wokeasfook ago

You guys are basically antifa of the online world. You don't hold your own views in high enough regard to hold them openly so you hide behind masks just like antifa. Pigeon holing yourselves. volunteering to be silent. Its weird to me at this stage in the fight. No wonder it got this far. No wonder it was allowed to get this bad. Still not one of you have answered the simple questions; do you think you are protected here? Do you think your privacy is guaranteed?

We always argue that if antifas ideas could stand up to scrutiny they wouldn't need to hide behind masks. Isn't the same true of us?

I don't wear a mask on Facebook or Youtube because i'm openly and honestly trying to spread my ideas. I'm loose with my privacy because we have no privacy. The illusion that you have is what is crippling your ability to honestly and openly represent you ideas. If you are too afraid to support your own idea with your own name then why would anyone listen to you?

I proceed here with worst case scenario in mind even though i hope it isn't true. I've heard many people (even old goats) claim that voat is a honeypot. I don't know if it is but if it is then none of you are protected.

This "privacy" you are all grasping at has been an illusion for a decade. Maybe more. The privacy delusion.

My concept is simple. We hold our views openly in large numbers. We have the numbers.

I honestly believe you guys are behaving in a way that was appropriate 5 years ago but counterproductive today. This is me being honest. You can claim i'm FBI or whatever else but instead why not take a step back and compare where we are today and where we were 5 years ago and decide if it is ever going to be time to 'come out'. Gays came out quicker than you lot.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

My name is Nate Higgers.

Now what?

Ina_Pickle ago

Just scrolled through his comments. Like 2 people used a name that could possibly be real.

Hand_of_Node ago


Ina_Pickle ago



Don't dox yourselves dipshits!

speedisavirus ago

I'm not going to fall into the trap of being provoked to reply. What did this low IQ faggot say, if it isn't a parody, and why would anyone want to take this idiot serious

armday2day ago

Some goats are in a position to name the Jew and suffer little to no repercussions.

blumen4alles ago

Hi this is Jessica at AOL support, we need you to verify the password for your screen name little_phishy_27.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I responded with my jewtube conspiracy account name for hot free advertising.

wokeasfook ago

bottom line. Lefties can genocide children and they don't hide. the soyboy cucked lefties are not afraid to represent their ideas openly but all you brave hard men are terrified.

I'm just wondering is there a certain point in this fight where you all stop hiding over here on voat and actually back us up in the real world?

riffwraff ago

They don't hide because they control the institutions, they control the courts, the government is largely in agreement with them, and they have complete control over the media. The legitimate right wing has none of that, you stupid piece of shit.

wokeasfook ago

Proud boys do ok. In fact they are treated like hero. Don't get mad at me for agreeing with you that you are a coward.

wokeasfook ago

Because you are all rolling over and taking it like faggots. This isn't that fucking difficult you fucking coward

likestodrawnaked ago

On my phone and lazy as a nigger at the moment. But thanks. I may watch it in the morning. I hate using my phone to watch videos.

likestodrawnaked ago

Ok I'm lost can someone tell me what video fag op is talking about. Also if you dox yourself then you deserve what comes back on you. Fagots. . . . God I love this site.

wokeasfook ago

Oh so we're not all in this together then?

I've been fight your deep state muppets since long before Trump and Q and even voat. U finally woke up and now you think it's your fight.

And do some research before spouting off about shit you know nothing about.

Australia has gun rights you dumb fuck. All u have to do is be a member of a gun club. How fucking difficult do you imagine that is? No different to you having to register and get background checks etc.

wokeasfook ago

Ok so request an image and I'll make it for you right now

wokeasfook ago

Keep calling me FBI. Won't change the fact you're a scared little faggot.


Just for you. Where is it daytime in the US right now?

lexsird ago

Oi what did ya say m8?

wokeasfook ago

Who said that.

Stop building a strawman.

Is telling the truth and representing the positions you hold openly illegal?

All I said is speak truth openly and unapologeticly and not to be afraid because our numbers are now too great to do anything about us individually.

wokeasfook ago

I only use Facebook to redpill my loved ones. It's a political tool to me not a social one.

I guarantee you'd be blown away by what I post on Facebook and YouTube openly.

You are living under the illusion that you have privacy and freedom and it crippling you

I've accepted reality and I'm using their tools against them.

heygeorge ago

You’re names not @virge? Maybe I’m not doing this right.

petevoat ago

I can speak here just fine, even with the racist, faggots, niggers and kikes.

Cheers Voat.

StudSupreme ago

Bitch needs to see a dentist, STAT!

sinclair ago

I already get spammed for dick pills. Getting doxxed will just get me more spam. What else would you expect to happen? CIA niggers?

yellowthread ago

Hundreds of bitches lining up at your door because they know how many dick pills you took.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Did this guy miss the part where we never wanted him or his gullible idiot friends here in the first place? Fuck Q.

wokeasfook ago

it does appear be waning

Yes, yes it does. Why? Because some people are forcing it by posting openly and our numbers are growing. In my experience posting in your real name lends to your credibility and people are far more inclined to engage with you.

Maybe one day you will realize that it is safe to "come out".

wokeasfook ago

What damage??

Momo_Applebach ago

You forgot about your brain damage again, retard?

wokeasfook ago

Oh good one. That really burned. Another low IQ kike. Fuck sake mate you could have waited to get your CCP up before exposing your dumb retarded skat loving kike self to all of voat.

mxcviel ago

I think this is for fingerprinting-- making links leading back to Voat with click-bait videos, pictures, articles.. I'm certainly no tech savvy but have this feeling that cookies are no more important.

yellowthread ago

Nobody mentally capable would be posting here. You sure you didn't cheat in my 303 class last semester?

wokeasfook ago

Do you honestly think the FBI couldn't find out who exactly you are in less than 5 minutes?

You think you are protected here because you have a username that isn't your real name?

jollux ago


wokeasfook ago

Paranoid to the point of being totally useless.

yellowthread ago

My name is not even Mark. Welcome to internet 303 where you pick a new character and tell pointless tiny lies. I'm your professor, Jim.

Nobody would be surprised at all to find out I post here and laugh at offensive jokes, anyway.

Decidueye ago

There are ones I like better, such as Qseful idiots and Qcumbers.

LarryBagelstein ago


yellowthread ago

Hi, I'm Mark. You gonna call the internet police on me?

Linkmyboy ago

Im a silly duffer and didnt notice it was a link haha

TitDirtt ago

Qtards are just hillbilly boomers who have nothing in life and cling to this fictitious bullshit. Let them leave if they're offended. Free speech goes both ways shit heads.

WitnesstheSalt ago

That explains me missing it. Thank you.

zyklon_b ago


Native ago

Is saw that! Was fucking laughing out loud on that. It's so fucking retarded. What started the 1990 meme out of curiosity?

zyklon_b ago

in 2009 glen beck was accused of rape and murder in 1990 so the meme speead drom that

Native ago

Thanks that’s a good meme

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

SGIS may or may not have raped and murder some wamen/chillluns or something like that.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

I can't prove that SaneGoatiSwear raped and murdered a little girl in 1990.

wokeasfook ago

Stop being scared. If all of us started posting everywhere using our real names wtf could (((they))) do about it.

We all need to grow some fucking balls. Hiding in the shadows isn't brave. It's like watching a street fight from a balcony 20 floors up and shouting advice.

No more fear. Stop being scared. We are the news now.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

I'm sorry you have no fucking balls. Not surprised; I just pity you.

wokeasfook ago

Waaaaaa the goyim are waking up to our disgusting parasitic ways waaaaa reeeeeeee. Persecution; coming soon to towns and villages near you.

It took you 3 days to come back and that's what you came up with. Very low IQ. 3 whole fucking days and this was your level of creativity? I'd be embarrassed if I was you.. I'm living in your kike head rent free faggot.

Say something clever or interesting next time.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

It took 3 days to reply because I don't bother checking this much. I'd totally forgotten about it tbh. Some people have lives y'know :)

wokeasfook ago

6 days this time. In your head rent free.

Your life consists of crying and attacking aware goyim. You're fucked kid. Just accept it, apologize for your historic abuses and beg for forgiveness.

Once you have taken up your rightful place as a guest rather than the supremacist minority in the west we may spare you and show you mercy. Keep up your kikey ways and denials and attacks on our women and children and you can have retribution to look forward to.

Pick your side and choose wisely.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

You're not in my head. You're not in anyone's head. You're not important enough to anyone. And I'm in my 40s old timer. You'll still be dead long before me :) Maybe you should just rope out now.

wokeasfook ago


Young Goyim are awake now too. Which means you're fucked.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

How exactly?

maxoverdrive ago

This guy is a fucking street-shitter. Ignore his inferior ass.

wokeasfook ago

4 year old account stuck in the past.

When is the next phase of our fight? When do we leave moms basement and take our ideas to the world?

I'd understand hiding if Hillary had won but this is a small window of opportunity to get normies on our side and you lot are refusing to take the mask off and show the world that you are proud of your ideas and beliefs. Lead by example. Antifa wear masks because their ideas don't stand up to scrutiny. Why do you?

maxoverdrive ago

You're a filthy sub-human street-shitting animal. Go back to India, where worthless human like you belong. America is not your country, and never will be, you fucking curry-nigger.

wokeasfook ago

8 days I waited for that. You're such a disappointment to me.


You are dumb and naive, stop trying to spread your idiocy

wokeasfook ago

It's only dumb because you're a coward.

Kalergi ago

((They)) keep very good lists. Now is not the time for hubris.

Trust me on this.

wokeasfook ago

Nope. 22 day old account asking me to trust it whilst only using double parentheses instead of triple. Naaa mate I couldn't give a fuck what lists you keep. My path is my path. My end will be my end. I'm a truth teller to the end.

Kalergi ago

i burn these alts every 6 months, many do. i was never the type to run into battle wearing neon colors is all.

God speed, warrior.

wokeasfook ago

This entire thread has literally broken my spirit. I can't believe how afraid everyone is. I give up.. literally. Fuck the fight. What's the fucking point. You lot have just convinced me.

Fucking cheers. Good luck to all of you fighting with each other in your echo Chambers. I see I've been risking ait all for nothing.

Kalergi ago

Big difference between stealth and quitting. It is basic strategy, is all. One guy standing in front of an Abrhams gets Tiennamened. Same guy drops a monkey wrench in the gearbox of said tank...

wokeasfook ago

And when exactly is the time to drop the stealth approach?

As far as I'm concerned we're already there but you lot are acting like modern feminists i.e. you don't know when you've won.

You lot are stuck in yesterday's battle. Time to come out. Strength in numbers and we have the numbers.

Q recently mentioned a 2 year old Guardian article and it became the 15th most read article on the internet that day. A 2 year old article that was barely read at all when it came out.

Stop hiding, they can't round us up if we are the majority.

SporadicSpasms ago

It's like the fags who state that they will claim their guns got lost in a "tragic boating accident" when the NKVD show up at their door. Why the fuck do these people even bother with guns if they're not going to use them?

holaymackal ago

Using your real name? Sounds very reasonable to me.

You start - reply with your real name.

wokeasfook ago

Did you just downvoat me instead of presenting an argument. I'd expect more from a 3.6 year old account.

Can you not answer my simple question?

I'll dox myself to you if you answer the question first.

Do you know why i want you to answer the question?

wokeasfook ago

Let's say hypothetically that I'm FBI.

Do you honestly think I can't dox you in minutes?

Chad88 ago

How does this have any upvotes?

wokeasfook ago

People agree.

Seems pretty obvious

riffwraff ago

I dunno, ask the people who went to Charlottesville what happened when you drop anonymity, you fucking moron.

wokeasfook ago

What happened? If you can't even tell me this then wtf am I bothering with you for. You are terrified I am not. Simple really

riffwraff ago

Some of us have actually done IRL activism and realize there are consequences. Others like you have never lifted a finger and are now calling for people to dox themselves. You have yet to dox yourself, thus you are SPLC.

wokeasfook ago

Wrong and proving my point. So you agree it's fear. You're all afraid leaving the fighting to those of us who are not. If you'd all join in how do you suppose they can silence us all?

Your fear means our numbers appear small. It's time. We are the majority, start acting like it

wokeasfook ago

What happened?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What happened?

They fucking went to jail on Trumped up charges, based entirely on the word of Antifa.

You are a faggot. A scared little woman. In fact i know women who are far less afraid. Why don't you just fuck off then and stop pretending like you are fighting back when you are too scared to openly back our position.

You are an SPLC shill or a fed, and it's so fucking obvious.

wokeasfook ago

Already proved I wasn't.

I thought only 1 guy went to jail. The guy who ran over a woman? Was there more?

BlackManOnVoat ago

So, when will you be giving us YOUR full name. I don't see it in your username anywhere. . .

wokeasfook ago

It's fucking time mate.

Soyboy cucked faggots have bigger balls than us lot hiding like women. They openly and proudly fight for their beliefs no matter how evil and yet we hide out in our echo Chambers terrified to voice our wholesome Christian beliefs.

I can't understand how so many of you don't get the point. I get how you were hiding even only a couple of years ago but what are you hiding from today?

It ok to be based. Too many of us now to round up. If you all would only stop hiding we'd be main stream overnight but fear has crippled you And I get it. We we're losing for so long we had to be careful but not now. We have the upper hand.

Start acting like it.

wokeasfook ago

When any one of you idiots answer one simple question. Which you all refuse to do.

Do you believe that you are really anonymous?

riffwraff ago

You know damn well what happened. I know a fucking SPLC shill when I see one.

wokeasfook ago


Lol. SPLC all the way in Australia?

Seem you don't know an SPLC shill when you see one.

Still a fucking coward though

slwsnowman40 ago

Because I can't play that game and be in whatever timezone I wanted?

wokeasfook ago


Still daytime. I made this for one of the other repliers.

wokeasfook ago

Of course but I'm not playing games I'm being honest.


You'll find me posting on this video under my real name. Fighting openly with a kike cunt. Posting voat links to sheckleverse, calling out the Holocaust.

Won't be hard to find.

riffwraff ago

Waiting on your name, SPLC

wokeasfook ago


Go look for me openly fighting with the Jews under his own name.

See if you can guess which one I am.

You are more likely SPLC than I am and I'm still helping you do. Me because 'BIG BRASS BALLS'.

Happy hunting coward.

riffwraff ago


wokeasfook ago


Look for this comment and read the entire thread as I destroy the kike.

nonsense_guy ago

"We are the news now" Ok, So what's your Name, Date of Birth and SSN?

wokeasfook ago

Do you think that somehow proves a point.

I am not under the illusion that my username protects me here. If the authorities want to know who i am they could find out in moments.

If we all just accept that reality and stopped hiding, don't you think our narrative would spread much faster?

nonsense_guy ago

"If we all just accept that reality and stopped hiding, don't you think our narrative would spread much faster?"

I don't see how it would spread any faster than if everyone hung "we are anonymous" banners out their windows or put on Guy Fawkes masks. Outing yourself to the lynch mobs doesn't further your cause. Whereas adjusting your tone to the audience, does (be it in your name, or a pseudonym).

Approved ago

Outing yourself to the lynch mobs doesn't further your cause.

Regular people outnumber purple-haired tranny SJW freaks by about 10-1.

Hiding from people you outnumber isn't as neccesary as the purpke-haired tranny freaks would have you believe.

Even on Reddit, ground-zero for SJW infection, the actual non-bots who all ended up being banned for being "too right wing" actually outnumbered the SJWs by ridiculous ammounts.

At one point, internal reddit admin email discussion were leaked that showed that (a) ACTIVE users of one non-SJW sub (the_donald) outnumbered TOTAL registered users of SJW subs by 10-1, and (b) that if reddit banned every sub and user they saw as "problematic", they'd basically cease to exist as a social media hub, with traffic lower than DailyKos.

So now they have bots trying to replace all the active users they banned, because any political-based or politicized subreddit becomes a ghost town under SJW moderation... because there really aren't all thst many mentally-ill morbly-obese tranny-fucking communists running around in real life.

wokeasfook ago

Mate you're brilliant and spot on. Very very well said. And far more diplomatic than i'm capable of.

riffwraff ago

Regular people made it extremely clear they are not going to jump to our aid. They have made this clear several times. Most notably after Charlottesville when every single goddamn one of them bought the media's narrative on it. Whether or not they outnumber is irrelevant. We certainly outnumber Jews, yet they hold all the power, as do the SJWs. They can see to it that if we out ourselves we lose our jobs, we are harassed, we will be threatened, people will attack us, and the second we do anything that even looks illegal, we will be arrested and charged with a hate crime.

There are consequences to your actions. If you drop anonymity, you get what you deserve.

Approved ago

And yet, businesses which openly reject or ridicule the SJW agenda get rich.

Businesses thst try and go full SJW, soon lose money hand over fist.

So, the moral of the story is (a) don't work for SJWs, (b) don't work for weasels who'd cave in to SJWs, (c) either work for yourself (with non-SJW & non weasel clients), or work for unashamed white conservatives (non-weasel, nonSJWs).

If you aren't doing (c), then no ammount of annonymity will save your ass from the next round of diversity purges anyway.

riffwraff ago

Businesses that reject SJWism are irrelevant compared to the ones that embrace it. They have all the money in the world and do not care if they lose some or not. The social message is now more important than profits.

A. Is difficult depending on where you live because jews, faggots, and brown people have supervisory positions in many major employers.

B. That's every major employer

C. I'd love to, but unicorns.

White people who maintain anonymity during activism will never get fired in a diversity purge unless the entire company is moving overseas. This is because all employers are 100% aware that they need to keep a few white people around to get work done.

Don't out yourself. Ever. They will ruin you no matter who or what you work for.

Approved ago

White people who maintain anonymity during activism will never get fired in a diversity purge unless the entire company is moving overseas. This is because all employers are 100% aware that they need to keep a few white people around to get work done.

Then you better hope that RNJesus has you pegged as one of the very very few who gets to stick around and support and entire company of SJWs on your back.

How's that working out for the last holdouts in South Africa by the way?

riffwraff ago

We aren't South Africa.

Approved ago

Not yet. We will be soon enough if everyone to the right of Mao hides under the fucking covers, hoping the monsters will go away.

riffwraff ago

You don't need to hide under the covers, you just need to not announce to the world you're a white nationalist. I don't get why you people think that anything other than waving a swastika flag in public is cowardly. If you want to drop anonymity, be my guest. You'll get no sympathy from me when you lose your job and your family gets stalked and harassed.

Approved ago

First, yes I'm white and I'm a nationalist.

My nation is the USA, so the flag I fly is the stars-and-stripes, not some german thing from the 1940s.

Swastika flags are for larpers, FBI agents, and biker gangs.

riffwraff ago

By default a legitimate American nationalist is a white nationalist since our founding fathers explicitly envisioned America as a nation for white people and white people only. Furthermore I agree 100% on LARPers, spergs, and feds. Yes, I agree 100% on using nothing but American symbolism for white nationalism, because once again America is a white nation by default, and was all the way until 1965.

So I don't get what you think should be done. If you out yourself as being a pro-white activist, you'll get fucked over. You can try to piggyback MAGApedes. We've been doing that for years with mixed success. Once you're outed as a white nationalist though, you're gonna face trouble. Every institution in America is set up to fuck over any white person who advocates for white people. Find ways to advocate without dropping anonymity is my point.

wokeasfook ago

You get it. Exactly.

These guys are guilty of what they accuse the normies of and thats buying the MSM narrative.

Their inability to disregard the narrative as the propaganda that it is lends weight and strength to the propaganda. Hardly anyboody is watching the MSM anymore and yet the guys here want to act like they have bigger audiences than they've ever had. They would collapse overnight if they had to survive on their own. I don't even know why we dignify their narrative by engaging with it.

These guys remind me of feminists who still haven't realized they won. Modern day feminists fighting for rights their mothers won decades ago. The guys here are stuck in the past. Stuck living in the MSM world.

wokeasfook ago

How does that make sense. I'll believe my friends who bravely tell me shit that is controversial than so coward hiding being fake anon. By fake I mean surely you don't believe you can remain anonymous in 2019.

You are afraid of something that you have fuck all control over.

Closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

I just don't see the point in hiding anymore.

If you really wanna know who I am I'll link u to a recent back and forth I had with a Jew on youtube on that video of the fake adolf hitler walking through Berlin. Youll have my real name and you'll see how I represent myself.

jollux ago

ok link

riffwraff ago

I don't see you giving out your name. Tell your masters at the SPLC to fuck off ypu dirty infiltrator

wokeasfook ago

lol jeez you guys are so scared its pathetic.

riffwraff ago

Give us your dox then faggot.

wokeasfook ago

didn't read through no? I've already given out a link to a youtube video where i fight openly with a jew about the holocaust, the holodomor, the bolsheviks etc. I also posted a screenshot to the comment thread to look for. I've literally doxed myself 4 or 5 times already on this thread but thats not good enough. You won't be happy until i name my name here. This is about representing myself openly using my own name on youtube and facebook and spreading our message there.

Now i ask you the same question everyone else refuses to answer. Do you think you are protected here and can't be doxed in moment by FBI or anyone else who really wants to?

Does anybody really believe they can remain anon in 2019? And if you don't then why are you even trying?

TitDirtt ago

Yeah? You sound like the brit fags in the revolutionary War. Guerilla warfare is the only way. But if you want to dox yourself to feel noble, lead the charge.

wokeasfook ago

Guerilla warfare from your moms basement.

I've been posting using my own name for 15 years. You are all paranoid to the point of being useless. As far as i'm concerned if you won't speak your mind openly you are hurting the fight not helping it. You are helping the sleeping normies remain asleep. Strength in numbers. Force their hand. Make them do something about it. Like Merkel and Macron openly raising an EU army to go after nationalists. That happened because our European counterparts stopped hiding like faggot cuckolds.

If we don't grow balls and start representing our positions openly we might as well just take the fucking blue pill and go back to sleep. You are allowing those of us who are representing the truth of our positions openly to do it alone. We're storming the beaches while you shout advice from safety.

Piss or get off the pot mate stop being such a faggot about it.

TitDirtt ago

I've been posting using my own name for 15 years

Nice to meet you wokeasfook. With a birth name like that surely your parents are niggers.

wokeasfook ago

We're talking about YouTube you dumb fuck welcome to the conversation. Care to try again now that you're up to speed. Another faggot coward hiding from the cucked soyboys.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

So what's your name then?

wokeasfook ago

I'll answer if you answer:

Do you honestly think you are anonymous online in 2019?

Do you not believe the FBI could Dow u in the blink of an eye?

All of you are missing the point.

I think we're winning so I'm not afraid. Aren't we winning? At what point in all this winning do we stop hiding and start showing the world our strength in numbers?

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

Yeah thought so chickenshit.

wokeasfook ago

Tell me what you are afraid of because I honestly don't get it at this stage.

The demoncrats and lefties don't hide when supporting infantaside and every other degenerate thing the openly support yet we hide. If you are too afraid to represent your/our ideas how the fuck do you expect them to spread?

No wonder our message is slow to percolate.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

'Our' message? You mean your message, which is so moronic you'd have to be half brain dead to support it.

wokeasfook ago

I triggered the kike everyone.

wokeasfook ago

Just answer and I'll answer you dumb cunt. You can't know if I'm chicken shit or not until you answer you silly kike.

Why hide if you can't hide? Unless you actually believe you can actually remain anonymous online, in which case I can understand why you are so afraid.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

BWAAAAAAK bokbokbok...

wokeasfook ago

Nice CCP score kike.

Pans_Stinky_Daps ago

You're as terrifying as an angry squirrel. No go on, tell me how scary you are. I bet you're really good with that sword hanging on your wall above the dozen or so piss bottles and your collection of loli figurines.

TitDirtt ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

anyone stupid enough to respond with their real names is probably a Qtard anyways.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Haha Boomers.

WitnesstheSalt ago

I always feel like I miss the meta-Voat bullshit. Someone did a PSA about Voat?

Derpfroot ago

Some weird ass anti-type made a rap video about @eagleshigh and telling all the "racists" on VOAT that we'd be doxxed if we didn't stop it. I really wish I could find it now...it was hilarious.

eagleshigh ago

That was so funny. I'll see if I can find it

gazillions ago

It's 5 or 6 months old.

Decidueye ago

If they're stupid enough to dox themselves, the Qews can have them.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

I got doxxed on Voat before. It isn't fun dealing with Israeli agents and UK law enforcement.

Kalergi ago

I can tell you who Q is. I can't believe it took me so long, but it came to me today.

Should I share?

worldwidewashout ago


kingdomhearts123 ago

q faget boomer trannies gonna get put on a list of nigger crisis actor faggots