: <outrageous outsourced claim>

user2: "I think you're mistaken."

user1: "well then prove me wrong with a source!"

EDIT: just to let you know AVE has informed me that I've finally canceled out the +50 something upvoats I had given you in the past just these last couple days, my contribution to you CCP is now negative for the first time ever.

EDIT2 Electric Boogaloo: Do you think pinging @atko is going to get him to delete my comment just because you think people not liking you is libel? if saying mean words would get posts removed from voat then 95% of the website would be in the trash.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this comment is entirely disinformation.

user1 is heygeorge; claims with no source; libelous.

user2 me target of attack: uh backup your baseless claims

user 3. rarr misdirection, no claims sourced.

please learn how burden of proof works

@laurentius_the_pyro shill detected

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i'm sorry your statement is factually incorrect.

shill/lie harder you sleeper cell sjw faggot.

you ABSOLUTELY violated the rules

but unlike LOCKE, i simply asked you to repost. i didn't ban you for spamming the sub with "clever" rule breaking posts.

HWY__395 ago

Fuckkkkkkk. Just let it go.

Mad_Dog91 ago

I'd go to wisc

HWY__395 ago

IL? Wisc? Buy a vacation house in Death Valley.

Mad_Dog91 ago

Sounds exotic. Southern wisc is all party town- perfect for lake/vacation homes

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if this sub was run by @lockeproposal you'd be deleted and banned for being off topic.

it's a fact.

@playitagainsam @mad_dog91

Mad_Dog91 ago

Idc. You guys enjoy your pointless website war

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am enjoying my popcorn

shills are relentlessly attacking me

downvoat brigading


it's fucking hilarious


Mad_Dog91 ago

Oh so fun

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am enjoying

might not be your cup of tea but it clearly is mine

quote of me earlier:

"i am an asshole. i am the asshole that shits on the dicks trying to fuck voat."

Mad_Dog91 ago

yeah, you're still fuckin weird

piratse ago

I'm confused. In TIL you said Til is a type of tree. I thought it was a clever post. I'm 75% sure you were posting it like that to be a dick, but it follows the rules and it's true, and it' interesting. So why exactly was it deleted @sanegoatiswear? Ehhhh, I don't care.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

notice back in this thread (not in your message box) the massive brigade against me, but oee spreads disinformation attacks my character slings personal attacks, and provides no proof to it's claims but gets upvoated.

piratse, what say you?

am i cancer mod or is this a shill attack on me? (or whatever else you think it's an open ended question; wtf is all this shit to you?)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

notice the brigade. the massive list of posts and comments attacking my character making claims without any proof. all dissent from their corrected record is downvoated into oblivion. talking to me can get you the cabaldv herpies.

leaffur ago

Not only are you a dick, but now you're a whiney dick.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the front page post for me is someone else whining about me, making wild accusations, not proving any of those accusations and all attempts to respond are downvoated to hell lol.

but i'm the whiney dick.

disinformation tactic

possible shill detected

leaffur ago

Oh I've seen you around and interacted with you before. So cute you would call me a shill after going on about quality arguments. Idiot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

possible shill detected

personal attacks

shill possibility increasing.

leaffur ago

You're so retarded, it's hilarious.

lostmypassword ago

it's sad to see us fighting like this. although hope the internal stucture will and may be in intact =/

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it was deleted so he could repost it with the correct title so it read in your head "today i learned til is a type of tree."

it's now confirmed the ONLY reason that oee posted these posts was to now have it serve as false "evidence" in a disinformation campaign against me.

they're literally shilling for my silence.

a dozen accounts just fucking descended on me with posts and comments all following the same script

a brigade of 600+ downvoats on comments an lol posts.

massive brigade.

you're watching the sanegoatagainsttheshills war right now breh. dont catch too much flak, they may brigade you just for talking to me - they have absolutely done that before

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you were free to repost with correct titles, following the rules in a private sub.

you refused.

you were not banned, you were told to go right ahead and repost.

that's not censorship.

stop with the shill script, sleeper sjw cell.

it's not working.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no. it showed in your action.

"til anderson is a dude's name"

"til is a type of tree"

i asked you to repost with correct titles

you wouldn't do it.


gr8 shill b8 m8

i r8 8/8 filled with g8 h8

Redditsdead ago

God you're all a bunch of fags. Post elsewhere if he bothers you.

HWY__395 ago

@Redditisdead youre my herooooo

Redditsdead ago

And you're my hero for all the lovely ladies you post. That shit keeps voat alive.

Redditsdead ago

This is just all getting so annoying. Is sane an asshole? Absolutely. Not many will argue that. Posting the Til tree post was obviously meant to bait him. I read the Wikipedia article and there was absolutely nothing interesting or relevant to any existing conversations. So OP can fuck off and grow up.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ffs cheers for recognising bait

for a second i thought my whole day was just shills and popcorn but here, right in the middle of it REAL GOATS. cheers. :) i hope you're enjoying their shillshow. 8)

Redditsdead ago

And OP can't even respond to my comment. Probably because I'm right that it was purely bait.

There's lots of real goats here. Kevdude is one, for all his apparent faults. He may be busy but he seems to be staying clear of this bullshit. He'd be all over it if it was a real issue

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah the other bait til poster just publicly apologised for lying and shitposting til.

"smoking cigarettes cures parkinsons" lol

gr8 b8 rite?

but somehow that turns into

fuzzywords: "that means sanegoat is reddit mod cancer censorship goat!!"


nah this shit's a shill attack

all t hey've accomplished is make it crystal clear exactly who some of the sjw shills on voat are.

and they code voat, they run the bans, the janitor defaults they run most major subs they run pv sbbh and pg.

they talk to the admins off line and code voat when you sleep.

and this information is as best they can kept from your ears.

@kevdude has spoken to @lockeproposal and told him that his deletion of my comments and banning me is absolutely reddit cancer.

that's the real cancer going on today.

afaik the whole attack on me today could literally just have been a distraction from locke literally reddit cancer banning me and selectively deleting some rule breaking comments but not others.

HWY__395 ago

Just let it go and stop crying.

Mad_Dog91 ago

Tbh I don't trust many power users of this site period. I don't trust anyone who lives online. Take a vaca like hpop

SaneGoatiSwear ago

remember, maddog, on v/historyanecdotes you would be deleted and banned for these off-topic comments if the mod felt like it at the time

THAT'S the reddit cancer mod that was just found it.

but the cabal has lept on me like a fat on "low cal cake"

the difference is i have evidence that proves it where as they have made claims and haven't backed up any the entire day.

see v/historyanecdotes deleted comments

i made a little comment saying glad your back and you left like a lil whiny bitch


ok no problem off topic.

made a nother comment tried to keep on topic, relevant to post. basically, i compared the sub being run by someone deleting comments to the post about the dude saying the bible would disappear then 100 years later bible people using that dude's chateau to spread the bible. i figure with behavior like this, v/historyanecdotes would be used to spread white washing of history and locke's posts would be forgotten in 100 days. then i mused on how i enjoy that sub for being able to compare history to modern times and my own life...

that was deleted so i looked into it and found MANY off-topic comments and an entire off-sub-topic meta post filled with rule breaking comments... all of them still there and not deleted, sooooo i did my due diligence and pointed out to lock andthe users the comments that were breaking the rules.

all deleted and i got banned for it.

then when i bring that up,

dozens ofusers post a dozen posts and write hundreds of comments spanning what 16 hours now all about me and how im reddit cancer, they had user(s) bait me in v/til and failed (one has since apologised for baiting me and shitposting the sub, publicly).

and i've been brigaded over one thousand downvoats today.

but yeah,

i agree

i don't trust power users anyone; the amount of shills that came out to attack me was fucking hilarious but as well eye opening.

amalek has a lot of work to do. @magaphobia

Mad_Dog91 ago

What u say may be true but you are confusing me for someone who cares. This is all trivial bullshit and if people are doing you bogus then I am sorry

SaneGoatiSwear ago

8) aaaaay by all means proceed to not give shits!! :) all good

trivial bullshit

meh, their drama may be

but the fact they consistently attack free speech on voat is not a trivial issue in the context of a world without free speech.

name me one other site with no censorship and a warrant canary

name me a country without draconian speech restriction laws besides the u.s. and it's speech subterfuge (not overt lack of free speech per se)

Mad_Dog91 ago

You are right when you say we're in a world without free speech and you make a good point as voat is currently the best thing we have towards that online now.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and it only took 1000 downvoats to defend myself against baseless accusations and defamatory shitposts abound including one brigaded to the top of v/all (for me anyway lol)

all my keks today. really a truly special gift. i couldn't imagine finding this many shills all in one go!

it truly was popcorn-epic

SaneGoatiSwear ago




SaneGoatiSwear ago

on a whim

no, you were breaking rule three by purposefully maliciously subverting the purpose of it.

you were told you could absolutely repost.(with the correct title)

this is simple post curation. not reddit cancer.

get your facts straight

or you will be considered part of the ongoing character assissination campaign against me.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. nice timing. coincides with an attempt by a user to purposefully post subtly rule breaking posts like "smoking cigarettes cures parkinsons." lol it slows nerve degeneration. there are no known cures for parkinsons. rule says no incongruous titles. delete. then a number of posts and comments attempting to paint me as a reddit cancer mod for it. and now you. possibly a sleeper cell.

  2. here's the link to the submission in question and the title and the delete reason.


the title read:

Til Is A Type of Tree Found On The Canary Islands

the user was told to repost with the correct title but did not.

it ought read

"TIL: Til is a type of tree found on the canary islands

the purpose - the spirit - of the rule is so the title reads "today i learned this this and that" without having to have "today i learned" take up so much title space, and for every post to read this way with this abbreviation.

user repeatedly made these malicious posts just like the user today did.

at all times i was open about the issue, and suggested titles or pointed out lacks of information after having fully vetted the source.

AOU ago

there are no known cures for parkinsons

Technically there is a cure. Injecting an electrode in the brain that carries a signal from an external device that helps Parkinson patients to become really steady.

Gorillion ago

That's not a cure, that's a treatment or "management" of symptoms. It just stops the shaking while plugged in. It doesn't stop the march of the disease.

AOU ago

Tell that to Parkinson patients who don't need a steady spoon to eat by themselves.

It's a cure to them, a real life changer. :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago


but not smoking cigarettes.

AOU ago

Regarding the Parkinson cure, check out YT, there's that one guy getting his signal box adjusted and you see the huge resulting improvement when he turns it on/off

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i will that's some fucking awesome shit. i love it when humanity overcomes shit.

Artofchoke ago

I've no idea what this is about, but I'm still upvoating all your weird shit every single time I see it. It's like, a thing. 🐐

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i didn't see 'em.

(over 1,000 downvoats today)

Artofchoke ago

You've either got a seriously crazy bunny boiler type, or a furious cadre of them. 😮

SaneGoatiSwear ago

all of the above. dv faieries, haters, those enraged by my existence, a cabal of sjws, atko seems to hate me, putt says im his second favorite goat but then bullshits me, the protect voat shills hate me for pointing out bots and shills there... haven't in a while tho :. gotta get back on it!

yeah i kinda like you know...

am an asshole shitting on the dicks trying to fuck voat.

they gonna try to fuck me, too 8)