Native ago

Did a lot of construction today so no pushups or pull-ups however I’m sore so I’ll takr that as my exercise

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Today I feel a LOT better already. When it was time to do exercise, I did my back exercises instead. I'm going to continue just doing back for at least a week, then try 1 pushup, 1 pullup, and a set of back exercises every day.

Native ago

Good stuff!

XDandLaughing ago

Did 50 pushups yesterday in 13min. I think I needed 6 sets. I'm still doing assisted pull-ups because I'm fat and weak. Super sore today, but going to go knock out some more pushups and pull-ups this morning before work.

Native ago

Great work!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

assisted pullups

Good shit! Pullups are a lot harder than pushups because it's your entire bodyweight on muscles you don't use. Even full pushups are only 60% of your bodyweight on muscles you use more often in daily life.

Keep at it.

XDandLaughing ago

Yeah, convict conditioning shows some great ways to do it. I just have a folding chair in front of me and I put my heels on the edge. Then I let myself pivot on my legs. My wife makes fun of me, but whatever :-)

Side note on dred: I've really been trying to shed the "father figure" this whole year with some ups and downs through lack of discipline. But when I was working out really hard, like 7 days a week with strength and cardio, my wife later made a comment that she was worried I was having an affair. She said it jokingly, but I bet there was some truth in there.

Our marriage has been rough for a few years. We had some bad crap happen and it made us both bitter. We're trying to work through it. I'd say, at our worst, we were at 10%, and now we're closer to 60%. I feel so much relief at this point, but I don't want to settle.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well that's good, dude. Discipline transfers into all aspects of life!

22trilionAsecond ago

Food and rest. You wont make an progress without those.

This reminds of the 40% rule: "When your mind is telling you that you're done, that you're exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you're only actually 40% done."

Before anything make sure your body is ridged and your form is perfect. Control your self don't throw yourself.

bad form can lead to long term pain or an injury today.

High intensity is better than high volume. For example Its better to do 5 quick reps at 80 to 90% of your 1 rep max. Than it is to do 200 reps of 30% of your 1 rep max. Slow reps are not that important.

It can also be hard to tell when its time to push through the pain and when you are about to permanently damage yourself. Its a fine line be carefully. My tip would be that if your joints hurt then stop if your muscles hurt then keep going. But if you are getting cramps and feel like you have pulled or teared your muscle then stop. its complicated.

With all that said. If you can do one more rep them do it. If you cant do a single rep then make it easier and more.

you could start with a set to failure of full push-ups. Then more straight on to kneeling push-ups to failure. You can then more on to wall push-ups. Hell you can simply hold the plank position at the end of the set.

If you want to get stronger you will have to do more than you have ever done. Make the movement harder or add more weight.

bring back the 100 rep v/theredpill threads.

If you can do 1 push-up with proper form. Then over the day you can do 100 sets of 1 rep

Waxwing_Shadow ago

So what's the plan after 30 days? 2 push-ups and 2 pull-ups?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

1 pushup and 1 pullup, minimum, every day, for the entire rest of your life.

You can ALWAYS go over whenever you want. But the idea is from this day forward, you don't go a single day in your life without exercising.

This is a habit building exercise to turn people who can do 40 pushups on demand (except you haven't done jack shit for the past three months) into people who have built the habit and discipline to work out every day.

Too often people would do pushup challenges during the challenge then drop off exercise completely after the challenge was finished.

Native ago

Yes. I’ll keep this going as long as I’m around here