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QNirmanakaya ago

I understand, and I am trying to be patient. But I am fed up. Last night I learned Hildabeast is saying she is running again because the statue of limitations ended for her crimes. Is this true?

I am so sick with the bad guys getting away with it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They love spreading this around to make people who are supporting the plan doubt.

All you have to do is go through a small portion of her behavior to see all the traitorous deeds she has done.

So many, people forget and lose count.

Is there a statue of limitations for someone who commits Treason against their own country?

Here is a reminder. Just look at what was found in the Summary of her email debacle. Not only the mishandling of classified information, but what she was warned about, how her 7th floor shadow government even in their Own Words. . .wasn't following protocol, but also concerning those Benghazi emails.

Many pieces shown here that you can skim or the fbi vault link where you can access them and what to punch into the search provided.