Hillbilly69 ago

Research your history (not only US but include World history). Keep an open mind, take your emotions out of it, deal strictly with the facts. Think critically and use logic as directed by Q numerous times. Then as (An0m4ly) suggested you debate openly without emotion but strictly facts. By doing this the community and movement will grow productively. You will start to form a picture of how our system of governance and society itself got to be MESSED UP AND ON IT'S HEAD. This is the only way, the only path we have as a society to move forward and not repeat the same mistakes.

Know for the voting issue. Up vote if it's an interesting, informative and educational piece. I personally will never down vote anything. It's a former of censorship in my opinion but that's just me. Just FYI I was playing this game long before Q came along hell before the internet. Ops now I'm telling my age. I hope and prayer this helps even 1 person get past the shock & awe we new people are struggling with. Free speech love it at times, hate it at others. Still have to have it to have a FREE SOCIETY.

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my children may have peace. Thomas Paine

God bless you all WWG1WGA

Gofer1 ago

The entire voat community, old goats and noobs alike, were done a huge disservice in the migration. Most of us came to voat totally ignorant of the culture. The mods, whose jobs should have been to inform us of the culture and what to expect, and what we should do as noobs, did just the opposite. Their priority should have been focusing on a smooth transition. But that's not what they did. They willfully and deliberately set up a sub, set unrealistic parameters, hid other subs ( especially great awakening), and told us to ignore them when we did discover them. I don't blame goats for being pissed and I don't blame them for wanting to keep their culture. Many goats have been here from the beginning. This is their home. We were invited by the mods to come trash the place.

As far as changing the culture, I don't think it will change a whole lot. Those who want sterilized into will stay in censored subs or leave. The rest of us want to be goats.

SGM11Z ago

If "they" (the 10 or so) stop posting forum sliding nonsense in Q subs, I'm sure "we" will stop downvoting "their" racist rants in other subs. It goes both ways.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown






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SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

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An0m4ly ago

We messed up when we got here. We stop first. And debate them, don't lazily downvote something you disagree with.

DocHoliday2020 ago

Conflicting opinions shouldn’t lead to hostilities imo and still speaking your mind might leave others with the impression that you are an asshole

An0m4ly ago

I'm talking about mass downvoting in other subs. If you're being rational and civil, you can't help what others think of it.

LoveHopeDream ago

assimilate or tolerate? We shouldn't stop being ourselves and start cussing and being hostile for no reason just because that how the old goats are used to things.

Subarctica ago

Really wierd "us. Vs them" dynamic. And implying"their" home? Who is they. No one lives here. This is just an anonymous message board? Users are users. Not tenants. If you're here you're a user. I totally am on board with your prime argument of dont censor stuff just because you dont like it 100%. But I dont understand the us vs them thing. Am I just too old to get it? Can anyone explain that dynamic better?? How long does one need to be a user or contributor to be considered in one group vs the other?

An0m4ly ago

Well "they're" complaining, which I'm surprised you haven't seen. The community will change due to our presence but let's be respectful and ease into the community/experience.

Awake2Truth ago

Most of the Q followers are not able to down vote yet, so I doubt there has been "mass down voting"-at least not on our end. There has definitely been coordinated down voating on their end. All that being said, you are right, we are the newbies and we should acknowledge and respect the Voat culture. The reality is, we will change that culture by our sheer numbers--which is what they are legitimately worried about. So the bigger question--which you raise- is what type of culture will we create? One that values free speech and the right of someone to speak, even when what they say is "ad hominem" name fagging, dumbass words? I've found being here liberating as well as provocative--It has made me stop and question my own reactions to things , especially things I don't want to hear. It has also made me realize I can be lazy in my thinking, unwilling to unpack my beliefs and to put forth a rational position. I appreciate your post and the call to not be "assholes." But even more importantly I appreciate the encouragement to be the independent researchers and thinkers that Q has always pushed us to be. This independent thinking is a fundamental value expressed here on Voat and it is central to being a real Patriot. TY!

An0m4ly ago

100% and much respect. There have been calls in /theawakening to up vote each other to gain ccp in order to downvote which may or may not be targeted at our subs alone. But yeah all the shockjock racial slurs probably put up some people's defenses and they might have gone vigilante in other subs.

Regardless, it's going to be good for goats and Q followers to work through it, if we can do so peacefully

Awake2Truth ago


Christosgnosis ago

The locals come in and shill in this subverse. When they post off topic shilling, then yeah down vote the hell out of it if you've got the CCP

But yeah, don't go invade other subverses and down vote in some kind of moral panic crusade

On Voat, the ethos is that off topic post to a subverse can be deleted by mods, down voted by its subscribers. Just stick to that simple ethic and everything will work itself out.

An0m4ly ago
