bungalowwil ago

I'm not looking for a censored environment and seek to censor NO ONE. The only thoughts that I've ever tried to censor are impure thoughts that are a danger to my soul. I'm not afraid of ANY word and I'm not suggesting that anyone be censored, but I am completely familiar with the culture rot that has permeated our society and degradation of our common civility. You can see it everywhere you look. It is quite possible that the opportunity to find the truth will be hindered by the people who coarsen this platform and make it unpalatable to some of the folks who could really help us. I firmly believe that we are what we say, what we type, what we post. I have been enslaved my entire life, and I've already found the Truth.

HuxleysHorror ago

EXCELLENT POST 4theRepublic!!! I feel satisfied that the words are there in case the Guardians of The Playground care. I love the well chosen George Carlin quote. I sure miss him. Yes, we learned something from our temporary detour at VOAT. They will be yesterdays news. It's their loss. It looks like we will be redirecting ourselves to 8 Chan. It will be a big group. It was much easier to use than one thinks (I'm retired and can easily do it.) We no longer have to worry about identities or up/down voting.

MANY THANKS to the moderators who work so hard to make it easier and filter out the awful shit. Remember while the shills bash the Boomers, know that we can take a lot and have been through a lot of swampy crud. We have been fighting the battle a long time even with our kids in basements. We are durable. I was born right after WWII to older parents. I have a living 100 yr old mom who was born just after the Federal Reserve was created. She suffered through the Great Depression years. I dare any of the shills to live so long. General blaming of generations is bullshit. I'll BE VOTING ALL RED always, so shills/clowns/rudeness will not stop me, confuse me, or even slow me down. CYA on 8 Chan. WWG1WGA...even you shills.

4TheRepublic ago

I'll reply while I still can...my CCP moves in one direction -- backwards.

The Collective bullshitters don't give a damn about anything 'excellent'. The foxes run the hen house here. They're fucked.


RealAaronSwartz ago

Hammer Time.

Goathole ago

chirp, chirp, tweet, tweet

Goathole ago

it seems that the founders of Voat are fully willing to stand by while thousands of new users are relentlessly pummeled by a group of (less new) freedom loving native, veteran user, old goats.

Well you're kind of an arrogant fuck now aren't ya? You do realize how that reads right?

We came by the hundreds so you should thank us and make special accommodations for us. I know, I'll malign the sites owner and try and guilt him into giving into us with subtle threats. We dindu nuffin', we're just innocent refugeez.

BTW, here at voat it is considered common courtesy to PING the users you're talking about behind their backs. Like this @Goathole and @theoldones so that they can either defend themselves OR give an explanation IF needed. You fucking piece of shit.

You know what? I'm trying to read the rest of your bullshit but I can't get it down. You're a crying little bitch running to the admins to fix a problem that you created AND CONTINUE TO CREATE.


theoldones ago

namedrop me out the blue and i will locate you and tear your throat open.

Goathole ago

Read the post mr grumpy pants.

4TheRepublic ago


No. I'm not an arrogant fuck. But if I had to choose, I'd rather be an arrogant fuck than a stupid, delusional fuck. You fucking piece of blind shit.

As for your inability to get the rest of my bullshit down, I'm not surprised.

"Crying like a little bitch running to the admins to fix a problem that [ I ] created AND CONTINUED TO CREATE"??? COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Soup of the day.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Time to crawl back to Reddit. No one here needs your bitching. Fuck off.

4TheRepublic ago

I never did Reddit. So I can't crawl back. Good for you that your bitching is needed...I guess. Let's fuck off together.

@Amelia_Earnhart_Jr , you help to restore my faith inhumanity.

QuestionEverything ago

  1. gets kicked off platform after massive censorship.
  2. Comes to place with free speech
  3. TRIGGERED by the VOAT welcome: "Fuck you , X"
  4. Fails to understand Free speech, still.

Good ideas stand up to scrutiny. Everything else is BS. Ignore it or kick it.

Fuck yes, its hostile. Does anyone think Free speech exists because of flowers and incense?

It's blood and death and sacrifice. It's been fucking paid, and it was a lot. Keep that in mind whenever someone tries to take that away, and act appropriately.

Welcome to Voat, fucker.

4TheRepublic ago

  1. More regurgitated bullshit.
  2. That is all.

sitruc4 ago

How about a little cheese with your whine?

4TheRepublic ago


bungalowwil ago

Being an older, computer illiterate patriot, I've come to this site for answers. While I personally refrain from such verbiage, I'm fine with someone calling me a fag or a nigger if that's what they need to do to get their point across or make themselves feel better. Have at it. Anyway, it's better to say it here than at work or out on the street where you'll probably end up losing your job or getting your ass kicked. I understand that it's part of the "culture", but I wonder why the "culture" has to be lowered to a degree that some feel compelled to call others hateful names simply because they can. I am on a mission to do what I can to save the future for my grandchildren. It's been a long journey, and this is merely one stop along the way. After lurking for about a week, I'm still trying to figure out if this is somewhere that will be helpful to me and many others who seek the truth and hope to live long enough to see justice served. ~ WWG1WGA ~

gerberlyfe ago

Sounds like you can’t handle freedom of speech. Faggot.

4TheRepublic ago

yeah. that's it.

FINALLY! i've seen the light.

4TheRepublic ago


Ps4Freedom ago

Okay, you people are just plain incredible! I'm never leaving. You all ROCK!

Orien_Blue ago

I feel the same way. Why are we all going to 8ch? For the life of me I can’t figure it out. It’s not user friendly at all also we already directed some 70K-300k here. What a mess.

magavoices ago

Point #1 regarding vulgarity ...

Desensitize yourself to it. It's called free speech. If you want to take your country back, you need free speech. People who are pro free speech are on your side. It's just words. If you can't get along with people who are pro free speech, how are you going to manage when dealing with C_A ops and the elite of this world who would just assume you drop dead? War is hell. This is not a game.

Last, regarding vulgarity, Q's chosen venue is 8 chan. It's highly vulgar there. You might as well start getting used to it because that's your final destination if you want to support Q. In reality, the people hazing you and using vulgarity are testing your mettle regarding the protection of free speech.

Point #2 regarding "welcoming the group from Reddit" (I am from Reddit btw, you don't speak for us as a group) ...

Anonymity is the golden standard. People who are building reputations for themselves in the Q community (at best) are stroking their ego, and (at worst) are building the following that they can lead astray at some future point. There is NO brownie points given for being well known. 8chan calls it namefagging, and it's frowned upon.

If you're a moderator, so fucking what. You contributed to the Q movement, do you want a cookie? It's not about you. If you're a well known name (some I have respect for, others I do not) ... what do you want, a cookie? Do you want a statue made for yourself when all is said and done? This is about taking our country back ... everyone appreciates your effort, nobody needs to know your name.

We are not the "Reddit Q community". We are the Q community. Reddit sucks.

Soon we will be exiled from Voat. It's going to happen, one way or another. When that happens we'll all be headed to 8chan, and we won't need to bother calling ourselves the Voat community.

Point #3 regarding /v/theawakening

There's already a Q sub on Voat, located at /v/GreatAwakening. It's awesome. It's an insult to Voat and to the Q followers who have been here to insist on distinguishing ourselves from them and aligning ourselves under the former /r/GreatAwakening mod team. While mods efforts were certainly appreciated, I don't need to know your names ... and quite frankly, you've fucked up the move to Voat majorly.

Give /v/GreatAwakening a try. I enjoy it there better (Again, I came from Reddit). They're not worshiping SB2 there, nor stickying his nonsense threads. BTW mods, WTF you stopped stickying SB2's threads on /r/GreatAwakening months ago, why are you doing it again? He's nuts, his posts are nuts and make us all look nuts by association.

HomespunLady ago

Umm wow.. Thought this was calming down. If I can offer some "grandmotherly" observations. 1. it seems to me that like all large changes there's bumps in the road. When "trying to assimilate" entering a place in overwhelming numbers and immediately demanding it become exactly what was left is likely to make the natives feel uneasy and unappreciated at least and more likely feeling invaded and about to lose their homes, family and way of life. (isn't that what all the flap in the US about "illegal immagration" is about?) 2. It's simply not "right" to "seagull manage" (from a management style where one flys in, chaotically changes everything, shits everywhere and flys out leaving a huge mess for those left behind to clean up) I've also found it applies to certain friends and relatives from time to time. 3. From a military standpoint such strewn about chaos and dissention is the perfect way to destroy one's enemies as they wipe each other out with minimal "investment" to set up such self destruction and loss of trust and cohesiveness. 4 It's just plain sad to see those that have very similar goals, hopes, ideas and lives fall so easily for such foolishness. 5. There were mistakes made - suck it up, make nice, put the big boys pants on and move on to more interesting and important pursuits. - It's over - quit beating a dead horse. 6. If this was a test to prove that the "DEEP STATE" will always win then sadly such petty bickering may prove that correct.

mynewaccountagain ago

That's what the mudslimes did to europe.

heygeorge ago

  1. It's simply not "right" to "seagull manage" (from a management style where one flys in, chaotically changes everything, shits everywhere and flys out leaving a huge mess for those left behind to clean up)

@girlwonder [O] @high-valyrian [O] @RonaldSwansong [O] Doom1776 [M] @BleachyMcServerwiper [M]

See above. This is precisely what you all did.

abattoirdaydream ago

It is calming down. This happens every time Eddit bans something. WE are used to it. That's why we know how to counter powermods. Banning and powermods are why Voat even exists. You are right, this is a fundamental thing to the users here. Otherwise we would be elsewhere. I just wish your mods were not powermods, and had explained EXACTLY how things work here before you migrated. This all could have been much smoother. I struggle to believe that they were unaware and it was all an accident.

I think most of the people that have stayed will be alright. They didn't run. Some minority are probably shills, but they probably were before the migration.

madhatter67 ago

I like you....you can stay!

theuns ago

Hey buddy, I like you too.....you can stay too.....just behave!

letsdothis2 ago

From a military standpoint such strewn about chaos and dissention is the perfect way to destroy one's enemies as they wipe each other out with minimal "investment" to set up such self destruction and loss of trust and cohesiveness.

^ This @4TheRepublic

VoatsNewfag ago

Yet when a sizable group of folks were dislodged a few days ago by Reddit and chose to give Voat a try, they were greeted by a resounding GTFO!

One side told people to piss off, the other side banned people. You can ignore words and continue, you can't ignore a ban and continue.

And you complain about the side that used words.

8_billion_eaters ago

^ This.

babanovac ago

no matter how much people here hate you they will never ban you like reddit

GenChang ago

Now, why in the hell would any of us stay when we all are hated so much?

You all were successful, congrats. You killed the invaders of the body. A very sickly one at that. You all had a massive opportunity as demonstrated by the HUGE numbers mentioned in the Market Watch article. Now, when WE take our HUNDREDS of Thousands with us, to greener, safer places, just how many of those investors do you think will still be around. How many TENS of thousands of dollars have you all lost from our collective movement that would have donated generously???

We are made up of folks from all walks of life. Moms, Dads, Grandparents, adult children, etc. Do you all speak to your elders, family, friends like you did to us? I sincerely doubt it. I doubt you would say, face to face to your own Grandmother, the kind of BILE your collective spewed at us, while we couldn't even respond in many cases. As OP has stated, we're leaving, and you can keep this cesspool.

The reason we had SO MANY subscribers, is because when we experienced a huge influx of newbies, after we were mainstream, or rather finally noticed and attacked by the MSM, we collectively welcomed them with open arms. Offered them tons of assistance right from the beginning. Showed them the ropes. Which is completely opposite of what you all did collectively here, and I might add, STILL ARE doing. You all attacked us, and then turned around and blamed us? Only a handful of people were responsible for the mistakes on set up, banning, etc, yet you attacked everyone in sight. Imagine you walked into a store, and EVERYONE there, turned on you with a vicious attack. You'd run out of there, wouldn't you? Well, we are.

I too, thank the belated effort by those who finally tried help, but others WAY too little, way too late. So, you win, I just hope it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

everlastingphelps ago

You never broke 10K. Stop flattering yourself.

GenChang ago

Incoming!!! ((( BOOM )))

GenChang ago

Not talking about here , but our total on reddit. But there was no welcoming party, only attacks.

everlastingphelps ago

There was no introduction, just invasion and demands.

GenChang ago

List the demands please?

everlastingphelps ago

Give us free bandwidth

Don't criticize our censorship

Don't call us names

BonesDC ago

This Cuck has no idea what he or shim is talking about. The Mods were a nightmare on Redditt as was found out several months before the Banning! FOT called them out on it and a rather large dust up ensued which didnt settle until a couple of months later when a large faction of thoughtful contributors form another sub to escape the tyrannical Mods that found their way here. v/awakening meet the new boss same as the old boss, banning, removing, and talking shit about anybody that calls them out on their fuckery. On the r/GA board they found a way to tag my IP so that I could'nt downvote their bullshit. It didnt surprise me that they set this sub up the same way. as far as subscribers there were in between 65-70K at time of Ban, there may have been 240k lurkers that never subscribed but yeh. The mods that came over here from reditt are like the idiot weather man this past week only showing you what they wanted to show you but the Goats in the background showed you the true story.


Kodo0 ago

Now, why in the hell would any of us stay when we all are hated so much?

Because they're not many place like these that won't ban your ass faggot.

How many TENS of thousands of dollars have you all lost from our collective movement that would have donated generously?

"We just wanted you to change your way of life" Get fucked freedom has no price.

GenChang ago

Thanks for displaying exactly why you all lost out. Don't worry, decent folks won't stay here.

kneo24 ago

Your moderators caused this, on purpose. They were the very leaders who corralled you here. They outright deleted submissions and posts explaining the issues going on on the first day, and then banned those users. Then they continued, and still continue, to attack the community while acting like (((victims))). This is the other side of the picture you're not seeing.

Your mod team did a fine job of divide and conquer. The users are free to stay as long as Reddit like behavior isn't engaged in. Don't start upvoat parties. Don't start banning users who are trying to help.

GenChang ago

I saw the list of banned, and there weren't any posters trying to help, on the contrary, it was a vile filthy attack on innocent folks looking for a new place to gather.

kneo24 ago

And what you're doing right now is lying. Some users were just simply being asses, but some were genuinely trying to help.

Qluelessnomore ago

Why have they further fragmented the user base on 8ch?

This was not just done by the Reddit mods. The team that that runs qreasearch and the 8chan board owner, which also runs Q's own board meaning Q trusts them, worked with our mod team on this. Those two boards are the only places Q posts. I think Q would call this out if it were bullshit:



everlastingphelps ago

Q has approved nothing. Right before it happened, Q specifically warned you, AGAIN, as he has over and over, NO OUTSIDE COMMS. Anyone who tells you that they speak for or have the approval of Q is FAKE NEWS and is to be DISREGARDED.

That is exactly what Q told you, just like how he told you that the reddit mods were compromised.


FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]


NO private comms past/present/future

NO comms made outside this platform

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.

How hard is it for you people to just listen to Q and not these false teachers and charlatans?

Qluelessnomore ago

Never said it was Q approved. Said Q would call it out. As I said to someone else, do you really think Q would allow comped moderators to come onto 8chan and moderate a Q related board? All I'm saying.

everlastingphelps ago

Q already warned you that they were controlled. You dumb fucks just don't listen.


FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

Qluelessnomore ago

Then why didn't Q call them out when the 8chan board owner allowed the same group of Reddit mods to moderate the new board on 8chan? It doesn't make sense. It lacks logic. How do you know that Q wasn't talking about the Reddit mods above our board mods or about FartOnToast and whoever went on to mod the new sub with him? Shortly before CBTS was banned he had left our sub and started a new one. Then tried to divide the community by messaging everyone to come over to the new sub. I know, because I was messaged by him. Then the same exact thing happens with FartOnToast again on the r/GreatAwakening sub and shortly after, it gets banned. This time with every other Q related board as well. I personally witnessed these things. I'm sorry, but there's no way in hell Q would allow comped Reddit mods to come on to 8chan and moderate the new normie friendly board. The argument doesn't wash.

everlastingphelps ago

So, you choose not to believe. It was always your choice.

Qluelessnomore ago

I'm choosing to believe in Q and fight the corrupt system until it is proven a psyop because the alternative is to submit to the corrupt system. As I've said to someone else, it's possible Q is a psyop and that's why corrupted mods are being allowed to run the new 8chan board. Until that that is proven, I am taking the risk that Q is legit. That means if legit, Q would not allow infiltrators to mod the new 8chan board. No way. Yes it is my choice.

everlastingphelps ago

Q is legit. Q isn't going to police our forums. That's our job. He's just going to watch the cabal, collect the evidence, and throw them in with the rest of the Storm.

What don't you get about NO OUTSIDE COMMS? He's just concerned with qresearch and patriotsfight. All the other boards he's just going to assume are comped because he can't control them.

Qluelessnomore ago

I disagree. Q is concerned with the entire movement and I don't think Q would allow a plethora of that movement to be herded onto a comped 8chan board. Q and POTUS need all of us for this to work! (what don't you get about that?) It's because of all of our united efforts that it has grown so much. It wouldn't be outside comms if Q said something in a drop as was done in the past, or if asked about it on qresearch.

everlastingphelps ago

Q and the POTUS do not need us for this to work.

We need Q and the POTUS if we are to get through this with our sanity intact.

The plan does not rely on us, because we are not reliable. If anything, Q is risking the plan to keep us from being collateral damage.

Qluelessnomore ago

Q has said as much in past drops and has asked us to have memes at the ready (needs us). I beg to differ! It's clear we are not going to agree on this so I will agree to disagree and end this debate here. Be well.

Ps4Freedom ago

I'm sorry for butting in but don't you think Q has more important things to do than to mod the mods? What makes you think Q approved of anything? That seems to be an assumption based on associations with associations and used to hold up your point. The list of terrible choices with this team isn't new. Witnessing current events measured with Q posts would strongly suggest he's not happy with the state of things.

Qluelessnomore ago

Do you really think Q would allow comped moderators to come on to 8chan?

Ps4Freedom ago

Q had nothing to do with it IMO he has more important things to do than babysit the mods. This is not Q's movement, it's Ours. We the People!
Do you believe Q would allow Neon's post to fly? How many times did Q say stay UNITED after that post was stickied to 8chan and plastered on all boards? Mods are people too. We all make mistakes. It's what you do when you've made them that's the true test of character. I sincerely hope they make restitution here. These good people deserve no less. Our movement deserves no less.

Definition of Moderator

1 : one who arbitrates : MEDIATOR

2 : one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: such as

a : the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body

b : the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting

c : the chairman of a discussion group

3 : a substance (such as graphite) used for slowing neutrons in a nuclear reactor

Since we did not vote in these mods they are not elected officials and they should stick to the first definition. They have shown a lack of emotional maturity many times. They are not the leaders of this movement and should endeavor to learn moderation and practice maturity. They have tried to strip the movement of free thinkers in their quest and robbed the movement of extremely important voices within the bubble they made. I don't believe they are corrupt or compromised. I believe they need to read the constitution and understand that this isn't 'their' movement. The movement belongs to We The People.

Qluelessnomore ago

I agree with you. I think people on both sides, including our mods, have made mistakes and this needs to be admitted and the situation fixed. But if Q is true, there is no way Q would allow corrupt mods to come onto 8chan and moderate the new sub. Q would call it out. Now it's possible Q is a psyop, the mods are corrupted and Q is allowing them to mod the new board. But I am going along with the first option until it's proven otherwise because, to me, there is no other viable choice at this point. And if it does turn out to be a psyop, patriots will continue to fight, and fight to the death rather than submit to the corrupt system.

Ps4Freedom ago

I agree, no matter what we will continue to fight for truth, justice and the American way!

4TheRepublic ago

Please accept my 3 day-old apologies, my 3.2 year friend. @Trigglypuff did it, so I thought I should, too.

Where's the UNPING button???

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Dammit, Triggly, I'm still trying to hate you for your politics. Stop posting helpful comments.

4TheRepublic ago

Just so I'm sure I understand, @Trigglypuff, you are a guardian of both Voat and 8chan. Good to know.

If you HONESTLY think/believe that the countermeasures that you and others deployed on v/theawakening were reasonable, measured, and clear, then I doubt that any rational discussion with between you an me is in the cards.

That being said, I certainly appreciate your perspective. Thanks for the info.

@crensch @kevdude

4TheRepublic ago

I have a fundamental LACK of understanding of what went on. But it's growing.

(((facts))) ... That's code, right?

Crensch ago

You responded to the wrong comment.

Jews separate themselves from goyim on places like twitter by adding ((( and ))) which are called 'echoes'. Since Jews own most of the MSM fake news outlets, and your mods are likely Soros-paid, this is how one would properly type out your (((facts))).

Crensch ago

If you HONESTLY think/believe that the countermeasures that you and others deployed on v/theawakening were reasonable, measured, and clear, then I doubt that any rational discussion with between you an me is in the cards.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what went down. Find the facts in the modlog, as @Trigglypuff said, then revisit this. No need to continue on when the (((facts))) you were fed are falsehoods; of course there'd be no rational discussion there.

@kevdude that Tasmanian Devil syndrome happens to us all.

kneo24 ago

They're just a concern troll, just a higher quality of one that we typically don't get around these parts. Their posts are laced with snide remarks and attacks on the community, trying to pin the blame on us all, while using a higher level of decorum to seem sincere.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

MrPim ago

More than one of your users stated that they were going to run Voat now by numbers alone. You then disregarded the existing GA sub and isolated yourself here. There is no purpose in that other than your mods need to retain their power. Your mods believe they are God's here. And Voat is very anti-powermod. You did not come in peace. And yeah, that shit pisses off the locals. Note the migration of MDE whih started ~24hrs before you. There has been zero issues w their coming. They didn't act like asshats.

And lastly, your locked down sub hampers you from participating fully in the wider Voat.

4TheRepublic ago

"More than one of your users stated that they were going to run Voat now by numbers alone. You then disregarded the existing GA sub and isolated yourself here....You did not come in peace."

Who is "you"?

ALL BANS HAVE BEEN LIFTED ... but the ghetto is still under siege while the chemotherapy is fighting the cancer. I get it.

MrPim ago

You, the r/GA population as a whole. You came here like a horde of Somali rapefuges. Completely disregarding the local populace and our existing culture. Insisting that we were going to change to accommodate you. And just like every migration before you, you have lost. Don't feel bad, that part was inevitable.

4TheRepublic ago

Oh. The ol' gross generalization rears its head again. Mix that in with a few regurgitated and faulty analogies, and we have us another non-argument. Thanks.

I was not a member of the r/GA population. And I'm not isolated anywhere...except for my little place out in the country. I have not completely -- or even partially -- disregarded the so-called local populace or existing populace. Nor have I insisted that you ought to change to accommodate me. As for losing migrations, I've lost nothing. And -- I suspect this might disappoint you -- I don't feel bad.

VoatsNewfag ago


One of the /v/theawakening mods (DropGun), when told that mods are not gods here, replied with "You're about to find out how wrong you are."

Yet you call us "power hungry players" in your OP?

Since we're only using words we only have as much power over you and anyone else as they're willing to let us have. You can ignore words (assuming no doxxing or serious threats that go beyond banter), you can't ignore a ban and continue as if nothing happened.

The bans were lifted but people will not forget this easily. I find it odd that you choose to side against people who merely used words and pretend that the mods with a god complex are just fine just because they unlifted bans (which would had never happened if it weren't for the shitstorm caused by the rest of voat!!!).

4TheRepublic ago

Thanks for the information. It's more than I had before you took the time to share.

I'm not siding against any people ... not here anyway. Just speaking from my own experience. And now I'm getting more experience. I like how that works. And I strongly concur with this: "[You] only have as much power over [me] and anyone else as they're willing to let us have. You can ignore words." If a few renegade v/theawakening mods, carelessly banning users, despite the UNWRITTEN rule that banning is NOT ALLOWED, gives another group of users the right to rain down on thousands of unsuspecting new users, then so be it. You've helped to teach me a valuable lesson.

I don't doubt that it's possible for some v/theawakening mods to have power hunger. Are you telling me that NONE of the shitposter counter-movement has any power hunger? When you write, "Yet you call us 'power hungry players..." Who is 'us'? Do you speak for the entire native population of Voat? I could be missing something, but I don't see how that's even possible. See? That's one of the reasons that I use MY words, and I support others doing the same. [I do not pretend to speak for others.]

I am now certain that there is a strong faction within the 'old goat' community that is contentedly cutting off its collective nose to spite its face...and willing to cut off other people's noses too (metaphorically speaking, of course). I respect their right to do so -- just as I respect the rights of @Atko and @PuttItOut to turn away several thousands of likely contributors to the growth of the Voat platform. It's no sweat off my balls.

Enjoy the echo chamber.

Crensch ago

Enjoy the echo chamber.

About that. Both the OP and the comment linked shoot that sentiment to hell.

You came from an echo chamber. Voat is not an echo chamber, Voat is what happens when all ideas have a platform, and the best ideas win out.

News flash: not all ideas are equal.

4TheRepublic ago


you don't know where i came from, oldfag.

Voat is what happens when all ideas have a platform, and the best ideas win out.

so far, i'm gonna call bullshit on this one. but keeping an open mind.


Crensch ago

you don't know where i came from, oldfag.

You came from Reddit, just like all the other cucks stuck on this subverse.

so far, i'm gonna call bullshit on this one. but keeping an open mind.

Yeah, you just let me know when you find a narrative that is completely removed from the top-down from the platform.

I won't hold my breath.

4TheRepublic ago

You came from Reddit, just like all the other cucks stuck on this subverse.

more bullshit. i just hope your hive mentality keeps you safe and happy.

Crensch ago

more bullshit. i just hope your hive mentality keeps you safe and happy.

6 day old account. You came from Reddit, and you argue like you came from Reddit. If you didn't, then you are no better than they are, and deserve the attribution.

Arguing every position doesn't make echo chambers, it makes a meritocracy of ideas. I'm sorry yours always suck and you need a safe space with idea communism to feel better about yourse.f

VoatsNewfag ago

Enjoy the echo chamber.

On Voat I had conversations with all kinds of people about all kinds of things. Fascism, atheism, islam, christianity, communism, libertarianism, music, women, men, circumcision, abortion, spanking children ...

Of course I do not agree with voats consensus on all these wide array of topics, but I always had civil discussions even when I was in the minority with my worldview. Very much unlike any other social media website out there.

We scare off those with a faint of heart. If you want to dismiss Voat as an echo chamber because of that, that's fine. It's your loss.

Are you telling me that NONE of the shitposter counter-movement has any power hunger?

Are they in a position of power over you? The mods in this subverse we're conversing in could ban either of us - they are in a position of power, even if they decide not to make use of it.

Besides, I'm confident that this form of argument is a fallacy.

Who is 'us'?

The people you talked about. You didn't just talk about individual people, you talked about a group of people. Those that are here because they value free speech, including practiced free speech and not just freedom as a theoretical value. If there's one topic voat really is mostly an echo chamber for, it's freedom of expression.

If a few renegade v/theawakening mods, carelessly banning users, despite the UNWRITTEN rule that banning is NOT ALLOWED, gives another group of users the right to rain down on thousands of unsuspecting new users, then so be it. You've helped to teach me a valuable lesson.

This comes of as very passive aggressive to me.

You seem to miss something important - we don't need a justification to insult people for it to be a "right" on voat. It is our right, period. We also insult newcomers who haven't done anything and whose mods haven't done anything either. But if they don't ban or act all offended there is no longer a reason to continue doing so. If someone has been insulted and decided to stay regardless and has not been bothered by it, there is no longer a point in insulting them.

Insults don't mean anything here. For one everyone here is pseudonymous (You seem very pedantic about generalizations. I don't have to point out that this was a generalization and that there are - as for everything - a few exceptions, right?). You will never find the kind of insults on voat you'll find on facebook. And you will rarely find the "poisoning the well" rhetoric to dismiss arguments that is common on reddit. This might sound asinine to you, but because of that I find voat more civil than any other social media.

Enjoy other social media were people care more about their appearance than about content.

4TheRepublic ago


facebook? reddit? insults on facebook/reddit? i wouldn't know...i don't mess with that shit.

your self-deprecation doesn't suit you. asinine? i didn't think so.

enjoy 'other social media'? i don't participate in other social media. maybe i'll find some kind of quasi-social media experience here on Voat -- maybe not.

pedantic? about generalization? of course my perspective on generalization/generalizing can (does?) seem pedantic to you -- that's on you. did you hear the one about the freedom of speech pedant and the generalization pedant that walked into a bar? the FOS pedant jumped up on the bar and commenced to tell everyone to fuck off and go back to where they came from. the G pedant smiled … and enjoyed his beer.

"This comes of as very passive aggressive to me."

project much?

In any event... Be well.

VoatsNewfag ago

You never been on facebook or reddit? Not even years ago? Where have you been 4 days prior? Why have you come here while reddit shut down greatawakenening when you haven't been on reddit? How do you know about a private community?

of course my perspective on generalization/generalizing can (does?) seem pedantic to you -- that's on you.

Most people are pedantic about generalizations nowadays. They always expect you to point out that exceptions exist or that you do not talk about everyone within a group etc.

I like to use the following example to make a point:

If I say that women are shorter than men, do I have to point out that dwarf sized men exist and women who are higher than the average? I think not, everyone knows that. And Everyone knows that women are roughly one head smaller than men on average because it's we observe it every day. Yet make any other statement about men and women and people suddenly seem to no longer understand the concept of generalizations.

Similarly when I make statements about voat, or QAnons, or any other group I shouldn't have to point out that I'm obviously not talking about everyone within that group. Exceptions do not disprove generalizations.

project much?

I can be passive agressive as well!

But that doesn't mean that your "oh I learned a valuable lesson about how unjustly banning voaters gives them the right to insult those haven't banned themselves but just condoned their mods playing god".

And I find it kind of ironic given that you felt the need to write the real names of our admins (I wonder why you felt compelled to do that!) and constantly repeated within this thread how they condone bad behavior. Kind of makes you appear as a slimy hypocrite to me.

4TheRepublic ago

"How do you know about a private community?"

you can't be THAT stupid. i'm going to give you a pass on that one.

then. there's this...

fuck you. eat shit and die. die a fucking painful miserable death you worthless piece of shit bleeding cunt.

"Most people are pedantic about generalizations nowadays. They always expect you to point out that exceptions exist or that you do not talk about everyone within a group etc."

i'm not here for "most people"...i'm here for me.

i didn't FEEL COMPELLED to do anything. i cited publicly available articles. you're a fucking hypocrite mother fucker if you think you can lambast me for entirely acceptable practices. fuck you. it's not like the names of @Atko and @PutItOout -- or Atif Colo and Justin Chastain -- are some kind of underworld secret. Fuck YOU. are you the fucking guardian of the fucking universe? i think not.

you might imagine yourself to be some kind of intellectual, but you're a lowdown piece of shit. you've encountered TRUTH, and you can't handle it. go fuck yourself.

Yes. Years ago I was on FB. Committed FB suicide some time back. Years ago. Fuck YOU. Reddit? NO. I HAVE NEVER BEEN A REGISTERED USER OF REDDIT. Fuck YOU again. i'm not ashamed of me; are you ashamed of you?

Why did I come here? I came here because i THOUGHT this might some rational refuge of freedom and truth. HOLY SHIT, was I mistaken. Fuck YOU again.

And fuck your goofy ass examples. You suck...and so do your examples.

You don't know me. You don't want to know me. That's fine. Fuck YOU again.

"Similarly when I make statements about voat, or QAnons, or any other group I shouldn't have to point out that I'm obviously not talking about everyone within that group. Exceptions do not disprove generalizations."

That just means you're a (((lazy ass ))), ((( hypocritical ))) ((( mother fucker ))). What ((( you ))) "shouldn't have to point out" is immaterial.

i've behaved in a civil manner and been lambasted for it. i'm sure i'll be lambasted for behaving in a less than civil manner -- in the world of free speech and all. that's the way it goes around here. your twisted horde of miserable fucks (yes...misery loves company) are quite adept at creating double bind (i.e. damned if you do damned if you don't) conundrums. Fuck YOU again.

i don't give a shit what you find ironic. if you're the best the gang has, they/it need/s to dig a little deeper. hell, for all i know @VoatsNewfag IS @PuttItOut or @Atko. who the fuck knows?

I don't know about 'bad behavior', but it is becoming clearer to me that they condone irrational behavior that is contraindicated to any sane, capitalistic business model. (much like Nike's recent fucked up bullshit).

if you think i'm a hypocrite, then you're not listening (or reading...or what-the-fuck-ever). maybe you are unable to listen (or read...or what-the-fuck-ever)...maybe you're unwilling to listen (or read...or what-the-fuck-ever). either way, i don't give a shit. Fuck YOU again.

SO...take your hypocritical, isolationist bullshit back to the house and play with it til you get what you imagined you'd get, you delusional fuck.

you and others of your kind (i'll avoid using 'ilk' here because it's probably not in your vocabulary) have shown me that there is a fault in the whole WWG1WGA idea. because where i go, few of you will go. your pussy asses won't be worth a sliver of shit when the electricity goes out and your little disney world goes dark. Fuck YOU one final time.

and for the piece of shit, dickweed, fucked up cunt who blasted me for this very sincere wish of mine...i'll repeat it (even though you electricity-dependent cyber fuckwads won't understand)...with a tip of my figurative hat:

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.

VoatsNewfag ago

That's quite impressive.

it's not like the names of @Atko and @PutItOout -- or Atif Colo and Justin Chastain -- are some kind of underworld secret.

No, it's not not. But that doesn't matter, because it still takes some effort to find their real names and wright them down!

I asked you why you felt the need to write their real names down. I suspect to make it more personal to them, to give it more weight when you say that they condone certain behaviors of other users.

If that's the case that would be really manipulative. And you giving me non-answers (it's not a secret!!!) really makes me believe that this was indeed your intention. To be manipulative and bully our admins while pretending to be all polite and nice.

I prefer your side that screams vulgarities over this kind of "nice guy" manipulative bullying.

4TheRepublic ago

no. that's not what you asked me. you asked my why i felt COMPELLED. fuck you.

you suspect? and? you are a lightweight. keep digging.

i expressed my thoughts. is that not allowed? keep digging.

i'm not screaming vulgarities. [i don't "believe" in vulgarity...that's another discussion] but IRL i am multi-lingual. so i know that sometimes i have to spread my wings a bit.

so....if you prefer "eat shit and die" to "be well" ... i'm happy to oblige.

VoatsNewfag ago

you suspect? and? you are a lightweight. keep digging.

Digging for what? I'm not interested in digging QAnon if that's what you mean. Or are you part of something bigger and I should keep digging you? No clue what you mean.

i expressed my thoughts. is that not allowed?

It sure is. Real names are not thoughts, though. It's still allowed to post the real names of our admins, you aren't the first one doing so.

no. that's not what you asked me. you asked my why i felt COMPELLED. fuck you.

And you avoid that question and give non-answers.

KTLS ago

The shills will follow.

PuttItOut ago

Your blame is not being put on the faulty party in my opinion, and my opinion matters because I have more information than you.

Last I read your collective moved to 8chan and left Voat with the after party clean up. At least that's what it feels like.

Just so you know:

It costs Voat money to accommodate your group. We pay by cpu and bandwidth (we aren't some faceless tech company selling your info to stay in the money). Our users fund Voat, so yeah, they matter. They don't want to see something they paid into treated poorly. I know you can see this side of it. If you've financially supported things you believe in then you can relate.

I think the real unfortunate thing is that this never had to happen. It was completely avoidable.

magavoices ago

Point #1 regarding vulgarity ...

Desensitize yourself to it. It's called free speech. If you want to take your country back, you need free speech. People who are pro free speech are on your side. It's just words. If you can't get along with people who are pro free speech, how are you going to manage when dealing with C_A ops and the elite of this world who would just assume you drop dead? War is hell. This is not a game.

Last, regarding vulgarity, Q's chosen venue is 8 chan. It's highly vulgar there. You might as well start getting used to it because that's your final destination if you want to support Q. In reality, the people hazing you and using vulgarity are testing your mettle regarding the protection of free speech.

Point #2 regarding "welcoming the group from Reddit" (I am from Reddit btw, you don't speak for us as a group) ...

Anonymity is the golden standard. People who are building reputations for themselves in the Q community (at best) are stroking their ego, and (at worst) are building the following that they can lead astray at some future point. There is NO brownie points given for being well known. 8chan calls it namefagging, and it's frowned upon.

If you're a moderator, so fucking what. You contributed to the Q movement, do you want a cookie? It's not about you. If you're a well known name (some I have respect for, others I do not) ... what do you want, a cookie? Do you want a statue made for yourself when all is said and done? This is about taking our country back ... everyone appreciates your effort, nobody needs to know your name.

We are not the "Reddit Q community". We are the Q community. Reddit sucks.

Soon we will be exiled from Voat. It's going to happen, one way or another. When that happens we'll all be headed to 8chan, and we won't need to bother calling ourselves the Voat community.

Point #3 regarding /v/theawakening

There's already a Q sub on Voat, located at /v/GreatAwakening. It's awesome. It's an insult to Voat and to the Q followers who have been here to insist on distinguishing ourselves from them and aligning ourselves under the former /r/GreatAwakening mod team. While mods efforts were certainly appreciated, I don't need to know your names ... and quite frankly, you've fucked up the move to Voat majorly.

Give /v/GreatAwakening a try. I enjoy it there better (Again, I came from Reddit). They're not worshiping SB2 there, nor stickying his nonsense threads. BTW mods, WTF you stopped stickying SB2's threads on /r/GreatAwakening months ago, why are you doing it again? He's nuts, his posts are nuts and make us all look nuts by association.

Q_Watch ago

"Free speech" is an interesting concept. The question arises: Should it have consequences?

The "official" view on voat appears to be that it never has consequences. In the real world, it does have consequences that is why there are libel and slander laws.

magavoices ago

The only reason you're here is your free speech was limited somewhere else. Free speech is the methodology we use to win this particular battle.

It's not like you're telling your boss to go eff himself. There's no libel or slander when everyone is anonymous.

The challenge is whether you can continue to function without someone lording over you and the people you communicate with, because you're better off without an overlord.

Q_Watch ago

I have often said that instead of giving people safe spaces the time would be better spent teaching people to not be so offended so easily.

I am intrigued by the idea that I cannot slander anyone if I don't say who I am.

Also, if we move from the 1st Amendment to the 2nd, would it be OK to go out and shoot up the mall just because we have the right to bear arms in the US and that would be a good way to demonstrate it? Would it help if I didn't say who I was?

magavoices ago

if we move from the 1st Amendment to the 2nd, would it be OK to go out and shoot up the mall

Does my free speech infringe on your rights?

Does my shooting up a mall infringe on the mall owner's rights?

I'm sure you can find the flaws in your analogy without me having to point them out.

PacaGoat ago

the people hazing you and using vulgarity are testing your mettle regarding the protection of free speech. It is called a 👉 litmus test. A scientific method to proof something.

gerberlyfe ago

Thanks for that last point. SB2 is actual brain cancer. It gave me schizophrenia just reading it.

Stuntmanmike52 ago

I was on board with him until he got into all the weird Gematria stuff. At one point SB2 thought Q and 45 were speaking to him directly. He seems likes a smart guy but that is bordering on schizophrenia.

4TheRepublic ago

One other thing... @PuttItOut I am not blaming anyone. Am I a faulty party?

PuttItOut ago

Not at all.

I dont think it's my place to say anything other than the transition could have been smooth if proper communication took place.

I was out of the loop myself.

8_billion_eaters ago

...now might be a good time to have the store updated. We want you to live long and PROSPER!

skywalker7777 ago

This so fucking much. We need new ads.

4TheRepublic ago

Thank you, @PuttItOut. I am not the least surprised by your cogent and respectful response.

If you read my submission, you saw my sincere hat tip to you and @Atko. With that tip of the hat comes a most humble recognition that you know more than I. RESPECT. In light of your being more informed, I'll accept your claim that the "collective moved to 8chan and left Voat with the after party clean up." [Alas, though, I don't know what to do with "At least that's what it feels like."]

Having been involved for years in the bowels of OLEs (i.e. Online Learning Environments) from both the managerial and technical/content standpoints, I am COMPLETELY aware that it costs money to accommodate groups of users. And, yes, I know that you are not some faceless tech company selling user info to stay in the money. RESPECT. Of course your paying users matter.

I also RESPECT the native/existing/longtime users' reactions/responses and not wanting to see something they paid into treated poorly. Yes. I see that side of it. I have financially supported causes and undertakings. The thing I THINK you MIGHT be missing is that MANY of the folks who have been treated like bastard immigrants would be completely willing to financially support your operation/business venture. Your loss.

We seem to be in total agreement about one thing -- this never had to happen and WAS completely avoidable. The thing is, though, NONE of what you have told me has ever been conveyed in a clear manner to the folks who walked onto the Voat playground.

Thank you again for taking time out of what I'm sure is a busy schedule to respond to my concerns. I now have a clearer picture of what is happening here.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.

mynewaccountagain ago

Invaders like you just made the wall 10ft higher.

theoldones ago

"tip of my hat"

you fedora fuck, we all hate you.

dont fucking dare to pretend to our friends.

PuttItOut ago

If only all arguments and disagreements could be discussed so politely.

For whatever it's worth at this point, I like you guys (watch the slack I'll get for saying this). I would love to have you here. Seriously. 100%.

I'm very regretful about the current state of affairs.

kneo24 ago

It's the moderation team and their constant attacks on the Voat community that a lot of the users here don't like. The new users themselves are a mixed bag, but I mostly don't have a problem with them as long as they aren't trying to run upvoat farms, like many of them were.

4TheRepublic ago

I won't tell.

EDIT - I, too, am a bit regretful about the current state of affairs.

I success for you and your team.

b0ard2death ago

Thanks for being so awesome @PuttItOut. For what it's worth @4TheRepublic, I agree that you guys are nice to have around.


Can i get some upvoats?

heygeorge ago

Troll or retarded?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's too obvious to be a troll. It looks like banter.

theoldones ago

we dont want to be censored or have our speech throttled, and the mods in this subbroke that principle

what you're looking at isnt hate, its an immune response.

4TheRepublic ago

Thanks, @theoldones. In my world 'hate' is something that I never feel...and seldom see.

The 'immune response' thing...yeah. I get that. But it strikes me as passé. Well, maybe not passé -- inapplicable? faulty? I'm not sure...yet.

Be well.

abattoirdaydream ago

Faulty? Worked pretty damn well in my estimation. The control freaks left. The decent people are still here, trying to get their bearings. Win/win!

kestrel9 ago

I'm not sure...yet, but you may well be the most condescending user I've ever seen on VOAT.

4TheRepublic ago

I'm not sure...yet, but you may well be projecting -- or speaking from a butthurt place of pain.

I can empathize with the pain, but there's nothing I can do about the projecting.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

You clearly aren't ready for freedom of speech. This isn't for you and Reddit will gladly take you back. You're very weak-minded.

4TheRepublic ago

weellllll, i guess i'm fucked, then. never did reddit. and i'm sure it's not easy being you.

kestrel9 ago

You probably get that a lot.

8_billion_eaters ago

Don't engage this dirtyneck in a battle of wits. He'll win. Didn't you read the italicized invocation? He's giving you a blessing while trashing everything VOAT stands for. He kissed the Blarney Stone and is here to kick ass. lol

@4TheRepublic... stick around niggerfaggot. You'll love it here.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks...good advice (although I wasn't planning on saying anymore than what I said). This thread is an awokening. Nothing to add to a subverse like this.

theoldones ago

play insincere good cop to me like it mends things, and i will rend your windpipe from your throat.

4TheRepublic ago

yeah. you probably would. but you'd be killing a sincere old man. rend on.

heygeorge ago

Any of the SCP or CCP earned in this subverse do not count towards your totals because your moderators failed you. I believe they intend to correct this in the near future, but they’re currently locked out from changing the setting.

Some of your Voat history is inaccurate, but that doesn’t really matter right now.

It’s true that there are some troublesome trolls here. In part, this is why Voat has a handy ‘Block’ feature which allows you to mute comments.

4TheRepublic ago

Yes. Locked out. Downvoated to hell...and being threatened with their lives.

Like I said: So. THIS is freedom loving Voat. Painful Cognitive Disonance.

everlastingphelps ago

Part of loving freedom is punishing those who attack freedom.

Your mods set this sub up as an anti-freedom sub, and then immediately started trampling on everyone they saw.

They bought what they got, lock stock and barrel.

letsdothis2 ago

Any successful platform also has 'operatives' trolling in order to push off the average poster. Just recognize it for what it is and move on.

4TheRepublic ago

Will do. Thanks.

heygeorge ago

I think you misunderstand; the ‘lock’ is in the subverse settings. There’s a timer that only allows certain changes (like your foolish mod team’s) to take place every 48 hours to keep Voaters from gaming the system. The mods are able to delete off topic submissions etc. It just seems they are currently choosing not to.

I haven’t seen any credible threats against the mods.

They would more likely be getting upvotes if they hadn’t botched up their settings out of ignorance.

4TheRepublic ago


N3DM ago

it seems that the founders of Voat are fully willing to stand by while thousands of new users are relentlessly pummeled by a group of (less new) freedom loving native, veteran user, old goats

Like my grandma used to say: DON'T HOLLER IF YOU HAD IT COMING.

It's not like the vets were being secretive or opaque about it. We use hyper inflammatory language to sift out the pussies and SJW types. We don't take kindly to bans, since we all were slaves to that system at one point (and you, as recently as last week, it would seem).

How long was v/GA evaluated before the decision to start fresh? Did any of these thousands of users try to blend in, or just create a ghetto that mimics the shithole country (or website) they came from?

4TheRepublic ago

Yeah. My grandma said the same thing.

And, yes, the natives weren't opaque. I get the hyper inflammatory sifting bit.

But, no, I was not a slave to Reddit...a mere lurker. I empathize with your former slavery. Apparently you found your freedom 7 months ago. I'm glad you did.

As for your regurgitation of the flawed analogy regarding the ghetto-creating, nobody left any country and journeyed to another country. If you and the rest of The Guardians of the Playground represent the greater goals of Voat, then I fully understand.

I don't take kindly to bans, either. But some of the content that has been repeatedly published while ostensibly trying to weed out pussies and SJWs is insane. Apparently condoned by @Atko and @PuttItOut

In case you missed this part: "

It's pretty clear what is happening here. On the 'superficial side', a group of displaced hopeful patriots walked onto a playground that was being used by a crowd of mask-wearing, inconsiderate, delusional, power hungry players. It doesn't matter that NONE of the displaced ones brought with them ANY ill will. It doesn't matter that all the signs on the outside of the playground said "Come join us! ... Everyone is welcome here. ... Speak freely!" It doesn't matter that the delusion of the 'native' players led them to believe that they OWNED the playground that was built for them by others -- and had every right to abuse the newcomers. None of that matters. None of it. Not to the Deluded Ones."

I am not a pussy, and damn sure not a social justice warrior. Yet I continue to be 'challenged' by the self-professed gatekeepers. I'd like to think that this bullshit will subside but...

Best to you and yours.

VoatsNewfag ago

I am not a pussy,

Then why do you indirectly equate words to actual censorship? After someone told you to GTFO, you can hit reply and write "no". You could also reply with "Why?". Or you could reply with "Fuck you, niggerfaggot!". Or with some passive aggressive "I hope you have a nice day.".

It's just words. It doesn't mean these people don't value freedom of expression, including yours.

But some of the content that has been repeatedly published while ostensibly trying to weed out pussies and SJWs is insane.

Isn't that the point? You sound offended.

Apparently condoned by @Atko and @PuttItOut

You come here appealing to our love of free speech but when you repeatedly say that it almost sounds as if it's meant as a subtle threat. Maybe you hope that they will abandon their principles to protect their reputation or as if you're hoping that some fascist EU law will jail our admins for condoning the content of some users.

abattoirdaydream ago

It doesn't matter that NONE of the displaced ones brought with them ANY ill will. It doesn't matter that all the signs on the outside of the playground said "Come join us! ... Everyone is welcome here. ... Speak freely!"

Please stop pretending to be high minded while actually only being deliberately obtuse. Your statement above is false. Your MODS brought ill will. You had prominent users and admin working to make your sub a fucking upvoat farm. That is an egregious "mistake". Some of your users did, in fact, make statements along the lines of "taking over" voat with sheer numbers, some were just SBBH, but some were legit your group.

Some of your top users disparaged the existing subs, apropos of nothing, which is typical online control tactics.

I see you guys still have not broken 8K...so...where is your 1/3 of a million? Seriously, this is not a cheap shot. Where is everyone? I know you had much higher numbers on Eddit. Where did they go?

Q_Watch ago

"Where did they go?" There seems to be some sort of underlying assumption that everyone in the world is an expert on reddit, voat, the chans and all things Internet. That is not the case. To many, reddit was just a place to have a conversation about Q. They never explored further.

Some have spotted the clues about the possibility of coming here but I suspect that many more are just lost for the moment not knowing exactly what has happened.

N3DM ago

Thanks for the reply. Yes, my tenure here appears to be seven months, but I had to delete my original account (October 2015?) when my boss started getting calls to fire me. That's another story.

I didn't miss the part where you called us all delusion and power-hungry, while in the same breath singing the praises of the refugees.

CCP farming is a big red flag, and almost always happens in bad faith. So don't act like it's unreasonable to suspect I'll will!

And calling goats "power-hungry"?!? Sure, we want to keep things how it is. One goat, one voat. Not this megaban bullshit. We haven't seen bans like that since one maniac created like 70 alts.

Q_Watch ago

"Did anyone try to blend in? Use the existing sub?"

I strongly suspect that most of the refugees did not know of the existing sub. I also suspect that most had nothing to do with choosing the mods who set up this sub. Following on from that, I don't see how that justifies the abuse of the general new user by the incumbents.

Idkitall ago

This exactly^^^^^^

These morons think everyone (70k - 200k people) Should Know what They want and appreciate out of newfags on their forum....

Here's the deal morons, if we all had Crystal Balls maybe we wouldn't have had these problems... But gee fuckin whiz, I been hoping for a Crystal Ball all my life but, unfortunately, it ain't never materialized...!

I (as an individual) came here by clicking a fuckin link, because the Q info I was following was Gone.... and mostly what I saw Was insane.

Post after post of Kike, Jew, Nigger, Jewnigger, GTFO, and more, was what I saw.

I had a few ideas to Why I was seeing this.., but still, it Was insanity... MO only..

I left and came back couple days later only to read that this was some kinda initiation...? Again, sorry... my crystal ball should have alerted me.

And.., the Mods were banning....? Like I knew..! Like I (as an individual) have any control over that..! But no... ALL the New people Fucked everything up here... Lol.., fuck you.... And I do mean You

I think you guys here are a bunch of fuckin Retards. Now.., I'm all for free speech and if.., I know the "CONTEXT" of Your free speech I'd have absolutely No Problem with it. I say fuck every other word on a daily basis, and I ain't no pussy but usually MOST PEOPLE don't see that shit online.... I'm not saying it don't belong or shouldn't exist, I'm saying it's shocking to Most civil people... which is probably 99% of the people that arrived on your platform... So if you don't get that.., then..., Again... I think you're Fuckin Retarded

4TheRepublic ago

Maybe you missed this part: "NOTE: I NEVER asked for any of the 429 comment upvotes -- of which I have been credited only 30. I am severely opposed to voat farming."

As for you PS, I am happy to respond. (1) Did EVERYONE try NOT to blend in? I didn't try not to blend in. So I guess the answer to your question is 'no'. (2) I was not interested in using the existing subverse, but I am subscribed to it. And, in the interest of 'freedom', it seems that's my choice to make. The harassment that ensued regarding all the stupid 'kikes', 'niggerfaggots' and 'bleeding cunts' who were 'fucking' so 'retarded' that they subscribed to a new sub when a more acceptable old sub was available was unreasonable -- except in The Delusion. (3) Sorry to hear about your Chinatown woes. But I'm sure that completely justifies your treatment of the alleged invaders on your favorite website.

Thank you for enlightening me further.

Be well.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/9Js3M :

Voat Gaining Users Amid Tumult at Reddit | Time

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