15099879? ago

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15036575? ago

That is how it works!!! The shills think that everybody is a bunch of braindead brainwashed insane morons like they are, and cannot comprehend anything beyond their memorized talking points!!! You laid that out well!!!

15035016? ago

Have you found any info about the House rules re: ability to deter seating these possibly fraudulently voted into office Dems?

15034481? ago

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15028133? ago

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15023690? ago

It is hopeful to imagine that the FBI would be actively monitoring voter fraud in Broward County, but given the recent history of that once respected institute, does it seem likely? It does seem to me that the DOJ ought to be seriously involved in investigating voter fraud right now

15023987? ago

We shall see. I am convinced that something is going on because of the EO and the tweets of POTUS

15018109? ago

The warriors who are in the thick of things have my full, unwavering support. This isn't Netflix, XBox, nor is it Pornhub. It's not Burger King, you don't get it "your way," and you might as well not plan on getting any immediate or instant gratification really out of much of anything at all for a while, if ever. You will lose sleep, some of your relationships, and probably your libido too. You have to be bored for awhile as people around wake up, which gives you enough time to research and probe deeper as the shit really starts hitting the fan. Gratification is knowing that something is being done to fix it, as there is a lot of evidence out already if you grow curious and look. The end result is a polished, cleansed, beautiful clean slate. Crystal clean air, beautiful water, clean seas, trees, grass, and plains, plentiful harvests, and a peaceful and good life for a change. God Bless America!

15017470? ago

Except this Executive Order is focused entirely on FOREIGN influence on our elections (which surely happened, but will take 2-year investigations and extradition of suspects who are based in other countries to even get rolling). Nobody in THIS country who voted MAGA in the midterms is going to sit down and shut up waiting for 2 years to see anyone arrested or any of the stolen elections reversed. Do some online searches on voter fraud indictments and prosecutions - nothing happens for TWO YEARS even when everyone involved is HERE in the USA. This cannot stand!

15020279? ago

True but POTUS also put Federal elections under the supervision of the DHS earlier, so they are not limited in what they can go after

15022504? ago

Sweet! I like the sound of THAT!

15017047? ago


15016056? ago

I think we need to be very outspoken about the election fraud, I posted Project Veritas and demanded he do something... As long as we sit quiet he has nothing backing him.. We need to start speaking and do it loudly

15020288? ago

i agree. We need to raise awareness in whatever way we can

15014063? ago

You ve got to love the trolling and shilling in this thread. They hang themselves so abundantly (kek kek), and it really sharpens discernment.

15013978? ago

It seems to me, I may be wrong, but to prosecute the big dogs along with all their minions, wouldn't we need to allow them to finish destroying themselves completely by certifying the vote? Here's what I could find quickly on certified dates(not sure of accuracy): https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results_certification_dates,_2018

15012852? ago

8) There will be an increase in Senators for the Republicans of approx. 4 seats (and maybe more).

Without voter fraud, Rs will sweep both houses of congress. No question that, with fair elections, our nation would look radically different.

15011425? ago

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15011101? ago

Brenda Snipes part of the plan? LMFAO She ain't got enough brains to pull off a covert sting against her beloved DemocRATS, some of you QTards are clearly bat shit crazy.

As we speak Pelosi Schumer Schiff Nadler Waters and other rats are preparing attacks against Trump in the House the likes of which USA has nevef seen before. Trust the plan my ass.

15015706? ago

It is not necessary for her to be part of the plan. She just did what she always did - cheat.

15011051? ago

Who cares if the average normie freaks out and gets hospitalized. I sure dgaf. It’s their fault for listening to the Ministry of Propaganda and supporting the cabal instead of heeding the our warnings and evidence. Patriots and anons have sacrificed our reputations, families, relationships, careers, and finances to support this movement. MASS ARRESTS NOW

15015732? ago

Q cares and therefore so should you. If you don't care about the normies, then you are not really a Q follower, so don't pretend

15010284? ago

Oregon is by far in worse shape when it comes to fraudulent elections. In order to register you can mail in your registration. Then they send us a ballot, we fill it out and mail it back in... No personal contact or ID required at all. To make matters worse we have absolutely no way to verify our votes are even being counted. Just totals we are supposed to trust.

Using the Florida chaos as an example, imagine if nothing other than the boxes of mail in ballots were counted. There is literally no transparency at all, no voter ID at all! Top that with our corrupt government and sanctuary state status! No one is talking about this because there is no way to monitor any of it!

15015751? ago

good point

15010028? ago

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15009899? ago

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15009479? ago

im pretty sure these q tards are either full blown CIA fucks or democratic hires. Nobody is this fucking stupid

15009380? ago

We the People are hoping for this to be the solution to this election and proves to be successful to the 'enth' degree! IF this is successful it might be the spark to ignite the war or cure the nation. We pray you have this correct.

15009350? ago

Foreign Interference: End Dual Citizenship. They are naturally not Patriotic to one country! End It. Did you know Broward has direct nonstop flights to Israel?!?! Otherwise it is just a regional airport.There is a LOT of Anti-American activity going on in Broward County. Guess who runs the place.

15015395? ago

I agree with you dual citizenship can be a big problem

15009281? ago

We've all seen the video of Acosta and the white house intern. It is amazing to me that so many on the left deny that Acosta even made any physical contact, and these people saw it with their own eyes. We need to build a case so strong and have evidence that is unquestionable when these people are prosecuted for voter fraud (and everything else). We have to get buy-in from the majority of the left or we will be right back at square one. It takes time to build the case and put together the evidence. I am not a patient person, but I do think these people are a lot smarter than I am, and patience is what is needed. The undoing of the left is going to be one for the history books. I am just glad to be a witness and awake for the whole thing. It's certainly one to tell the grandchildren about.

15009143? ago

nothing will happen. liberals will take house and senate somehow magically in the next week and then they will attempt impeachment. somehow pence will be forced to recuse himself then bela lugosi(nancy pelosi) completes the coup and becomes the new tzar of UUSA. Прощай collusion.

15015808? ago

O woe is me! Go shill somewhere else. Grow a pair or depart to suffer through your own despair by yourself. You have NO POWER here!

15008924? ago

My Prediction:

NONE of this is going to happen.

NO traitor is EVER going to jail.

FUCK Q...fucking LARPing piece of shit

15008820? ago


15008760? ago

NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. I mean its right in our facts and our own justice dept is asleep at the wheel. Potus can not fight alone. The DS must have him by the balls at this point.

15008682? ago

The only way people will be happy if these elections are overturned back to AZ, MI, etc. We need these over-turned. if the rule of law applies this must be done. Why isn't sheriff Israel removed as a sheriffs deputy? we know he is a fucking criminal. We have the clown shop operating out of Broward. WHERE THE FUCK IS HASPEL. Is she DS cover? WTF!

15015430? ago

It is possible that AZ and MI and Montana and Nevada will be overturned once the election fraud is exposed

15008598? ago

I hope you are right. I voted in FL and I feel my civil rights where violated by not having a fair and standardized election. I WANT to see people held accountable and changes made for future elections. If GOP drop the ball on this I am done with them.

15009543? ago

You are going to vote for Democrats? if GOP drops the ball?

15017963? ago

NO I will register independent or libertarian and won't make any donations to the Republican party. Just to individual candidates.

15008576? ago

They’ve officially been told not to do it agai.

15008022? ago

Once I start seeing arrests I will feel better...Not until then.... it just sits in my stomach like a rock till then.. the only problem is that there Is a lot of rocks right now...And I'm getting sick....

15015847? ago

then take a break and do something fun. Come back later when something big happens and you then have your excitement back

15007794? ago

As always. Nothing will happen. Nothing at all.

Q will hem and haw about suicide watch, P-A-I-N and some future date when something will supposedly happen (but it won't, it never does). Every time they get away with someone, Q always say we're collecting info or arrests soon or some shit like that but not a damn thing ever happens. Just changes the narrative and moves on to the next topic. He has been doing the same thing for 1yr now, but 0 (ZILCH, NADA) results. Future does indeed prove past.

I wish it did. I wish they'd arrest those fuckers. We could have a cellphone/video cam of Hillary Clinton executing someone, and not a damn thing would ever happen to her. They never suspected Trump in 2016 but they will in 2020. Wait for the fake ballots then too. Trump will be out and with it the hope is gone.

15015460? ago

Q said that the current phase will take 2 YEARS! If you can't take it and it is stressing you out, then take a break and come back after a year and check in and see where we are in the process.

15009395? ago

Just. Go. Away. Then.

15007094? ago

Very good analysis. Thank you.

15006908? ago

What will happen to address voter fraud, you ask? NOTHING will happen. Not a fucking thing. They just stole the election in Arizona, and nobody is doing a thing except bitching about it on social media. Meanwhile, the Democrats win again.

"WE HAVE IT ALL" means fuck-all if we don't see any fucking action on it, and frankly I'm growing tired of being beaten down by the left and the MSM every fucking day to Trust The Plan.

Oh, I'm a concernfag now? Like I gave a fuck.

15009427? ago


15010634? ago

Never change, Voat. Never change.

15006836? ago

You guys have been putting all this effort into long winded explanation as to why nobody is in jail FOR YEARS NOW

Its all bullshit. You are just stringing us along. Until we see people getting hanged or in Gitmo - its all a larp. I've finally given up.

15009449? ago

'years'? 'you guys'?

15009446? ago

(waves bye)

15006559? ago


15006487? ago

I hope your interpretation is correct. We want things sorted out and done correctly. Kinda tired of the corruption and now that we are awakened, its so blatant and obvious that is hard to muster.

15006350? ago

Omg your post is a perfect add-on to the anon's decode I just did a yt video about. Brenda Snipes being part of the plan #slave https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849821 I have got to do another video using your excellent critique. You bread makers are freegin genious in helping us all understsnd wtf is happening. Thank you!

15006299? ago

I am 82 and really need to see some kick ass moves by POTUS soon. All the above makes perfect sense when viewed thru the prism of "The Plan". It's just, I ain't got much time boys. I know, patience, patience, patience.

15015312? ago

I understand your frustration Patriot. I also want to see some arrests. However, this is not about what we want. President Trump is not going to risk the plan because we want some action.

15009982? ago

I think and hope on your hundreds anniversary you will remember this time with a little smile in your face.

15009371? ago

I think you have plenty of time and will see glorious things. Hang in there, patriot.

15006218? ago

The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence but the violent take it by force. It's a righteous violence through prayer, patience, and faith, take fresh courage and know GOD has this all worked out. He's moving by his mighty power through his people, He may not come when we want Him to come, But HE'S ALWAYS ON TIME.

15006008? ago

Nothing substantial will happen to those who commit or benefit from election fraud. Change my mind. (My standard? Verifiable reports of significant consequences.)

15015887? ago

Take a break and come back at Christmas time and we will see what happens... The report from the DHS MUST COME OUT. This have NEVER HAPPENED before.

15005888? ago

There is a chance that this is 'the storm' Trump eluded to early on. Knowing it would happen and backlash that would occur when changes were planned to be implemented but just needed someone willing to challenge the current system.

15005851? ago

Thank you for putting this together. I want to have hope, and this last election with these outrageous actions by the criminal left and the remaining criminal right has put me into a dark place.

15005604? ago

Omar Navarro, Maxine Water's opponent, says he wants CA's numbers and that something big is coming. is it related to Q telling us to watch CA regarding midterms?

General Flynn made a special trip to endorse Mr. Navarro. Hmmmmm,


15009519? ago

Thank you. While extremely vague, I like posts **with links **which suggest something is happening.

15005558? ago

This needs to happen fast and hard! We are loosing faith and Trumps chances of being re-elected is diminishing. Why vote knowing the system is rigged. The D are literally pointing their middle fingers as us. I feel hopeless just like when O was in office! something needs to be done

15015517? ago

you are right to be outraged, but this is not going to all go down immediately. Q said that the next phase will last 2 years. If that stresses you out too much then take a break.

15007231? ago

Fuck off back to share blue. Obvious shill is obvious. If you had any part in our movement you wouldnt ignore all the happenings for the past 2 years.

15012557? ago

I'm not a shill, I have been involved and support Q and Trump all along. Just a little discouraged. and watch your language son!

15009057? ago

instead of just calling someone a shill when they have legitimate questions about why nothing is being done STILL. You might want to LISTEN to what they are saying because this is actually quite important. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE READY TO LEAVE THE TRUMP TRAIN BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT SEEN RESULTS.

How do you NOT understand that is a very real and great problem?

With people like you and your "fuck off shill" attitude, the 2020 campaign slogan is going to become "What's the Point?"

15010254? ago

Yes, it is a problem. "It's not going how I want or think it should go so, I'M LEAVING!" (stomps foot). It's one thing to ask a question, it's another to screech, "It's not happening the way I want it to. It's a LIE!!!"

You don't understand that the shills and legit questions/comments are the same. How are we supposed to know who is legit concernfaggin vs. shill divisionfagging? So, if you legit concernfags are going to wear the same color as the enemy, you are going to get metaphorically shot. Don't you get that?

You might want to figure out a way to ask your questions a different way (if you are serious). Because you just look like enemies trying to demoralize.

SO SUCK IT UP anons or leave if you want. The rest of us will be here, fighting the information war, meme-ing and digging into the information that Q drops.

15005540? ago

What is even more disgusting is the complete inaction by the guys we pay to protect from voter fraud. I DO NOT feel as if I'm getting my money's worth.

15015905? ago

If you are setting up a sting operation, you always LET THE CRIME HAPPEN

15016109? ago

.....and we'll be really happy with the govt. tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. That's how Q has worked so far. We've gotten NOTHING. Except lots of paper. We'll see.

15007253? ago

You don't watch the news do you... Complete inaction is a total lie and you know it.

15007518? ago

I see a lot of wheel spinning. I DONT see doors broken down, or tear stained shamed faces

15005471? ago

Arrests may actually come a bit later, I think. Today, it's getting elections invalidated due to demonstrated fraud, requiring a Special Election to fix. In between will be when arrests occur, and the passage of Voter ID.

15005668? ago

Somedaaaay, over the rainbow...

15007300? ago

You want to continue the status quo, we get it but you've lost. You shills are playing OUR game, you cannot win.

15007887? ago

Okay, I have to admit I can't tell the Qcumbers from the troll posts mocking them anymore. The stupidity blends together all too well.

15005721? ago

Not to suggest there will be none now. Very likely could be. But, many later.

15005410? ago

Yep. I hope to see that "We have it all" Stuff in my lifetime.

15007313? ago

Hope is for shills.

15005359? ago

Great post! ... Thanks!

15005322? ago


So, entirely irrelevant? And I just checked the news this morning - no arrests, just this:


15015579? ago

So then I take it that you want them to be arrested so bad, that you don't want DHS to have all their ducks in a row when they do arrest them, and as a result the crooks get off?

15017666? ago

No, I want them lynched by outraged citizens, but failing that, rounded up by whatever Presidential powers exist for dealing with 'traitors' (whatever term) and neutralized.

15009109? ago

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking "well this doesn't seem to apply to Soros or his fellow traitorous 'Americans'"

15005306? ago

Dec 21st is my birthday !!

15005180? ago

I can only hope!

15005113? ago

EXCELLENT post, I see so many goats whinging on and on about the fraudulent elections and criminal actors, and they seem stuck on these tiny fractions of the problem. Building popular outrage is a necessary first step, in any kind “democratic” society, or the enforcement actions will be another point the captive media use to try and hammer POTUS out of office. There are clearly law enforcement authorities working quietly to build the cases and gather the evidence needed to CONVICT these traitors. I am not a pompous or egotistical person butudt thank Q for showing me — over and over — how much more clever, aware, intelligent, and analytical I am than the average college educated American. These people are stupid, because apparently they cannot see the magnificent forest Trump (with the backing of some fearsome MI Intellects) is growing here.

15019237? ago

This is because Trump manages his forest.

15020981? ago


15008608? ago

"...cannot see the magnificent forest Trump is growing here." Excellent post for you too.

Q says this is war. So either be a soldier and take orders or dishonorably discharged yourself. Way too many think they "know" how things should go or be done. Way too many think they have all the answers..or base their opinions on what little we know, been told or read. For those screaming "I WANT IT NOW"...put a sock in it.

WE didn't even know there was a treasonous, legal 36 year agreement to let the Democrats cheat in elections. How much MORE do we NOT know?

We are not Military Intelligence. We have had only a glimpse of how deep and evil the swamp is. Right now, WE are support staff. Grunts, infantry, foot soldiers. Either you trust your commanding officers or get out.

There is nothing else. That is all.

15036737? ago

In Virginia, dead folks have been voting since the 19th. century, always for demondraps!!! where did you get this "legal 36 year agreement" nonsense! "Legal" merely means that you aren't likely to be arrested for something, even if it's unlawful!

15037206? ago

"Legal" merely means that you aren't likely to be arrested for something, even it it's unlawful!" Exactly!!!

Info about this is all over the place now. Funny how the public NEVER knew about this little gem...it's actually called a "consent decree." Simple explanation...Dem's accused Repubs of voter intimidation long ago in New Jersey (I think). Had a judge rule that Repubs could no longer contest elections. This to be re-upped by the judge every year because Dems would claim Repubs are intimidating voters thru various means. Dec, 2017, it was smacked down and vacated. Hence the voter sting by Q/POTUS. Dems have been stealing elections all these long years.

Be careful what article you read tho...liberal spin on this subject is already taking place.

15025079? ago

<legal 36 year agreement to let the Democrats cheat in elections>

What are you referencing with this statement? I tried to google it and not finding anything.

15013975? ago

Really hate Qtards that like to heap everyone in the same barrel of ignorance they personally were in before they found Q. Not cool man. Some of us are actually quite in the know, and are a little deeper than others, as far as intelligence gathering is concerned, and know a lot more and frankly, are not grunts. Some of us actually carry credentials. Don't heap people in groups and generalize. Speak for yourself. When some of us step and point our irregularities and mistakes, know that some of us know that mistakes have been made by Q and they are not always perfect. We aren't shills, or disgruntled angry people. We are simply seeing a bigger picture than some are seeing- because of their tendency to want 'perfect' conditions before making the slightest move against the DS. Sometimes you have to take some down here and there to send a message and sometimes, you have to foil deep ops that hurt people and damage property (CA Fires). Not everyone agrees that sitting on ones hands is the best strategy.

15030931? ago

Good grief...check your pride. That was meant for the vast majority of people who are late to the game, standing around with their stuffed bears, whining and demanding answers and action "NOW!"

15021679? ago

Truth. The unknown is great and speculation is rampant. But the known is enough to graph out a number of high probability outcomes. For some of them, melting steel beams is an optimistic understatement.

I would like to have 1/10th of Trump's sangfroid.

15009523? ago

well said Patriot 👍🏻

15007921? ago

"There are clearly law enforcement authorities working quietly to build the cases and gather the evidence needed to CONVICT these traitors."
Do you have a link to share on this? All I have is a believable Laura Loomer photo, but nothing from Law Enforcement.

15012022? ago

Don’t know whether you are showing yourself to be quite lazy by asking me for a link, or if you are ahilling, throwing shade on fact that law enforcement against voter fraud is taking place all across this nation, but here ya go:



“The Florida judge overseeing the lawsuit by Republican Senate candidate Gov. Rick Scott against South Florida elections officials warned lawyers on both sides “ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/11/12/politics/florida-recount-republicans-claim-fraud-democrats-call-scott-dictator/index.html


“Just two days before the election, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office launched an investigation Sunday into the Democratic Party after an alleged attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system” https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/how-voting-issues-became-big-issue-georgia-governor-race/MV3R6DVALi8lyrq42NaAhM/amp.html

“HARRISBURG — Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced an election worker has pleaded guilty in connection with voter fraud committed during a 2017 special election for a state House seat in Philadelphia” https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/taking-action/updates/case-update-election-fraud-in-197th-state-house-race-2/

“Minnesota remains one of a dozen or so states refusing to cooperate with the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Minnesota’s top election official, Secretary of State Steve Simon, continues to offer cover to a same day voter registration system that’s particularly vulnerable to fraud under current practices.” https://www.google.com/search?q=us+election+fraud+charge&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari

“Last week, Los Angeles police arrested three people on Skid Row on felony election fraud charges” https://www.shouselaw.com/what-is-california-voter-fraud





15034891? ago

Wow thanks for the links! Still checking them out but did you see this tweet from PapaD re: forensically marked ballots? https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRealRaNon/status/1062506783766269952?s=20

15024397? ago

I am searching for legal activity in Broward County post-election, not nationally before & after. I know lawyers are involved, but I'm missing the law enforcement piece....ie search warrants, etc...the stuff which precedes indictments. I fear they will get away with it and steal the election. Thank you for your detailed reply, and please keep the faith.

15014704? ago

Let's hope the people working this see these as well. It's easier to make a case if the media reported it as well. Hence why the FBI planted stories with the media and then used them as part of the basis for the FISA warrant.

15006353? ago

Awesome post Patriot!

15005638? ago

I am not a pompous or egotistical person butudt thank Q for showing me — over and over — how much more clever, aware, intelligent, and analytical I am than the average college educated American.

- A Qcumber...

15007030? ago


15007822? ago

Potentially a National Treasure!

15005014? ago

That was great and I think right on target!!! Thank you!!!

15005007? ago

You laid it out logically. Thank you. Trying hard to be logical and not be emotional about this.

15004964? ago

Nothing is going to happen, President Trump and Q are BOTH just the other party of the Cabal. Don't get angry at me, learn to see the obvious. Cabal plays both sides.

15013675? ago

You are either only 2 years old or your attention span is only 2 years. Otherwise, you would have noticed the general difference in how DJT is treated by the JSM AROUND THE GLOBE compared to any other US president E V E R.

15015483? ago

I noticed the rest of the world leaders hate President Trump. That is good. I still think rich people are the root of evil. President Trump will get richer, no accountability will ever happen to the people in power. Same old same old.

15015778? ago

Thank You, yours is a classic for misunderstanding/misuse the book. "The LOVE OF money is the root of all evil." is written. Your simplification leads to disastrous miscalculation IMHO.

15023659? ago

I have no idea what all your college words are trying to convey. Okay I think they convey you are chasing money and try to use that as reason and legitimacy. Have fun.

15006274? ago


15004910? ago


AKA Don't put the cart before the horse.

15007360? ago

No point in arrests if they get off on technicalities. All ducks must be in a row before the trigger is pulled otherwise we lose and there are no 2nd chances.

15004889? ago

Use logic! Think of what will happen if Trump takes aggressive action and just rounds everybody up ! How would the "main stream media" portray that? If we are going to fix this mess without a civil war or a military coup we need to have faith that Potus and MI knows what they are doing. If they move to hard or fast outside the apparent proper channels we just give the swamp more ammo to feed the sheep. I don't know what the tipping point will be when Potus and Military intelligence will be able to act aggressively in the open but be assured their is a war going on behind the scene , it has to happen this way or it's full blown marshall law and civil war. Don't drop the ball now, wwg1wga, believe it !

15022653? ago

You can't condone inaction because of how the MSM will portray things. They are the propaganda arm of the DNC. Expect that everything will be like Schumer arguing against stop signs. WHen corruption are this obvious doing nothing makes you look like a chump and weak. I don't blame anyone for being pissed. We all got out to vote to effect change and still nothing. Some of us have been at this for over 10 years.

15024805? ago

You can't assume the lack of visual activity means inaction. We don't know what's happening behind-the-scenes and as far as the msm is concerned if they wanted to strong arm their way through this and arrest everyone they would have done it a long time ago but the courts needed to be fixed first! What good would it do to shove all the scum bags through a system that is stacked with their own appointees? How much angrier would you be if they all got arrested and them one by one was aloud to walk?

15027116? ago

Good points.

15007823? ago

God, did we raise a hopeless generation? “Think about what will happen” Every thought about was happening already? They want you dead or assimilated and they don’t care about you and they hate you. There is nothing President Trump or you can do to make them hate you more.

Thank God the founders actually were MEN. Had they worried about what might happen they would never have fought a revolution. They realized there are things that are worse than death!

15009169? ago

The founding fathers were the/are the SAME people as Q and POTUS today. THEY had a plan then; THEY have a plan now.

You do realize that the men who fought in the revolution took orders. They all didn't run up to those captains and generals in charge, squealing, "Do it now! I WANT YOU TO (fill in the blank). Or (hands on hips and stomping foot) "General, this war is taking too LONG." Or we all decided that you should put those men over here, your horses there and just go arrest that guy...because we don't think you are doing enough!!!" "General, you'd better do (fill in the blank) or I'm gonna tell everyone in my platoon to desert!"

Unbelievable. Jeez, no wonder we only have "pieces" of the plan. Half this "army" is too soft to be here.

15015265? ago

It has nothing to do with being soft. it has to do with you wanting to be the General and tell the President when to do what. You either trust him or you don't. Your choice...

15014480? ago

Many consider the beginning of the effort to rebel against England the Boston Tea Party in December of 1773. Starting in March of 1774 the colonies started passing different acts to get end the association with England.

The First Continental Congress met later than year in Sept. 5-Oct. 26: 1774. From that first meeting the next hammer to drop was March 23: 1775 Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech made history. The very next month the Minutemen and redcoats clash at Lexington and Concord "The shot heard 'round the world." From basically the end of 1773 in December Tea party to the first shot fired in the pursuit of liberty it took how many months? By the FIRST CONTINENTAL meeting 6 months later shots were fired for liberty.

You decide if this meets your description of a long time.

The other note: I swore my oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I earned the metal in my body the old fashion way and would never take it back.

15030977? ago

God bless, patriot.

15008190? ago

They didn't run into it blindly and over night! They tried to reason with england for years and the revolution didn't start with the founding father's it started with action by the common man! Read about the broad ax rules on mast trees in New Hampshire and numerous other individual acts that led up to the full blown revolution and separation from england!

15007576? ago

The mainstream media should be the first ones rounded up and put in chains. Then the sheep will need a new source of information. Take over the media, and give the people the truth. If you can round up fifty thousand plus bad guys in one sweep, you can round up all the corrupt media owners and actors with less effort.

15007838? ago

What do you think that action would look like to the average sheep? Do you care about popular perception? What do you think the rest of the world will be doing? What will be the effects on the economy? CRASH? We may end up there but not yet, if the dems get to maintain the status quo and actually seat more crooked congressmen then it's time to take of the gloves! January will be a defining month.

15008125? ago

The longer we are put off the stronger the enemy is getting. The more they will legislate themselves into total control. Gun control is coming to set the people into permanent bondage to the cabal elites. When they get that total control, then they begin with population control. Whouedo you think will be first? They have already telegraphed the answer to that question a hundred times or more. It with be those history has proven to be the best at mounting a resistence. It will be white men. They are working on it already.

15007436? ago

The inaction will guarantee civil war, not prevent it. They're at the end of the linear part of the patience curve. Get ready for the avalanche.

15007696? ago

I would like to think the good guys know that and I would think that some major action is imminent! I think all of this was hinging on the midterms knowing the swamp would have to cheat and operatives were in place to catch them.

15005710? ago


And your logic is so flawed that they should take away your right to vote.

15005971? ago

Spoken like a true fascist!

15005997? ago

Do you want your governance determined by stupid people?

15006135? ago

Of course not but it all ready is ! Look at the uninformed people who vote and only think of their own personal single issues like abortion and other bull shit! They never think of the general welfare of the country just their own personal pet issues. They don't have enough brains to realize that a rising tide raises all ships and a strong country is needed for the general welfare of all.

15006166? ago

So you agree that stupid people shouldn't control government?

15021859? ago

So why are you taking away a right to vote, the electoral college already serves that purpose (for that purpose). Otherwise, Hillary would have won and we’d be playing the part of Germany in WWIII (which is the script the left is stil stuck on since that was their original plan; they being those who would benefit [nationless globalist elitists]).

15005656? ago

Bullshit. Leftists, Globalists, and Anarchsits will take to the streets with or without some DHS report backed by any and all verifiable evidence of voter fraud and the MSM will side with them. THEY don't give two shits about the law, or what is right, or fair...they care ONLY about winning because winning = control. They will NOT acquiesce until they control every aspect of your life. There needs to be action NOW. No amount of time or paperwork will make this easier, though it may make it more palatable from an historical perspective - "Why so many leaders on the left were imprisoned and executed - Why so many sheep on the left took to the streets where they were slaughtered." Let's just get this shit over with.

15037587? ago

If we were to take to the streets, we would be giving them exactly what they want, a reason to label us as violent thugs who shouldn't own or possess firearms!!! We need to stay where we are to protect family, friends, and neighborhood!!!

15015212? ago

So what's your answer? Arrest everyone now before they have all the evidence and then they will get off because we do not have our ducks in a row for prosecution. I am really impressed that you have more information and insight than the President and the entire NSA in order to determine when is the right time to arrest people.

15022713? ago

Send in the authorities to these election facilities, secure it , arrest individuals involved, and investigate. Meanwhile put a hold on announcing any winners ti ll the investigation is complete.

15018791? ago

Your sarcasm is wasted on me. I said what I meant. I've been following since Pizzagate (shit name by the way for pedophilia and pedovoric behavior). Between PG and the widespread election fraud (ELECTION FRAUD NOT voter fraud), they SURELY have enough to start a war and with as many fucks as they will need to roll up on charges ranging from treason to murder to child rape to racketeering, we are almost certainly not going to have a few quiet, genteel, televised trials and tribunals. We are almost certain to have a civil war...So let us get it started and get it over.

15020365? ago

Have your own opinion, but I do not want a war. I want to save as many normies as possible. If it comes to war, so be it. I oppose evil, but I do not hate like you do. Be careful or you will be consumed by your hate. You may destroy yourself in the process.

15005953? ago

When they take to the streets the President is trying to make sure that they look like the bad guys ! He is trying to wake up as many as possible before that happens so he doesn't come off looking like a Dictator! The general public is uninformed and allot of them just don't want to know! What do you want to do? If the President releases all the information that he has who is going to report it? Is he going to release everything on twatter?

15007973? ago

You can't wake up the willfully asleep. There's no reason the WH can't create a news story and distribute it via their own channels. They could have been doing this all along to get the truth out. The "keeping up appearances" farce has run it's course.

15008055? ago

Maybe it has. But i'm willing to waite until the new congress is seated to see how this is going to pan out! We can always resort to killing them all!

15005497? ago

Marshall Law (Japanese: マーシャル・ロウ Hepburn: Māsharu Rou) is a player character from the Tekken fighting game franchise by Bandai Namco Entertainment. He makes his series debut in the original Tekken, in which he is a Chinese-American restaurateur who wants to open a martial arts school that he hopes to fund with the prize money from the Tekken series' King of Iron Fist fighting tournaments. He has a son named Forest Law who becomes playable later in the series, and is close friends with fellow contestant Paul Phoenix. Marshall has made limited appearances in alternate Tekken media such as the 2009 feature film, and is often described as a tribute to martial artist Bruce Lee, with whom Marshall shares many characteristics and for which he has received mixed critical and public reception.

I noticed you started that with "use logic", then went on to exhort us to "have faith"...

15005774? ago

What would like to do? Start shooting everyone? What if the President has a better plan? Do you really want to screw that up? You and I are on the out side and don't know the whole plan but I can see what they are trying to do and i'm willing to let them try! We can always resort to civil war so whats your hurry? What do you think our enemies in europe will be doing while we are fighting each other?

15006195? ago

There is already a war, but only one side is fighting. That's why no shooting is needed or happening.

15004880? ago

When will you Q tards realize it really was just a Larp and absolutely NOTHING will be done about the stolen elections. Nothing is ever done about it and nothing will ever be done about it.

Wake up you fucking idiots. They have been putting their crimes out in plain sight for all to see our entire lives because it's gotten to the point they know we can't do anything to stop them, so now they are just flaunting it in our faces every day.

The only way it's going to stop is by killing them off. And once we go down that path we lose anyway. Violent revolotions usually end with a tyrannical despot in charge.

We are just fucked. I wish you all luck but at some point it's gonna be everyone for themselves.

15005537? ago

A tyrannical despot would be far better than the fate we currently face.

15013765? ago

Shill Team 2 - you failed.

15013463? ago

It probably would. Especially if I'm the tyrannical despot.

15005385? ago

Wrong ... WWG1WGA ... No man left behind, not even you ... Carry on!

15004976? ago

You should move to France. Be sure to bring your white flag.

15005119? ago

France does have better Healthcare so I'll live longer than you dumb ass McDonald's eating morons.

15007397? ago

Lol, so funny when the trolls out themselves as eurocucks.

15013809? ago

KEK yes, they re acting in teams now, splendid.

15013396? ago

Sorry I know how to call a turd a fucking turd when I see one. Instead of you dumb Q tards who rub your noses in it and tell everyone it's a bouquet of roses.

Fucking idiots.

15005691? ago

Hey, genius. The same people that provide your (((healthcare))) is the one feeding the population (((mcdonalds))) wake up.

15013444? ago

I'm 43 and have been to the doctor once since I was 18 to get stitches after a deep cut. You dumb asses go and assume everyone is a shill whenever they question your dear leader.

At least North Koreans KNOW the name of their dear leader. You fucking idiots have no idea who is behind the letter Q yet you blindly follow him as an infallible God.

Don't kill yourself when you find out for yourself it was a crock of shit.

15005287? ago

Adios, bitch.

15004794? ago

That was well said. And thas exactly what I'm waiting for. Rule of Law. All nice and legal.

15008058? ago

The rule of law is useless when power belongs to the lawless.

15015376? ago

unless you have a plan to use it against them and take back control.

15004760? ago

Before we get excited about MASS ARRESTS, does anyone know who the foreign actors are? I'm stuck on that detail.

15015965? ago

coming to you in a report on Dec. 21st

15004929? ago

Is Soros foreign? I don't know for sure, but I know non-citizens are foreign, so those who helped the non-citizens to vote could be included. I think.

15004694? ago

Very very well said and logical. As Q said think logically and not emotionally. I will admit that my knee jerk reaction is to say "WTF this is blatant, arrest these jerks" but knowing how lawsuits and criminal investigations work, you need to catch them in the act and then counter act.

15005597? ago

How is it logical to apply an EO dealing with foreign interference to corrupt US citizens stealing elections? Is this "Q-logic"?

15020243? ago

Like Foreign citizens voting in a US election?

15042811? ago

They are not representatives of a foreign government.

15089882? ago

You don't know that

15093675? ago

Sure, you could look at them that way, but in a legal sense, they haven't been appointed or officially designated. I believe this was about that EO, and if you read though it, it's pretty specific about targeting "official" foreign interference.

15015349? ago

Also think about how illegals may have been funding the election of candidates (making election contributions). This would also fall under this EO. The candidates taking the money would also be in trouble.

15017575? ago

It refers to foreign governments, or their representatives. Illegals have nothing to do with this.

15020509? ago

Well even if you are right about this EO, President Trump gave the DHS authority to monitor the entire election process after the election commission was disbanded, so they can still deal with voter fraud.

15019197? ago

Ya mean, like Soros...?

15042797? ago

Does not represent a foreign government.

15008663? ago

If they find evidence of domestic election fraud in the process of looking for evidence of foreign interference, they can use it.

15009118? ago

Since I want to live, I won't be holding my breath.

15006594? ago

Illegals voted.

15004541? ago

Good question! When will people start being arrested? Time will tell.....

Right now, this is looking more and more like bullshit everyday.

15015281? ago

ok, then lurk and we will see what happens

15015399? ago

Nope. I'm loud and vocal and come here every day to express my disbelief. I demand arrests. Until that happens, this is all just words on the Internet. I've been "lurking" on Voat for over 4 yrs now. I'm an old goat.

15016005? ago

Well, then the best way to deal with the likes of you is to ignore you. Blathering you emotional thoughts is unproductive.

15016014? ago

You WISH you could ignore me. But, I'm multiplying. Soon you will be drowned out.

15020398? ago

LOL good luck. You won't have time before VOAT and Facebook and Twitter and ALL social media is taken down by the Deep State. I am prepared for that. Are you prepared ?

15020409? ago

Yep. I don't need social media. I hang out here for fun.

15006978? ago

Tell share blue your tactics aren't working. They're wasting their money.

15007877? ago

The best part is -- I don't get paid for this... I do it for fun because I enjoy it.

15008216? ago

Ah, so you admit that you are trying to demoralize patriots. Got it. Whether you believe it or not...you will reap what you sow. It's going to suck to be you.

15004509? ago

Screw cheering up, we need ARRESTS, and we need them now. This is getting ridiculous

15037368? ago

I'm glad most of the people I'm seeing on Voat right now aren't in charge of arrests or prosecutions, or every one of the suspects would walk!!! I keep seeing "I want it and I want it now!" Life is not McDonalds!!! Probably half of it is shills who need their diapers changed, but there are way too many who aren't willing to wait for every "i" to be dotted and every "t" to be crossed, and all of the possible counts against each criminal being in the indictment!!! Only an ironclad case can assure that any of the criminals who've been attempting to enslave us for decades gets what's coming, full accountability for their crimes against humanity!!!

15047945? ago

No one of importance will ever be arrested. Keep waiting and you will see. Believe what you will, it changes nothing. If only all of us regular folk could have the law treat us the same way. We would get arrested just for forgetting a payment to the insurance companies, when will you see the obvious?

15010203? ago

Deep breath friend, this is a major operation with many macro and micro moving parts. (((They))) want you to feel pain via msm propaganda and disinformation. The truth will prevail.

15006816? ago

"Those know the truth cannot sleep." Buck up how do you think they feel? Your suffering is but a blip compared to theirs.

15007229? ago

Bullshit. That reeks of "the elite suffer more." We've lost friends and family to demonic influence. We are watching our beloved country die in real time. Stuff your "they hurt more" propaganda up your degenerate ass.

15228622? ago

I'm talking about Q you pompous asshole . Whining child.

15268988? ago

You and your imaginary wizardkin may go in peace. Let those of us who know deal in reality. Q is a psyop. It's blatantly not what you dream it is.

No cabal arrests. Not one. Likely Assange arrest or death. 11/11 "united" non event "Glorious 2018" non event.

A president with a good heart and head who now has no chance of re-election. One whose name will be forever linked to the stolen elections of 2018 instead of positive action. His congress had two years to secure the voting systems and did nothing - the cabal made certain of that.

While trying to prevent the worst possible outcome "our side" has very likely solidified it in stone. We now have a president who can barely muster the forces necessary to protect our borders. A president who can't stop the cabal from torching CA for the sheer fun of it. A president who dreams the US military is on his side in this fight. (Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex was prescient. Those who know the truth cannot sleep.)

Indeed "Those who know the truth cannot sleep". The NWO plan has always been to burn it all. Nothing has changed. They all have safe locations to bug out when they press the buttons. They have launch codes and total UN control. Our side snatching back control of a couple dozen satellites is like pissing on a forest fire and was likely a tactical move on their part.

You are "poor Q" commiserating - why? If we are in this together the depth, breadth, and overwhelming strength and structure of depravity's grip on this world hurts us all. Don't you think if this was going down easy it would have been done and over? I pray that God save us from white knights who dream up never ending internet meme "victories" and imagine only magical "Q" and a couple of dozen others maintain situational awareness.

Why is "Q" looking for "muh feefees" from his followers? Didn't your mother give you a WARNING not to believe what you read on the internet?

15066936? ago

Blow me chicken scared scared scared. You stink of fear .

15007215? ago

Frankly I don not care how they feel. Either we are nation of laws or we are not.

15011802? ago

Okay so you realize there are laws set in place so the administration can’t just arrest people...you answered your own question why arrests haven’t happened on mass scale/public perp walks. Legalities. IE “a nation of laws” remember we have to prove beyond reasonable doubt evidence implicates an individual before we remove their rights, no matter how greasy you believe they are as a person. What would it matter if we arrested people without crossing legal T’s and dotting constitutional I’s... not only would it be thrown out in a court of law, you would be the one jumping on the “politaically motivated arrests” train

15018815? ago

Thank you... Good to see some Intelligence and Rationality round here.

15007810? ago

Agree. A warrior that "can't sleep" over what they're fighting against and what needs to be done needs to go back to Mommy's basement. Warriors don't carry the fee-fees onto the battlefield.

15014524? ago

Tell me how many battlefields you been on that did not include PlayStation?

15018842? ago

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha...!

15014895? ago

You're correct and have changed my mind. Warriors whine and bitch all the time about feelings. I remember when we were vectoring in attacks during Desert Storm the entire team was sobbing in empathy. Those poor camel fuckers!

15008726? ago

You are a fucking /\asshat and this is not playing well. People are rightfully concerned that NOTHING is going on while criminality is going on live on our TV sets. I do not watch TV but the blue pillers are and its not helping potus or this movement.

15005587? ago

We needed them years ago. Now they are just laughing in our faces. Well.....I think they finally found the ONE thing that would spur Christian conservatives into civil war. Complete inaction on their part. It's brilliant, really. These guys are as evil as it's possible to be....but they are definitely smart.

15005378? ago

The Q team had photos of Page and Paul Strzok in China. Guaranteed the Q team had eyes and cameras at polling stations they deemed corrupt. Have faith and trust the plan. We are at war with an army of evil entrenched in society. Fight like your way of life is on the line because it is. If these evil fucks get back into the WH we will be ruled. Pray, fight and wake as many around you as you can. Please stop posting doubt, we are at war.

15193681? ago

Faith is for God. Everybody else gets well-deserved suspicion. Faith in your mystery man with the mystery plan probably lost the House to the Democrats. Good job.

15194194? ago

Be careful when commentating on the Lord. I pray that you change your ways and the you find Yeshua. There is no mystery I died and was literally touched. Please make your way to a church that follows scripture. God, angels, demons and satan are all very real.

That said Q is real. Trust the plan. Do not let this evil divide the good people of the world.

15021703? ago

Doubt? Hah you can’t go back on Red Pill. The doormouse isn’t ready for what’s coming through the door when this D5 starts. It literally cannot be stopped now without something akin to divine intervention (which must be behind this in the first place, if you’ve studied it long enough).

15009423? ago

'Peter' Strzok. But Yeah! Obama about did us in. Hillary was to be the Finisher. Thank GOD for Trump and The Military.

15007187? ago

What does it matter if you do nothing with the information?

15007504? ago

Give our side a chance, its been less than a week. DJT and team Q are fighting a powerful evil that is entrenched in Govt, courts, schools, law enforcement, medicine etc. DJT and the military will declare Martial law before allowing America to be ruled by these evil fucks. DJT and our military have children and grandchildren that will never be safe if we fail. WWG1WGA

15008540? ago

We will have Hillary in the Whitehouse in two years time if this corruption isn't stopped very soon!

15007064? ago

That's not doubt. It's reality. If they sit those stolen seats we're not going to improve anything.

15007318? ago

Agreed, If they are allowed to keep those seats we are in real trouble and there is no way DJT could win in 2020. IMO DJT, Q and our military will declare Martial law before they allow America and it citizens to be ruled by these evil bastards.

15006757? ago

We are at war that's why they lost doubt. Any concern trolls at just that and are posting for the other side.

15008269? ago

They've always been with us. From a clay tablet found in the basement of the New York City Museum, antiquities department. "I know Hammurabi pledged to clean up the legal system, but come on, it's been YEARS. Nothing's changed. The Temple whores STILL overcharge for blowjobs, THE RENTS TOO DAMN HIGH, and if (indecipherable due to damage) sn't do somerthing soon, I give up on him. I want arrests. He promised big, but if he doesn't deliverhe's just a bi-" fragment ends.

15007361? ago

IMO DJT, Q and our military will declare Martial law before they allow America and it citizens to be ruled by these evil bastards. Martial law

15006248? ago

Had photos and did nothing

15010340? ago

Exactly. Q was a beacon of hope for those drowning in a void of helplessness.

Blatant voter fraud is happening without repercussion.

What's the point? Inaction is brewing the same helplessness Q helped people overcome.

Now what?

15004391? ago

The EO only addresses foreign interference. Because the Democrat party often interferes with the voting process in order to usurp power, an EO is needed to address this issue.

15015622? ago

There are already laws against voter fraud that apply to everyone, including Dems. We don't need an EO for that. We need to have all the evidence ready and an official report which justifies to John Q Public why the arrests are being done. Sure not everyone will accept the report, but many will once they see the evidence.

15016671? ago

What happened to the days when the laws were enforced and law enforcement did not need public approval?

15008536? ago

all illegals voting is foreign interference. >

15009494? ago

all illegals voting is foreign interference.

Agreed. Rather than worrying about whether their votes can be tied to a foreign power is another issue. Getting rid of illegal votes is a significant issue. A greater issue is the counting of votes.

15004915? ago

Foreign interference = illegal alian voting

15005008? ago

Although I understand your point and agree with your objective, foreign interference refers to a foreign power i.e. a foreign government.

15015640? ago

But if you look at the EO it also specifically refers to individuals, not just foreign entities.

15016755? ago

What I read said "individuals acting on behalf of a foreign entity." Obviously we just want to get justice for misdeeds and to have a lawful election.

15004913? ago

Globalists are tied socially, politically, and financially to foreign elements. You could simply pick a country ... Chinese, Indian, Russian?

15005814? ago

exactly. If you don't know most countries are actually all in on this joke, you have a lot to learn. countries are an illusion, they are all in it together, and the joke is on us.

15004552? ago

What is needed to "address this issue" is arrests. Mass arrests.

15004650? ago

Arrests are needed but the EO provided only mentions the possibility of arrests for cases of foreign interference.

15015650? ago

it also addresses foreign individuals not just entities.

15006567? ago

Soros or those acting on behalf of him.

15004726? ago

No arrests = this whole Q thing is bullshit.

The ONLY thing that will prove that this Q thing is not bullshit are mass arrests.

15005049? ago

Q doesn't matter. Republicans don't matter. Democrats don't matter. Only doing the right thing matters. Addressing voter fraud is the right thing.

15005071? ago

Mass arrests = the right thing

15007105? ago

You would hope that there are the appropriate laws in place to penalize and punish election tampering. The EO mentioned only applied to foreign governmental agents. Election vote counters seem to have incredible power. The Democrat policy of counting every vote is corrupt. One can easily see that illegal votes should not be counted.

15004371? ago

I got really down about the fraud but after taking some time to think on it I have come to the same conclusions you have except until this morning I was unaware of the EO. Thanks for the time you spent putting this together patriot. WWG1WGA

15004289? ago

I agree. The Voter ID law would never pass Congress if voter fraud was not proven and those arrested for committing the crime were not punished. This entire election was a set up to expose the corruption of the D's and R's in Congress and across the US. I love it when a plan comes together! WWG1WGA

15012601? ago

Agree. I am still trying to understand why so many Republicans so desperately deny we have a voting fraud issue in my state. They have played right into the DemocRats’ hands, insisting there is no issue, discrediting anyone who raises the issue. WHY? I do not understand why they are so determined to shut any changes in the law (voter ID, etc) down... There are several who are activist RINOs, but I really really wonder if they are sheeps in wolves’ clothing, actually Ds...

15015678? ago

I believe that the Never Trumpers are also in cahoots with the Deep State.

15013457? ago

Read this! Up until this year, it wouldn't matter!


15004665? ago

Next up: putting that info on a chip and implanting into every citizen!

15004959? ago

I don't think any Christian will go for that but as I have said before, we are witnessing the separation of the wheat from the tares--the sheep from the goats--- so that may be more of what is to come!

15004999? ago

The "Christians" are supporting the first step -- a National ID card. Right now, they'll vote to have a plastic one. But, in the future, that will morph into a chip that gets implanted. They first have to get everyone on board with a) having a National ID card and b) showing it everywhere to receive goods and services. After they've conditioned the sheep to do that without complaining, it will be turned into a chip implant. All the scanners are already in place. We just need to get the "Christians" to vote the plan in first.

15007856? ago

God already gave everyone on the planet a unique chip. It is called a finger print and we should fucking use it to verify eligible voters, and you shouldn't be able to register without putting it on file, and verifying that you are a citizen. You should have to renew that registration every damned year to stop the dead from voting.

15005822? ago

No doubt it is coming. Only thing is it will be Worldwide!

15005911? ago

Which is why we should all say "NO" when they try to force us to enter ourselves into the database. Need a face scan or fingerprint for you Biometric Database? How about "NO! Suck my dick!". Need a DNA sample for the national records? How about "No! Bite my shiny metal ass!" The more we resist and push back on this stuff the better off we'll be.