Vic_V ago

this is some sleeper agent bullshit

AnmanIndustries ago

The hypocrisy of voat. Why are they not doing things OUR WAY, we must kick them out.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

I love how butthurt some of the comments are.

I_Always_Lie ago

Don't post to it and it will die and hopefully diesel shit head will move on.

Gorillion ago

I'm starting to think "unexplained" is sarcastic.

alalzia ago

You mean that if i open my own sub i won't be able to have my own rules ?

Voat's umbrella rule is no illegal stuff, from there you are free to open any sub you like and put any stupid rules you think appropriate . We (the community) have kicked out mods of default subverses (AskVoat and the @she drama for example) and let others sink into oblivion for having faggots as mods (v/Canada for example) . I don't know where older goats sit on this yet i came here to avoid censorship of every kind .

Happy Hanukkah

andrew_jackson ago

Subverses should have rules, Edgelord. Not everyone wants their subverse to turn into Riders of the Reich. The appeal of Voat, is not that subverses should not have rules, it's that the overall site has few rules.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

What is up with these censored comments? What is the subject of the comments? I want to know more about whatever is being censored.

llegendary ago

How about a strong and forceful FUCK YOU.

RumpRangerRick ago



armday2day ago

It's a private aubverse. System subverses don't have those types of rules. You don't have to worry about the major subs falling to these rules.

If you don't like a certain subverse, just don't visit the subverse.

I realize that you've been here for six months, and it may not be obvious that certain subs are owned by the site, and some are owned by users.

It's obvious now. Now STFU about it

go1dfish ago

Voat does not prevent non-system subverses from having rules.

DeliciousOnions ago

Voat means freedom of speech, not mandatory speech. If they want to make rules for their subverse I couldn't give less of a shit - as long as they're not bots or shills then they have a right to a space of their choosing just as much as we do. Wasn't that the whole reason for starting this site?

LifeLover88 ago

"if i dont get to say "jews suck baby penis" 400 times a day wherever i go, i wont be able to get off tonight!"

myvoicefromhell ago

Fuck the joos and their nigger sympathizers.

derram ago

Because they don't want to be on reddit but they also don't want to deal with your shit?

The way to make everyone happy is:

  1. Pull your panties out of your ass.

  2. Block the subverse.

  3. Move on with your life.

Renatus ago


TimberWolfAlpha ago

Should delist from /r/all if they're gonna be Power hungry Reddit mods.

derram ago

No, that's not one of the stipulations for a subverse to be delisted from all.

They're allowed to ban whoever they want for whatever reason they want because it's not a default sub.

The solution to power mods is Voat's 10 subverse limit per account for moderator powers.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

They would get a lot fewer hackles up if they did their thing outside the eyes of all though.

jokersmild ago

New sub, New name...

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Inb4: this post gets taken down for violating some rule or another

Crackrocknigga ago

  • The Jews sunk the Titanic.

  • Talmudic teachings encourage hateful acts against nonjews.

  • The Federal reserve is Jewish.

  • Kennedy was killed for seeking to limit immigration, reform the Jewish monetary system, and monitor the Jewish dimona plant.

  • According to the red Cross, only 25000 prisoners died in concentration camps, not all of which were Jewish.

  • The 6 million number comes from the talmud and has been published since 1919.

  • Putin himself has stated 80% of the Soviet high command was Jewish.

  • Jews deny the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians for political reasons yet have pushed criminal penalties for denying their holohoax.

Oveass ago

Stop crying. This has been a sub for 4 years and no one cared. So why care now?

Renatus ago

That's a weak excuse, you disgusting kike.

POTC ago

This is the quote on his profile page, “ “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” ”...Unexplained (((Explained)))???

Optional_Reading ago

It’s not racist when it’s a fact. Jews suck on freshly circumcised baby penises.

Womb_Raider ago

guinness2 is one of SBBH's accounts, so I think that explains everything.

15620659? ago

@guinness2 is absolutely not SBBH. No chance, seriously.

If he was still around, he'd be in this thread talking shit to the clown owner for this faggot ass reddit tier rule.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't trust you. Most of your interactions are with other SBBH accounts like Saufsoldat and LockeProposal. You're cut from the same cloth. It's disgusting how keen to lie and manipulate you people are. Must be paid well.

15621221? ago

Nice job hitting perfect 100 on the wrongometer twice in a row. Did you read any of those interactions? Did you read any of Guinness' posts?

Womb_Raider ago

I have followed his account over the years and it was long ago I decided he was SBBH. You seem to believe I make judgments at surface value.

15621440? ago

I would ask for examples of his or my SBBH behavior, but since there isn't any, I'll just skip the posts where you'd dance around that and declare you a legit retard. Change my view.

15623560? ago

I know that sub, run by the very fine Voater @freshmeat. You are linking it because?

Womb_Raider ago

It has the examples you seek

15625161? ago

Then you will have no problem linking me. But you wont, because you cant, because there are none.

Remember when I said you wouldn't post examples? On point prediction.

I now know you make judgments, not even at surface value, but out of thin air.

Womb_Raider ago

I gave you the tools. You are being lazy. Suit yourself.

15625871? ago

See? A post where you dance around the fact, that you got nothing. NOTHING! Not even one example, just like I predicted. Very dishonest and pathetic of you.

--> "You wont, because you cant, because there are none." <--

Get help.

Saufsoldat ago

If you have free speech in the US, why can someone kick you out of their house if you call them a faggot?

Because it's a private sub. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Renatus ago

You're a faggot.

YugeDick ago

Didn't realize this sub was set to private.

It isn't though, is it?

Saufsoldat ago

Is it a system sub? No? Then it's private. Private doesn't mean closed off to the public. A Walmart isn't closed off to the public, yet they have every right to throw you out if you shout obscenities.

Your version of voat would pretty much eliminate the need for subs altogether. If everyone can post midget porn on /v/welding, then what is the point of having a welding sub in the first place? Brigading could kill any subverse in days.

FrozenFire74 ago

As I understand it, any sub that isn't owned by Voat (v/whatever, etc) are seen as private, and the Mods get to choose how to run their verses. Maybe I'm wrong about that though.

Rotteuxx ago

Now 8 of those 11 comments use some form of the word "nigger". And none of those comments that I deleted followed the rules of the sub which is clearly posted. All of the comments that I deleted broke 2 of the rules 4 rules for the sub. The first rule is to be polite. Which using that word is far from fucking polite. And number two, comments must be substantive. Racist comments are never substantive and they are only used by the ignorant and uneducated. So, there is nothing intelligent or substantive when racist comments are being used.

Racist comments are never substantive and they are only used by the ignorant and uneducated. So, there is nothing intelligent or substantive when racist comments are being used.

@diesel4420 is using the ol' auto-negation of opinions because words hurt his faggoty eyes.

Renatus ago

This kike's censoring of free speech needs to be nipped in the bud.

Oveass ago

I respect you for the welding sub. But you are twisting the narrative here.

I have been a member of Voat for 3.1 years. I've posted over 2127 submissions in theunexplained. I have banned 0 subscribers. Want to know how many comments I've deleted? Take a wild guess. I bet some of these raging assholes like @Norseman would say 100's. I have deleted 11 comments. 

A sub for 4.4 years. 2.3k submissions by it's owner. Same ruleset. And now some crybabys pop up over 11 comments in 4 years?

I racked up way more deletions of submissions and comments in SavageGods and no one ever cared.

This is just griefing

Renatus ago

Take that Jew cock out of your mouth you niggerfaggot-sympathising censorious piece of shit.

Rotteuxx ago

I ain't twisting shit, i linked the source for everyone to see and use their own critical thinking to form their personal opinion.

I quoted @diesel4420's reasons for doing it and then wrote my opinion about it. You call that twisting the narrative ?

Faggot, please !

Phantom42 ago

One could say he's acting a lot like a nigger.

Rotteuxx ago

It would be safe to theorize that @diesel4420 does indeed display anti-social behavior reminescent of niggers, which used to be spelled niggur when it was applied to white people up to the late 1800s, which is a derrivative of the German word Neggar. A neggar would be the indented servant manning the horse plow in the field, working up to his knees in horse shit and piss.

As a matter of fact, something @diesel4420 and his subordinate @bill.lee propably ignore at the moment, is that the term nigger wasn't used derogatively to refer to black until the late 1940s to early 1950s.

Niggers culturally appropriated a term used to describe low cast white people, usually living under indented servitude.

Fucking niggers, always stealing white people's shit.

black_listed ago

What is this? Two truths and a lie?

Rotteuxx ago

Nigger what ?

Infinomnian_Messiah ago

Some people can only get off with a boot on their throat

Sire ago

It’s hard being impartial when you’ve got a Jew’s fist up the bum.

Renatus ago

Mod: "Oh, Jew me in the ass, baby, Jew me in the ass!".

ardvarcus ago

I can hear the X-Files music in my head.

Seriously, though, if the owner of a sub is going to block people because of their opinions, the sub shouldn't be on Voat. Outright, sustained abuse is another matter -- and I'm talking about abuse of the sub here, not abuse of the Jews, which is fine. We need to be able to get rid of posters who are deliberately trying to fuck up a sub. But there's a big difference between trying to destroy a sub, and having an opinion about a race or religion or social custom that the owner of the sub finds distasteful.

MinorLeakage ago

Who knows. These faggots need to be eternal victims, so I assume they've come to make that happen. Then they can run back to their hugbox to cry with their fellow degenerates.

bb22 ago

He’s probably an Israeli-firster or a Jew himself. He probably has the Satanic Star of David tattooed on his face.