PuttItOut ago

Thanks Needle, you are great. Adding this to the list of vote manipulation to check out.

NeedleStack ago

Thank you! If you have the time, please do read everyone's comments. There's lots of good conversation about bots especially throughout.


Honestly I can see why they upvoted themselves. The subverse transfer requirements mean you need 300 CCP to get that sub, which is fucking ridiculous. That requirement is based on the amount of traffic Voat had during the influx. It does not take into account the subs that nobody comments in. How the fuck am I supposed to request an inactive porn sub with over 3k dead subscribers on it? Comment on every post in there multiple times and magically not get downvoted by the people trying to look at porn?

Shouldn't have upvoted his posts tho.

NeedleStack ago

Yeah, you may not have seen this comment I made elsewhere in the thread but I agree the requirement is too restrictive (for the same reason you state). It needs to be revisited.

The_Blastman ago

You're the best NeedlleStack. After catching up on all this I see our old friend English/Australian Police reared his head again in /v/whoa a few months after he was called out on the bullshit he pulled in /v/TIL. Glad you caught it as well as this HahaBird shit and have brought it to light.

NeedleStack ago

Hi. I'm suspicious of their involvement in that sub but I haven't looked deeply into it. Posting in that sub is an odd choice considering how dead it is but it doesn't matter; it's still Level A faggoatry.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

awareness is key, yes!

i put you as the face of voat to voat and the world as my dream team to run voat.

IfIDidIt ago

Literally 3 out of 4 of the subs @thunderlark mods are the exact type of subs being discussed in this thread. The cygnus bots you pointed out have ALL gained CCP from those exact threads.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I totally agree. Half-assed excuses to justify


bikergang_accountant ago

When did we get a transfer bot? That sounds like a bad idea. I thought the whole idea of /v/subverserequest was to turn it into a conversation.

I remember when it took forever to get a transfer but I say it's worth it.

NeedleStack ago

Transfers have been done via bot for months. Maybe even a year? And I think it's set up to trawl the requests and act on them once a month. When Putt was doing it manually there'd be a couple months' lag between transfers. Users offered to help but no one was entrusted enough so the process was automated.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oooo shit

nice find great post

::taking fucking notes. power level increasing::

#I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ power level 9000

embers ago

There is also a user HaHaBird on reddit. Seems to be harmless.

Edit: It would be very hard if not impossible to reach 300 CCP on an inactive sub like /v/whoa, at least within a reasonable time frame. If I were to apply for a moderator position in such a subverse, I would also upvote myself to reach this arbitrary limit.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Why? We all voice how much we are against upvoating yourself with stupid, petty-bullshit alts. Why not, ya know- EARN YOUR WAY INTO A COMMUNITY?! YOU CAN'T JUST BECOME A MOD OF A SUB BECAUSE YOU FUCKING FELT LIKE IT!!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that might be the "malicious intent" i mentioned. as in intent to defraud voat to gain control. edit: in this specific instance.

embers ago

As I said previously, it would be impossible to earn 300 CCP in an inactive subverse where nobody upvotes anything. It is just an arbitrary limit. The request to become a moderator still needs to be approved by an admin; hopefully with a background check of your comment history and your participation in the community.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Bullshit it would be impossible. Even if it makes it difficult it's still the rule. Just because you think it'd take too long doesnt give you the right to start unpvoting urself. Even 1 fake upvote still fake as fucking bullshit. If it's that big of an issue means there's not many goats in that sub. So what you would need to do is post more and get it out there more. Guess what, YOU DONT NEED TO BE A MOD FOR THAT! if you get 20 upvotes/ post to that sub u'd need 15 posts. That's not reasonable to have at least 15 semi-decent posts to become a moderator of the whole sub?????

Furthermore if that still is a huge issue, create your own subverse and mod it urself. Spread the word of YOUR new, improved, now with color sub. Since the current sub has such little activity, as you make is seem, it shouldnt be an issue starting a new one.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

The America of Voat

SaneGoatiSwear ago



so america much fat.

really tho. see how they keep making research chemicals (illicit drug ones) to be just SLIIIIGHTLY different than the most recently legally banned one, because "it ain't illegal till they pass the law about it."


so also that.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I really could not care less about what people write down calling "the law" The masses have thhe drugs pushed on them. The ones wo know better and stay away and stayed away will continue to spread their message and do so. Upvote farming is just morally corrupt in my eyes. You can disagree. Thats why we're here haha but fuck all the book shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


i didn't bring up morality, did i ?!?!

wtf. was just speaking textbook!

on morality: this specific case seems to be upvoating to maliciously take control.

so to me the malicious intent is immoral, but not the voating

in other words

you don't put the gun in jail, you put the idiot who shot his kid at the wedding in prison.

you don't curtail the voats, you deal with the users.

TLDR: people are the problem, not voats. :\

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Oh i agree with you. Thats why i think specific users in that thread i keep posting should be banned. Or at least stripped of all upvotes and dvotes and told to start fresh.... idek. But by no means should the upvoting system change. .. other than maybe the whole "unable to comment after so many downvote" thing which i honestly dont know enough about.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

-ccp restrictions


you can post very few times in 24 hours and comment very few times in 24 hours i think that's it they may have changed it.

https://github.com/voat poke around if you want. the DEV branch is the most closely resembling shrodinger source voat code (sometimes open s ometies closed source)

HarveyHarveyJones ago

There once was a time

SaneGoatiSwear ago




I am but the asshole messenger of truth.

#I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ

HarveyHarveyJones ago

asshole messenger of truth

I call myself that with my coworkers hahaha

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyyyyyyyy mao

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Chairman Mao?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

mao lmao AAYYYY lmao


oy like i'm the only one on the internet.

NeedleStack ago

He probably is!

EarlPoncho ago

v/niggers is run by jews

WindowsInJudgement ago

v/Jews is run by the illuminati

Fambida ago

/v/Illuminati is run by Scientology

HarveyHarveyJones ago

They got something right at least

EarlPoncho ago

they control the arms so you don't attack the head. typical jew move

HarveyHarveyJones ago

As far as i've seen, and i rarely peek over there, they only delete and ban people who sympathize with niggers.... sorta like fph banning people who find some heavy girls attractive. Is it more like a honeypot? I just don't see how they control the arms if they willingly allow people to voice their distaste for something of that nature, unless it's a honeypot scenario

EarlPoncho ago

one of the jews there any time there's an ask voat question about why do people hate jews he will show up and say not all jews are like that and give some sob story. meanwhile he's perfectly fine to judge all niggers by the actions of a few. it's typical jewery. also look at this sub he runs https://voat.co/v/RETARD . don't click those gif links if you're at work. he's a faggot degenerate kike

NeedleStack ago

(((Oh dear)))

EarlPoncho ago

controlled opposition

NeedleStack ago

Are you the first-most? :) Automatic upvoat farms and voat-buying is a disease on the platform now. And there's no stopping it so far.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah hi that's me

#I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ

NeedleStack ago

How'd you make that emoticon? Teach me the ways?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hover over my name yet?

NeedleStack ago

Yes, I have and I have no idea how you could have inserted all those special characters but of course I'm an ignoramus when it comes to scripts so..

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol scripts


that's a user with scripts

i cannot code

#I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ power level over 9000!

this is the fact of the matter, needle.

NeedleStack ago

See? Told you I was an ignoramus.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

all shall be revealed in good time,

good true to free speech goat needle.

I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ



SaneGoatiSwear ago


#I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ power level over 9000!

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Shouldnt the admins have the right to ban users who obviously start these farms?


Edit: i said right. I meant ability.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

is there something inherently wrong with upvoats?

facebook likes have been found in an appeals court in the u.s. to be protected as SPEECH. facebook likes are fucking SPEECH so SO ARE VOATS NO MORE LIMITS ON SPEECH ON VOAT>>> FIND ANOTHER WAY @needlestack you too think about it. @peaceseeker you're in here let's all talk it out. c'mon.

i'm serious.

ban users who obviously start these farms?

no way jose. ban for upvoating? SO WHAT?

i would say malicious intent might do it, but just upvoating... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh censorship of all in the name of stopping a few. unless you got some iron clad black and white line that one would have to cross to warrant a ban...

anyway you guys put your say down :)

perspective: we can still have this convo and usually without being brigaded!

IfIDidIt ago

I cannot stress enough that the cygnus bots that follow you around ALL posted to the upvoat sub in question for more privileges and zero effort so said bots can harass you more efficiently. I respect that you stand by your principles even when it directly and adversely effects you, but I disagree that this type of sub should exist. I have made multiple pings to the host @thunderlark to try and challenge him to discuss this, but he's not interested in generating content for voat, only in getting upvoats to bots that actively harass users of the site. He needs to be banned.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you are suggesting we punish the gun because some guy shot a guy with the gun.

think about it.

the upoats didn't commit the malicious grabbing of power to harass.

the person did.

so going after those who merely offer services for free upvoats (to save all goats from -ccp bullshit)

is like going after air gun manufacturers because some asshole beat a dude to death with the butt of one.


it's no good.

and it doesn't solve the problem.

to solve the problem i posit that all voating be free -ccp restrictions be lifted,

and the community has a major discussion stickied on v/all and v/all/new with the admins about all of this.

i know atko said he wanted to add MORE UPVOAT restrictions

so i have been GOATKU prepared for the shilling regarding MORE restrictions on ALL goats in order to stop a few, and it doesn't stop 'em much anyway.

it's "sacrifice freedom for security, and lose both and deserve neither."

I AM THE GOATKU ᕙ (⊙‿⊙)ᕗ power levels are rising faster gotta go put weights on. it's too easy.

NeedleStack ago

This is a tricky one and I have to think on it.

What I can tell you now is I think the "300 CCP in subverses with over 1,000 subscribers" should be revisited. I have a feeling the rule was put in place when voat started growing super fast with reddit exoduses like fph, niggers, and with victoria getting fired (the rules were revamped last July so the timing fits). But voat's activity hasn't satisfied that kind of requirement. So the rule should be a more realistic one. Regarding people who upvoat themselves to get around the restriction (as I think Harvey mentioned?): Ehhh.. so be it. That'll happen as it's human nature but using bots really rubs me the wrong way.

I think there should be a way to block automated upvoat-buying capabilities. This is supposed to be a community where users determine the merit of a post or comment (not a bot).

Bot-downvoating-harassment too should be blocked. No bots. Bots stink.


I think there should be a way to block automated upvoat-buying capabilities. This is supposed to be a community where users determine the merit of a post or comment (not a bot). Bot-downvoating-harassment too should be blocked. No bots. Bots stink.

I think so too, but good luck. When I was looking into the voting system I discovered that it is extremely easy to script this kind of thing. Downvoting and upvote restrictions do absolutely nothing, whether it is restricting voting by IP, or putting limits on accounts themselves. Limiting account creation to IPs does nothing either, it just means you need to switch IP, which is a minor annoyance but nothing more.

Some of the voting bugs that I posted were not even addressed by the admins at all. Some bugs have been patched, some still exist and there are others that I knew of, but didn't know enough to post about at the time. All you need to do is make accounts, write a script for them to comment and upvote other alt comment, and your amount of alts will increase exponentially once they break through the voting restrictions. You could probably have 200 accounts that have no voting restrictions within a week. You don't even need to create a sub to do it in, because there are so many dead subs populated with posts from dead accounts, so nobody would notice.

tl;dr the voting system is completely fucked here and on Reddit, and the only way to fix it is to scrap the entire thing and fundamentally change the way voting/post sorting works on the site.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

note for transparency

puttitout has said that 300 rule can be overlooked; he has done it manually before

so that's got a work-around and i sort of like that system. if you have the drive you go take that extra step and talk to putt.

voat is broke

that's like basically 90% of the problems corporate-side.

the admins are squarely responsible for all of it.

inb4 atko "i don't owe anyone anything."

i wish to have a long chat with him on that but he won't talk to me anymore, the fucking coward. o noes someone who speaks freely o noes doesn't scuk muh dak! o noahs!

well any turning voat into a profitable venture like that is breaking user agreement and would be met with deletion and a ban based on past performance of the admins, but these days don't expect shit. they have stopped enforcing deleting law and user agreement breaking stuff 100% entirely.

but i agree with you, the monetization of voat is fucking bullshit. it's usurpation/theft. fuck that.

the human being is free to speak here, not the fucking corporations, someone's llc, a little ad revenue on their site, their youtube monetization google bullshit nigger faggot bullshit

those that intend to come here to eek out a few bucks have got voat wrong

i strongly disagree with the "monetization of OPs" fuck that too

that is a fucking realllllly bad corporate slippery slope.

yeah if bots

bots have uses, like derram's archive. fuck drudge bot and those like it just spam bots if you ask me.

bots aren't people don't have rights until sentient.

bot dv harassment

what about comment harassment?


NeedleStack ago

I hate the news bots and drudge bot but I really hate those comment harassment bots. Using alt-y comment bots to follow a user around to harass them is disgusting and I hate whoever created them.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


NeedleStack ago

alt or alt-like.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Oh wow right over my head AAAAAHAHA sheeeit ya got me something fucking funny afwul there.


HarveyHarveyJones ago

Why must everything be generalized? Every case is different. Regardless a farm specifically with the intent to gain abilities that they otherwise wouldnt have unless they participated in the community. You urself said something about fake upvotes yesterday didnt you? Maybe i got my goats mixed up but fake votes are fake fucking votes and it's not organic in the ways of creating open discussion. It's ill-vibed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it doesn't have to be... :)

yes malicious intent is very different than upvoat farming. the intent isn't to farm, it's to Take COntrol.

fake upvoats maybe i don't thinkso

THIS thog


NeedleStack ago

Yes and it's high time they at least make a statement about subs like that.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Have they directly been asked? I pinged them a couple times but I'm sure they don't care about lil ol' harvey. Probably beyond busy... but regardless this issues should be addressed by an admin or two.

NeedleStack ago

Your pings probably sufficed. Atko changed the featured sub within the last day so we know he's around anyway. Yes, they are busy and will hopefully attend to those subs soon.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Fingers crossed.