CrudOMatic ago

7 people want rigged votes.

ChillyHellion ago

Doesn't invalidate the message.


You mean it would be easier to use alts to downvote? That would require completing captchas to log in to your alts after a while, which would take way more time than using this method manually.

I highly doubt that this is being used manually though, it is being scripted. I have been shown evidence of this being used on accounts, one of the accounts had 10k ccp and it was all gained by scripting account deletion/upvoting/recovery using login cookies. This can't be used to downvote anymore, as the admins changed it so deleted accounts reset to 0 ccp, meaning they can't downvote after they're restored. It can be used to upvote still though, and it is not that difficult.


Not sure if you're aware of this, but here on voat we don't go sniffing through other user's posting history in regards to unrelated comments. That SJW tactic is antithetical to the ideals of voat and completely repugnant.


It is far easier than it sounds. It could probably be scripted by someone with no prior experience within a couple of hours.

also i know for a fact that some people have been doing it but i'm not going to throw usernames around

faissaloo ago

It's also way more fun

Cid ago

Public instructions on how to do it? Now it really needs to get fixed.

Ellimist ago

Don't new accounts require a CAPTCHA or similar verification?

Ellimist ago

This one seems easier to use with scripts.

Either way, I don't think we should underestimate those people.

Ellimist ago

Don't forget that voat was the target of sustained DDOS attacks last summer.

Anti free-speech ideologues are willing and able to use complex tactics such as these.

antiplebbitor ago

You. We need more of you.

forgetmyname ago

run your script 20, or 100 times upvoating your permanent shill acc's and unlock downvoat achievenment faster.

m0t- ago

Of course. If an exploit is made aware to the devs and they show inaction, even with a white hat on, the next logical step is to make it public.


No, you need another user's login cookie if you want to log into their account. To manipulate votes like this, you only need your own login cookie, which is readily accessible to you.

As far as I know, AVE is open source and the code is there for all to see, so I don't think we need to be worried about AVE.

InfoTeddy ago

Since this is a serious bug that can manipulate public opinion, even if the OP privately messaged Atko and PuttItOut, the same effect of having to scramble and hands being forced would’ve happened. Making this thread has a side effect of letting people know that some upvoats don’t count.

m0t- ago

The best way of serving a 0-day is contacting the devs directly, but this is tactic lights a fire under their ass.

cool_and_froody ago

Great detective work, Arches.

Drenki ago

It can easily be automated.

CrudOMatic ago

Easily automated to give SJW socks the power to put SJW posts on the front page.


Could you provide a source or evidence of this? I'm getting conflicting info from someone.

They have shown me an account that was deleted 2 months ago that still has above 0 ccp.


Pro-tip: it's a lot easier to get upvoted by simply supporting other users and adding to the discussion on their posts, providing your own interesting content and comments and treating everyone else on this site how you would want to be treated. Don't spread hatred or stupidity or low quality posts, encourage others to contribute by replying to them and their posts/comments and treating them like actual human beings with genuine feelings and inherent humanity.

This is a big website full of many user names; some are familiar to us, some are new, some are people we've previously disagreed with, but each one of us is an individual, and there is always common ground to be had between us all.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

Preach it, brotha.

Stavon ago

I haven't looked in the code, but it's likely possible to to find out if it has been done and by whom. All the voats are in the database.

InfoTeddy ago

Even if someone manipulated upvoats after they learned how to do it from this post, Atko or PuttItOut could just easily reset the voats and everything would then go back to normal.


Hmm interesting, I didn't know that. Maybe this is being used to upvote alts or posts/comments on main accounts then.

I'm looking at you @Arotaes_Forgehammer ;)

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

All my ccp is 100% legit. You can tell because I'm so anal about numbers that my CCP would always be rounded to the nearest 10.

barset ago


twomoreandatinkle ago

Seems like alot of work.

BobBelcher ago

Good find.


I suspect it was being used on /v/Meanwhile and /v/TrueScience.

A couple of my posts were also mass downvoted. I always just assumed it was a bunch of alts, as each post had the same amount of downvotes, but the downvotes happened too quickly for it to be one person using alts, so I think they were probably using the method I described above.

Kadynce ago