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fightknightHERO ago

i do 5 per day

it's not much but it counts to something, who knows

maybe in a year or two i could finally flatten that beer-belly and start looking like a man again

Native ago

Solid work! How long have you been doing this?

fightknightHERO ago

about 6 weeks from now, while i've managed to quit Alcohol and porn months ago

masturbation is still a drug too hard to quit (all because i have high quality sex dolls in the closet, if i would get rid of them the temptation would go away but... it's hard to let go... but with proper discipline abstinence could be another viable solution)

sugar is real easy to quit, all you need is water, tea, natural lemon juice and stevia (in other words you make your own Natural soft drinks without the calories nor sugar)

as for food? well, just cook your own and you'll do fine (avoid carbs and sugar like you avoid Niggers in dark alleyways and you'll see yourself starting to lose body fat)

motivation, hydration and self-discipline are the 3 elements for one's self-improvement

Native ago

Congrats on no Booze and no porn! I still keep failing once a week and reverting to porn it’s damn difficult.

The no sugar has never been an issue for me because I never ate much sugar in the first place.

Going back to the no booze thing, I know that I should quit and it makes me sad cause I like drinking. I went a solid 3 months and a few weeks sober this year though which was great!

Redcobra ago

Watch for slips at 3/6/9/11 months your brain tricks you with a hit of dopamine (I think dopamine but it’s something) .do a year native I believe in you.

Native ago

What do you mean the brain tricks you with dopamine?

Redcobra ago

There’s something I heard but don’t know source (I’ll look) but feel free to any rate what I was told is that at the said monthly intervals your brain releases dopamine or some endorphin (like a opioid) hit. That sort makes you feel like a sense that all’s well and one drink won’t hurt.i know for me at those months I felt on top of the world and really just like celebrating with my old best friend.anyway I pointed it out because that’s how it was explained to me and I figured since you did 3+ months it was worth mentioning.

Native ago

You described exactly what I went through around 3months and that’s how I slid back

Redcobra ago

Truth of the matter is I never looked for a source.thats how it was explained to me (roughly) and I saw enough people go”out” at those intervals to figure there was something to it.and from personal experience those intervals were the closest I came to going would be amazed at the amount of people That go out at 11 months,it’s wild a week from their 1 year and oh I’m almost there 1 drink at dinner,turns into pounding vodka straight for a few days.then back to day 1 ,don’t get me wrong any amount of sobriety is better than none so 11 months is quite an accomplishment but it isn’t a me a year is what it takes.2nd year is easier (by a long shot) as you’ve now broken the all of that said if drinking isn’t negatively affecting you ,you don’t have a “problem”.but the addiction is progressive and after your 50th year is virtually keep that in mind.(also protocols of Zion suggests keeping the goyim drinking alcohol so there’s that.)

fightknightHERO ago

Drinking is not really that harmful, it's the amount and what you drink exactly

for example, drinking highly processed liquor such as whiskey will fuck up your liver as well your motor functions

but drinking just ONE glass of wine before dinner is nigh-harmless, if it's actually aged wine it's beneficial to one's health because of the Oak Wood Extract

it raises testosterone and improves your liver as well works as a de-tox agent

they actually sell in as a supplement though i personally just consume the traditional way [in moderation of course]

as for porn, you really need to see it for what it is

degeneracy, anti-white degeneracy

if you go to pornhub and look at the first page all you'll see is Niggers degrading girls

and girls degrading themselves, Porn is evil not just because ChristCucks said so

but because it was DESIGNED by Jews to destroy the family values

it's a weapon, one that is designed to turn you into a dopamine addict

why do you think porn is free?

and why do (((they))) hate No fap so much?