Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He's insane but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Your little upvoat shill farm isn't exactly well hidden, why even bother shilling when it's so obvious?

The only scenario I can see where you aren't the most incompetent of shills is the one where you are @SaneGoatiSwear 's alts, but that'd be crazy even for him.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Once again sane posts a great link with actual evidence then fucks it up in the comments by going bonkers and acting like a schizo.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goad opponent

personal attack

how many shillicks does it take a shill to get to the center of the shillollipop? ' a special note for laurentius the forgotten attacker.

don't worry bro you're not forgotten

100% confirmed known hostile shill. capped archived and logging known hostile shill.

@kevdude it's like waldo! spot the fallacy/disinfo!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

personal attack

fallacy fallacy

being fucking retarded

praise kek I'm glad to have finally made it on your list.

You are useful though, you're really good at gathering evidence of fuckery, but then right at the end you just come to crazy conclusions and freak the fuck out about how everyone is a shill out to "defam and libel" you.

Honestly I'm starting to question if you aren't one of those shills trying to make the people calling them out look crazy by association.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

assuming making a note means anything other than makin a note lol

butthurt confirmed.

stating observations is all, bro.

no one gives a fuck

lol remember? ask adhdferret what happened to xbeatlejuicex

i've had more laughs on this site than the entirety of sbbh and sbdh combined bro

note i just got dropped a couple thousand ccp and was enjoying every second.

i even CALLED IT. i fucking saw it coming lol. fucking predictable shills are predictable.

to point out errry falacy and disinfo tactic would take all of time.

oh an

disinfo tactic

disinfo tactic


disinfo tatic

disinfo tactic (mostly personal attacks really)


disinfo tactic


supreme butthurt faggot shilling in anger confirmed! lol! someone's words on the internet made the above butthurt possible! aaahaahaahah

end communications. LoLO HAT AND RAN!!!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

capped archived and logging user for criminal shilling

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko @puttitout @cynabuns above is a link to every single harassment EDIT: at that time. there's more now. - comment from a massive bot army currently upvoat farming and consistenly spamming me with similar messages

many accounts all based on the prefix cygnus_

be warned.

devs, your baby has mutated into one fucked up hell goat while you were off not giving a drone hovering fuck.

um, cyna. what say you re spamreport?

DarkMath ago

"consistenly spamming me with similar messages".....The voices aren't real

You don't have to suffer anymore:

Bee tee dubs you spelled consistently wrong.

HarveyHarveyJones ago


Here's their farm. Cyngus has caught my attention spamming around. Just found this a few minutes ago.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

haha i just saw the post

cheers, harvey!

yeah this is most probably fuzzyword's harassment bot army.

it may grow to become a 10k ccp killer.

this could change the game.

we may have made a very butthurt monster.

well, grab the popcorn, then :)

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Idk about the fuzzywords thing... but you'd think a farm with clear intentions of being an upvote farm, would be BURNT DOWN!! the admins surely have the ability to ban all those accounts do they not?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

problem is the idea of free speech can't bedestroyed by destroying me nor this account. fucking super uper mega kamehamea lol.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Free speech has just entered super saiyan 3

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what you have said is a fact.

make a til.

prepare for supre sayin 4

you see this shit.

this is a beginning not an end.

war has been declared on free speech on voat.

and now it is open warfare.

let all the real goats see it for what it is.

war. on. free. speech. on. voat.

you think they're gonna press the canary. a few hours left

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

prepare for supre sayin 4

mentioning GT degeneracy


SaneGoatiSwear ago

the point isn't to farm

it's to destroy me

the accounts immediately started spamming me. and haven't stopped.

now they're farming. to have more power.

eventually dv sanegoat to death

they did 2,200 voats down on my account in 36 hours.

if i DON'T get upvoated the army theoretically could have me to -50 in.... about 7 days.

FIlmia ago

they did 2,200 voats down on my account in 36 hours.

Stop lying. Those bots don't have enough ccp to downvote. Those downvoats you've been getting are from goats who don't agree with your shitposts and shitcomments.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I've only now considered that the cygnus_ shills may just be Sane's alts so he can pretend all the downvoats he's getting for shitposts aren't organic.