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SearchVoatBot ago

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carnold03 ago

How many months has it been since your abdomen surgeries? My first experience with that was a hernia correction and I was told to do nothing to aggravate the injury after surgery for at least 3 months, but it was well over a year before I had healed enough to gradually resume training the muscles in my abdomen.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh about 13 years.

That's what I mean, it's just permanently weaker. I need to specifically work on strengthening it, but not go crazy. It's always the right side.

I feel it's mostly an overexertion from stabilizing in daily life that gets me in big trouble. This was good because I knew exactly what was straining it and it was only minor, so I add able to stop before it became a big problem. Shows me the exercises are working it, and hopefully that side will keep getting stronger and I won't be as prime to injury in the future.

wanderingblade ago

Don't fuck your self up for nothing mate!

Redcobra ago

Morning clammy ! Sounds like you need to work on core strength to me but I ain’t be no expert

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's funny. The pullups and pushups work on core strength, but I have to focus extra because I'm damaged.


Redcobra ago

Did you see my comment a few days about sitting on one of those inflatable exercise balls rather than a chair?? It was recommended to me by a physiotherapist after an accidental rooftop fall ?? It’s supposed to help build your core and is easy/not strenuous,. Maybe you wanna try that? Anyway I feel for you back injuries suck.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I did not, but as the owner of an until recently pregnant woman and new child, I have a yoga ball.

Native ago

Worf is unto something with the squats... or how about sit-ups (if that doesn’t hurt your back).

I know the feeling man and rest is important I injured my lower back years ago because of bad deadlift posture and I couldn’t lift for a year because of it a little bit was because of physical healing and a large part because of mental apprehension.

Rest up and thanks for the inspiration on starting this

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There are so many weak kettle exercises that are actually super important.

Rotator cuff exercises with like 1lb are super important.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

lay down on a hard wood floor and do some crunches. It will help stretch out your back and help your stomach muscles. And sometimes when I screw my back up it just feels nice to lay on the hard floor.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, laying down is definitely nice.

Doctor gave me a certain stretch to help the muscle. You get on your hands and knees and arch your back down so your head and hips go up.

I call them booty ups.