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SaneGoatiSwear ago


you are participating in a massive downvoat brigade and disinformation/character assassination campaign against me.

it is not working.

you are just making it obvious that you're all shills against free speech.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

randomly delete rule abiding submissions for perceived slights

anyone who disagrees with me is a shill against free speech and I'll prove it by censoring you deleting your submissions.

it's all a conspiracy against me by the spooky shadow cabal


SaneGoatiSwear ago


@atko libelous user participating in attack probably not cabal just butthurt. libel on a published format such as voat is still a crime in the us bro.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Not libel if it's true.

heygeorge ago


On the plus side: Libel is the better term as opposed to slander.

On the negative side: Much of what was said above is objectively true. Also, you're so full of shit about libel law in the US, but please, keep crying about it, faggot!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

provide a source that shows that what they're doing isn't libelous.

did i suggest enforceable in court based on precedence?


what do you think?

o what you don't have an informed response with sources from actual legal code?

i await your non-disinformation-filled response.

heygeorge ago

Like US federal-level criminal code?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

provide a source that shows that what they're doing isn't libelous.

please learn how burden of proof works.

user1: <outrageous outsourced claim>

user2: "I think you're mistaken."

user1: "well then prove me wrong with a source!"

EDIT: just to let you know AVE has informed me that I've finally canceled out the +50 something upvoats I had given you in the past just these last couple days, my contribution to you CCP is now negative for the first time ever.

EDIT2 Electric Boogaloo: Do you think pinging @atko is going to get him to delete my comment just because you think people not liking you is libel? if saying mean words would get posts removed from voat then 95% of the website would be in the trash.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this comment is entirely disinformation.

user1 is heygeorge; claims with no source; libelous.

user2 me target of attack: uh backup your baseless claims

user 3. rarr misdirection, no claims sourced.

please learn how burden of proof works

@laurentius_the_pyro shill detected