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NeedleStack ago

Are you the first-most? :) Automatic upvoat farms and voat-buying is a disease on the platform now. And there's no stopping it so far.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Shouldnt the admins have the right to ban users who obviously start these farms?

Edit: i said right. I meant ability.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

is there something inherently wrong with upvoats?

facebook likes have been found in an appeals court in the u.s. to be protected as SPEECH. facebook likes are fucking SPEECH so SO ARE VOATS NO MORE LIMITS ON SPEECH ON VOAT>>> FIND ANOTHER WAY @needlestack you too think about it. @peaceseeker you're in here let's all talk it out. c'mon.

i'm serious.

ban users who obviously start these farms?

no way jose. ban for upvoating? SO WHAT?

i would say malicious intent might do it, but just upvoating... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh censorship of all in the name of stopping a few. unless you got some iron clad black and white line that one would have to cross to warrant a ban...

anyway you guys put your say down :)

perspective: we can still have this convo and usually without being brigaded!

NeedleStack ago

This is a tricky one and I have to think on it.

What I can tell you now is I think the "300 CCP in subverses with over 1,000 subscribers" should be revisited. I have a feeling the rule was put in place when voat started growing super fast with reddit exoduses like fph, niggers, and with victoria getting fired (the rules were revamped last July so the timing fits). But voat's activity hasn't satisfied that kind of requirement. So the rule should be a more realistic one. Regarding people who upvoat themselves to get around the restriction (as I think Harvey mentioned?): Ehhh.. so be it. That'll happen as it's human nature but using bots really rubs me the wrong way.

I think there should be a way to block automated upvoat-buying capabilities. This is supposed to be a community where users determine the merit of a post or comment (not a bot).

Bot-downvoating-harassment too should be blocked. No bots. Bots stink.


I think there should be a way to block automated upvoat-buying capabilities. This is supposed to be a community where users determine the merit of a post or comment (not a bot). Bot-downvoating-harassment too should be blocked. No bots. Bots stink.

I think so too, but good luck. When I was looking into the voting system I discovered that it is extremely easy to script this kind of thing. Downvoting and upvote restrictions do absolutely nothing, whether it is restricting voting by IP, or putting limits on accounts themselves. Limiting account creation to IPs does nothing either, it just means you need to switch IP, which is a minor annoyance but nothing more.

Some of the voting bugs that I posted were not even addressed by the admins at all. Some bugs have been patched, some still exist and there are others that I knew of, but didn't know enough to post about at the time. All you need to do is make accounts, write a script for them to comment and upvote other alt comment, and your amount of alts will increase exponentially once they break through the voting restrictions. You could probably have 200 accounts that have no voting restrictions within a week. You don't even need to create a sub to do it in, because there are so many dead subs populated with posts from dead accounts, so nobody would notice.

tl;dr the voting system is completely fucked here and on Reddit, and the only way to fix it is to scrap the entire thing and fundamentally change the way voting/post sorting works on the site.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note for transparency

puttitout has said that 300 rule can be overlooked; he has done it manually before

so that's got a work-around and i sort of like that system. if you have the drive you go take that extra step and talk to putt.

voat is broke

that's like basically 90% of the problems corporate-side.

the admins are squarely responsible for all of it.

inb4 atko "i don't owe anyone anything."

i wish to have a long chat with him on that but he won't talk to me anymore, the fucking coward. o noes someone who speaks freely o noes doesn't scuk muh dak! o noahs!

well any turning voat into a profitable venture like that is breaking user agreement and would be met with deletion and a ban based on past performance of the admins, but these days don't expect shit. they have stopped enforcing deleting law and user agreement breaking stuff 100% entirely.

but i agree with you, the monetization of voat is fucking bullshit. it's usurpation/theft. fuck that.

the human being is free to speak here, not the fucking corporations, someone's llc, a little ad revenue on their site, their youtube monetization google bullshit nigger faggot bullshit

those that intend to come here to eek out a few bucks have got voat wrong

i strongly disagree with the "monetization of OPs" fuck that too

that is a fucking realllllly bad corporate slippery slope.

yeah if bots

bots have uses, like derram's archive. fuck drudge bot and those like it just spam bots if you ask me.

bots aren't people don't have rights until sentient.

bot dv harassment

what about comment harassment?

NeedleStack ago

I hate the news bots and drudge bot but I really hate those comment harassment bots. Using alt-y comment bots to follow a user around to harass them is disgusting and I hate whoever created them.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


NeedleStack ago

alt or alt-like.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Oh wow right over my head AAAAAHAHA sheeeit ya got me something fucking funny afwul there.
