MAGA_Q ago

So do you control the Obama appointees in GA who keep ruling against Kemp? How about the judges in S. FL? I know we "control" SCOTUS but remember who votes in favor of making Obamacare legal? John Fucking Roberts. So let's not fool ourselves into blindly believing shit is happening. Oh that CEO departure list, FBI firings and resignations. Whoopee. Justice is jail time, not loosing your job.

SlapRackPull ago

Maybe, truly hope so. Where’s the confusion? Q got some things right, some wrong and gave a lot of great info. Most importantly he/they are driving the left bat shit crazy. For that alone Q is wonderful. As for what’s to come Q is not a god or profit, and never claimed to be. Relax with or without Q shits moving in the right direction.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Disinfo is necessary to keep the corruptors and controllers guessing.

Their's a reason Q is so talked about and hated by the left. Kind of like Trump is so despised.

If they hate it and are against it, I have found there's something there they don't want the general population to discover so they constantly try to distract with their lies and spin in an effort to keep everyone in a state of confusion.



Keneo77 ago

Best Christmas ever? 🎄

Not_a_slave_nlm ago

When crooked Dems rig elections, they capture it. Same thing when the crooked judges rule in their favor. It truly is brilliant, following the cuckery all the way up the proceedural latter, recording everything as you go. I mean, there really is no other way to expose these things, all past and future hypothetical occurrences can be BTFO by beurocrats, so, it actually has to happen in order to document it and write legislation to prevent it from happening in the future.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Excellent and quick way to explain all that this debacle encompasses.

Perhaps I should say. . .debacle or genius?

1deadmanwalking ago

Justice Ginsberg retiring Jan 2019.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Did you see where all the dems were offering to donate their rib and for some whatever else she needed.

She's probably take their brain too. . .but apparently that was already donated ; )

sorosminion ago

It isn't trolling Rubes. Q is fiction, the Trump as Savior YOU HAVE CREATED is fiction. A comic book hero for morons. Doesn't exist. You people live in a comic book, that's the level of sophistication you have. None. Go right ahead, believe in THE PLAN. It makes no difference. EVERYTHING you have been brainwashed by is total fiction. No satan worshipping, cannibal pedophiles.Jeses Christ, it's absurd! Watch too much TV you Gomers? It's ALL A LIE to control you. Control you. GET IT? THINK GOMERS! Strung along for how long with vague, cryptic "drops" so nonsensical you need to "interpret them" Nostradamus style. THEN in the big Red October...............................all you get is VOTE REPUBLICAN. And never, NEVER the arrests, tribunals or executions. It's all a lie idiots. And you can't figure it out? REALLY? Politics as usual. How long does it take????? You were taken for a stupid, pointless propaganda ride that just ends up.........VOTE REPUBLICAN. It's as plain as the stupid fucking noses on your stupid fuckin faces, IT'S ALL FAKE MOTHERFUCKERS! ALL OF IT! You LOVED Bush. Palin. Voted McCain. Voted Romney. You bought it all and are STILL eating the GOP shit. VOTE REPUBLICAN , like Ryan, McConnel, Roger Stone, the SAME OLD CROWD! No swamp draining, just lining pockets.

What if the fuck is WRONG with you stupid boomer Gomers?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


I believe you have Completely missed the point.

You should realize, it's not only the baby boomer generation who follows Q. . . I admire them, they know something many of us Don't know!

QArmy are made up of people of All ages and walks of life. We have people from #WalkAway, #Blexit, people from the UK, Australia and abroad because we all see the big picture.

The pedophile rings that have been taken down world wide are verifiable. Stories are reported some of them even in mainstream media almost daily, but they know those they have brainwashed into believing it's bunk and a conspiracy theory have no desire to pay attention.

You should go do some research if you actually think these monsters don't exist. Lookup PIE, NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love) . How in the world does anyone Not see this for what it is and pretend this evil doesn't exist. Go ahead, try to say the name Without Throwing up a little, I dare you.

Go look up Heart Progress Franklin Coverup, McMartin Preschool case. . an FBI director worked for them for Years testified to this evil and the horrors these children faced.

Do a study on Operation Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip. For crying out loud, you have More tools than these Boomers always had when growing up, yet they're outdoing you like crazy because I guarantee you, they look up the Real History! CIA admits much of their projects. You can even go to Wikipedia and find this stuff out.

Once you've done that, then you have a right to come back here and have your say. . .this time you should do so respectfully! This people have done a great deal and sacrificed more than you know so they Deserve respect!

You can disagree, but what is the point in calling names? Do you think people will listen to you more? I assure you, they just tune it out. . .from what I've seen Boomers are rather skilled at ignoring misplaced hate. That kind of hate is a product of the lies and propaganda on tv and I from what I've observed, Boomers see straight through that nonsense!

How about Kubrick? Why was it when he tried to expose hollywoods luciferian rituals did he die?

What about Kevin Spacey in the Usual Suspects? The greatest lie the devil ever told or made people believe is that he doesn't exist. That lie from the pedo himself.

If people are spending so much time on discussing a plan and you don't like it, why are you spending Any of your time reading posts you don't like?

Are you just angry, or are you working for someone. Just asking.

Q is one of the most talked about and despised subjects of the media. That should tell you something as they said She was going to win the election. Do you really still trust them?

What are you so angry about? Are you angry it has taken Less than two years to ensure people's safety and make sure these treasonous criminals don't squirm out of their sentences from their own corrupt system?

I would say, Trump has done Far more than Any other President to date to call them out, pedophile Have been arrested, rings have been brought down. Start looking up Operation Elysium, Operation Darkroom, CEO of Backpage arrested. Look up the journalists killed in the UK for trying to expose the Elite pedos like Savile there. How many devices do you have?

Why do you look up Joris Demmink, look up Marc Dutroux and the White March. Were All those people lying?

Look up Aleister Crowley, Anton LeVay? It is verified they existed and exactly who and what they were involved in.

What do you think of those After School Satan clubs. Are you on board with those. What are your thoughts of the statues and arches they put up in favor of satan.

How about those times they visited voodoo ceremonies and consulted voodoo priests. You know about that already right? Cause the Boomers surely do.

The god of those ceremonies is not the One True God. They call satan god. You can look it up if you don't believe me.

How about that kidnapper Laura Silsby now Galyer who kidnapped all those kids verified by Dominican Republic who stopped her as the Clintons got her off.

Show these Boomers you know as much as they know, by coming back and telling them and all of us "What for" after you look them up!

Go listen to JFK's speeches. You and I weren't there, but these Boomers, I'll bet they remember Well what and who he tried to expose.

Look what happened to him because he couldn't be bought! Look what they tried to do to his son.

All of this Only Scratches the surface, I assure you.

Why did they conduct their MOCA gala ball in this manner. Do you think this is Just Art? If so, is there anything you see wrong with this or Marina Abramovich does with her sick blood rituals and effigies of children?

A reckoning Is coming. Even if it were to take years. . .It's the taking down of a system that has been corrupt for generations upon generations.

Thank God Boomers and other patriots like them have a desire and drive to end this evil!

No one is worshipping Trump. . they are just giving him his dues. He does this for no other reward than to help We the People!

You should be thankful and show respect to the Boomers who make sure we know some of the True History they have witnessed as there isn't much of anything you and I were taught in school that pertains to the Actual Truth! Go look around, they've been trying to "dumb us all down." Stated in the wikileaks emails from the DNC. Oh, whether you believe them or not, Never been proven Wrong even Once!

It is because of these Boomers, that we have any sense of values at all.

Stupid is as stupid Does!

AAngel ago

Wow, Artistique, such a thorough recital in response to that ad hominem mess. I bet you had all this knowledge right in your memory. Glad you are here with us. God bless you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you AAngel! I have what you all have as far as being red pilled and feeling like it's been almost 10 years rather than 2.

I marvel, not because of myself, but because of all I have been shown in a relatively short amount of time. I was a product of the system like many are now.

It feels like someone sent me through a shoot marked rabbit holes at rapid speed. Went through all the sleepless nights, feeling sick, shaking and crying once I finished all the truly Sick stuff.

I still feel like a newbie and realize I will never know it all, all that distorted history they taught us in both HS and College, I feel I will Never catch up. But I'm sure going to keep on Learning!

I read all the time, do reports, write articles and talk to many who are still blinded. Those schools weren't teaching us much of anything with significance. So glad to have the opportunity to learn our true history!

Glad to have Good Patriots like you out there helping to lead the way! Keep #FightingTheGoodFight

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Well said! That was a far more impressive rant than the one you were responding to! You even provided links to follow, now that’s an argument if I’ve ever seen one. I’m with you, let that do “go with her”!! I hear she is running again....,,,

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you!

Can you believe it? Part of me just thinks they are trying to incite those on the side of Good.

I bet they try to run Michael a.k.a Michelle.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Michael for sure, if Hillary is otherwise “engaged”. She may be in an orange pantsuit by then! Let’s hope! I think that Michael is only good at witty sayings and what not. She has never been challenged in public debate by anyone. Trump will have/him screaming like a mental patient in no time!! I’d love to see it!!!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

LOL a mental patient! I So love that visual! I'm gonna borrow/steal it ; )

About made me spit my coffee out!

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Fantastic! Nothing like coffee in a all the nooks and crannies of the keyboard!! Lol. Please help yourself friend!

RageAgainstPizzagate ago

Oh just saw the pic lol very awesome graphic

RageAgainstPizzagate ago

We will win, but we mustn't think it'll be easy. Nothing worth the fight is easy and this is the most worth it fight we may ever face.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

So much Truth in that statement RageAgainstPizzagate!

Nothing worth fighting for is Ever easy! If it were easy, Everyone would be doing it!

Blessed_Revolution78 ago


I love this shit!! Thanks for putting this little reminder together for all of us that are ready to burn it all down! I will take a deep breath and relax..........for now

Shagnasty68 ago

I was told in 85 trumps the anti christ, could be a big trick

QNirmanakaya ago

I understand, and I am trying to be patient. But I am fed up. Last night I learned Hildabeast is saying she is running again because the statue of limitations ended for her crimes. Is this true?

I am so sick with the bad guys getting away with it.

NoRoyalty ago

When was the last time she drained a child of his blood?

Fish7463 ago

No statute for treason or murder

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They love spreading this around to make people who are supporting the plan doubt.

All you have to do is go through a small portion of her behavior to see all the traitorous deeds she has done.

So many, people forget and lose count.

Is there a statue of limitations for someone who commits Treason against their own country?

Here is a reminder. Just look at what was found in the Summary of her email debacle. Not only the mishandling of classified information, but what she was warned about, how her 7th floor shadow government even in their Own Words. . .wasn't following protocol, but also concerning those Benghazi emails.

Many pieces shown here that you can skim or the fbi vault link where you can access them and what to punch into the search provided.

QNirmanakaya ago

I want to see the perp walks.

HighPlainsDrifter1 ago

Pessimism is easy to do. Rush addressed this today. While I haven't been following Q as long as most on this board it's easy to become frustrated with the necessary disinformation Q uses to keep the DS off guard and looking over it's shoulder. LMAO!!!! HOURLY!! This is a good thing. Just on the Trump-Russia collusion bullshit. Can you imagine for a moment the absolute fear and angst the people in kill brackets, [Hussein] [HRC] [LL] [AM] [JC] [JC} [JB] and the rest of their ilk are experiencing? Every waking moment brings the question in these people's mind, " is it today"? "Is today my last day of freedom"? I'd bet my ass that these P'sOS know damn well that Q is real. They're watching, reading the same boards we are. Your whole fucking world and that of your family, turned upside down and inside out knowing that the High Crimes you brazenly committed against this country, with absolute disregard for the probable consequences, are going to come back and in some cases, cost you your life!! What a damning, intolerable state of mind to live with!! ArtistiqueJewelry and AngleofDeaths as others have, remind us of the enormity and complicity of rooting out this worldwide cancer. When a friend of mine turned me on to Joe Masepoes video, "The Story, The Plan", I remember the hope and sense of pending justice I felt after watching it. I spent days researching this QAnon thing. When I finished, I wrote my friend back and told her that I was absolutely convinced, that this is legit. Still am. There have been plenty of "proofs" to substantiate Q. First time I saw POTUS do an "Air Q" at a rally my wife and I looked at each other and said at the same time. "Did you see that"? No damn doubt about it. [[[t]]] on the back of that picture that Patriot took with POTUS? Signature of Q+ on some of the drops. We all know who this is!!!! The one life lesson that I have somewhat mastered in my many years on this planet, is the exercise and wisdom of "PATIENCE". P-A-I-N is coming. And these FUCKS know it. Stay the course, trust the plan and WWG1WGA!!!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

YES! Patience. . .what a virtue! These corruptors play the long game, always have!

I love your "Stay the Course!" That is how it is in a sea of chaos and utter confusion about those who are all too quick to lay down their weapons and submit!"

There is No Submission among True Patriots! If you give up that easy, you never really were a Patriot who fully understood the depths of the plan And the fact that disinfo is necessary.

Boy are you right about proof. Right now, people getting wonky and discouraged, even if they're not giving up on The Plan over the voting issue. There is a great deal of evidence and info even signaled by Q how long they've known about the lack of Election Integrity. There was a reason for how it would all play out! Much points to it from Trump's tweets and the drops.

Ballots Magically Appearing, Is Trump Just Going to Let them Steal our Elections? The Proof of the Election Plan, All the Pointers in Q drops and How Pivotal it Really Is!

This is a relatively short amount of time, when you consider the immense, extreme, entangled volume of corruption being brought down.

God Bless JFK for what he tried to do and may his plan be Proven for All to see. Not Just Patriots, but the asleep to awaken from their Slumber!

I can relate to that "The Story, The Plan!" At a family gathering not too long ago, everyone else was talking nonsense and stuck on all the Fake News. I drug my dad into the dining room, put my laptop on the table and said, just watch! I knew better than to try and talk the others in to watching. But if you're even a little awake, you can't help, but feel like "someone Finally Get's it!" After watching his videos! Top Notch! Once in a while when everything's coming at us and the trolls are having their field day, I watch those videos again!

Thank you God for Q, Q+ and the Legacy of JFK! Justice Will Come! WWG1WGA

MAGA_Q ago

Yeah Killary is acting scared. Sarcasm.

Pollycracker ago

Even Trump hangs in the balance, should I or shouldn't I? We must be strong, we must communicate: The World wants this. We must gather numbers, give Trump confidence that we do not accept the NWO plan, we have faith that we can resolve this population bomb with the right applications of technology. Let's all be winners or all die trying. No way anyone survives underground with Satanist and pedophiles. NWO will destroy humanity.

SaintSteven11 ago

Gotta give us something, fairly soon, unfortunately some are jumping ship.

Zammyanci ago

Nah, that's just the shills making people think that.

moblodite ago

When I get angry with my Adult Children, I don't just completely disown them, Those jumping ship will Drown or be eaten by sharks.

notsherlock ago

or they'll just go on with their lives like normal people, like most people in the world that aren't brainwashed by a cult...

brentvsmaxivms ago

are we, at least, going to get to see Brenda Snipes taken away in cuffs soon?

pivot69 ago

Those who are frustrated are still watching the Main Stream Media and Twatter I think. The constant message there is all doom and gloom for those awake. For me personally I come here twice a day, follow the threads, do my own research and then help my daughter with homework. Everything else I leave to God First, and Trump second. My pay has gone up in the last 2 years, my work has gotten interesting with POTUS in the WH and I DO see things changing. I want Justice and not revenge...peace and no more wars. I read the Q posts, judge for myself and let everything else go. I do have hope, and I love seeing the DEMS scramble every other day. When I get really antsy I watch Rambo movies LOL.

Zammyanci ago

I agree.

WezeBWoke ago

I think with a lot of frustrated people and especially those who have not been red pilled do not understand,

The Q+/Q movement is the largest crowd sourcing connective patriotic conglomerate of individuals folks in human history.

Because it has a selfless Quality at its core, it reveals the motivations of many and the misunderstandings of the multitudes.

Some estimates across the web estimate this movement to be 100,000,000+ With the majority actually overseas and cheering us on and relating to our frustrations in thier every day world .

Paladin_Diver ago

100,000,000 + 1, as of today. Just finished red-pilling a Dutch diving buddy. Had to talk him down from marching on Brussels on the spot.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


UK2USA_patriot ago

Very true patriot. Here in Europe many of my friends have begun following Qposts. They are red pilling others at home and overseas. The estimate of over a hundred million followers is very plausible indeed. Getting these numbers as high as possible before the Big Hammer drops on the Cabal is something Q has said is needed to mitigate riots and bloodshed in the streets. Most normies are naturally so busy working long hours just to survive they haven't the time to do online research or recognize Something Big is happening. Patience among all patriots is essential if we want to ensure as few lives as possible are lost, especially among our brave military.

Pollycracker ago

Yes, overseas are woke more than we are. They understand that the American people can take action and save their lives. American people are much like the German citizens prior to WWII, propagandize. The rest of the world is hoping we wake up in time to assist forces for good. Right now, everything hangs in balance.

WezeBWoke ago

Absolutely, our team knocked on 25,000 doors during the campaign and we ran across so many not from the USA saying “don’t be discouraged” “Keep pressing on “Venezuelans especially, as well is a good handful from Europe.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! Impressive! Great job!

moblodite ago

"overseas and cheering us on " Great isn't it! Instead of just hearing "DEATH to America" from overseas it is great to hear support and cheers ! I don't remember this ever happening in my almost 60 years !

notsherlock ago

You are being lied to by a cult, old man.

NamelessJoe ago

The world would benefit tremendously from America getting its shit together.

popcorn_time ago

Sound waay higher but who knows...

notgtaxtoi ago

It no long, remotely, is that large. Try being intellectually honest. The new #walkaway movement is disillusioned Q supporters.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Well said WezeBWoke!

Zammyanci ago

Sorry, but I have to say this: ARREST SOMEONE! Oh, it's not Friday yet, uh, my bad 😉

moblodite ago

If that's all it takes, Im sure you should be very happy.. LOL many people all over the Nation have been arrested.. and thousands more every day! Just unfortunately not the right people ! The ones that should be arrested are the ones that make the laws to get us arrested but makes themselves exempt !

Zammyanci ago

Aww c'mon... just a little John Podesta. I seriously am going to celebrate when that happens. You might hear me from where you are at LOL. But yeah, I know, I just want to see something on a Q drop about the EVIL Podesta's. You never know, Q may be reading this very message 😊 But, believe me, I really understand the complexity of the process. I'm not going anywhere. Patriots!


notsherlock ago

the way you type tells me you're a relatively old person who is gullible to misinformation on the internet because you didn't grow up with it.

Zammyanci ago

LOL. Or I'm just a lazy typer.

moblodite ago

Johnny is a really small fish but would be a great start !

Zammyanci ago

It hurts my heart and I can't get the little ones out of my head. You know the pic in the empty pool. Their little hands were bloody and raw. The struggle they had to endure makes him top priority in my eyes.

moblodite ago

It is claimed that the Clintons are just as guilty, I honestly cant say for sure, the proof hasn't really been given, but that would be small crimes compared to all of the Evil the Clintons, Obama and the Bush's are involved in !

Zammyanci ago

Yes, I agree. Patriot. Soon 😎


102thepowerof1 ago

Hence the cancellation of the Military Parade, the objective was not reached in time for celebration. We will see it next year, hopefully by then we will have had many celebration parade's in our hearts and the streets!

MetalThatMatters ago

Trusting the plan and enjoying the show over here ... WWG1WGA

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Go MetalThatMatters!

Sounds like a Great Plan!

Deb988 ago

and is that why the DHS head getting the boot today ? Because she didn't do her job on the elections ????

Paladin_Diver ago

Damn straight. She wasn't the one to lead the counter-offensive that's due to begin in 3.....2....1.......


Exactly right. Much noise, disappointment. This is a deep entrenched force of destruction, have to shine the light on the rats right at the right moment, or they will scurry under the frig. election. elec., security, sec documentation, doc, directive, dir, be patient, wars with few deaths allows less retribution. Have to have a closed and shut case. Want them to walk? Like nasty John Brennan? sealed. done. WWWGWGA

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're right!

Getting the BEST results rather than Fast results is the aim!

102thepowerof1 ago

It's not trap when you thrust it upon yourself, this isn't like Bait-Car.

Rainhumane3317 ago

Keep your eyes above the waves.... Stay focused, united, and faithful....!!!! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Excellent advice Rainhumane3317!

ChiefMAGA ago

Sure. You guys are good at keeping folks riding on every drop. Its fucking amazing. Nothing gets done.

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

Let me know how chasing instant gratification works out for you. I’ll be here on Q boards, enjoying the show, if you need to report back. Thanks

Paladin_Diver ago

Do me a favor and hold down the fort as I've got to take a few days off from the Q boards. Here in spirit if not actually participating and never going to stop fighting for truth.

102thepowerof1 ago

And while you troll here, what could you be doing?

falo02 ago

so much happens in the dark, one day people will really be surprised when EVERYTHING happens "overnight".

moblodite ago

Dam... when you put it like that, it sounds like Armageddon !

falo02 ago

Armageddon for one side of the fight indeed ;-)

Paladin_Diver ago

This realization just hit me: what better time for takedowns that the week before Thanksgiving?

Many, many, reasons why this makes sense. Most important is that families are together and that gives us the best chance to explain to our unaware relatives what is really going on.

Of course, I can think of a few reasons, like travel and the amount of drinking that happens on Turkey Day, which might mean that isn't such a good idea.

But it sure does feel like A Week To Remember is still happening THIS week.

MAGA_Q ago

Nothing will happen before mid terms are finally over. So at least a few more weeks.

moblodite ago

That's too funny ! you are arguing with yourself !

Paladin_Diver ago

I never lose such arguments. Also, it's much better than lowering my standards to a different protagonist.

moblodite ago

I often call out a coworker for talking to herself.. She tells me "That's the only way to have an intelligent conversation" LMAO

102thepowerof1 ago

That's exactly how it will happen, the Dam is ready to burst and the truth will flow freely upon it's release and the Sun will give rise, not only to a new day, also a new world!

Magalodon45 ago

"2018 will be glorious"

Goodbye, Q. I followed you for months, have a Q shirt, but I can't keep up. "Midterms are safe" my ass.

moblodite ago

So wearing a Q shirt is all it takes to be a Q follower?? WTF, We all get frustrated but we True Followers don't give up! we fight on no matter what. You have been a member for 2 hours.. A shill trying to divide... Wont work..

Magalodon45 ago

I swear I am no shill. If you don't believe me, check my username on Reddit.

I just really worry about what is happening with the Senate and the seeming lack of action.

moblodite ago

Than coming here and immediately bashing Q and disclaiming Q is the wrong way to get a start here, This is a Q support sub and bashers and dividers wont last long. if you don't support Q you are in the wrong place. Just saying..

Magalodon45 ago

I was on the subreddit the entire time it was up. I do support Q but I am so disillusioned by all this mess going on with florida arizona montana etc. I guess i just need someone to explain to me what im missing because this does not look good.

moblodite ago

That all you have to do is ask for help understanding, But don't just bash Q, being in the game too long causes fatigue .. Sometimes just step back and watch for a while.. Watch this and seeif it helps you to understand, ,

Paladin_Diver ago

Where We Go One, We Go All......... except for a few that bailed out early when their participation trophy wasn't big enough?

(Not sure the second part would fit on a ship's bell)

Paladin_Diver ago

Parenting something I know very little about. Would it be fair to say that Spock may have had some good ideas, but they were taken way too far?

moblodite ago

spare the rod, Spoil the child! Spock says never spank because it damages their precious egos ! REALLY? No wonder the millennial's are so spoiled and expect a free/easy ride!

ironnickel ago

Oh no we lost random interweb dweeb #8675309


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Part of the Plan!

They are hanging themselves so they can't come back and squawk "Orange man mean, evil, fixed our elections!"

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

Democrats try and steal votes That’s it. Fuck Q... what!? We are all Q, and real as fuck. We will be here to embrace you when you flip flop again😘

102thepowerof1 ago

Bye! Don't forget your popcorn!

45andQ ago Keep faith, Patriot!

nutopian_anon ago

While we may seem to have lost a battle there is no reason to throw out the baby with the bath water. Q has brought us together, exposed the corruption and gave us a means to fight the information war. I am sorely disappointed and depressed but I am not going to stop the fight. I am going to choose faith and choose the Trump/Q team. The alternative is allowing fascism (and all evil) to continue to overwhelm our world. What alternative are you choosing? Back to sleep? Head in sand?

Paladin_Diver ago

You get it. This is a djinni that cannot be put back in the bottle. Too many of us know the truth and we just can't go back to not knowing.

Personally, I was pretty red-pilled before Q, but I had almost lost hope and was going ex-pat. Now that there are so many of us, fellow Patriots who I never knew existed, the only way ahead is to march forward.

MingDynasty ago

If Q+ controls the narrative and the COURTS, why does Q excuse every missed deadline under the guise of bad actors still being in power?

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

Hmm I’m missing this list of times Q excused “missed deadlines” using bad actors. I’m missing the deadlines too. You ain’t following Q.

MingDynasty ago

I guess anons pulled 11/11 out of their asses then.

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

The day we became United? As in, come together to celebrate the end of a world war on its anniversary?

When did Q say there were too many bad actors to celebrate 11/11? I’m confused why that made your list of “missed dates excused by bad actors.” Maybe you meant something else.

Truthstone ago

Cabal is at war with itself! There are no good guys! They all have an agenda of power! Do you want the punch in the gut or a knife in the back? I will take the punch in the gut!

moblodite ago

Honor amongst thieves ??? LOL

rumoret ago

The Good....The Bad....and...The Ugly! Grew up watching Cowboy Movies couldn't resist posting!

moblodite ago

Hang em high !

AngelofDeath ago

Often people are too lazy to actually read Q's posts. Like children, they want immediate attention to their desires. The EO does not take effect until 2019. A REPUBLIC MUST work within the law. … OTHERWISE, we simply need to start killing any and every DEM, those elected, and those electing them. BUT, if it ever comes to that, I strongly suggest you focus specific attention on the COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST EDOMITE pushing the buttons behind the scene. I will be.

PatBurton ago

Valid point! Hopefully we can learn from our history (Civil War) & defeat our enemy in court rather than a field of blood.......hopefully!

NonTransBender ago

You might first have to get rid of the ignorant 'human shields' supporting these demons.

No big deal; just takes more effort....

Specific_Fox ago

Elections are being stolen. People are supposed to wait until after they're illegally sworn in? Something has to happen before that.

NoRoyalty ago

How about we plan for the day after Christmas. All the politicians will be home.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Ha! William Cooper talked about this.

NoRoyalty ago

Yeah, I remember. I was just thinking it would be good to not interfere with Christmas Day.

KarlKastner ago

I just wish there was something I could do to assist, other than red pilling friends and online.

Paladin_Diver ago

It's a war of ideas and ideals. Sharing that and holding steadfast in our beliefs is a more important job than I think any of us understand. Without our support, THE PLAN doesn't happen.

Keep up the good work.

AngelofDeath ago

Me too ... so, I'm going to the gun show with a list! :o) Great time to be searching for addresses of 'big wigs' … just in case. BUT, on the wimpy level, I tend to red pill with a vengeance at times. I'm the type that thinks 'shock therapy' is best for some people … which tends to get you cursed and hated, but it makes some of them think later when I'm no longer around, and then others can help with the coffee and donuts level stuff.

Secret_1 ago

If ot comes to that,,,we MUST START from the Top...

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Well said!

Strongly agree! Just reminded yet another person who has been part of the Fight, but getting discouraged. . .this corruption has been going on for at least decades and in Some cases centuries old. Of course we know all the ritual sickness is ancient and just keeps spreading. Point was, to make the difference Trump and the White Hats have made in just 2, I assume it will be closer to 2.5 before we see all, as you said. . .2019.

But really. . .I know I'm pumped Trump has accomplished all he has accomplished along with all who are part of QArmy! It's truly phenomenal, historic and we should be thankful.

We could still be going backwards!

Paladin_Diver ago

"I assume it will be closer to 2.5 before we see all, as you said. . .2019."

The new Congress takes control on January 3rd. I struggle to see how THE PLAN would allow for this, and I understand all of the legal reasoning for 2019 being the beginning of military tribunals.

The reason I can't see this being allowed is due to the fundamental desire to minimize civilian damage when what we are all hoping for hits. Their tactics, repeated over and over, tell us that on or around January 3rd, Nacny Pelosi, or whomever gets the gavel, will immediately start calling for investigations and/or impeachment.

We know that it's based on absolutely nothing, but the MSM will breathlessly tell their minions that MUH RUSSIA is real and all the rest of their nonsense, and the minions will believe it. What's worse is that they will also be flooding the streets with their "protests". This is how we get urban warfare that one would hope we could avoid.

This is not a scenario that a good plan would allow, and since I believe that THE PLAN is beyond good, I can't imagine that the takedowns don't occur prior to that.

I'd love to hear a good argument that convinces me otherwise.

MAGA_Q ago

You're correct. If there really is a plan. It fucking blows donkey balls. Nothing else can happen to convince moronic Liberals not to riot if justice ever comes. Rip the fucking band aid off already and we can get to healing the country. Took years to get where we are takes years to fix argument is assanine. If you have it all you act like it by presenting it. The fact Q states we only get to know a small % of the bad shit should have been a red flag. They want our trust but won't trust us to be given the truth in all it's glory. Sorry but my trust in the plan went out the window 💯 after mid term election. I hope I'm wrong and jumped ship to early, but ignoring my gut screaming that we are being played for fools finally won out.

Paladin_Diver ago

Which part of what I said did you think was correct? I ask because, outside the first sentence, the rest of your post disagrees with everything I said.

Pollycracker ago

This could be a very interesting time for the demos. It looks like they may be having their very own tea party moments; it's not going to be business as usual inside the party. Frankly, it looks like the leadership may have to tote around their own corruption baggage. Love it, exposure.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Remember this?

I feel they have been as responsible as they can.

To say there will be No fallout, is unrealistic in my opinion. . .and I realize everyone has one.

If they don't collect enough evidence to put them away, then we're back at square one.

You saw where Graham spoke at the Kavanaugh hearings on civil law vs. military law?

He did that clearly for a specific reason.

Trump and Sessions. . .that tension for a reason. Remember when dems hated Sessions? Then people on the Good side hated Sessions because they Thought he wasn't doing his job, but was/is happening behind the scenes in order to cut down on those who would/will erupt in violence. . .as that has been taught, promoted and often paid for as you know.

Point is, now the Dems have themselves in a bind. If Whitaker needs to be recused for not being confirmed, then so Does Mueller. Well, we all know they still want their Muh Russia more than Anything!

Also, sense the "show of tension" between Trump and Sessions, whose singing Sessions praises not that he's been fired by "big, bad, mean orange guy?"

Those leaders on the left are crying out what an outrage it is that Trump fired Sessions.

Well, if Sessions is what they want. . .that's just what they may get.

He can come back as a cameo in military tribunals. He was an Army Captain in the reserves in the 70's while he still practiced law.

His expertise and the love the dems Now have for him, make him a Great choice in those tribunals. At least I think so.

Whitaker's on to them. He knows many of their secrets and crimes. If they think they have hidden them, well, all that data they were collecting on Us that even Obama bragged about, guess what? Also collected on them. Mirror server. Hillary trashing and bleach bitting won't stop already preserved digital data. I don't care how many hammers she used and laptops that went a missing!

I do think many takedowns will be done behind the scenes like the deal struck with McCain.

What are your thoughts?

NoRoyalty ago

If it happens one-by-one behind the scenes, the Mockingbird media will scream it from the rooftops. No, the best strategy is to shut down comms and grab them all at once. Patriots will jump in to help locally.

Paladin_Diver ago

I can buy a lot of those scenarios, and hadn't thought about Sessions being recalled to duty.

Regarding timing, I'm unsure if a person can be arrested today and then still be eligible for the 2019 military tribunals. I think that's important and I've received varying opinions from legal types (who I don't go too much into detail with so the answers are more vague).

Regarding public v private takedowns, some of these bigger names need to do a GoT walk of shame on their way to the gallows. As much as I prefer justice over vengeance, we are owed at least some blood sport.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I'm thinking a youtube channel.

Sometimes Live feeds!

Now what shall we name it?

Maybe the Come one, come all Patriot Hazers, Here are the GITMO Wall Gazers

I encompassed in a poem how I felt and envisioned those awake must have felt on the day they went to vote.

I didn't vote early. Used to write political poems before I started writing articles for my research.

So wrote this when I got home form casting my vote.


We Cast our Vote on This Fine Day!

It was a blistery day,

But we needed to be on our way


Many times since we awoke

We have been on our own

Those still asleep

Did not like to keep

Company with those

Who didn’t vote as They chose


But as we approached

That place where people are polled

Where people sometimes stand in contemplation all quiet

Even in complete silence

At least there was no violence


You couldn’t help but wonder

After all the bluster and blunder

If this wasn’t the last time

All those corruptors

Would be allowed to plunder

Would they pay for their crime?

Has their way of escape

Been cut off by the new political landscape?


It is done

You suppose we have won?

A Red Tsunami so high so wide

Will we be able to save others from their own Arkancide?


My hopes are quite high

That those like Seth Rich didn’t die

Just to allow those in high places

To put up their crooked defenses

Like Lynch, Comey, Page and Strzok

That don’t seem aware there’s a literal Tick Tock


I still pray in that sound of silence

Please God don’t let Hillary, dirty Willie and mean Barry

Continue preying on people they desperately try to bury

May they be required their due recompense

For all their evil, all their lies

All the ways they should be tried


Please show them they’ve Not won

We are Patriots as one

Who won’t let our country come undone

We go by many names they hate

They despise, they mock, they strive to berate

They weren’t counting on a group called Q

A rising up of people who knew

We were silent

That’s true

We weren’t violent

But shrewd


Silent No More

Sheep No More

We the People will take your evil No More

You can wail, you can cry, you can try to divide

But that place prepared for you

It’s Still Quite fortified


So it is time for your fall

Just remember as your gaze

Falls upon your prison wall

Those times you feel you’re in a haze

As you tick off those imprisoned days

Remember We the People’s very special phrase



This song seems fitting somehow.

My favorite version of the Sound of Silence

Reminds me of people being glued to the tv and what is pumped out that has brainwashed them for so long.

Now we have to keep waking them up!

I should really include this song because Chester Bennington is important as the Podestas will surely be held culpable for their crimes.

I guess I envision this one being played as they lead especially John away.

What was it like when you cast your vote so We the People can keep our Patriot President power and dedicated to ending All this Corruption?  

It reminded me of the people praying to the neon god the made for those who were still asleep.

Loved the disturbed version, but came across Todd Hoffman's cover. He used to be on Gold Rush and he does a very good rendition. Great voice!

Paladin_Diver ago

That Disturbed version is absolutely the best cover I've ever heard. Even better than Metallica's Turn the Page.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! I thought he did a tremendous job and what a voice!

I Love the Disturbed version. The singer sang for Disturbed and Device. I haven't listened to any of his other music, but I really like how they did this video.

You should pen your poems and share them with us.

Would love to read any you're willing to share!

I finally started keeping a notebook by my bed and even if it's just ideas I write them down once in a while.

Generally I just sit down and write, but stopped until the voting scene. Will stop again because there is so much to research and learn about our true history and the crimes these people have been involved in for generations.

Paladin_Diver ago

Agreed on Disturbed's David Draiman having one of the best voices ever. The first time I heard him singing Sounds of Silence, I had to pull over on the shoulder on I-5 so I could SoundHound and find out who it was. I was familiar with Disturbed's music but had no idea then that he had that much talent. I've become a much bigger fan since.

Did you know that he had some sort of esophagus surgery due to acid reflux and that actually improved his range? Also, he was trained as a hazan as a teenager?

Of course, I'll never say anyone is better than Metallica's James Hetfield, as that would almost be sacrilegious. I'll put them on equal footing.

There is another singer who I put on that pedestal, and that's 5 Finger Death Punch's Ivan Moody. I didn't know them until they started showing up on my Pandora station, but they have a ton of great originals as well as some really good covers. Here's links to them doing great covers to two of my old favorite songs: Bad Company and House of the Rising Sun

No poetry for me for the next few months. I've got too much stress until my current project is completed, but am looking forward to a nice long tropical vacation afterwards, where I can find my zen again and that's when my writing is worth doing.


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're right! Excellent voice and Very Good covers!

Thanks for sharing!

And Wow! I had no idea he was a hazzan or that his father ran for mayor in LA last year.

Apparently he also spent time in Israel and his brother lives in Israel.

I gues we are not shocked he rebelled against the "conformity of the Torah," I can't say I blame him. God isn't about us living under law anymore.

That all stopped when he provided a way of escape for mankind.

Interesting on the esophagus surgery. I also had no idea. When I happened upon his version of Sound of Silence, I was so taken by it I added it to the pile of songs I want to do and then do tutorials on some chords for the people I know who want to play piano, but don't like the conformity of the classical style and don't realize they could still play if they just practice and attempt.

It's quite the pile of songs, so not sure when that will happen between work and trying to steer the fam clear of msm lies.

Thanks for the great covers and info. Now I'll have to listen to more songs with Ivan Moody. . .you're right, amazing voice. Also Great footage on Bad Company!

Good luck with your project. Hope it all goes well and you get to that vacation soon!

Stay safe!

Leatherwood123 ago

I agree, moreover, citizens whose voting rights are being usurped as we speak are becoming genuinely distraught with what is clearly illegal voter fraud. Those of us who do not wish to be represented by commies are not going to sit still for them stealing our elections. I personally am aware of THE PLAN but most people are not. I live in a red state that is turning blue for no good reason other than Dem fraud.

coucou ago

That's right. I am very optimistic. This election will have been the sting of the millennium. They jumped into the trap like the dumb fools they are, banana-republic style. I understand people want to see perp walks, so do I. Looks like it will be soon.

moblodite ago

The Dems were told ahead that they need a new playbook and that the OLD GUARD were removed, They chose not to listen, We are free now to investigate and prosecute.. Or we could end up whit the same kind of deal they had for 36 years! Going to be interesting. Karma

sorosminion ago

LOL More silly boomer delusion! Q is bullshit. That's how smart you people are, two years following like lemmings, some drunk college kid on 4/chan. It's absurd on the face of it, ridiculous. EVERYTHING you have been FED is a lie, ALL OF IT!

Nfn8wzdm ago

Are you attacking the messenger, or the messages?

Birdbrain ago

And yet there are still dozens of naysayers hanging around trying to beat down the followers of Q. Is it a hobby? Or do you get paid? Why waste precious time on a larp? Life is waiting for you; get to living it instead of wasting precious time poking at this folly.

avanti ago

sorosminion ok, we got it.

pakprotector ago

I guess you showed us - you are why some children should be seen not heard.

TrueSeeker777 ago

and still the left and lying media news gets away with anything they want without slowing down and no justice served, i don't trust the plan anymore. iv trusted it for over 2yrs and its just getting worse not better.

MingDynasty ago

Q has only been posted for a year and a handful of days. Not 2+ years.

MetalThatMatters ago

That 'anon' got a head start ... :/

TrueSeeker777 ago

my patience and trust wasn't just in Q

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

Nice save NPC

MingDynasty ago

Roger Roger