huskysharonzzz ago

Well, you poor little thing. Did the goats scare poor little skookums?

toobaditworks ago

lol @ that comment

budhahead ago

Old voat fag here, The correct use is DOWN VOATING. Lurk more.

clovelace ago

Das Reich, mein Nigga!

digitalentity1497 ago

Poor Qtard has pain in his mangaina.

shitstartercarter ago

Guy kind of looks like Kerry King from Slayer.

realjewsRnice ago

the anti-jews are all fake to drown out and discredit human concerns about human-trafficking by making it seem like a white-supremacy movement. LOCK HER UP will never die. We have been offended against, and if we can not have our obviously agreed apon desire to lock her up, maybe its just our fault for being too small and too dumb. We all felt the sting of trickery when Trump was elected and first thing he said was 'Hillary is nice, why would I investigate her?' but it didnt matter cuz in a war, you need allies, even if they wont comply with policy. now trump is set on human-trafficking is about mexicans. The funniest thing was the angry rant about pizzagate being fake and he was like "doesnt it make you so angry" and you think to yourself damn this person is messed up. so what if i think being racists or lumping people who are not actually jews in with jews is stupid. thats just my opinion. i can still talk with out votes. but i do see a place thats totally hostile to being anti-racist. but so what. im hostile and retarded also. probably more so. so not being banned from a pit of mind-fuckers is probably a bad thing, here I am, making the best of it. Oh noez Rudulf the rednosed raindeer has been marginized by the name calling!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

  • He really gives off the "take the number of teeth i have and double it for my IQ" vibe going and the sunglasses indoors tell me hes lacking confidence if the faggy S&W shirt with a skull didn't tip that off.

  • How many foreskins does it take to lose that many teeth? (follow up) You'd think he'd know a few dentists.

AlarmClockandRadio ago

Oh jeez guys when are we making the apology video

TheBuddha ago

Ah, the irony.

Holonomic ago

Bet this ass-faggot has a male sex robot with "reddit" written all over it, stored up in his My Little Pony themed bedroom.

cavedwellerdungnmstr ago

at least I'm not that guy

a100167 ago

Hahaha holy shit,

this is EXACTLY what I pictured a Q tard looks like.

Anon83 ago

I finally watched this. Cringe worthy to say the least. He's been hanging out with the porch monkeys for too long. There's nothing worse than hearing a grown man cry over his internet "experience".

Jonesl29 ago

I don't like that the title of your thread is you telling me what to do.

You could use a better headline like "I Won't use VOAT because xxxxx", but who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?

Don't try to make YOUR problems with voat everyone elses problem with it. Not cool.

toobaditworks ago


BraunF14 ago

Shut up, you whiney toothless bastard. You can say what you want and when you want on this site. Just participate for like a month and don't come posting some dumb shit. Q-tards had difficulty in the beginning because they came onto a site where logical discussion and rhetoric are used to debate ideas posting all their "Q is God! We're all God's people. Trump is infallible" bullshit. It's easily debated and is spammy as fuck. Go cry elsewhere.

heroinwinsagain ago

Q plan stick to the fucking plan.

Drunkenst ago

Soupy Sales sez: “Be true to your teeth and they won’t be false to you.”

Drunkenst ago

Pantload wants to take my football and go home

Beorn ago

The best part of voat is that this is on the front page. If it were posted on reddit, against reddit, it would be deleted instantly and he would be banned.

Beorn ago

Hahah, so many lies, you can comment immediately, you just can't dowvoat others. I have never been asked for money. This guy explains all the retarded, all caps QRV posts.

oligarchsalamander ago

This is idiotic I have well over a thousand comment score without even thinking about it. This board is free to use and is regularly visited by hard left troll accounts. Requiring a base line, bare minimum, comment history in order to post in more contentious subvoats is perfectly rational. "Don't use voat" says the dude posting on youtube.

Yeah right, get lost guy.

blackwithhiv ago


Anon83 ago

Can someone please give a rundown of this vijeo, so I don't have to waste anymore of my time?

fuckingmockies ago

He dumb.

lord_nougat ago

and faggot.

fysi003 ago

Quote at 0:27 from the video, "According to their policy you need 100 comment votes before you even allowed to speak". He clearly didn't read the voat voting system nor use voat website. I can post and comment when I first created this account having zero (0) comment contribution points and can even post anywhere.

Plant_Boy ago


Boohoo... I'm a boomer, everything is supposed to be free and everyone is supposed to agree with me.


Hand_of_Node ago

5 pings is the max for any post or comment.

Killeratlarge ago


GoodGodKirk ago

I don't know what's worse. The fact that he got on camera and made a whiny vlog about voat, or that people got on youtube answering with real names.

Obrez ago

I doubt any of you niggerfaggots will see this but please can we fight QRV and the Qtards?

I want to downvoat them all to shit but frankly fixing them would be easier and it would drive the mossad and CIA forces running the Psyop to quit the whole damned project.

Here's what I do, I post redpills on the jews and downvoat everything that isn't pointing out kike subversion, the downvoating is hard to do because it means downvoting many things I support but the most cucked subverse on Voat shouldn't be the largest and I can't tell what is a distraction laid out by the people running the Psyop. I also explain to them how other users are coming in to troll them on QRV and how most of the people detracting from them aren't left shills but are actually much further right and are trying to get them to course correct, I'm definitely one of the guys Mr. Loomis is complaining about.

If you are reading this join me in sinking their /new and only upvoating redpills on kikes and blatantly antisemitic content;, if you see them shitting up /all then go just go slam their /new

CognitiveDissident5 ago

On YT there is a comment calling him an "egg-headed tranny"

toobaditworks ago


Mr_Wolf ago

gonna wear shades to hide identity... now he's gonna have to shave neck beard and start lifting to hide weak baby chin

Black_Phillip ago

I want a holocaust, mainly against people who still wear graphic t-shirts.

bluedeath ago

Dear Diary,

Today I was a whiny disingenuous fuck and I am certain I will be one tomorrow too.

Signed: The Girls Bicycle Seat Sniffing Bandit

Whiteflourguy ago

Maybe he needs a snickers

Goathole ago

I'm sorry Wayne, that was me. You were kind of asking for it though.........

We have literally made you're piss stenched shit hole relevant again. The adults have come to take the reins now, dont worry you natives can still engage in whatever homosexual activity you got up to before we migrated


whole_scottish_milk ago

Next video:

"Do not use Youtube. They downvote your video so that nobody can see it They put ads in videos because they just want money."

Doglegwarrior ago

This guy pushed me to doing my own podcast. I think it helps to see people speak rather then just read comments. How can you be that old and have a respectable beard and not understand why voat is 1 million times better then reddit. Its going to be fumny to post a podcast and see the goats completely make fun of me at least on a podcast you cant make fun of my terrible spelling and grammer.

lord_nougat ago

Simple answer?


Joe_McCarthy ago

He's definitely right there is a downvoting circle jerk. Not sure what he's on about talking about money though.

HoocOtt ago

The video is from September!! Wasn't all this all hashed out months ago?

whatdowehavehere ago

Came here for the Qtarding, stayed for the getting called a kikeshill and other great race realism. will probably never get the points, does it really matter? Better to comment on posts on voat than be on reddit EVER!!!

lord_nougat ago

The points turn you gay!

So you're clearly playing it safe, as you should! Good luck to you, noobfag!

blumen4alles ago

After money? Not once have I seen a request in all my time here.

Hey how about instead of trying to get 100 comment upvotes, just be yourself? Try to add something to the thread, or just observe until you have something to add. Not try to force yourself into things and take over!

This video could be cross-posted to several subs, I would stick it in funny, cause that was hilarious to me.

RicardoBronson ago

Sucks that a person can't even have shitty teeth without people assuming they're on meth. I mean, they probably are though

Adminstrater ago

Voat never asked for money... People were asking for a way to give money, and there was never an option available. So it seems that this guy is a liar.

draaaak ago

Hey @kneo24, check it out.. @AlphabeticalAnon made a video about her experiences on voat! Pretty rough lookin chin for a lady... maybe this is one those "ma'ams" I've been hearing about?

FightMeInTheAlly ago

Ya why is that? Why must I be censored from creating new content? Reddit isn’t like that? What’s the reason?

cantaloupe6 ago

Freech??? Did he say no free freech??? See that's the issue, this isn't a Freech site - that's two doors down.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Flagged for using the n-word.

lord_nougat ago


SporadicSpasms ago

My "pinion" is valuable—how dare you downvoat me! And stop calling me "stupid, faggot, nigger, fag"; that hurts my feeweins!

My10thaccount ago


EnterTheUnKnown ago

If only all these Qtards would take this advice.

madhatter67 ago

they are conflicted because Q sent them here for reeducation

EnterTheUnKnown ago

It is like an NPC programming error.

MikePence_Official ago

Yeah we should all be using Jewtube instead

prairie ago

Speaking of money, I I miss the advertisements in the right-hand bar.

wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

damn it toothless who let you out. .

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Where's your front teeth bruh?

lord_nougat ago

Santa brought him coal instead.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I gotta say, since the video's only from like 6 months ago, I really hope I'm part of the reason he left.

headfire ago

Drunk trash.

beast__ ago

I hate being told not to do something. So naturally i head over to vote. video backfire.

lord_nougat ago

You're a loner. A REBEL!

WhiteWolfSS ago

kike, nigger, faggot, tranny, there are only 2 genders.

Still not banned. Still going to use Voat.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Lol poor ole qtard just wants his "pinon" to be heard without being told he's a qtard... Ya bunch of meanies!

25Lighters ago

Voat isnt stupid friendly. I had to read the instructions first, and then reread them.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Are those 25 lighters on your dresser?

25Lighters ago

They were back when i partied like its 1999

lord_nougat ago

The 1990 party was far and away the better party.

Aside from that minor murder-related incident. But they've never proven any of those allegations.

25Lighters ago

I was going to say he tried to rape me and it was self defense...i was gonna pull a nigger move.

lord_nougat ago

And then he poured some bleach on you!

jewsbadnews ago

Now this is Boomer posting. sips

AlternateSelection ago

I don't wanna go anywhere this dude goes.

Fetalpig ago

Someone is sensitive......just gave this cupcake a thumbs down on his video.

bman0321 ago

Don't use your brain.

redpilldessert ago

Who the hell is this guy?

mralexson ago

Nigga looks like a more faggot kerry king

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Just go about your life, bros. None of this is really that important. Voat is a swell place to hang for a bit. A slight notch above the rest which is all it takes sometimes but... some of you overthink this shit. It's a fucking screen and your fingers are scurrying words into ghosts. If you understand that your fucking cable tv is retarded corporate clever gonzo shit- you should understand how the rest of this bitgasm works.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Can we get that faggot nigger some sympathy up voats so he can speak his mind again. Looking for some humor.

toobaditworks ago

I like this plan.

Dismal_Swamp ago


R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Lol what a faggot. Fucking Q fags. Since when did we invite those mindless cultists here? I don't recall anyone inviting them.

To you Q fags. LISTEN to this man. LEAVE.

TexasInfidel ago

Redditt rejected

Artofchoke ago


WayneLoomis ago


TheyLie ago

flood voat with garbage, but act like voat isn't allowing them to speak

Aryan_Warrior ago

I love when I get to downvote you asshole. It's one of the things that makes life meaningful 🔨

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Same here. The incoherent drunken word vomit is pathetic.

Aryan_Warrior ago

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes, I'm on the list!

MkeAmericaGreatAgain ago

Give us your sheckles bitch! I wanna know what this guy was saying getting that many down goats!?

lord_nougat ago

He was probably talking like a fag while his shit was also all retarded.

White_pride_cis ago

Who is this faggot?

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

figger naggot

Titanbikes4ever ago

I hate boomers

lordv1ldemort ago

Wow, the shills are working overtime.

Imeadez ago

This guy sounds like hes having a really hard time stringing his sentences together.

PuttItOut ago

And ZERO video streaming.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @buggermeevenharder.

Posted automatically (#25151) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Is this worth watching in any sense? Is goofy looking goober at least a decent lulzcow?

lord_nougat ago

Frankly he sounds just like he looks, only even slightly whinier and dumber than I'd expected.

MustyMackerel ago

I feel his pain.

toobaditworks ago

Holy shit -178 ccp. You are a good troll. You get a Voat Achievement at -1000.

MustyMackerel ago

DON'T you assume my gender, Im an Ogre!

PuttItOut ago

How does this happen? You seem nice.

MustyMackerel ago

Because I refuse to stroke each others cocks for up voats. Im a loser

CatsControlTheEU ago

No, it seems like you have no grasp on actual human genetic history. Or you do have a grasp but your terminology is just as ignorant as the people you try to teach.

"The African created the white man. Its from their genes that the white man mutated from. lets take a look at what non whites have invented shall we and lets see where the white man would be without them. Steel was invented in India, gunpowder and rockets were invented in China, camouflage was invented by Native Americans also sign language, the oldest copper mines were invented in Africa"

Darker mediterranean skin tones such as that of Indians/Egyptians ARE still a form of Caucasian. The native North African IS the White man. I've never met anyone in the middle east who has viewed themselves as anything but white. Also I am positive that forms of camouflage existed in use across EurAsia prior to the colonization of the new world. So that's a really terrible example. The only place I've heard this kind of stupidity is from Western SJW liberals who think anyone with a Mediterranean skin tone or darker isn't white, and Scandinavian supremacists who ironically are spouting bright light skin tone supremacy while their nations are getting cucked. You say the 'African created the white man' most people take this to mean Sub-Saharan black Africans not Olive/Brown skinned Caucasoid Egyptians. Egyptian, Indian, Persian, Greek, are all genetically Caucasoid, it is actually some of the Finland/Swedish/Norwegian people that seem to have a different Y-DNA Haplogroup origin than the rest of the white population. Your separating Egyptians from most Western Europeans based on a few genes, a Russian Slav is more different Genetically from a Frenchman than a Frenchman is from an Egyptian.

MustyMackerel ago

You are retarded. If any white skinned person even lived in Egypt they would not have been Caucasian. Caucasian is a term that refers to a group of people who originated from the Caucasus mountains. Not all white skinned people come from the Caucasus mountains. Jews are not Caucasian. Berbers are not Caucasian, Egyptians are not Caucasians, Turks are not Caucasian, any body who lived south of the Caucasus mountains would not be Caucasian. Just because you have white skin does not mean you are the same as every other person with white skin. You do not get to take credit for another mans accomplishments merely because you share a skin tone with them. That is retarded. South Africans are 100% homo sapien sapiens while the rest of mankind has Neanderthal corruptions or other within their genomes. They are the pure race and we are the mutant hybrids. Keep in mind I said south Africans so no need to mention the Northern tribes as they have already been corrupted at an unknown time. It could have been recent for all we know. I will show you how retarded your logic is. What color would you call this child? Is this child Caucasian? Yeah I didnt think so. The white skin mutation is not aboriginal to homo sapiens, black skin is. This is why black people can still have white children yet white people can never have black children. Africans still posses this ability to create white skin people. Caucasian posses 70% of the DNA found in King Tutankhamen but that does not mean that DNA is Caucasian. Its Egyption and that is where the genetics orginated. Not in Europe. King Tutankhamen had brown/black skin depending on how you want to look at it. The proof is here found in his own tomb by a bust depicting him with dark brown skin. That tells you that 70% of European genetics comes from a brown man. This is fact if you like it or not. You can make all the excuses you want it will never change it. The white man came from a black man period. Sure its possible that camouflage was used in other places in different time periods but Europeans never used it until they came to the New World so that tells you they adopted it from Native Americans. To refute this is ignorant. European Nations that came to the New World never practiced natural rights or democracy nor did they ever witnessed a working model of them. Ancient Greece was long gone by this time so that tells you the Native Americans are the ones who inspired these ideas in the Founding fathers not the Greeks because if so then Europe would have adopted these ideas a long time ago. The founding fathers also admit it. John Locke was born 100+ years after the New World. Land of the Free, Home of the Braves. Thats Indian Braves. I have yet to speak with a white bigot who would admit the obvious. They always gloat about how woke they are yet they refuse to swallow this red pill. King Tut had dark brown skin not olive and 70% of Europeans share genetics with him. Im taling about South Africans not Sub-Saharan Africans. They are already corrupted but South Africans are free from the corruption. They are the pure race not the white Germans. The term Caucasoid is a flawed science based on skull and bone shapes. Its no longer accepted as bone shapes can vary in all groups. "Caucasian" <-- see the Asian. So are you Asian? Yup you come from central Asia, the majority of Europeans come from central Asia 40,000 years before they migrated to Europe and before that they were middle eastern and before that they were African. As you can tell Im backing my shit up yet you cant do the same. "Finland/Swedish/Norwegian people that seem to have a different Y-DNA Haplogroup" so what. Like I said not all white skin people are the same. There are at least 4 white groups of people who are just as different to each other than they would be to Indians from India. Berbers are thought to have migrated from North Africa into Spain without ever going into the middle east. They are not realated to Europeans no more than a European would be related to a south African. Yet they have white skin. All men have white skin and blue eyes. All of them even the darkest of them its merely hidden under their melanin. Every living creature on this planet is ancient. None is more ancient than the African. African is the original. You are a mutation and a hybird of an African if you like it or not. The first human people to leave Africa 70,000 years ago were the Australian aborigines. They look half black and half white. They also look half Homo Sapien and half Neanderthal/other. You cant get no clearer than that. They were the first humans to walk across the middle east and Asia down into Australia. Nobody ever said the red pill would be an easy pill to swallow. This is what the science claims not my opinion. I just have to deal with it and accept it. Im merely relaying the data, the facts. Its up to you to accept or continue living in your own ignorance and bigotries. Good luck with that.

CatsControlTheEU ago

"Caucasian is a term that refers to a group of people who originated from the Caucasus mountains. Not all white skinned people come from the Caucasus mountains. Jews are not Caucasian. Berbers are not Caucasian, Egyptians are not Caucasians, Turks are not Caucasian, any body who lived south of the Caucasus mountains would not be Caucasian. Just because you have white skin does not mean you are the same as every other person with white skin."


Gene maps beg to differ, if you don't think that every white person on the coast line of the mediterranean is not mixed with eachother then you are genuinely retarded. Second of all, the R1a (aka white) group that comes 'from' Caucasia actually originated in central asia. And the descendants of those are the ones who migrated across the middle east. The earliest human skeleton was found in Morocco, and they are not 'African' - you're literally quoting old shit you fucking moron. The whole 'first humans came from Sub-Saharan Africa' is literally a decade old. They found newer skeletons much older on the northern tip of Morocco.

And second of all it is not a 'flawed science' it's used to determine race in cases where DNA testing is not immediately done in everything from archaeological digs to police finding skeletal corpses.

You have no concept of actual science and I will no longer communicate with someone as retarded as you. No one in the scientific community will agree with anything you've said.

MustyMackerel ago

Gene maps beg to differ?? What the hell are you talking about? You said so yourself, and I quote "Finland/Swedish/Norwegian people that seem to have a different Y-DNA Haplogroup origin than the rest of the white population". You dumb ass, you have no idea what you are talking about. All homo sapiens share a common ancestor you retarded faggot. Ill prove that there are white people in Europe that are from Africa and are not related to other Europeans. Choke on this red pill bitch. "the R1a (aka white) group that comes 'from' Caucasia actually originated in central asia" yeah I already mentioned that in my earlier comment. Europeans are realted to Indians from India and Native Americans. I sent you a video about it, you silly faggot. Morocco is in Africa so yes they are African. White people originated from Africans. White people lost their melanin due to possibly mutations or mixing with other hominids or both combined. I did not mention anything about the first humans coming from sub Saharan Africa you loser. I stated that the purest homo sapiens are the South Africans as they do not have the Neanderthal corruption or other in their genomes. Not All Africans are the same just like not all white people have the same mutations and Neanderthal corruptions. You dumb monkey you. It is a flawed science and the proof is by the stupid white people in America always claiming the ancient Native American bones are white people until they test the DNA and every time they are Native American people. You can not determine "race" by bone structure. You can get a good guess but its not scientific what so ever. Its flawed and its shit. This is why you dumb white boys think humans were monkeys. Evolution is fake. The same bugs animals we have today are the same animals you find in the fossilized stomachs of dinosaurs and others preserved in tree sap. Life was created by design. Im a god among apes with you dumb fucks. Yeah run away bitch cause you are defeated with your bitch ass excuses. You know you cant win cause this red pill is truth. I see you provided no evidence yet I continue to do so. You win!

yellowthread ago

Is meth consumed in a similar manner to corn on the cob? How the fuck does that even happen?

It seems equally likely he got into a fight defending Q's honor.

6gorillion ago

It's more of a vapor than a smoke. If you hold it in your lungs it re-crystallizes too large of crystals in your lungs and you go to the hospital. Meth pipes cloud up super fast because the vapor re-crystallizes in the pipe, so your teeth being even further along in the chain where the vapor is cooling down even more also tend to get a bunch of meth stuck to them. You don't even want that vapor to get on your skin it's all kind of bad for everything it touches, including your teeth.

uvulectomy ago

And then some degenerate news anchor in CA decides that shoving a couple meth rocks up his ass sounds like a great idea...and then puts on a mask where the filters had been doused in amyl nitrate... I'll leave you to guess how that turned out.

6gorillion ago

I saw that story. I didn't even know hooping meth was a thing until I read that. I can't believe someone would do that. Junkies that inject meth think that hooping it is gross. I don't know if there's a more disgusting thing you could do. The most disgusting people think it's disgusting lol...

SparklingWiggle ago

Meth apparently is acidic, causes dry mouth, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and methheads don't bother brushing. It takes Lee's than a year to permanently destroy their teeth.

1Sorry_SOB ago


srgmpdns ago

You people are more cringe-worthy than juggalos and bronies combined.

gonna be hard to get that image out of my head.

immatureusername ago


Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

That's my next username now, as this one is getting old.

ozmliadozmliad ago

a Q shill ..... this is why i haven't the courage to trust anyone and leave my abusive husband, blame him, it's all his fault, and the rest if the Q tards

uvulectomy ago

Anyone with a JewTube account to burn can just go start talking about Pokemon Go Combat Points in the comments (making sure to abbreviate, obviously).

If they haven't fixed the algorithm, that should nuke his entire Google account. YT, Mail, everything.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Don't forget to mention the CANDY that only HARDCORE players use that are HARD to find. Also that most of us start playing Pokemon as a PRETEEN.

toobaditworks ago

But then we couldn't see if he makes another funny video.

uvulectomy ago

Even crazier how, for the longest time, they gave zero fucks about pedophiles oogling and creeping over underage girls.....until advertisers started pulling out and their shekel-faucet started to dry up.

toobaditworks ago

Most of the "algorithms" are mentally ill people that love the pedo shit.

Lobotomy ago



bye you dusty cloaca

teriyakuza ago

Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

toobaditworks ago

You're welcome. I did too.

WayneLoomis ago


lord_nougat ago

Vote given, PATRIOT!


Lobotomy ago

nife nomal teef

carlip ago

Look around the video he posted just before this one "how to deal with trolls" hahahahahaha he should take his own advice!

And what's more, scroll all the way back to 2008 and he's got a video begging for money, not for him of course but for his "sick daughter", complete with geocities style website viewable the way back machine.

What fucking joke, good find OP!

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Sounds like Jewy activity to me.

CptCaveMan ago

This guy looks like he could chew corn through a chain link fence !

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Not with the Indian corn teeth he’s rocking.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

I made this account in an afternoon. Low Effort Monotone Moron in Nigger Getup need to BTFO.

sinclair ago

Voat this guy up!

WayneLoomis ago


sinclair ago

We lose nothing except your Voat.

Hysterics7787 ago

I will not be insulted repeatedly and downvoated just for saying my pinon.

From the description in the Youtube video. Even Wayne Loomis knows it's downvoating!

Artofchoke ago


Momo_Applebach ago

it's his pinon

toobaditworks ago

LOL nice

ScreaminMime ago

This post is getting more upvotes than his vid.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#25146) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

BentAxel ago

Good advice.


RomeoLaprade ago

He forgot the most important... Kikes!

Chempergrill ago

Glad that faggot is gone :D

callsinewave ago

Wait! are you telling me i can make a living on voat? fn fwords nword fwords fwords , this can't be true.

toobaditworks ago

You just earned $1800 voat coins! Cash in now and receive your free VOAT PLUSHY! Contact @puttitout for more details.

callsinewave ago

I'm gonna retire a millionaire, god bless you!

toobaditworks ago

Just remember to donate to your local goat farm. Some goats aren't as equal as others.

Mumbleberry ago

toobaditworks ago

Let's not get too personal. I know he had his name on the video already but it's ok if he doesn't like voat. I don't want his personal life to be invaded ya know? He didn't do anything wrong (like illegal wrong).

boltstop ago

Every man deserves the opportunity

TitDirtt ago

Look, we downvote the Q shit because it's boomer babble. If you guys want to go and discuss it and jerk each other about it, go for it, no one is stopping you. But you can't force everyone to look at that bullshit. If we don't want to see it, we downvote. If you don't like it, make your own fucking site or run back to 4chan.

lexsird ago

ZZ Tard

Too fucking stupid to figure out the simplistic system of voat. That's not cool, I'd not open my mouth if I was that teamingly ignorant.

Ok, faglet, we have engaged the Qtards and they've yet to offer up anything other than cult like mouth drivel about Q. I've explain how it's a psyop, how you're all a bunch of retards for falling for is so damn long. Now you've proven yourself not only retarded as we said, but you're now a bunch of Right Wing Snowflakes.

Good, don't come. Leave. You're too stupid to contribute to the conversation. Obviously. Bye.

toobaditworks ago

ZZ Tard!! lol

WayneLoomis ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @WhiteRonin.

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bitbug ago

This makes me like voat more, to know that this boomer trailer trash doesn't feel welcome

WayneLoomis ago


Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago


HitlersMomWasAJew ago

Not even a good troll

Hand_of_Node ago



Aryan_Warrior ago

Jesus are you sure you wouldn't enjoy reddit more?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

What a faggot nigger retard.

I donated to voat because i believe in this place.

I was never asked to donate. Ever.

Hes lying because he wants sympathy because his content is fucking stupid and nobody agrees with him.

Cry me a river.

TheTrigger ago

Could you imagine if someone sent him a link to /pol/ (either)? I'd love to see that reaction vid.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

His (((true colors))) will show

GasChamber ago

I agree, don't come here. Q tards are being told off for good reasons, not just because we are big meanie heads.

Humansized ago

What a retard.

jthun2 ago

Pheew, I feel cleaner knowing that fewer people on here look like that. At least ZZ Top was entertaining. Kinda.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

LOL! Which user do you guys think this was? So classic. OH NO, NOT 100 upvotes! THE HORROR!

phillyjoe ago

Another boomer faggot.

Go sell your grandkids blood, you fucking parasite.

WilliamCutting ago

Looks Genx to me man.

Lobotomy ago


WilliamCutting ago

Spiritual boomerism

phillyjoe ago

"He" blames, deflects and cries like a boomer faggot tho.

It just shows how retarded these pavement apes are, I nuked my old account 6 months ago, and in that time just causual shit posting I got back to being able to post/downvote. These fucktards are too stupid to either participate and adapt to the local culture (ie they are shitty immigrants) or too fucking stupid to make their own 3rd world shithole.

Shotinthedark ago

Took me like 2 hours to get enough to post when I discovered voat( on reddit I probably said offensive things and was told voat was more my speed,and here i am) i find this place a bastion of free speech and now want less people from reddit here! They try to make voat reddit! Fuck them!

Beorn ago

Yeah, I had 100 upvoats in 24 hours. You just have to not be a low IQ niggerfaggot.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Nah. If you fight the circlejerk you'll get downvoted too low to post pretty fast. A few vote brigading cunts on here can also (and do) do that to especially new accounts they decide are shills.

drstrangegov ago

Definitely 1990

0322044 ago

You should never get this butthurt over something like internet Forum points, they mean nothing.

uvulectomy ago

I mean, he DID (attempt to) come here from Plebbit...

lord_nougat ago

I'd wager a fair number of us tried and succeeded in coming here from that other site.

uvulectomy ago

True, but that was nearly four years ago. Now that the other site's hypocrisy and hive-mind are well known, anyone still there is there because they're willfully ignorant.

lord_nougat ago

Willfully ignorant as a best case scenario!

uvulectomy ago

Exactly. Those who stayed despite all the obvious fuckery generally don't have the thick skin required to successfully integrate into Voat these days. The_Donald proved that quite well, as does the faggot in OP's video (who probably thinks he's tough shit despite his whining about imaginary internet points, lol).

KVD ago

It's only 100 points. Just go on a sub you like about gardening or beards and be nice. Sheesh.

toobaditworks ago

Imagine talking beards on a forum.

lord_nougat ago


KVD ago

I know, glorious huh?

elitch2 ago

If my smile looked like that, my only mission in life would be to fix it.

I could be homeless, and I'd still get that shit fixed.

Atomized_Individual ago

Thank Obamacare, you could

voatusernamevoat ago

Do the "q" narratives ever handle info like: ?

toobaditworks ago

fyi: I think you can only @ three users. The rest will be ignored?

TheBuddha ago

I'm an abrasive asshole to anyone I deem too stupid to live.

I am on the left of the political spectrum.

I ain't even (very) white.

Yet, I have more CCP and SCP than I'll ever possibly use up - even with concerted effort.

In other words, methinks the problem might actually be them.

Q-tips will believe almost everything except reality.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Boomer logic.

TheBuddha ago

Except I'm a boomer.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont even know how much ccp shit i have or how it really works

LDIP ago

He ain't a whitey gettem boyzzz!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Pretty much everyone that is anyone already knows this. I post my picture regularly and have met multiple goats in real life. I'm mostly Micmac. (Indian, feather - not dot.)

ForTheUltimate ago

atleast you're an honest natsoc

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

all part of The Plan

TheBuddha ago

Banned for telling the Quth!

Telencephalon ago

How's your fractured femur?

TheBuddha ago

Smashed, still. I'm healing but still pretty fucked.

Thanks for asking. How's by you?

Telencephalon ago

I'm doing good, last semester of med school. Pretty excited about finally being done with school.

cantaloupe6 ago

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks but it is a major injury. I was in the crash back in October. I've got like another year to go.

I'll be alright. We are beyond the danger point. I'll walk again, but the question is how much motility I'll regain.

cantaloupe6 ago

Oh that's lousy. I suppose there's lots one can do while rather immobile. VR, learning, programming, e-books, etc. as long as the meds aren't too overwhelming. Otherwise may as well watch the same movie on repeat. At some point swimming might help.

toobaditworks ago

A year will be over before you know it. I hope you feel better soon.

70times7 ago

Charity will make you feel better. And maybe even heal faster.

Ill take one of these if your willing to try.

TheBuddha ago

I don't actually have one of those.

I have an absurd number of D-28 Martins.

I'll let you decide which one goes in the pro column and which goes in the con column.

70times7 ago

If you did have one of those, Id think you had more money then sense.

Beautiful craftsmanship but absurd at the same time.

You have a favorite acoustic? Id like to pick up a john denver model taylor they made for him. But they rarely come up for sale.

TheBuddha ago

My favorite acoustic would be said D-28. Though, it really depends in the genre. Still, I can get a lot out of a D-28.

And, I'm in the more money than sense club. My guitar collection is insured for more than your house, quite probably.

I made some bad decisions and had a bunch of money in my bank account. I own stuff like a 58 Goldtop. I have multiple custom classical guitars. Etc... If you're familiar with my PG site, many of the guitar images posted there are my own pics of my own guitars.

70times7 ago

That 58 is worth about the same as that d-200.

Crazy stuff.

I meant do you have an individual favorite acoustic. Or are you well beyond that kinda thinking by now lol?

TheBuddha ago

I have my original Yamaha GC. That's probably my favorite. That is mostly sentimental. I have higher quality instruments but that one has been in my care the longest.

They're all called "Mustang Sally." So, I don't have specific names for them. "Let me grab Mustang Sally, and we can play."

carlip ago

Q predicted this

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Happening, patriot.

uvulectomy ago

We're over the target. WAGAWAGAWAGA.

madhatter67 ago

Read that in fozzie bear amused me

Alpha-As-Fuck ago

Shut the fuck up Q boomer.

uvulectomy ago

I believe "Qoomer" or "Quck" is what you're looking for.

madhatter67 ago

He has a face like a smacked Quim

Hand_of_Node ago

Qcumber or Q-tip are my preferred misgenderings.

dawnbandit1 ago

QFag also works.

Alpha-As-Fuck ago


WayneLoomis ago


uvulectomy ago

OY VEY! You'll cause anuddah shoah!

gabara ago

@puttitout @cynabuns @heygeorge @kevdude, jeff is brigading this 5 month old video to the front page. over 30 upvotes in less than 30 minutes.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @virge.

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ReadPastHeadlines ago

Make a community and post to it If others like your posts then more will join the community. What part of this concept is hard to understand? A new community comes and wants to take over the whole site so the others reject their attempt at making the whole site about them.

Sounds like this guy needs a safe space Or he can start a forum and register his own site for $12.

Maroonsaint ago

I think I watched this the other day. Maybe a different one. It said voat was a pedo hang out.

toobaditworks ago

On one hand you have the police/fbi who would want to spread a freespeech platform to the pedos in order to catch them posting illegal shit (create a honeypot). And on the other hand you have the anti-free-speech tyrants who want to shut down dissenting opinions who would use the "it's a pedo hang out" to get it shut down. Honestly if you're seeing pedo stuff on Voat then you're looking for it. All I ever see is news, politics, videos.. regular shit.

Maroonsaint ago

Places like google try to force it to be so. You ever heard of...iforget the sub name. It’s lije teenage girls dressed scantily. It’s on here somewhere. But when I searched voat in the image bar the only thing that came up was pics from that sub. Not even a single race related meme.

toobaditworks ago

Yeah I remember google was putting the racist subs as the only things on the search so i can see them doing that with whatever sub your talking about.

EpiPendemic ago

Accidently clicked on thumbnail before I saw it was youtube else would waited to watch on mirror or not watch whatever but fuck that was worth it. Poor fellow poured his heart out, he almost cried think. I have never felt pressure to give money what is he talking about.. there isn't a voat premium is there?

Ina_Pickle ago

That's because it has been nearly impossible to donate for years so any comments about helping finance the site are really just people grumbling because the server is bogged down again.

toobaditworks ago

Yes send me money? You did not hear?

PuttItOut ago

Stop down voting him you goat meanies!

0322044 ago

I like his teeth.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

But did he gave Voat, shekels, for the (((server hamster)))?

FuckredditKenobi ago

Putt is confirmed shitlord.

frenemy ago

here you go.

xobodox ago

$ youtube-dl
$ mv Do\ not\ use\ VOAT-M31fy9axY5A.mkv novoat.mkv
$ ffmpeg -i novoat.mkv -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -async 1 novoat.gif

GoodGodKirk ago

I made a quick 3 second gif of his approval of voat:

Gimme_Shelter ago

To quote Bugs Bunny; "What a maroon?"

17024530? ago

TheTrigger ago

PuttItOut ago

Shouldn't there be words?

Native ago

Here's the optimized gif with audio you have to click the speaker on first to hear it.

sinclair ago

God, I pray this is on sticky.

Themooninthesky ago

Worship worship

SeanBox ago

holy shit. you think that guy was sanegoat?

fusir ago

No. He doesn't have the energy of sanegoat.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Sanegoat is sustained by the Autismo Force. An eternal well of unlimited autism where he draws his ability to post non-stop about capping, logging, and archiving everything.

ruck_feddit ago

It's tallest_skrill

cantaloupe6 ago

Too funny. That and ZZ-Tard. It's good for a wide audience to hear uncensored opinion.

PuttItOut ago

It's you I wonder about

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

I miss sane. He was entertaining.

SeanBox ago


TheTrigger ago

> not saying PoundMeToo


SeanBox ago

I don’t do feggitry

WayneLoomis ago


Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, q-tard.

WayneLoomis ago


GoBackToReddit ago


There is an epidemic of broken shift keys.

carlip ago

I'm not allowed to because down vote meanie is fucking retarded.

WilliamCutting ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Please please let me come to your free speech community we got banned by reddit. Just accept us and let us contribute we swear we won't cause problems. Oh god you said WHAT about the Jews? They are gods chosen people omg antisemites, BAN VOTE BAN ALL ANTI SEMITE VOATERS. What you have protective measures that prevent us from downvoat spamming you with multiple day old accounts? Our free speech is being killed by voat ;(

fuckmyreddit ago

It was a sad day when immigrants who didnt want to assimilate flooded our border en mass. Do I mean tacos or talkos?

SporadicSpasms ago

But, but, Q and Trump (and Jewsus) love everybody. With love, and a plan, we will defeat evil and then we can go ride our Harleys.

bluedeath ago

But what if he gets sand in his clit again and it swells up like THIS ..... what then?

Fagtardicus ago

butt elephantitis

FatBruceWillis ago

@Jewsus is a good boy he dindu nuffin

BaldMiscreant ago

Harleys are garbage, you spend as much on upkeep as you do on the bike, which runs like shit (when it runs at all). Just felt the need to say that.

HAESisalie ago

Eh, he should just get a bike with pedals, at least he won't be a fat ass anymore.

FatBruceWillis ago

A new bike won't change his genetics you shitlord.

HAESisalie ago

True, my bad. He probably has a rare allergy to exercise which cause his body to create fat even though he is burning calories at a high rate. Self diagnosed of course. Basically Lord beetus needs a hoof.

madhatter67 ago

Slow metabolism Bruce?

SporadicSpasms ago

I agree, but the dude in the vid has one—guaranteed.

BaldMiscreant ago

He probably has a Harley Davidson branded buttplug.

SporadicSpasms ago

All fags do....

MinorLeakage ago

I always said "down voating" and now I just don't know how to feel.

toobaditworks ago

Down voating is only for Voat. Down voting is for youtube and reddit.

Durm ago

I'm sorry, I have to down voat this on principle.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I almost always have to correct myself when I try to use the words "down vote" on other websites and instead typed "downvoat".

toobaditworks ago


Durm ago

Now you know they have all been replaced by the CIA. How can he not say downvoat. I only say upvoat and downvaot.

whiskeybent ago

You can speak (comment) without 100 ccp so hes full of shit. Wonders why hes called stupid faggot

aLegoInYourShoe ago

72 IQ in action from scuffed Riddick.

He conveniently enough forgot to mention their "we'll take over this place" and their blatant farm threads.


The Qtard boomers will always tell you what(ish) happened to them, but never WHY it happened.

fuckingmockies ago

Just like Jews.

holofan4life ago

"Don't downvoat me, bro!"

TheAntiZealot ago

What a whiny fuck.

toobaditworks ago

Hahaha! I loved that part.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Now you're getting it. @Zyklon_B you fucking nigger! I saw that 1990! Fuckin' DIED!

Shishamo ago

Sunglasses Jim is a barrel of salt.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

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WhiteRonin ago

Triggered to me?

What the fuck English is that?

Virge is Latin for stick. So your tiny weeny in a bunch is a faggot!


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

He's good people, bro. I'll fuckin vouch for him.

WhiteRonin ago

I guess if good people delete comments, bring in a completely innocent 3rd party then go on a smear campaign is good people, I will agree.

He started this. He should have left it alone in our bitch at each other thread. I was having fun in that thread. But nahhhhj he wanted to show how big his dick was. Besides he is now pinging 20 people because he is pissed off at me. That’s mental!

At the same time yesterday, I had another go at each other thread and was even worse than the one I had with @virge. Like let’s have a real fight one. But we ended up talking about having beers in real life.

So, why is @virge different? I am the same asshole, so that is a common factor we all can agree on.

——— ———- ———- ————

I think it’s good that he has a friend like you. No seriously. No joke! I also admire you standing up for him. The above is targeting him, not you. Thus the divider.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Well, i guess I'll let it be; no point butting in any further.

WhiteRonin ago

I figure it’lol calm down tomorrow.

Let us have our fun tonight!

WokieDokie ago

who would downvoat derram for posting the invidio link???

lord_nougat ago

The guy who made the retarded video maybe?

Holonomic ago

I never follow any OP-fag links to YT. I always follow the derram, or BitChute links. Hard to say why this would be downvoted....people are idiots.

toobaditworks ago

YT fanbois?

dan_k ago

Faggot didn't even say kike one time, no wonder he's a nigger.

edgelord666 ago

waahhh waahhh! this goes against muh narrative waaahhh!!

lol cry harder faggot, if you want a real free speech platform then make it yourself

dan_k ago

It takes no time at all to earn 200 CCP, even if you just make posts about speakers and getting fucked in the ear..

Doglegwarrior ago

That was my thought as well shit id put it higher personaly.

WickerMan ago

Through in a container or two and your all set.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I noticed that too. What a fag.

dudelol ago

What a pussy

nobslob ago

Fewer IQ points than teeth.

Lobotomy ago


theoldones ago

i'm trying to pinpoint what to roast about this dude but there's so many things to pick from.

this dude is full of fuck.

HAESisalie ago

From the looks of things he got split roasted by some nig inmates in the county lockup, so I don't want to add to his trauma.

dassaer ago

Nigger got his " Wig and his Cheeks split ", waaahh what a fag ...

TheTrigger ago

Literally talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

6gorillion ago

Some tards go on to live perfectly normal lives. My buddies wife was tarded, she's a pilot now!

Decidueye ago

Agent Smith clear as day aged poorly.

toobaditworks ago

I'd start with sunglasses indoors while making a video.

Doglegwarrior ago

I saw a hot girl once. She had sunglasses on all the time. When i saw her with out sun glasses god damn bug eyes and it ruined everything. So maybe the guy has fucked up teeth and fucked up crossed eyes or something?? Or he really really loves zz top i mean really!

bluedeath ago

He strikes me as the kind of guy who has an entire room full of stolen girls bicycle seats.

uvulectomy ago

"But muh in-cog-neato to keep deepstate from knowin' I WWAGAWWAGGAWWAGA for teh Q!"

theoldones ago

his clothes and video lighting are the color of aged piss.

dassaer ago

Filmed just like one of them old VHS Inzest vids ..... (or so i've heard !! - you stupid sick muthaf**kers)

lexsird ago

Uhh...shall we ask how you came to know such a color reference?

toobaditworks ago

I'm wasn't going to say but... RKelly.

uvulectomy ago

"Drip, drip driiiiip..."

toobaditworks ago


ardvarcus ago

Talk about butt hurt. This guy is obviously too much of a snowflake to take the rough and tumble of Voat. He doesn't deserve the sacred label of kikeniggerfaggot.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I'm a kikenigger. How do I get the "faggot" laurel?

Fagtardicus ago

bend over

Joe10jo ago

Bwaa! I love you guys!

chirogonemd ago

It's just so easy around here if you come in without an agenda. I've never once tried to be anything here. If you're just free and easy, you'll have a good time here. It's people who need this to be a place where they can be something that have a bad time.

Doglegwarrior ago

Man i dont totaly agree. I think we have a lot of bots and shills and trolls acrivly trying to destroy the site. Why? Obviously a free speech site is against the agenda what the agenda is? Anti white male family traditional american and western european values? Why tons of reasons. Butbyourbattitude for sure makes it easier to get along here but if you go against the grain it gets brutal fast.

HAESisalie ago

What is fun and different from most sites is I can be throwing down with someone who is posting retarded shit in one thread, and the next day we can both be agreeing and busting some kikes chops in another thread. There are a few pussies wo hold petty grudges for having their stupid crap called out, but not nearly as many as most sites.

uvulectomy ago

You stupid nigger.

TheTrigger ago

Pretty much. I can be incredibly belligerent, and spent my first my entire first year pissing off pretty much 99% of the users. I'm pretty sure there isn't a single account, that's 3yrs+ old, who I haven't unironically (and passionately) insulted. And the downvoats on my account are barely 5.46% of the total CCP. You'd have to be a complete retard, in the strictest of senses, to have a bad time here.

uvulectomy ago

"You'd have to be a complete retard, in the strictest of senses, to have a bad time here."

So, JohnCStevenson, TrueAmerican, hecho, greycloud, juicedidwtc, etc.?

Ina_Pickle ago

You skipped me. Feel free to piss me off now.

TheTrigger ago

I kinda want to not reply to this comment, just 'cause. But can't resist myself from commenting, in order to point it out. Tough choices.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yeah yeah rub my face in it some more why dont you.

TheTrigger ago

> rub my face in it some more

Now you're just trying to make me blush.

Ina_Pickle ago


toobaditworks ago

It's funny he mentioned that but in the wrong order which made me laugh.

elitch2 ago


What a faggot.

Trust the plan!


BraunF14 ago

Hahahaha wagawagawagawaga this is their new battlecry.

22trilionAsecond ago


As nigger rap. Wag Wag skrat poom poom ma' ting goes Brap Wag wag.

MrShekelstein ago


I can always tell a rothschild from anyone else by this full retard laugh of theirs.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Trust the plan pede!!! 'Muricans are people of all skin colors and that's what 'Murica stands for and we're gonna solve all our problems based on that!!!!

TheTrigger ago

*faints from squeeking so hard*

toobaditworks ago

He's right though. We only want his money. 🤑🤑🤑

elitch2 ago

Yes. I get many monies from Voat.

The qtards give me at least $100k dollars a day.

Thanks, bitches!

toobaditworks ago

I got $5k just last month!! My sister told me how!

fuckyourownface ago

What are the ten simple tricks?!?!?!?!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

With only $200 a day, you too can help a voat user pay his rent.

Im white, pay me.

NiggadermCQ ago

For just 0.1 BTC I'll tell you how to collect 0.1 BTC from new goats.


6gorillion ago

I'll do it for 0.01! Pm me for my wallet.

TheTrigger ago

Outstanding! Come right this way, please. We just have to take a quick measurement of your nose, to be sure. Can't be too careful, these days.