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Womb_Raider ago

guinness2 is one of SBBH's accounts, so I think that explains everything.

15620659? ago

@guinness2 is absolutely not SBBH. No chance, seriously.

If he was still around, he'd be in this thread talking shit to the clown owner for this faggot ass reddit tier rule.

Womb_Raider ago

I don't trust you. Most of your interactions are with other SBBH accounts like Saufsoldat and LockeProposal. You're cut from the same cloth. It's disgusting how keen to lie and manipulate you people are. Must be paid well.

15621221? ago

Nice job hitting perfect 100 on the wrongometer twice in a row. Did you read any of those interactions? Did you read any of Guinness' posts?

Womb_Raider ago

I have followed his account over the years and it was long ago I decided he was SBBH. You seem to believe I make judgments at surface value.

15621440? ago

I would ask for examples of his or my SBBH behavior, but since there isn't any, I'll just skip the posts where you'd dance around that and declare you a legit retard. Change my view.

15623560? ago

I know that sub, run by the very fine Voater @freshmeat. You are linking it because?

Womb_Raider ago

It has the examples you seek

15625161? ago

Then you will have no problem linking me. But you wont, because you cant, because there are none.

Remember when I said you wouldn't post examples? On point prediction.

I now know you make judgments, not even at surface value, but out of thin air.

Womb_Raider ago

I gave you the tools. You are being lazy. Suit yourself.

15625871? ago

See? A post where you dance around the fact, that you got nothing. NOTHING! Not even one example, just like I predicted. Very dishonest and pathetic of you.

--> "You wont, because you cant, because there are none." <--

Get help.